** A/N I do not own the Fosters nor any of the characters.

Metal. That was Lena Adams' last memory. The sound of it as the two cars smacked into one another. The feel of it as it rose up and met her body that was slammed against it. The taste of it as her mouth filled with blood.

Instinctively she had thrown out her arms. One to shield her daughter Callie once she was aware that there was no way to avoid the collision. The other to shield her unborn child.

Their light had turned green and Raquel had driven forward. All of a sudden their car was illuminated by blinding lights. There had been no warning at all. The other car had come out of nowhere speeding like a demon was chasing it. Just the screams from Raquel and Callie as they were thrown around. Then the sickening thud as everything turned black.


Stefanie Foster hurried through the emergency room doors. She had gotten a call from a co-worker saying that Mike had been in an accident. She hadn't wanted to even go. Mike had just left her Mother's house an hour before. He had caused a huge scene and terrified Brandon. Stef had just barely gotten him calmed down when she got the call.

Eventually though, her sense of responsibility won out and she jumped into the car and headed to the hospital. He was Brandon's father after all. And they were still legally married.

Mike had come over to her Mother's beach home completely drunk. He and Stef had gotten into a huge argument. He was well aware that he was not allowed near Brandon under those conditions.

But Mike bellowed that he wanted his family back. He tried shoving his way inside and it took all of Stef's strength plus her Mother's pushing on the door to keep him locked out. She saw the fright on Brandon's face and ran over and picked him up as she yelled at Mike to go away. Finally, he had. Then, 45 minutes later, this call had come in.

She went up to the information desk but the nurse there was busy. While she was waiting she spotted Reggie, one of her co-workers on the police force. She ran over to him.

"What's going on?" she asked uncertainly not really sure she wanted to know.

Reggie shook his head at her, "It's bad Stef. There were two women and a kid in the car. One of the women is in surgery. She was pregnant Stef. The other one didn't make it."

Stef felt the air go out of her lungs. She felt like she was in the twilight zone. Her mouth dropped and she breathed out, "Oh my god!" She covered her mouth with her hands as if that would take back the exclamation. Her stomach turned and she clutched at it desperately willing herself to hold on.

"Stef! Stef!" Reggie shouted. He was holding her up. He guided her toward a chair where she collapsed. "He's fine Stef! Mike is fine!

Stef's head and stomach stopped spinning. "Then, what-?

"He was the driver that hit their car Stef." Reggie finished.