It was simple. Stop Slade. But since when was stopping Slade simple. Something bad was bound to happen upon arriving on a rooftop that's almost 15 stories high. And right now that's where the titans were, battling Slade and his Slade bots.

Things were starting to look bad. Beast boy was hardly even conscious and was being held up by a Slade bot. Raven was overwhelmed by them. Cyborg had just got his arm taken off and was now thoroughly frustrated, attempting get it back but it was on the other side of the roof now and Slade bots kept coming at him. Starfire was already unconscious a lying next to the robot carrying BB. Robin was fighting Slade, his left eye almost swollen completely shut. Of course, Slade didn't even have a scratch.

"What do you want Slade!" Robin questioned but you could hear the anger in his voice.

"What do you think Robin." Slade stated rather than asked. He threw a punch that almost hit robin if he hadn't moved fast enough.

Robin, now clearly frustrated, lunged at Slade with his bo-staff.

"I'll never become your apprentice." Robin seethed. Anger, frustration, annoyance, and fear was radiating off him in waves. Although his other emotions were quite obvious, his fear was different. He was afraid that if he became Slade's apprentice again, he would hurt his friends. Hurt Starfire. She almost lost all hope in him, and that was something he was afraid of.

"You said that last time and yet, you you did. You stole for me, you're a criminal." Slade answered without missing a beat.

He's bringing up unwanted memories. Robin thought about when he had to steal from Bruce's company. It was like Slade knew who he was. Maybe he did and it was likely.

"And I won't make that mistake again." Robin replied swinging his bo-staff at full force towards his head. But before he new it, Slade had grabbed it mid air.

Slade took off his utility belt and tossed it to the side along with the bo-staff. Robin gasped as Slade grabbed him by the front of his shirt and held him in the air.

The titans were now all being held down a forced to watch what was about to happen. Beast boy and Starfire were now fully conscious. Raven was being held by two Slade bots and had something that looked like tape on her mouth. About ten Slade bots were holding Cyborg down.

Slade held him over the edge of the roof. All Robin could do was glare at him.

"If I can't have you, then your friends can't either." And to the Titans horror, he let go of him and they saw him gasp he disappear over the edge with fear plastered on his face. Each of them tried to get away but it was futile.

"Robin!" Starfire screamed, struggling to fly down and rescue him.

Then all they heard was a bang, glass shattering, the squealing of tires, and then silence. They were too far up to hear what else was happening. Starfire had started crying softly.

The rest of the titans were in shock and didn't notice the gas that they had started to breath in and before they knew it, they had blacked out. Slade smirked under his mask while walked away to his new haunt. He had plans to make.