It had been a day since Bellamy told the crew how long they'd have to last, a day since Clarke had seen either of the Blake's. After Octavia's outburst, Clarke retreated to her infirmary, letting Monty go off and get some food and proper rest. She'd spent her day treating Jasper, who was thankfully unconscious most of the time. She had no desire to be around people.

The camp was in higher spirits due to their announcement. There was hope in everyone's eyes once again. From her hiding spot in the tent she could hear the cheerful chitter chatter and laughter echoing in the camp. Sure, they could be attacked by grounders at any moment, but at least they had a chance to escape the island. When the sun had sank until the barest glimmer of light shone above the horizon line, Monty returned to the tent and told her to go out and get some food and some rest.

She tried her hardest to stay hidden in the tent, but Monty was just as stubborn as she was and would not take no for an answer.

"If it makes you feel any better, the captain's been a bit crankier than usual today," he teased. Clarke felt a flush crawl up her neck and tint her cheeks and she cursed Monty under her breath and sent him a vulgar gesture as she crawled out of the tent.

The camp was quiet, most of the crew sitting around the scattered fires and eating their rations. The night brought the threat of an attack in the darkness. She clenched and relaxed her fists and quickly grabbed her own rations for the night, her mouth watering at the smell of the burning boar meat toasting over a fire.

She chatted with Raven for a few minutes, mostly about their ammunitions and the state of the camp, before the mechanic disappeared into her tent to continue her experiments with their gunpowder. Hopefully, in two days, they would all be somewhat safer on a ship heading for real civilization, away from spear throwing, murdering islanders.

"She finally deigns to grace us with her presence," Bellamy's teasing voice called from behind her. She felt her heart quicken in her chest and the flush of her cheeks deepen at the husky tone of his voice. She turned and met his gaze, a shiver crawling down her spine at the intensity burning within his dark eyes. She had a kingdom to rescue, she didn't have time for romance, she repeated to herself as she munched on the slice of boar between her fingers, pretending the saliva filling her mouth was from her hunger for the boar meat.

"What can I say, I'm a busy woman," she replied with a flirty smile. Bellamy chuckled and gestured for her to join him on a log bench next to a small fire in a dark, isolated corner of the campsite.

Swallowing thickly, she joined him and the two ate their meager rations in silence. She could feel the heat of his body against her side and she resisted the temptation to lean into it.

"So, it looks like preparations for the signal fire are going well," she stated with a nod towards the pile of palm leaves and firewood near the front gate. Bellamy hummed and nodded in agreement.

"We're making good process." He turned to face her, a softness in his gaze that pierced through the wall she was trying to build between them. Gulping, she cleared her throat and tried to search for something to talk about that would distract from the tension and heat between them. Unfortunately, she found one.

"When we get on that Royal ship, my identity will be revealed," she whispered. She felt fear and trepidation fill her heart and couldn't help but think of the worst possible outcomes. The crew would kill her the moment they had a chance, they would throw her overboard, or maybe Wells and the guard would kill her first. Who knew what was in store for her anymore.

"I will protect you." Bellamy began, his hand landing on her knee, "And if any one of my crew decides to take a swing at you, they will be met with your blade, and I will finish them off for being so foolish." His thumb stroked her knee.

"You have saved us more times than I can count, and if they haven't seen the goodness and the purity in your heart by now, they don't deserve to be a part of our crew." He said fiercely, his eyes burning with the light of the setting sun reflecting in the dark irises. Her throat was suddenly dry and parched, and she couldn't look away from those beautiful eyes.

"Your eyes are so beautiful," she murmured, not realizing the words were whispered aloud for him to hear. Their faces were so close that she could see his pupils dilate and see the flush of his cheeks, that was likely mirrored on her own face. Mortified, her mouth dropped open in shock at the openness of her comment and she tried in vain to say something, anything. But her mind was blank. Her gaze flitted down to his parted lips, and then her mind was no longer empty.

Her flush deepened when she saw the corner of his mouth lift in amusement. She knew she looked like a ridiculous fish, with her mouth hanging open. Her jaw shut with a snap and she nibbled at her bottom lip nervously.

Bellamy's gaze dropped, and when his eyes met hers again, they were filled with a lustful hunger that stole her breath away. His hand on her knee slowly slid up until his wide hand caressed her thigh, and his other hand wrapped around her body to grip the bark of the log right behind her. His face inched closer, until their noses bumped against each other. She could see each and every one of his freckles. They were like stars scattered across the galaxy of his face, and she loved each and every one of them.

She lifted the arm bound against her side by his own, and placed it against his side, smiling when his muscles fluttered at the touch of her fingers. She lifted her other hand and stroked it through his curls. She had been wanting to do that for weeks. His hair was surprisingly soft against her fingers, and her hand curled around his head and settled at the nape of his neck. She twirled her fingers in the tail of curls down his neck and she felt him shiver against her. He tilted his head, his eyes still watching her, waiting for her to pull away. Clarke just leaned in, her breath catching in her throat. Her heart was beating with so much force in her chest she swore Bellamy could hear the rabbit-like pulse. Warmth was pooling low in her belly and curling through her chest.

Bellamy's breath fanned across her lips and she shuddered. The hand that had been on her thigh moved to caress her side, drawing goosebumps across her flesh. His thumb played with the bottom of her shirt and she felt her entire body light with fire. His skin against hers was electrifying. Every touch stoked the inferno burning within her.

Her eyes drifted shut and she leaned almost imperceptibly closer and felt the barest brush of his lips against hers. His grip tightened Bellamy closed the distance between them with a quick inhale.

Clarke melted in his arms. His lips were soft against hers, and she pressed against him, her hand curling into his hair and scalp. Bellamy's lips moved with hers and when his free hand pressed against her back and drew her into his body, until almost every part of them was touching, her mouth parted with a soft gasp.

He took advantage of the new position and she felt his tongue stroke her lips, asking for her permission. Clarke moaned deep in her throat and couldn't feel embarrassed about her reaction because then he deepened the kiss and his hand slid under her shirt to touch the bare skin of her side. She nibbled at his lower lip, eliciting a deep moan.

Too soon they parted, each gasping for breath. Clarke stayed close, her forehead leaning against his and her hands encircled around his neck. They shared the same breath, each too raw to say anything just yet.

Bellamy leaned down and kissed her softly and gently, with a tenderness she never would have expected from the fearsome pirate captain. He smiled against her lips and she felt a giggle bubble out of her mouth.

"Oh, if Octavia could see us now," she laughed. Bellamy's shoulders shook with silent laughter and he trailed his lips down her chin and onto her neck, saying against her skin, "Please don't mention my sister right now."

The feeling of his soft lips moving against the sensitive skin of her neck stole her breath away and she arched her head back with a low hum. Bellamy just smiled and pressed a gentle kiss against her throat and rose to meet her gaze. His arms shifted around her waist and he pulled her onto his lap, nuzzling his nose in the crook of her neck.

"You have no earthly idea how long I have been wanting to do that," he muttered. She smiled and pressed her lips to his temple.

"I kept telling myself that this would be a bad idea, that you wouldn't want me and my baggage. I still don't know what I'm doing. I have to reclaim Arcadia and find who murdered my dad, and I don't want you to feel obligated to help me." Clarke breathed in the scent of the sea that seemed to cling to Bellamy's skin. He shifted and placed his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"I know what I'm signing up for, and I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in you. I know I don't deserve you, and that you will have better…suitors," he grimaced, "when you return to your throne, but I still want you. Here. Now." Clarke sucked in a deep breath and felt her lower lip quiver. How could he ever think she deserved more than him? Could he not see the greatness shining within his own soul?

Breathless, she reached up and brushed stray curls from his face, her gaze tender. Shakily, she said, "Bellamy Blake, you deserve the world. You have a kind heart, even after all the hardships you have endured, and that is a quality only found in token few." A part of her recoiled at her vulnerable confession and wanted to leap away from his touch and run as far as she could. She would not survive being betrayed and broken again.

His eyes glimmered in the firelight and filled with raw emotion. He swallowed thickly, his adam's apple bobbing, and opened his mouth to say something, then shut it. He leaned in and burrowed into her embrace with a shaking breath.

"Together. We figure, this, out together." His breath fanned against her skin and she nodded. She wouldn't have to stay alone anymore. In two days, they would be on a Royal ship heading towards Fort Lauderon with new challenges to overcome. And they would do it together.

They sat together, forgetting about their responsibilities as leaders for a few moments and relishing in their closeness and the feeling of their bodies wrapped together with only the crackling of the fire echoing in their ears.

It was only when her legs started to cram from sitting for so long that Clarke finally stood, Bellamy following her like a magnet following it's opposite. She could still feel her heart fluttering like bird's wings in her chest.

"We should, go check on the, um, status of the camp," she stammered, her gaze flicking between his plump lips and his eyes. Bellamy just nodded. They walked, arms brushing, back to the main center of the camp to check in on the supplies and the preparations for their departure.

Soon they separated, Bellamy being drawn over to the fence with Miller to go over the guard shift and any weaknesses in their defenses while Clarke focused on taking stock of their food supply, making sure the gatherers knew the signs of spoiled and rotting nuts and berries. She was busy describing a few medicinal herbs when she saw Octavia stumble from behind her tent, the girls face flushed and her hair in a tangled mess, her clothes rumpled.

With a raised brow she met Octavia's gaze from across the camp, and the dark-haired girl just smiled nervously and waved before retreating into her makeshift tent. Clarke made a mental note to ask Octavia about her strange behavior in the morning. She was honestly too tired to deal with the teen. Besides, she had more important things to worry about.

Relying on Wells was a long shot. Even if he agreed to let a pirate crew on his ship, there was no guarantee he wouldn't just tie them all up and hang them the moment they reached port. To say she left their friendship on terrible terms was an understatement. The things she said before vanishing into Walden…she was not entirely sure she deserved his forgiveness. But they had no other options. She couldn't even think of what to say when they saw each other again, or how to explain her actions to her closest childhood friend.

By the time she finished chatting and packaging rations, the moon was high in the sky and her eyelids drooped in exhaustion. Yawning, she retreated to her tent, nearly forgetting she would be sharing a bed mat with Bellamy. The devilishly handsome pirate captain she just made out with a few hours ago.

Thankfully, he had not yet returned and wouldn't see her blushing like a lovestruck fool. She settled in on the furs and palms, absentmindedly massaging her healing wound to prevent stiffness in the scar. A few minutes later, she heard a rustling in the dark and heavy footsteps in the dirt. She remained silent and still while Bellamy removed his boots and climbed into their bed. He hesitantly reached out and grabbed her by the waist, and when she didn't scream or jump away, he pulled her into his chest and nuzzled into her hair.

They didn't speak, didn't have to. As soon as his arms were wrapped around her, Clarke felt most of her worries fade away and she soon drifted off to sleep with the sound of Bellamy's breathing in her ear.

Wow... I actually returned to this's been so long.

I hope you enjoyed my apology in the form of this fluffy and romantic little filler chapter, and hopefully I will update more frequently.

To the people who left NICE and ENCOURAGING reviews, you have my eternal gratitude, for it was you all that encouraged me to return to this story. (There were a few that were less than kind but that's all part of being a writer I suppose)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this wonderful little chapter and I hope to see you all soon with some more plot and swashbuckling pirates.