This one was meant to be longer, but it didn't really work out...
Komaeda shut off the vacuum with a sigh, bending down to remove whatever foreign object had been sucked up.
Reaching into the machine, he pulled out what looked to be the product of an unholy union between tiny plastic box and dust bunny.
Blowing it off as best he could, he was able to make out a tiny red medical cross on the front of the box. Opening it, he discovered some wisps of cotton, a shred of bandage, and something so miniscule, that it may have been meant to be a pair of tweezers, or maybe it was just a bug.
Just then the front door opened.
"I'm home…" Tsumiki cautiously entered. She always acted as if she expected everything to be gone each time she returned. Komaeda, the apartment, their cat, everything would vanish, and she'd wake up, ten years old again, bleeding on the playground.
"Welcome back!" Komaeda smiled as he popped the canister back into its place on the vacuum.
"Um, what happened to the vacuum?" She asked, removing her shoes. She just come off her shift at the hospital.
"There was this tiny first aid kit inside of it..." he stared wonderingly at the tiny box in his palm.
"Ahh! I broke the vacuum, didn't I? I'm so sorry!"
"No, no, the vacuum's fine. I'm just curious where this came from."
Tsumiki retrieved the box from his hand, opening it to make sure the contents were still inside. "Oh, um, well…it's mine."
"I guessed that much. It really didn't seem like the sort of thing Hinata-kun and Nanami-san would have dropped when they came to visit."
Tsumiki sighed and crouched down on the floor, fishing under the couch. She came back up with a shoe box, which she handed to her husband.
"I'm so sorry I kept it from you! I afraid you'd think it was too childish…but I guess one fell out last time I was looking at them and um…"
Komaeda opened the box to reveal a cornucopia of miniatures. "These are for a dollhouse, aren't they?"
Tsumiki nodded apologetically.
She never had liked overly large things. He supposed it did make sense that she would be drawn to miniatures instead. He wondered if she had even had toys as a child.
"This is amazing, Mikan!" Komaeda exclaimed, as he pulled out a tiny IV set. The collection seemed to be a mix of tiny hospital supplies, and regular home furnishings.
"Y-you don't think it's weird?"
"Not at all! It's an entire little world under your control," he replied, twirling the miniature IV around in his fingers. "How incredible is that? …Is it okay if I lay everything out to get a good look?"
His wife agreed and the two spent the evening marveling over the intricate little toys.
The end
Please keep an eye out for more Komamikis from me in the new year :) I have a Hinanami coming up as well!