Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Marvel Comics.

This is the second of three short tales I wrote for my friend for Christmas. Now, this is my first time ever writing the Generation X characters so I hope I got the characters right. I hope I didn't overdo Sean's accent.

Also, I know Sean isn't heavyset in canon. It's something I prefer and my friend has done a couple of cute drawings for me based around the idea. But I wanted to do something with Emma being Emma.

"One. Jus' one." Sean told himself, as he carefully removed the angel-shaped frosted sugar cookie out of the slightly garish cookie jar on the kitchen counter. He was being told to limit his sugar intake, due to a waistline that had expanded somewhat significantly this holiday season.

But, it WAS Christmas, and it was only one.

"See, jus' one like I said." He said to himself, wiping the crumbs off of his hands.

Sean walked off to continue doing his gift wrapping, feeling immensely proud of himself for the fact that he had kept true to his word and only had one. Self control, that's what it was.

Self control.

Three minutes passed.

"Maybe jus' one more. Tha' wouldnae hurt anyone."

And so another angel did disappear. But it was only just one more. That wasn't so bad, right?

A few more minutes passed.

"Time for a quick snack break."

Two had gone.

Now it was ten whole minutes.

"Feelin' a wee bit puckish."

Two more, a husband and husband angel.

Three minutes.

"Got ta keep me blood sugar up."

A solo flight.

30 seconds.

FOUR. And he hadn't even bothered to justify it this time.

Five minutes.


Sean twisted his hand around inside the cookie jar, but all he felt were a few measly crumbs you wouldn't give to a mouse on a crash diet. So much for self control.

An hour later, Sean was trying to work on decorating a side of the tree in the main lounge, as the branches were looking somewhat lopsided and he decided to try and do what he could to fix it. He was finding it a bit hard to concentrate on it as those angels were starting to exact their unholy vengeance on his insides.

"Excuse Leech."

Sean looked down, and saw that Artie and Leech, two out of three of the youngest students at the Academy, had entered the room and looked up at Sean.

"Yes Leech?" Sean asked.

"Leech and Artie wanted cookies." Leech mentioned.

Sean felt sicker.

"An'…?" He inquired.

"Miss Frost told Leech and Artie to talk to you about it." Leech explained, as Artie nodded in agreement.

As if on cue, Sean's stomach gave a groan of protest.

"Oh." Artie said.

And as if on cue…

"Oh, excuse me Sean, but I'm afraid I'll have to go into town again." Emma Frost, co-instructor of the academy, smoothly informed Sean and the two boys as she stood in the doorway. "I have to make a little supply run. Can I get you anything? Something to snack on, perhaps?"

Sean just glared at Emma, who seemed totally nonplussed.

"Right. Well. Be back in a bit boys."

And with that she was off.

"Ah. Yes Artie, Leech understands too." Leech said, as Artie pointed to Sean's belly, and the image of dancing angel cookies floated above Artie's head.