"What the hell is that noise?" Happy called out, swivelling around on her stool. She was sat in her workshop working on a motorbike, and the whole garage was silent except for an intermittent squeaking noise, which was driving her up the wall. Hearing it again, Happy groaned and stood up, stalking into the main area of the garage to find the source of the annoying noise.

Looking around she noticed the only other person left in the room was Toby, who was reading two books at his desk. As she walked towards him, she noticed him smiling ever so slightly. "Have you been hearing that noise?" she asked, hands on her hips in front of Toby's desk

"What noise?" Toby asked innocently

"That damn squeaking noise. It's driving me crazy. I know you know exactly what noise I'm talking about Curtis, don't play dumb with me"

"Oh wait," Toby paused, a shit eating grin spreading across his face, "You mean this noise?" he asked as he spun around on his swivel chair.

"Are you kidding me?" Happy glared at Toby, "You've been making that dumb noise?"

"Yeah" he shrugged

"And you knew it had to be bugging me, didn't you?"

"Possibly?" He smirked

"You are honestly the worst person I know and I hate you everyday for it" she continued to glare

"No you don't" he smiled and spun on the chair again, making the noise that was irritating Happy

"Right, that's it," Happy growled before stalking off to her workshop. Toby started to frown, "Wait, what's it?"

Happy quickly returned with a tool box. She squatted down in front of the chair and looked up at Toby.

"Can you get off the dumb chair, I'm going to fix it so it won't make that awful noise"

Toby looked down at Happy crouched between his legs and grinned.

"I dunno, I'm not particularly inclined to move considering our current positions"

Happy put on her best scowl before pushing Toby out of his chair. He fell onto the floor with an ungraceful thud.

"Ow, my kidney" he moaned

Happy just rolled her eyes, not even nothing to glance at the over dramatic shrink.

"Stop whining you baby," she scoffed

"Well if you weren't so rough I wouldn't have to whine. Although you can be a little rough occasionally, I won't complain." He smirked

Happy shot out her leg to kick him swiftly in the gut. "Like that kinda rough?"

"Not what I was going for" he wheezed

"Ok. It's fixed. Enjoy your chair," Happy said a few minutes later once she had finished on the swivel chair. Toby was now sitting next to her, having been quietly watching her work.

"Thanks Happy. My original goal had been to annoy you so you would come talk to me, but getting to watch you work was more than I could've asked for."

"Yeah, whatever," she said dismissively over her shoulder, but as she returned back to her bike, the mechanical genius couldn't help from blushing and the smile that spread across her face said everything.


Author's Note

Just a little thing I wrote after seeing a post on tumblr about who would be the annoying one in a couple that plays on a swivel chair. My first ever Quintis so do be kind xx