Merry Christmas all! I hope you all had fantastic days doing whatever you were doing!

So I actually wrote this story months ago, but completely forgot about it until I was cleaning my room an hour ago... so here it is! Enjoy!


Bones in my Bread

Jim Kirk was renowned throughout the Enterprise for *quote* 'solving' *unquote* word dilemmas, and of course for his sense of humour while tackling such challenges. So, naturally, he would try to solve as many as possible.

First, he 'solved' the saying "there is no water on Mars". He got a Mars Bar and a cup of water and put the cup on the bar.

"Look," he exclaimed, "there's water on Mars!"

The crew shook their heads in disbelief.

It went on for quite a while, with the crew getting more and more amused and annoyed with each dilemma solved. Kirk would get cocky after each one until McCoy would hypo some sense into him.

But then Kirk had a brainwave of genius.

Since Kirk was a child he'd always hated the crusts so he cut them off his bread. When his mother found out, she was furious.

"Why waste perfectly good crusts?" she chided. "It's not like there's bones in the bread."

Now he knew how to prove her wrong.

So one morning, when McCoy was half-asleep over his breakfast from working a late shift, Kirk cut circles in the centres of two pieces of bread and hung them on the drowsy doctor's ears. By the time McCoy opened his eyes sleepily, Kirk was already filming.

"Look mum," he said gleefully, "there's Bones in my bread!"