sultal's note below

Chapter 13: The New Year

"—Ten! Nine!—"

"Ready?" Jim asked. He repositioned on Wendy's lap. "You have to do it when they all shout."

"—Eight! Seven!—"

Wendy tried not to throw up. She'd burned the needle. Iced Jim's ear lobe. Still, she felt sick. "Why when they all shout?"

"—Six! Five!—"

"Because." Jim said, turning his head to look Wendy in the eye. "Because you are sticking a three inch needle through my ear. You think it's gonna feel good?"

"—Four! Three!—"

Wendy shook her head. "Jim, Jim, I don't think I can do this –"

"—Wen don't back out on me now! Just aim the needle!"







Wendy closed her eyes. She plunged the needle.

And both children screamed.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The Benbow Inn exploded. Wine bottles were uncorked, cameras were flashed, shirts were pulled up, pants were pulled down, and anybody with lips was kissing. But the new year celebrations could not completely cover the shrieking from Jim's room.

"Wen!" Hopping up and holding the pillow case to his ear, Jim grabbed Wendy. Slapping a hand over her mouth, he lost balance, and both flopped onto Jim's bed. "Shh! Shh! Quiet! I'm not dead! I'm not – "

"Jim?" Mrs. Hawkins rapped on the door. "Jim. Honey? Are you all right in there?"

Both froze. Jim glanced fearfully at Wendy – the sleepover was secret. "I –er-um….noise woke me up. Everythings cool."

There was a pause. "Tell Wendy she has to sleep in my room." Mrs. Hawkins finally said, turning down the stairs. "We'll figure out something else for future sleep overs. Night kids."

Jim held his breath. Then, ear throbbing, he exhaled. He glanced down at Wendy.

Then, they both started to laugh.

"Shit, that hurt." Jim moaned, nursing his ear. "Come on. Help me get the earring in. No not that one. The loop."

With a second round of poking, twisting, dabbing, and disinfecting, the Jim and Wendy climbed to the rooftop. They sat, spying on the party-goer shenanigans, watching fireworks crackle across Fantasia, and admiring Jim's gold loop glinting in the starlight.

When the festivities faded, they lay back watching the stars through icy breaths.

Suddenly, Wendy turned to Jim. "Best friends?"

Jim snorted. His breath crystalized. "Duh."


"Yeah. Promise."

Wendy's eyes twinkled. Snuggling next to Jim, she breathed into the night sky. "Happy New Year."

Jim remained stoic. But, as stared at Fantasia's tiny northern star, christened by some The Wishing Star, he smiled.

Because with his new best friend, there was a fair chance that it would be a happy new year.

sultal's note: Well fanfiction, it has been a fantastic year. I have loved writing for all of you, sharing stories, sharing characters, creating...all that good stuff.

I have had the pleasure of getting to know several of you. To those silent readers, thanks for the continued support. Stories are nothing without readers.

So...Happy Christmas. And Happy New Year. I have stories to finish (Taking Fantasia, AR&BB, The Dr and Neverland etc) and stories to start. And I can't wait to tackle this new year with all of you.

As always...

keep writing.