sultal's note: re-read Chapter 63: Girl Talk from Taking Fantasia for the reference to this story (Jim and Wendy's back story). Chapter 95: The Chosen Three might be useful as well.

hope you enjoy

Chapter 1: Friday December 13th

Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells
All seem to say, "Throw cares away."
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer
To young and old, meek and the bold
Ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song,
With joyful ring, all caroling
One seems to hear words of good cheer
From everywhere, filling the air
Oh!, how they pound, raising their sound
O'er hill and dale, telling their tale

Gaily they ring, while people sing
Songs of good cheer, Christmas is here!
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!

On, on they send, on without end
Their joyful tone to every home.
Ding dong ding dong...

Wendy peeked through the banister. Tinsel hung like icicles, glittering from evergreen boughs. Candles twinkled like fairies in a red and green Christmas-bulb bubble forest. And filling the wonderfulness of it all was the music. The music!

Pressing her nose against the wooden rung, Wendy looked. Down the stairs, across the floor, to the door, through the golden crack…

Wendy smiled. Trembling with fear and excitement, she unfolded her legs. Extending a bare foot and placing it gently, she eased down the stairs. Step by delicate step.


Wendy jumped. The stairs creaked. She looked at the door. Through the golden crack, glasses chinked. Several notes of laughter played over the Christmas music. A shadow paused, wavered, then disappeared.

Heart fluttering like snowflakes in the wind, Wendy turned.

"John!" Shr pressed a finger to her lips. "Shhh! Go back to bed!"

John crouched on the top step. Baby Michael was balanced on his knee.

"You're being bad!" John informed her, glasses perched at the end of his nose. "Father said no sneaking downstairs during the party!"

Wendy frowned. Ignoring John, she eased down another step.


She eased down another.

"Wendy!" Michael stirred as John bumped down the stairs on his bottom in hot pursuit. "Wendy! You can't go down there! Father said– "

Irritated, Wendy turned. "You are not supposed to take Michael out of bed, John Darling!" she retorted, backing down another step. She grinned a little, satisfied by the worry in John's face. "Mother said so!"

John swelled. If he had feathers, they would have fluffed. "It is only twelve more days till Christmas, Wendy! And if you are not good, Father Christmas won't bring you any pre – "

John stopped. His glasses filled with gold light as the door suddenly opened. Simultaneously – and as only children can – Wendy, John, and little Michael rolled onto their haunches, scampered up the stairs, darted down the hallway, flew into the nursery, leapt under their covers, dove into their pillows –

"Oh my. Quiet as mice? Who can these darling, well behaved children be?"

Wendy slid open an eye. Imagining she was a fox, and thinking herself just as sly, Wendy peeked through the coverlets as her mother, Mary Darling, entered the nursery.

She gasped. Her mother looked lovely! Simply lovely!

Mary paused. Her eyes flicked. Wendy snapped her eyes shut. She froze, pretending to be asleep.

Mary smiled. Pink gown brushing against the carpet, she floated between her children's beds. Pausing to retrieve stuffed animals, tuck covers, and brush foreheads, she fought a mischievous smile.

"It is most curious….the strangest thing…" Mary continued smoothing the blanket around John's chin. She bit her lip, grinning as John's nose twitched. Turning, she replaced Michael's teddy bear in his crib. "…because. I could have sworn that I heard little voices on the stair well."

John giggled. Wendy curled her toes, cursing John. Shhh she thought. Desperately, she squeezed both lids, willing John to maintain his composure. Shhh! John shhhh! Pretend to be asleep! Shhhh!

Mary cross the room. Carefully, she ran a hand over John's toes, fingers moving like feathers. "…I thought I heard the pitter patter of tiny, little, adorable, feet."

John burst. Giggle uncontrollably, he wriggled under the covers. Laughing alongside, Mary gathered John in her arms. "Goodness…well this is certainly a surprise."

John cuddled against his mother. His glasses – still on his nose – tilted askew. "I wouldn't have gotten caught if it was just me…it was Wendy and Michael's fault."

Wendy's sucked her breath. Heart playing leapfrog, she cursed John and waited for her mother's reprimand.

But it came not. Casting a glance at Michael's crib, Mary squared herself to her eldest son. "John dear…You are so thrilled to have a little brother. Aren't you, my darling?
John nodded. He looked at Michael with a fierce sort of pride. Like a military commander observing his troops.

Mary's gaze was gentle, but her voice was firm. "You would protect your little brother against anything. Wouldn't you? You wouldn't want Michael to get hurt? Would you?"

Proudly, John nodded. Then, recognizing his mother's gentle scold, his face fell. "Sorry mommy."

Mary smiled. "Michael is just a baby John. So new to this very tiny and cannot walk by himself. Only mommy should take him from his crib. We don't want Michael to fall right on his little head. Do you understand?"

Glumly, John nodded.

Mary regarded John. Then, she held him in a sympathetic hug. "Michael will grow up soon John…faster than you can imagine." Lovingly, she laid a cheek against his head. "Then, you will be able to play together…forever and long as you want." Removing John's glasses and placing them on his bedside table, Mary tucked her son under the covers. "And won't that be wonderful?"

John smiled. Breathing deep, he sighed as Mary stroked his hair. "…night-night Mommy…"

Mary smiled. Soft as an angel, she kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams my darling…Wendy?"

Wendy jumped. Surprised, she squeaked, spoiling her cover. Peeking through the covers, she looked at her mother, waiting patiently at the door.

"Wendy…would you come with me?"