I hope you will all enjoy this one I did.

My own take.

Ichigo floated in the air as Aizen started laughing, "Do you not get it boy?" He said like a maniac, "You can never hope to defeat me the Hogyoku has accepted me as its master nothing can change that fact and with its power I will destroy you." Aizen said staring at the stone cold face of Ichigo who just sighed, "Boy, do I not terrify you?" He said as he summoned a massive cero the size of a house, "Now die!"

Ichigo looked up and held out his sword and pointed it at the cero, "Saigo no Getsuga Tensho." He uttered as gravity itself seemed to shake and a black aura flowed around Ichigo like flames licking the side of a boiling pot. Then a blinding darkness flowed throughout the surrounding area shattering the cero that Aizen was forming. After a couple of seconds what now seemed to be Ichigo stepped forward, but his form was completely different. In his place stood a man about 6'3 with black hair that seemed to spike everywhere, his eyes changed from chocolate brown to a ghostly silver with a gold circle around the iris, his attire was replaced with a bandage like carcase that started from his waist and ended just above his eyes, and after the flames died down the bandages seemed to be coated with strange black markings.

"What is this, what is happening?!" Aizen shouted as he charged another cero this time bigger than the last and threw it at Ichigo. Ichigo held out his hand and the energy seemed to be eaten up by him. Ichigo looked at the frightened man and said two words he would never forget, "Tensa Mugetsu." The area surrounding the two seemed to vanish from sight and after a few seconds all that was left of Aizen was a floating Hogyoku that seemed to stare through Ichigo. That was when the small blue orb flew at Ichigo and and blew up. As the orb blew up it seemed to cover Ichigo in a strange but familiar reiryoku that covered Ichigo and made him cringe. That was until he was sucked into to his spiritual world.

"King you are finally back." A hollow voice said seeming sad, 'How are you here?" Ichigo said in a deep voice." The hollow looked at him with a frown, "The Hogyoku manifested into me and now we have its powers." He said staring blankly at him, "But their is a cost." He said looking at Ichigo, "You will not be able to turn back into a human."

Ichigo stood there shocked at what he was saying, "So your telling me that I will never be a human again?" Ichigo said calmly but obviously agitated because a nearby skyscraper fell over, "Ya king I am sad to, but you are in your Saigo no Getsuga Tensho form from now on it seems." He said as he jumped down, "But that is not the only thing until we find the correct mate or as in your world lover we can not speak." He said and Ichigos face blushed, "What the hell!" Ichigo said to a now grinning hollow, "Ya the Hogyoku said that we need their blood, but there's one more side effect until we get their blood we will be powerless." He said shaking his head at the last part, "Though we still have our amazing strength, speed, and agility." He laughed at that part, "By the way quit calling me Hollow my name is White do not forget it."

With that being said Ichigo looked at his bandaged hand, 'powerless?' He thought as a frown came from his bandaged face. Ichigo shook his head and instantly he was back in the human world with Urahara looking over him, "Well hey there sleeping beauty I almost thought you would never wake up." Urahara said putting his fan in front of his face and waving his free hand. IChigo tried to say something, but could not he grabbed a nearby pen and paper and wrote down everything to Urahara. At first he did not believe him, but then hat and clogs finally took him serious.

"This is bad." He said getting a serious aura around him, "For now no one except for me knows you are alive and we are going to keep it that way." Urahara said looking at Ichigo with a look of grim, "There's a place that I will be sending you for this cause, but I need to know who you would want to come with you if what you are saying is true then you will be practically defenceless their and we can not have that." Urahara said now trying to lighten the mood Ichigo got another piece of paper and wrote two names Toshiro and Chadd. Urahara nodded and furrowed his hand, "What a drag that I have to break the news." He said getting up and cracking his neck, "Oh well." He said as he got up to stretch, "Be ready to leave for this school when I get back."

With that the man disappeared and Ichigo was left to his thoughts, 'Why does everything have to happen to me.' He thought as he looked at his hand, 'Powerless, damn and I have to find this mate as well.' Ichigo shook his head and looked at his form in a nearby mirror. He was still 6'3 with silver eyes and black hair and the bandages were still on his body, 'I look completely different.' He thought to himself as he got over his appearance change Urahara walked into the shop with Chadd and Toshiro who seemed to look down until they saw Ichigo.

"Hello Ichigo it has been a while." Toshiro said and Chadd nodded in agreement, "I have a question and Urahara informed us of all that has happened to you why would you choose us?" Ichigo tilted his head and grabbed another piece of paper, Because you guys are my close friend. Toshiro was set away by that and shook his head, "I have never been called that before." He said shock in his voice Chadd looked at him and put a hand on Toshiro's shoulder, "It is not that he has ever called you that it is through the actions you have done that makes him think of you as a friend." Chadd said and Ichigo nodded they were going to get along fine.

"Well away from the touchy stuff I have informed the Headmaster on this and he wants to help with this, but you three have to wear these.." He said pulling out pitch black hoodie with tribal markings on them and pairs of dark blue jeans. Ichigo looked at the man until he smiled, "We can not have people seeing you three just yet because the dimension you are going to is informed on everything the soul society does and you three are apparently really popular." Urahara said as he handed a hoodie with dark orange markings to Ichigo, a hoodie with icy blue markings to Toshiro, and a hoodie with pink markings to Chadd.

They all looked at them then Toshiro was the first to speak, "Why hoodies how are they going to help us keep hidden?" He said looking at the shopkeeper as if he was a psycho trying to get fashion tips, "Well Captain there's an enchantment on each of these hoodies that stops the hood from falling off without force and it also makes it so that anyone trying to catch a glimpse of your face can not see it." Urahara said with his fan in front of his face.

The three soon got changed and had the hoods on when they heard the roar of a bus come to a stop in front of the Candy Shop, "Well that sounds like us do not worry I have packed everything you need and sent them to the school already as well I plan on being your homeroom teacher so do well." He said as he waved for them to leave, "What a bastard." Toshiro said as he walked outside to get on the bus followed by Ichigo then Chadd.

'What a bastard is correct.' Ichigo thought as he sat near the front, "I can not believe it myself when the headmaster said that we were getting some powerful kids I never thought it to be you three hahaha." He said taking a drag on his cigar, "This will be interesting." He said as he drove off towards the school.

_Line Break_

"Be careful out their." The bus driver said as he drove off. Ichigo, Chadd, and Toshiro looked through the forest from under their hoods and grinned that was until Toshiro and Chadd blacked out for a good five minutes. Ichigo was about ready to pick them up and carry them to the school until it happened. As if a sharpie had been rubbed on a blank paper the world seemed to turn black as darkness surrounded Chadd and Toshiro. Chadd was the first to have the darkness leave him nothing seemed to change, but after the darkness left Toshiro all hell broke lose. Toshiro now stood as tall as Ichigo and Chadd and he looked panicked. He quickly grabbed the pencil and paper that Ichigo was holding and wrote, Hyorinmaru has informed me that the Hogyoku has changed me and that I will not be able to use my powers only my physical abilities until I get the blood of my mate?! What the hell is this! Ichigo started laughing even though nothing came out and Chadd pointed to himself as to say that this happened to him as well.

Ichigo took the pencil and paper and wrote, Well shit. They all shook their heads and decided to head towards the school. As they arrived students seemed to look at them and tilt their heads some even whispered things like, "Why are they wearing that stuff?" and, "Is that not against the school rules?" Someone said as well. Ichigo shook his head. He was not one for rules anyways. As they walked into the auditorium where everyone was gathered a man in priest robes with glowing white eyes and a creepy glowing smile stood up to speak.

"Hello students and welcome to Youkai Academy a school for monsters." He said as everyone sat there bored out of their minds, "This year we plan on doing things a little differently in honor of a few special guest we are having a class ranking system." He said and everyone looked up curious, "That is right we will put your limits to the test for class positions." He made his grin wider if that was possible, "You will be sorted into ranks F-S and your classes will follow." Ichigo, Chadd, and Toshiro looked at each other and nodded, "To continue you will have thirty seconds to separate yourselves into groups of three or you can accomplish these as a single person or a duo if you'd so choose."

That was when all hell broke loose, "When you have your groups go through the doors to your right good luck." With that being said the Headmaster seemed to vanish out of thin air. The three friends looked at each other and walked towards the doors. Opening them they were greeted by a room with a man smiling, "Hello these rooms are separated by portals so close the door behind you." Ichigo did so and Chadd and Toshiro walked towards the man.' To test your skills we will have you play a game called…" He was about to finish but then the Headmaster appeared, "No need to fear these three will come with me a S rank." He said as the man bowed and walked away.

"You would not know how hard it was to think up these things boys I had to get Urahara to help me." He said laughing as he tilted his head at them, "Which one of you can speak?" With that being said Ichigo wrote another thing on the paper that he showed to the Head master, "Oh my that could be a problem, oh well I will tell Urahara and we will have this all sorted out." He said ushering for them to follow him, "In the meantime let me show you to your homeroom." He led the boys through the winding corridors of the academy and ended up at a pure black door that looked to be made out of ancient wood, "Here we are I will tell Urahara and you guys just go have a seat." He said opening the door to a smiling Urahara.

"Oh hello Headmaster-san how are you." He said as the three boys walked into the room, "I need to speak to you about their 'problem'." The Headmaster said as Urahara walked out in the hall with him. Ichigo looked around and was surprised to see so little students in the room. Sitting in the room was a beautiful girl that Ichigo was happy he had a hood on because he stared at her for a while. She had long flowing silver hair, blood red eyes, and curves in all the right places. Sitting near the back was a girl with rather large bosom, she was short and had blue hair. Sitting to her left was a girl with icy blue hair and a lollipop sticking out of her mouth. They seemed to be a duo because unlike the immense energy coming from the silver haired girl the two seemed lacking in energy.

Ichigo walked past the silver haired girl who looked at him and narrowed her eyes he grinned, 'That is right she can not see my face.' He did his silent laugh and sat behind her. "WHAT!" Was all you could hear Urahara saying as he walked back in the classroom obviously frustrated, "..Now this oh well." You could hear him mutter, "Hello class my name is Urahara please to make your acquaintance now if all of you would just come up here and write something about yourself and your name that would be great." He said as he put his fan in front of his face.

The icy haired girl stood up first and wrote her name Mizore then she wrote I like lollipops. Ichigo smiled at that then the short one walked up and wrote her name under Mizore's Kurumu then she wrote I like to cook. Cooking is nice Ichigo nodded as Toshiro went up and wrote Aaron as a fake name and that he like to sleep peacefully. Chadd was next writing about how he plays bass guitar and he just went by Chadd. Then the beautiful girl with silver hair stood up and just wrote her name Moka Akashiya. Ichigo tilted his head and grinned this will be fun he went up to the board and wrote Moon, but then he heard White laughing from within soon he took over Ichigo's body and swiftly wrote I think Moka is super beautiful and… Ichigo knew what he was about to write and he quickly stopped him.

Moka cleared her throat and Urahara started laughing, "Well Moon care to explain why you wrote that?" Ichigo laughed silently at his pseudo name and looked at the board and finished the and I am mute. Urahara smiled and told him to sit down, "Now I am not one with formalities so just call me Urahara and for now you can go tour the school be back here tomorrow before the bell rings." With that he flash stepped out of the classroom. That was when Ichigo looked forward to see that the Moka girl had turned to look at him, "Listen here Moon." She said the name with distaste, "I do not know who you are, but I need to speak with you." She said grabbing his arm and tugging him away.

Toshiro and Chadd looked at the fleeting form of the two and shook their heads. 'He is in for it.' They both thought as they got up to explore the school with the two girls that tried talking to them, but Toshiro wrote on the board that they were mute as well. They just followed anyways, "You three are so mysterious wearing the same cloths and what not." Kurumu said as they walked down the hall, "Totally mysterious." Mizore said at a soft whisper, but it seemed as though the boys were not paying attention as they both thought what might be happening to Ichigo at this point.

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