Warning: slight AU in which the pack already knew about Hige's past and the use of the collar


It was early morning, our favorite wolves having just woken up, when Hige came running up to Kiba at a speed that defied his... Heavy set build. "Kiba! We have a bit of a problem." The white alpha wolf turned away from Tsume, who had been giving his neck some affectionate nuzzles, to look at the brown wolf. Both instantly turning serious at the mention of trouble.

"What kind of problem? Hunters nearby?" He asked, while Tsume scanned around the field in front of the cave they called home. He saw no trouble yet, but noted the absence of a certain blue wolf, as well as the youngest among them.

"And where are the brat and Blue?" Tsume asked, glaring down at his pack mate. Hige shrunk away a bit and lowered his head.

"That's part of the problem. Blue and I were going to go hunting, Toboe wanting to come with, when I caught the scent of a wolf hugging the inside border of the territory. I didn't smell anymore so I think it's alone. I sent Blue and Toboe ahead to check it out while I came to get you." He explained before sighing and taking another breath as the Alphas processed this information. They looked at eachother knowingly before turning back to the wolf.

"Can you take us there?" Kids asked. He got a curt nod as Hige turned and started to run east with the alphas in tow.

~(Blue's POV)~

Toboe and I had just arrived at the eastern border of the territory when we saw a steak of black and white bolt into a clearing a few yards to our left. Toboe looked at me in question and was about to say something but I hushed him as I creeped into the under brush around the clearing. We peeked through to see a lone wolf sitting in the direct center of the clearing. It was obviously a male. His under belly was white as snow while the rest of him was pitch black. Outlining the bottom of each eye was a steak of the same white color. His nose twitched and his opened his eyes to reveal twin pools of ruby red staring right at us.

"You can come out, I won't attack you. Unless you give me a reason to anyway." he said in a calm and collected sort of voice, a bit on the lower side. After he spoke his laid down on his belly and waited for us to come out. Tentatively, I stepped out of the brush, keeping myself ready in case he suddenly pounced. Toboe stuck close behind me for the same reason. As we approached, the wolf stayed down, head on crossed paws, watching us quietly. I saw no indication of aggression so I calmed down lightly and took up a spot a couple feet away from him.

"Who are you and why are you in our territory?" I asked, watching the wolf carefully as his ears swiveled to listen. He smile a bit as lifted his head to speak.

"My name is~"


We all looked behind me to find a very shocked and dumbfounded Hige. This "Seishin" sat up and gave a grin. "Well well well, long time no see, old friend."