Heeeeeeere's part 2!

Hope your auras are all nice and fluffed after this one :)

Three years later.

Preparations for Graham and Emma's wedding were becoming increasingly stressing as the date came nearer. It would be a week from today: Emma's twenty-first birthday. She didn't want it to be as big of a deal as her eighteenth, so her parents simply decided to have a banquet.

Her best friend, Ruby, a spunky girl about two years younger than Emma, was finally on break in the kitchens, and was eagerly chatting away.

"Just think: in a week, you can add 'wife of Prince Graham' to your title!" she cheered, brunette waves bouncing as she jumped happily.

While she knew Ruby meant well, Emma was only content with the idea of it. She was nowhere nearly as excited as her best friend was. You'd think Ruby would be the one marrying him.

Ruby sighed, her hands dropping to the pockets of her apron. "Are you still thinking about the lieutenant?"

Emma's eyes widened in surprise; she had told Ruby everything that had transpired between Killian and herself, but she'd never asked so openly. "Yeah, actually. I am. I haven't heard from him in a month, and quite frankly, I'm worried. Especially with the wedding so close by."

Killian and Emma had been communicating in secret for the three years. She would write letters, who would then be given to Ruby, and Ruby would take it to the port, where the letter would be delivered—with only the words "Lieutenant Jones" scrawled in handwriting that would never be fit for a princess on the envelope—to Killian. Aside from letters, there was always the occasional naval dinner with Emma's father, where Killian would always be present, and the two would hide in the darkened corridors until way past midnight just getting to know each other.

"Maybe he'll turn up at the banquet tonight! He never misses those. Trust me, I can't forget a face like that," Ruby admitted, making Emma laugh. It was nice to know that even after differences in status and age, neither of them could think of a single childhood memory that didn't involve the other.

"I'm serious! If I didn't know that he had a thing for you, I would've made a move. He's…" she paused dramatically, throwing a hand over her forehead. "…So devastatingly handsome!"

"Sheesh, Ruby, you'd think he's the only male specimen in the kingdom."

"Well there's also Graham. But you're, I don't know, marrying him?"


"And you're not happy about that."

Emma hesitated, "I am! But you know, not thrilled about it."

"You wish it was Killian," Ruby retorted.

"I—" Emma began but couldn't finish. Her best friend was right. Ever since she had first laid eyes on Killian Jones, there had been a special connection between them: something almost magical. She had tried time after time to see if the connection was the same between her and Graham but there was nothing close to that. They had kissed before but it hadn't left Emma feeling breathless or dizzy like with Killian.

Then Ruby said something that changed everything, "What if it's not just you? What if Graham also feels the same way?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if Graham isn't thrilled either?" Ruby asked slowly.

A huge grin lit up Emma's face and she hugged Ruby tightly. The brunette hadn't been expecting that but she returned the hug.

"Thank you!" Emma shouted as she ran out of the kitchens to get ready for her birthday banquet.

Later that evening, guests began to arrive. A duke from here, a duchess from there, lords of wherever, and ladies of who-knows-what presented themselves and sat along a very long table in the Grand Dining Hall. Of course, there were also a few generals, captains and members of the Royal Army.

Emma, clad in a midnight blue gown, immediately recognized Killian when he walked in the room. She couldn't look too eager, not with her parents and her fiancé flanked on either side of her. Killian walked up, introducing himself and bowing to the royal family. He waited until Graham was distracted with another guest to get closer to her.

"How do you do, Princess?" he whispered.

"No need for formalities," she warned through her teeth. Killian turned to look around.

"Your parents are watching, and your fiancé is behind you, Your Highness."

She inhaled deeply, knowing there was no way out. "Fine. But after dinner, meet me in the corridor."

"By the fountain?"

Emma's lips turned up at the corners, impressed that he still remembered their usual spot. She nodded, reaching out to subtly give his arm a squeeze.

As usual, at dinners such as these, both Charming and Snow sat at the head of the table, Emma at their right side and Graham had adopted a seat to her side. On the other side, usually sat close relatives to the family and along that side would sit the military and naval officers. Killian was six spots down the opposite side of the table. Thankfully, neither of them had to crane their necks to get a good look at each other.

The majority of the evening was spent on either talking about the wedding, which made Emma's heart rate speed up at the thought of it approaching. Killian, on the other hand, had truly tried to be happy for her but couldn't. He could tell Graham cared for her, but in the way any two people in an arranged marriage would: distant, too formal for a pair that were to be married in less than a week.

After dinner was over, they lingered around the table. Guests exchanged stories, especially a very extensive conversation between Graham and her father about what his first act as king of Misthaven would be. Emma decided this would be the perfect chance to escape to the fountain.

"Mom, Dad, may I be excused? Ruby told me to meet her in the kitchens for a moment after dinner," Emma explained.

Charming nodded, "Go ahead. But hurry back! Dessert's coming soon, got it?"

"Of course!" she agreed as she gathered up her skirts and looked over to Killian. Luckily, he was already looking up at her. She held up two fingers, telling him to wait two minutes.

Killian did as he was told, then later also excused himself, claiming he needed some air. He walked as calmly as he could manage, his hand shaking when he touched the doorknob.

Calm down, Killian, it's only Emma, he thought.

That was the problem. It was only Emma, the princess and heir of Misthaven, a young woman with a heart of gold and the courage of an entire army; a young woman who, in a week, would be married to someone else.

"Killian?" she called out.

"Aye, Emma. Happy birthday, before I forget," he whispered in the darkness.

"Thank you. It's also been three years since we met!"

He smiled at the memory, the two of them tangled up in each other's arms in a hidden garden in the palace on the night of her eighteenth birthday.

"How can I forget? Not very many people meet in the manner we did," Killian suggested, an eyebrow raised to tease her.

Emma was thankful it was dark because she was blushing, but even then, Killian knew her well enough to know when her cheeks had turned pink.

"So your wedding's in a week, I hear?"

She sighed, her hands dropping to her lap. "Not you too, please. I don't want to hear about it again tonight."

"I knew it!" Killian exclaimed, celebrating a small victory in his mind.

"What?" Emma asked, panic dawning on her face.

"You don't want to marry Graham. Why?"

Emma's heart beat even faster than before. This was it. It was now or never. She took Killian's hand in hers, tracing the markings on the ring that adorned his index finger.

"Because I love you, Killian. I've tried loving Graham, truly. But I… there's nothing there. It's more like a strong friendship. There's no electricity when I touch his skin. There's no openness like I have with you. It's like I'm tip-toeing around him and I can't live like that."

Killian snuck a kiss onto her lips, not caring if they were caught. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

"Gods, Emma, you don't know how much this means to me," he whispered. She placed a hand on his cheek, and he kissed the palm of her hand. Reaching up for her hand, he gently rubbed circles on it.

"I do. And I wish there was a way to undo this engagement, this wedding, everything. But I don't. What do we do?" Emma asked, tears brimming her eyes.

Before he could help himself, he told her, "There's one of two things we could do: the first being we confront Graham, tell him about us, ask him where the two of you lie, and our second option is running away right now."

Emma bit her lip, something she did when she was in deep thought. She'd love to run away, leave it all behind for the young man with the sapphires in his eyes. But she couldn't, she had a duty to the kingdom, to her family.

"Oh, Killian, love is the one luxury we royals can never afford," she said bitterly, her tears finally spilling. "Our best option is the first one. Even then, we might face rejection, resentment, maybe even punishment for the rest of our lives. Are you sure you're willing to face that?"

"Anything for you, Emma. Anything. I love you."

She cupped his face in her hands, making her lips meet his, which tasted like wine and tears, and she could tell he'd been crying too. A thousand questions ran around her mind, but Emma could care less if less than half of those were ever answered. Killian Jones loved her, and that was enough.

Killian smiled against her lips, and pulled away. "When do we confront the prince?"

"In two days time. My mother wants me to have one last session of lessons tomorrow. Then after that, I'll be too busy to execute our plan."

"Our plan," Killian repeated, liking the idea that she was already including him in her actions.

Their meeting ended as quickly as it began. But now, things were different. For the last three years, they had been sure that the other was definitely interested, but she was engaged and he was serving his duty in the navy. Now, everything had a different light to it; nothing would get in their way. Not if they had a say in it.

Two days later.

Killian arrived at the palace at seven in the evening, as Emma had requested. Ruby helped him sneak into the castle, making sure he wouldn't be caught. His attire helped since he had taken up the appearance of a kitchen boy: tattered trousers, flour-stained shirt and a pair of beat up brown boots.

The three met in the staircase that led to Emma's quarters.

"Here's your stop! Good luck, the both of you. I'm rooting for you, please don't let me down," Ruby pleaded, her eyes bright with excitement.

"We'll try not to. Thank you, Ruby," Emma whispered, giving her best friend's hand a squeeze. The brunette nodded happily, and eyed Killian carefully.

"You're both lucky, you know? Not many people would do what you're doing for the woman they love. And no princess has ever broken so many rules for a single man," she said, smiling wistfully.

"Well, as they say, history has never been made by people who follow the rules," Killian remarked, winking at Emma's best friend.

Emma and Killian turned to reach her quarters. She knew Graham was inside, but she made Killian wait outside for a few minutes. Taking a deep breath, she turned the knob and made her way in.

"Emma!" Graham greeted. "You're back. What did you want to speak to me for?"

She sighed, "Could you take a seat?"

"O—Of course. You're scaring me, though."

Closing her eyes, Emma began, "Here's the thing Graham, we're getting married in a matter of days and… do you even know what my favorite color is? What my favorite book is? Where I go to when my mind is clouded?"

Graham was silent. While he felt guilty for not knowing these things, he knew she was right. "I don't, no. I'm sorry."

"How am I supposed to marry someone who doesn't know the basics about me? And you know, vice versa?"

"Are you saying you don't want to marry me?" Graham asked. Emma could detect a twinge of pain on his face. Oh, she never wanted to break his heart.

"I… No. I'm so sorry. You're a fantastic person; anyone would be thrilled to have you! You're sweet, you're charming, but you're not the right person for me."

Graham ran a hand through his hair, taking a sigh of relief from what Emma could see. "Emma, I'm so glad you said that."

Now she had wondered about it but she never suspected it to be true. So she wasn't the only one who felt that way.

"Up until now, I was always questioning the wedding, like 'is this a good idea?' 'Do I really want this life?' and I don't! When we were engaged at first, did you ever feel like it was a business deal?"

"I did, yes! It was like an auction!" Emma agreed.

"You're not supposed to question your choice of person when you want to marry, right?"

"Never," Emma answered, immediately thinking of Killian. "Which is why I wanted to speak to you."

"Oh, there's more?" Graham asked, the look on his face like a curious pup.

Emma stood up from her seat by the window and walked to open the door, letting Killian in. She took his hand in hers and faced Graham.

"The night I met you, I also met Killian Jones the Lie—"

"Lieutenant of your father's navy. I know, we've met," Graham finished, nodding.

"Nice to see you again, Prince Graham," Killian greeted as he bowed his head. "I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Actually, you've both just saved me from entering an agreement, not a marriage full of love," he paused. "As it should be."

The three of them sat in silence in Emma's room. A weight had been lifted off of their shoulders and they each breathed the sigh of relief they'd been holding in for the last three years.

Graham inched closer to the two and asked them, "So what are we going to do about the wedding? Are we going to call it off now or do we go for the classic 'lover-storms-in-and-bride-runs-off-with-him' scenario?"

"Has that ever happened before?" Killian asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Not in Misthaven it hasn't. You'd make history," Graham explained.

Emma noticed the look on Graham's face, like his mind was whirring quickly, like clockwork pieces ticking together to put a plan together. He smiled to himself, but she noticed and wondered what he could possibly be coming up with.

They agreed to have Killian storm into the wedding; this way the ceremony would have to be stopped, and no one's work toward the finale product would be in vain. Graham never admitted out loud, but he knew it would be the perfect opportunity to also confess his love for someone he was sure to be there. Someone who, like Killian was to Emma, he was sure about how he felt for her.

The "wedding" day arrived before they knew it. Emma pretended to be the excited bride to put up an act for her mother's sake. Besides, today was also the day the kingdom would truly know who the princess' heart belonged to.

After hours of heavy preparing with hair, makeup and a dozen ties on a corset, Emma was finally ready to walk down the aisle. Her dress was a pompous skirt, tight bodice and long sleeves, not at all what she would've chosen if she had had a say in it. Snow White had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling all the same. Her expression made a pang of guilt hit Emma's gut; her mother's happiness could very easily be shattered the second Killian objected. In the meantime, the blonde princess hugged her mother tightly,

"I love you, Mom," she whispered, deep down suggesting it as an apology for what was about to happen.

"I love you too, honey. Now let's go get your father."

Charming was just outside Emma's door, a grin spreading on his face, "You know I still see you as my little girl, right?"

"I know, Dad. I still am. Except now instead of pretending to get married, I am," Emma told him, looping her arm around his. She realized she had just lied about the getting married bit, or maybe she wasn't. Who knows where today's events would lead her?

The doors to the cathedral inside the castle opened its doors to reveal a room full of people waiting to see her. Suddenly everyone was either "ooh-ing," "aah-ing," or wiping tears from their eyes.

Weddings did that to people, Emma thought. At the end of the aisle stood Graham looking as handsome as she'd ever seen him. Charming placed a kiss on her cheek and shook hands with Graham before retreating back to his seat next to Snow in the front row.

"Hey, Graham?" Emma whispered after he lifted her veil.


She paused before grabbing his hand quickly and mouthed, "Thank you." Graham smiled, and nodded to her. "You're welcome," he mouthed in return.

The bishop began to conduct the ceremony, his voice being the only one booming in the room. Emma looked around the crowd to see if she could spot Killian until she saw him tucked behind a flower arrangement by the door. He winked when he saw her looking, and her heart immediately skipped a beat.

There it came: the moment of truth. The words Emma had been waiting for since she woke up this morning,

"Speak now or forever hold your peace," the bishop's voice boomed.

The cathedral was engulfed in deafening silence until someone from the back of the room proudly announced,

"I object."

Gasps were heard around the room, some people stood to get a better glimpse of the young man who was opposing the marriage. Some people recognized him and his rank, while others scoffed wondering who this boy thought he was. Snow White's hand was clasped over her mouth, and her husband's face had gone pale. Ruby, who was standing next to Emma as the maid of honor, was grinning proudly.

"Why do you object, sir?" the bishop asked. Killian took his time getting to the altar, explaining himself as he did so.

"First of all, the name's Killian Jones, which you're all wondering. And it's quite simple really. Princess Emma is being forced into a loveless arranged marriage. An amicable agreement, if you will. Anyone with eyes can see that! And of course, the one reason you are all expecting to hear, because it's true: I'm in love with the princess."

Everyone looked toward Emma, who was absolutely beaming when she uttered, "I love him too." There was something about the way they were looking at each other that made Snow White smile to herself, recognizing it as the same way that she had always looked at Charming.

"But what about Prince Graham?" a voice called out.

Graham now faced the crowd, "He's right. This is an arranged marriage, I care for Emma but not in the way a husband should care for a wife. I, like Killian, am in love with someone else. Just not the princess."

This fell as another shock to the crowd, even to Emma and Killian themselves.

"You are?" Emma questioned.

Graham looked to his right, past Emma, where Ruby was standing. "Yes, with Ruby."

Ruby dropped the bouquet of flowers she was holding in shock, her heart hammering in her chest, and approached him.

"When were you expecting to tell me? After the wedding?" she asked playfully, her hands on her hips.

Graham, now blushing a deep shade of pink, "No, of course not, I just… Well, there was the engagement and while we were close friends the last three years, I—"

Ruby cut him off with a kiss, one that made half the room gawk in surprise and the other half become overcome with joy. Emma was too happy for her best friend to function properly so she didn't notice when Killian came to stand next to her. When she did, she rest her head on his shoulder and slipped her hand in his.

"I love you too, even when you get nervous," Ruby whispered when she pulled away from the kiss. The pair were giggling like children quietly, as if in their own little world.

"So what now?" Emma asked Killian.

He looked up as if in thought, "I have a pretty good idea. But only if you're patient."

Three months later.

Emma entered the cathedral for the second time that year, this time she was actually getting married. She walked beside her best friend from childhood, both girls looking like they were glowing. Emma was now wearing a dress with a flowing skirt, courtesy of the fairy citizens of neighboring kingdoms. Ruby was wearing a tight dress, fitted to her taste. If they had let her get away with it, she would've been married in a red dress.

At the end of the aisle, Killian and Graham stood on opposite sides, trying not to get too emotional. Killian, much to even his own surprise, wasn't wearing his naval uniform, but donning a coat fit for the future King of Misthaven. Graham was wearing a dark blue suit, the exact opposite of the white one he had been wearing at his previous almost-wedding.

When Emma and Ruby reached the altar, everything felt as if it had fallen into place. Emma looked over to Killian, who whispered,

"My eyes have never seen a more beautiful sight, love."

"Likewise," Emma replied, winking at him. The ceremony began and the couples said their "I do's."

"I now pronounce you, finally, husband and wife. The two of you may kiss your brides."

Killian snaked his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him, while she slid hers around his neck and kissed him as passionately as they had on the night they first met. Ruby, on the other hand, bounced on her feet happily and placed her hands on either side of Graham's face to bring him down to her lips.

The crowd cheered and continued to do so through the night. At the reception, Snow and Charming were eager to call Killian one of their own. Snow snuck Emma aside, placing a hand on her daughter's cheek.

"Emma, I'm so unbelievably happy for you. You and Killian managed to prove everyone wrong and," she paused, sighing. "You found what your father and I have: true love. And believe me, I know true love when I see it."

The words made Emma get goose-bumps on her skin, "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. Now go dance with him, he seems eager to have you near him."

Killian snuck up behind Emma, placing his hands on her shoulders. She smiled at the realization that she didn't even have to question who they belonged to, she just knew.

"Care to dance, lovely wife of mine?" Killian asked, a grin spreading on his face.

"I'd love to, husband," she replied, placing her hand in his.

His happiness bubbled out of him with laughter, "I really like the way it sounds. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it."

She joined in on his laughter, "That makes two of us."

They began to dance to the same tune that played that fateful night of Emma's eighteenth birthday all those years ago.

"Right back where we started," Emma commented.

"Indeed, love. I hope you know my feelings have not once changed since then. I loved you then, I love you now, and I always will," he confessed.

He reached down to kiss her for what felt the millionth time that day, but he never grew tired of the feel of her lips on his.

"I love you, too," she whispered against his lips. Their love no longer a secret and the Dance of the Twin Flames united the two once more.

The End