We do not own Koihime Musou or Kamen Rider Gaim. They belong to their respective creators. We just thought this idea would be fun and decided to give it a try. If you like it then that's great. If you don't then we tried. Anyway, come along and let's see what you think.

Sangokuden Armored War Gods Saga: Alliance of the Armored War Gods

Co-Written By: Ten-Faced Paladin and Kamen Rider Chrome

Chapter 1: Nagata and Kanu go on a Date

In Rakuyo, an important meeting was taking place. All the lords in attendance were seated together at the table to discuss an important matter. It was something that needed to be addressed. Unfortunately, it had been sidetracked because of the recent tournament and aftermath. With things the way they were, they could procrastinate no longer.

As Nagata stood up, all the lords looked at him expectantly, giving him their attention. He spoke, "Before I begin, I would like to thank Empress Totaku for letting us use this conference room for the meeting. Now, we can finally get down to business."

"Yes, you're proposing an alliance," spoke Sonsaku. That was the purpose of this meeting.

"Yes, because we have a common enemy that threatens everyone and the entire land. I'm talking about the RinJyuKen Akugata," Nagata told them. "The RinJyuKen Akugata are a threat and they are aiming for something big."

"And what do you think their goal is?" Ensho asked, being serious for once. Guess almost losing her Armored War God forever had changed her a bit. She probably realized how huge of a threat the RinJyuKen Akugata truly were.

"I don't know, and that is what worries me. Right now though, we should focus more on strengthening our own forces and defenses. The RinJyuKen Akugata have an army, one which they can build from the dead," Nagata advised them.

"It's not just the RinJyuKen Akugata that we have to be worried about. We need to deal with the Armored War Devils as well," Sousou reminded, referring to the group made up of Duke, Marika, Kagemusha, Sigurd and Bujin Gaim.

"They are powerful and dangerous enemies," Sonsaku agreed.

"They are also responsible for the trauma caused upon one of my officers," added Totaku.

"They also tried to banish our Armored War Gods too," finished Ensho. She was still pissed at Duke for his stunt and wanted to make him pay.

"Separately, the RinJyuKen Akugata and Armored War Devils are indeed threats, but they have formed their own alliance. Therefore, we must form a more powerful alliance as well," Nagata told them.

"You're preparing for war, aren't you?" Sousou asked rhetorically.

"The RinJyuKen want a war to wipe us all out. They want to destroy the fragile peace we're enjoying right now. If we let them do as they wish, we can say goodbye to everything we're working towards," Nagata warned. "That is why instead of fighting as separate factions, we fight as one alliance. We must stand together and join forces. If we do not, then we can say goodbye to our way of life."

"Gaim-dono is right," Totaku agreed. "The RinJyuKen must be stopped, not just for our sake but for the sake of the people as well."

"That is why I ask you all to prepare your troops and make sure they are strong enough to handle an all out war with the RinJyuKen Akugata. We need to build up our united strength. The fate of the land, no the world, is riding on our success in stopping them," Nagata told the lords who nodded in agreement. Now was not the time to be expanding their borders through conquest. It was time to prepare for a war with their very world at stake. "No matter what, we cannot let them win."

"Son Go will offer our power," Sonsaku spoke.

"Sou Gi will also lend its power," added Sousou.

"The En Faction will fight as well," declared Ensho.

"And you have the support of the imperial government," stated Totaku.

"Thank you, everyone," Nagata accepted.

Komei had learnt many new things since joining Nagata. In fact, when she first heard news of the Armored War Gods, she was ready to simply dismiss them as exaggerated rumors. However, that all changed once she had witnessed his transformation. So stunned and amazed, she had barraged Nagata with questions before apologizing for her rude behavior. Her inquisitive nature had gotten the best of her. Fortunately, he was patient with her and answered each of her questions as best he could.

First, she learnt that the Armored War Gods accessed their powers through divine artifacts called SengokuDrivers. On the other hand, the Armored War Devils used GenesisDrivers. One of the Armored War Gods, named Zangetsu, actually possessed a GenesisDriver himself, making him the only Armored War God with access to two different belts.

The SengokuDrivers were also locked onto their users. Meaning, only the Armored War Gods could use those artifacts. Anyone else who attempted to use them would find themselves unable to activate them. Nagata had demonstrated it to her. The belt would appear and secure the SengokuDriver onto their user. According to Nagata, the GenesisDrivers did not possess this function and thus could be used by anyone.

Another thing he mentioned was that the GenesisDrivers were superior to the SengokuDrivers and considered a more superior version. In fact, the GenesisDrivers required a specific kind of Lockseed to function.

The Lockseeds were also a special artifacts used by the Armored War Gods. Without the Lockseeds, their belts would not be able to generate their armor. The Lockseeds were harvested from a place called Helheim Forest and it was not a place he recommended for a visit. The Helheim Forest wasn't just home to the Lockseeds, but also creatures called Inves that fed on the fruits. Fortunately, the realm of Helheim was separate from Earth.

That did not mean the Inves weren't a danger in this world, though. The Lockseeds could still be used to open portals to that realm and allow the creatures to cross over. Komei had learnt that once when she unlocked her Himawari Lockseed and summoned a tiny Elementary Inves.

Right now, the Elementary Inves was actually helping her out by carrying books. Oddly enough, the little guy was really helpful. However, she made sure to adhere to Nagata's warning. She could not drop her Lockseed after summoning an Inves, lest she lose control of it. It may be docile and obedient now, but if she ever got careless it could turn on her in an instant.

"Thank you," Komei said as she took the books and put them on her table. "You can go home now," she added as she unlocked the Himawari Lockseed. The Inves looked up at her then back at the portal before leaping through. She re-locked her Lockseed, zipping up the portal. Another warning Nagata had given her was to make sure the Inves did not remain too long in their world. They carried the seeds of the Helheim plants and when hungry they would find ways to plant those seeds to grow their food source. Nagata had told her there was a reason why Helheim had taken over an entire world. He did not want this world to suffer the same fate.

Now, back to the Lockseeds. She learnt that the Lockseeds used by the Armored War Gods could be used to summon special armor called Arms with a corresponding weapon to aid them in battle. The Armored War Devils used Energy Lockseeds which were more powerful and could summon armor as well. However, unlike the regular Lockseeds, they lacked a corresponding weapon. Instead, each of the Armored War Devils was armed with a weapon called the Sonic Arrow.

The Armored War Devils had nearly been successful in eliminating the Armored War Gods by sending them away. However, much to Komei and everyone's relief and delight, they had returned from where they were sent to. Though, it had come at a great cost. To return here, they could never return to their home realm ever again.

Still, neither Gaim nor Ryugen seemed upset about being unable to return to their home realm. They had made a home here with them and Komei was glad. It just wasn't the same without them.

Their enemies weren't only the Armored War Devils, but the RinJyuKen Akugata. They were an underground school of villainous martial artists who had given up their humanity for more power. The low level foot soldiers were undead beings called Rinshi who could become stronger beings known as Rinrinshi. The members of this school could access a type of energy known as Rinki to empower themselves and their techniques, turning into monstrous beastman forms to boost their power. For a while now, the RinJyuKen Akugata had been working to bring chaos to the land, attempting to harvest Rinki through the suffering of people.

Fortunately, the Armored War Gods made sure to prevent any of their plans from being realized whenever and wherever they arose. With the new alliances forged with the other warlords and Armored War Gods, they now had a fighting chance to drive back the dark forces. Each of the Armored War Gods which Komei had met were powerful warriors, so there was no doubt in her mind that they would be able to defeat their enemies. They were the symbols of hope and peace in the land.

Although, Komei's thoughts went back to the Celestial Chronicles. The prophecy had yet to be fully realized. Which one of the Armored War Gods was the True Messenger of Heaven?

Nagata couldn't help but sigh in contentment while sitting in his chair in his office. Just being back here in this world made him happy. When he was dragged back to Tokyo by Ukitsu's magic, he had missed everyone. Now he was back here in Touka Village as the Governor of Shoku where he belonged. He didn't even mind the paperwork. Fortunately, there was none today, which allowed him to relax a bit as he just enjoyed the peace and quiet.

"You're awfully relaxed, Nagata-sama," Kanu noted as she came with some tea.

"Well it's been a nice, relaxing slow day," Nagata answered as he took a sip of tea. Kanu placed her hand on his shoulder and moved her face extremely close to his.

"So you have an idea on how you want to spend the day?" she asked flirtatiously.

"I-I do," Nagata answered nervously.

Kanu noticed that tone in his voice. "What is it?"

"I was thinking, m-maybe you and I could go on a date." They had never had their first date. Sure, they had spent time together, but it was mostly while traveling, working in the castle or during training.

Kanu thought about it. She hadn't had much personal time with Nagata, let alone a date. Thinking about it, this could be the perfect opportunity to strengthen their bond. She placed her hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss on the other.

"I would love to," Kanu answered.

Nagata smiled greatly, "OK! Great!"

Unknown to them, a certain blue-haired girl was eavesdropping.

"Now this is interesting," Chou'un smirked.

Iori was doing some archery practice outside. He hadn't missed the target once and smiled in approval. As Iori prepared to fire another arrow, a surprise pat on his shoulder nearly made him misfire. He turned and glared at the perpetrator.

"Yo!" Chou'un greeted with a neutral expression.

"Sei, you nearly made me miss!" Iori snapped. "So, what do you want?"

"Oh, I just came across some very interesting piece of information," Chou'un spoke, smiling.

"Oh?" Iori cocked an eyebrow in mild interest. "What is this interesting piece of information have you come across?"

"Oh, I just learnt that Aisha and Nagata-sama are going on a date," Chou'un reported.

"...That's it?" Iori responded blankly.

"Doesn't that interest you?" Chou'un asked, perplexed by his response.

"Sei, you kinda sound like a gossipping housewife," he remarked.

"Well, Shion isn't here and I needed to tell somebody."

"Why me?" Iori asked as he picked up his bow.

"Well, since it involves a fellow Armored War God, I assumed you'd want to know."

"What Nagata and Aisha do in their free time is none of my business, Sei. If they want to go on a date then let them. Besides, after what happened, I think they deserve to have an uninterrupted date." Chou'un remembered. Iori was talking about the time the Armored War Gods had vanished.

"So, I should just leave them alone?" Chou'un questioned.

"I recommend you just let them have a peaceful date," Iori advised as he picked up an arrow held it against the bowstring. "Furthermore, don't you go and tell anyone else." He turned and saw she was gone. "What the...?"

Kanu was in her room and trying to choose what to wear for her date with Nagata. Even though she was of the age to be courted, she never had much experience with dating. She had always just been a traveling martial artist so that left her little time to socialize or go on dates. She hadn't even met a man that interested her, that was until she met Nagata. She had sworn to serve him but her feelings of loyalty and devotion towards him slowly turned into affection and she fell in love with him.

Oh, he claimed to be plain and average but she knew he was so much more. He was an Armored War God and the Messenger of Heaven but those weren't the reasons she fell in love with him. It was his character that had won her heart. With the power he possessed, he could've used it to conquer the land. Instead, he used it to protect people as a peacekeeper. He was kind and compassionate, strong and courageous, and always strived to do what was right. The people of Shoku loved and respected him too because of the kind of man he was, which was why they made him the governor in the first place.

"What...am I gonna...do...?" he groaned. While Kanu was looking forward to their date, Nagata was instead filled with dread. He had been happy at first when Kanu agreed to go out on a date with him but he actually had no idea what to do on a date. He had never been on a date, ever.

Back home, he wasn't exactly the most attractive nor was he ugly either. However, he was just plain and an otaku to beat. Also, he never really had the confidence to go up to a girl he liked to ask her out. He was afraid of being rejected and humiliated. He was also afraid of what might happen if the girl he was dating found out he was an otaku.

Kanu was nothing like those girls. She had confessed to him, telling him that she loved him. That was a huge deal. He never had a girl confess to him like that. He never even had a girl crushing on him. Kanu, on the other hand, had developed romantic feelings for him during the time they had spent traveling together after their first meeting and he had reciprocated since he felt the same way.

And now they were going on their first official date.

"Gah, how am I supposed to do this!?" yelled Nagata in frustration. He then got the idea to ask the only other person in the castle who was in a relationship.

"You're asking me for dating advice?" Iori asked as he sat with Nagata in the courtyard's gazebo.

"Please, I'm begging you!" Nagata pleaded, his palms pressed together.

"What makes you think I should know anything?" Iori questioned.

"You're married to Shion...and well..."

"OK, I can see your point. Look, I'm no expert but I think that you should both just have fun," Iori said.

"Fun?" questioned Nagata.

"A date is about enjoying each other's company. Take her out to dinner, maybe watch a play or just gaze at the stars," Iori listed. "I heard it's a beautiful night to go stargazing." He remembered showing off his astronomy skills by naming the constellations with Kochu. That had been an enjoyable time.

"So, I just have to show her a good time?" Nagata asked. That sounded pretty simple.

"Yes, that's it," Iori confirmed.

"Thanks, man. I knew I could count on you," smiled Nagata.

"I'm glad to be of help. Look, just don't try too hard, OK? You both already love each other. You're just going to spend time with each other that doesn't involve training, fighting or traveling all over the country," Iori told him.

"So, just be myself?" Nagata asked.

"Isn't that what got her to fall for you in the first place?" Iori responded. Nagata smiled. So, he really had nothing to worry about.

"Right, I should get changed and take a bath. I can't go on a date if I don't freshen up," Nagata decided before leaving Iori. The owner of the Ryugen SengokuDriver watched his friend go with a smile.

"Just find your happiness, Nagata. I know I have," Iori wished his friend luck.

"OK, I took a bath, got some flowers, and dressed up," Nagata checked off his mental checklist as he got ready to knock on Kanu's door. He was in his usual blue outfit with the white haori that had his symbol on it. It was a symbol of his status as both Armored War God and Governor of Shoku. He actually helped the tailor design it. It was a sleeveless, white coat that came down to his knees with blue lining on the inside. It was something for special occasions and a date with Kanu should count as one.

Nagata raised his hand up to the door and gave it a few gentle taps with his knuckles. The door then opened and he prepared to greet Kanu, only to become speechless. Kanu's long and beautiful hair was in its usual side ponytail but she had changed clothes. It was a sleeveless green qipao with a short skirt and decorated by flower prints along the hem. She also wore bracelets as well as white stockings with sandals.

"Greetings, Nagata-sama," Kanu greeted with a smile.

"I...I...I..." Nagata stuttered. Kanu looked stunning. "You...you look amazing..." he breathed out, causing Kanu and Nagata to blush. Meanwhile, down the hallway and around a corner, Chou'un and Bacho were watching.

"Look at them. They're like a couple of virgins," Chou'un grinned in amusement.

"Yeah, they do," Bacho nodded in agreement. Chou'un had told Bacho who was a bit curious about the date. She wanted to know how it was going along. "Say, does Touka know?"

"Oh, I haven't been able to find her," sighed Chou'un. The rosette was probably out playing with the village kids again. She might run into her sworn sister and crush while they were on their date. "So, do you wanna follow them?"

"Sorry, but Tanpopo and I got some training to do," Bacho declined. "Thanks for showing me this, but I suggest you just leave them alone. After all the crap we've been through, they deserve some peace for themselves, right?"

Chou'un considered Bacho's words. When reinforcements had arrived at the imperial capital following the Armored War Gods' disappearance, Chou'un witnessed Kanu's rage and grief at having lost Nagata. They all felt it but Kanu's reaction had been the most severe. She had taken down the enemy without restraint or mercy, completely unlike the warrior she had befriended. She even endured the exhaustion she felt from fighting so many opponents. Once Nagata had returned, Kanu was back to her old self.

"I guess you're right, but I will be asking Aisha about all the juicy details later," smirked Chou'un.

"Eh, whatever. Anyway, I'm going off to train. Later." Chou'un watched the brunette go and shrug. Well, she would leave the couple alone. She would get the info by grilling Kanu later.

"Here, these are for you," Nagata handed the flowers to Kanu who took them.

"These are lovely, Nagata-sama," Kanu smiled.

"Well, just put them in a vase with water. They'll last longer," he suggested.

"I'll do just that," Kanu said before she put the flowers down on her dressing table. She then took hold of Nagata's hand. "Shall we, Nagata-sama?"

"Yes, Aisha," he answered, with a blush and smile. The two left together and Chou'un snickered. Oh, the two of them were just too cute together.

The two walked together in the village, the villagers greeted them. They were just a couple out on a date but the villagers recognized them as the great Black Haired Bandit Hunter General Kanu and the Armored War God of the Ultimate Sword Lord Gaim. They greeted the villagers back, being polite and courteous. Nagata thought back to how he used to be just another face in the crowd back home but now he was famous and a respected authority figure. He had the SengokuDriver to thank for that. It had given him a chance to break free of the limitations of his old life and let him grow.

"Come on, how about we have some lunch first?" Nagata suggested. A nice, romantic lunch. Normally, lunch was noisy with chatter from their friends, but this would just be between the two of them. Unnoticed by the two, Ryuubi had spotted them enter the restaurant in the village. Curious, she followed them in and took a table not too far from them. From the way Kanu and Nagata were interacting, it seemed like the two of them were on a date. Envious, Ryuubi pictured herself in Kanu's place but shook her head. She wasn't going to interfere. However, that didn't mean she couldn't just watch.

The couple ordered ramen with dumplings and enjoyed each other's company.

"We should really do this more often," Kanu spoke.

"Go on dates?" questioned Nagata.

"Yes, it's nice to see the results of our efforts. The villagers are happy. It's also nice to be with you outside of work matters," Kanu explained.

"Well, after this, how about we go out for a ride?" he offered. "You know, just a ride around the province?"

"On your vehicle or a horse?" she asked.

"Well, my Sakura Hurricane is fast but if you would prefer a horse then it's fine too," Nagata replied.

"I'd like that," Kanu smiled.

The two finished their noodles but then Nagata decided to feed one of the dumplings to Kanu. She tried to decline but at his insistence she opened her mouth to take a bite. She then fed him too and giggled at how cute he looked after taking a huge bite, his cheeks bulging like that. Once finished with their food, they drank their tea, paid for their meal, and left.

The two grabbed one of the horses from the stables and led it towards the village gate. The guards greeted them as Kanu and Nagata got on before riding off. Nagata had to practice riding a horse since he joined the Touka Village Army. He did prefer his Sakura Hurricane but he started to appreciate the horses that were used for transportation. They were very friendly animals and he actually got along well with them.

Kanu put her arms around Nagata and leaned her body forward, pressing herself against his back. She closed her eyes and sighed. As a girl she did have crushes. The last crush she had was on the fake Ryuubi. However, he had not been the soulmate she was looking for. Rather, her soulmate was her lord whom she had sworn loyalty to.

Their ride took them to the next village over. As this was within the province of Shoku, the guards were also members of the Shoku Army. They recognized their Lord Gaim and General Kanu before greeting them and letting them enter. The two then handed their horse over to the stable hand to pick up later.

Once more, the couple was greeted by the residents of this village. It wasn't Touka Village, but Nagata had come to help this village against bandits with his army. It joined with the Shoku Faction soon after. They were indeed grateful to have an army to protect them from invading warlords and treacherous bandits.

A clothing shop got Nagata's attention and he led Kanu over to it, "Come on!"

"Where are we going, Nagata-sama?" Kanu asked.

"We're going to try out some new clothes!" he grinned. He wanted to see Kanu in other outfits.

Kanu looked around and found a beautiful white dress which had blue trim, a blue ribbon and a short white jacket over it. "Nagata-sama, I'm going to try this one on."

As Kanu went to try out the dress she had picked, Nagata browsed curiously and saw a counter where several hairpins were set up for display. A gold one, decorated by violets got his attention.

He picked it up and asked the shopkeeper, "Excuse me, how much for this?"

Kanu came out in the changing room in the dress. The dress looked good on her. It fit well and she tied the ribbon around her waist like a belt with the bow in front. She had the jacket on as well.

"Nagata-sama," she called and Nagata was struck speechless again by her appearance. "How...how do I look?" she asked, shyly.

"One more thing," he said. "Do you mind, um, undoing your ponytail?" he asked. Kanu blinked and did as told. Her long black hair fell like a curtain. She was beautiful. Anyone who said she didn't have the beauty of a goddess had to be blind. Recovering, Nagata went and put the hairpin in her hand.

"A hairpin?" she asked, examining it.

"Violets are your favorite flower, right?" he asked and she nodded. "Put it on," he prompted. Kanu put on the hairpin and looked herself in the shop's mirror.

"Ah, Gaim-sama, your wife truly looks beautiful," the shopkeeper praised.

"She's not my..." Nagata started to protest, an automatic response to when people mistook them for a married couple. He then agreed, "Yes, she is." Kanu blushed at Nagata's claim that she was his wife.

Nagata paid for the dress and he told Kanu she should wear it for the rest of the day. She couldn't deny his request. She really did look beautiful. If anyone still doubted her title, well her appearance now would definitely prove she was as beautiful as they say. Though, she didn't care about their opinion. Only her beloved lord's opinion mattered.

Sometimes things went as planned. Sometimes they didn't. The sudden rainstorm definitely wasn't part of the plan.

"It's raining," said Chouhi as she looked out the window. "Nagata-niichan and Aisha-neechan aren't back yet."

"Don't worry, Rinrin. They should be back soon," Komei reassured her friend.

"Why didn't they bring me along?" Chouhi frowned.

"Well, they just wanted to spend time together. They do love each other," Komei explained.

"And I love them too!" Komei shook her head. Chouhi was still just so innocent. The love Nagata and Kanu shared was more of the romantic kind of love, like the ones Komei read in her books. Though, those books she kept as a secret from her friends. The content was rather risque. Oh, Chouhi would never understand but Chou'un would tease her all about it.

Kanu wasn't the only one who loved Nagata. Ryuubi claimed she did as well and Chouhi loved him like an older brother. Chou'un would tease and playfully seduce him and Bacho treated him like a good buddy. Even Kochu cared about him and Iori considered Nagata a good friend and brother-in-arms.

Komei, well, she had a bit of a crush on the blue Armored War God herself. She admired him and that admiration had grown the longer she got to know him. Even with such power which would allow him to conquer others quite easily, he chose to use that power to protect people. It was that trait that adhered Komei to him and she vowed to be the best strategist and advisor she could be. Though, sometimes, she couldn't help but blush and go 'Hawawa' whenever he praised her and patted her head. She always liked it when he praised her. It made her feel warm on the inside.

Nagata and Kanu were in a room of an inn in the village they were in. The rain had fallen quite suddenly and both of them got soaked. It was worse for Kanu since her white dress became transparent. Fortunately, Nagata used his haori to save her dignity by covering her in it.

"That rain really came out of nowhere," Nagata remarked as he looked out the window.

"And the dress you bought for me was ruined," she told him. Nagata looked away. The dress was wet and white so now it was practically transparent and he could see her underwear. She was wearing a set of blue bra and panties.

"I'll wait outside for you to change," he said as he stepped out of the room. He took in a deep breath. Now they were alone, in an inn, away from their friends and she was getting undressed just behind the door. Sounded like a scenario out of an eroge his friend Daigo mentioned from back home. Also, Daigo added that the protagonist and the girl he chose would have sex right about now. It was a Flag, he said.

But Kanu wasn't a game character. She was a person whom he came to love and respect. He couldn't take advantage of her like that, hormones be damned.

"I'm done," Kanu called and Nagata breathed a sigh of relief before joining Kanu. She was back in the qipao she had worn earlier for their date but her hair was still down. She was drying it with a towel. "Shouldn't you get changed too, Nagata-sama? You did buy new clothes."

"Yeah, I did," he recalled buying a couple of new outfits. "You know, it'll be pretty late once the rain stops. Maybe we should have dinner here."

"Yes, we should," Kanu agreed.

"Sorry about the rain, though," he apologized.

"You can do many things, Nagata-sama, but predicting the weather is not one of them," she joked.

"Right...so, I'm gonna get changed."

"Then I will leave the room to let you change," she nodded before leaving him alone. Nagata sighed. He then removed his damp clothing to dry himself and then get changed. He grabbed a plain blue tunic with black pants before slipping them on. He then put on a sash and stored away his SengokuDriver and Lockseeds. He never went anywhere without them. Even if their province was safe from bandits, he felt reassured by carrying the items with him.

"OK, I'm done," he said to her and she came back inside.

"Hold on," she said and she went to adjust his collar. "Alright, now it's better." Nagata smiled. Kanu was always there at his side to help him. Sometimes she would make sure to remind him that he had work to do at times but also kept him company whenever he needed a companion to talk to. Running an entire province as its governor was not easy, but at least he had help now.

Funny how fate arranged his life. He used to be a normal high school student in modern Tokyo. He worked at his parents restaurant and took kendo classes. Now he was a hero and protector that was worshipped by many.

His parents probably missed him since he vanished but this world needed him more. Even if it meant he would never be able to go back to his own world, he didn't have any sort of regrets. His parents should be alright without him. Hopefully, they were proud of his decision.

"Look, the rain's stopped," Kanu pointed out and Nagata blinked before stepping over to the window. As the rain began to stop, he spotted a rainbow in the sky and smiled.

"What a beautiful view," he remarked.

"A rainbow after a gloomy rain," agreed Kanu. "It's quite the sight, isn't it?"

"It is," he agreed. In his world, people rarely appreciated such simple things. He came to learn how to appreciate things like rainbows and the sight of the sky filled with stars. Come to think of it, he hadn't actually taken the time to enjoy the sight of the stars. Maybe he could arrange something.

"Hey, Aisha," he spoke, drawing her attention again.

"Yes, Nagata-sama?" she asked. He kissed her again.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The couple went downstairs to have dinner in the inn's dining room. As they waited for their food, they decided to have a conversation. Kanu was curious about his experience-his trial. All he told them was that the Armored War Gods had been returned to their own world and were forced to make a choice. Obviously, his choice was to return. However, he had not explained what exactly he had done there.

"Nagata-sama, can I ask you a question?" Kanu asked.

"Sure, but only if you answered mine," he requested.

"You can ask me anything," she allowed.

"I know, but this might just be a personal question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to," he told her.

"Then ask," she prompted.

"What made you want to be a bandit hunter?" he asked and Kanu's eyes widened before she sighed. "Is something wrong?"

"It happened a long time ago. When I was a little girl, my home was raided by bandits. My older brother managed to hide me under the bed and told me to keep quiet. I heard a struggle and..." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she finished, "I lost my entire family that night."

Nagata instantly regretted asking her and reached over to cup her chin, "I'm so sorry...I never knew..."

"It's alright, Nagata-sama. It happened a long time ago," she said. "I just never told anyone before."

"You didn't have to tell me if it was so painful."

"I wanted to tell you and because of that night I vowed that I would not allow anyone else to suffer," she told him. Nagata now understood Kanu's motivation. She knew the pain of losing loved ones and she didn't want anyone else to feel that pain. She fought bandits for the sake of justice and had a noble heart. "But now I have a new family. I will not forget the family that I have lost but I will protect the family I have now," she declared firmly.

"I think your family, bless their souls, will be proud of the woman you've become," Nagata stated honestly. She was awesome. It was like the stories of the Kamen Riders. Many of them became heroes after a great tragedy. Shiro Kazami, for example, had lost his entire family. In order to avenge them, he became Kamen Rider V3. Haruto Souma also survived a tragedy, being the only survivor of the Sabbath which killed many Gates and created Phantoms. He survived with hope. Shotaro Hidari became a Rider after losing his mentor to seek justice as well.

"Thank you, Nagata-sama. Now, can you tell me about your own experience?" Kanu asked. He hadn't gone into much detail so she wanted to know.

It was Nagata's turn now. "I was back home and reunited with my friends and family," he confessed. "When I saw my mother again, I gave her a hug because I missed her. Funny thing is, I wasn't gone for very long in her perspective. For her, it had been only hours. For me, it had been much, much longer. Though, even when I was back home, it just wasn't the same. Something was missing."

"What was missing?" Kanu asked.

"You," he said, looking up at her. "All of you. I've grown attached to this world and I couldn't let you go from my heart."

"Oh...that must've been difficult," she said sympathetically to him and he nodded.

"I spent days there, thinking about you. Dreaming about you. When I woke up, I realized you weren't there. It hurt, a lot," he confessed. "One day, I decided to go back to the place where it all started. I met the other Armored War Gods there too."

"Then what happened?" she asked.

"Apparently, Duke couldn't leave us alone so he had Kenma, grandmasters of the RinJyuKen, sent to our world to finish us off. Chosen also showed up to help us make a decision. We beat the Kenma and came back to you all," he finished.

"You gave up your chance of going back home to return to us," she realized. "Wasn't it a difficult choice?"

"Yes it was, but it was worth it. I just had to come back to where I was needed. I had to come back to you and everyone else," he stated.

Kanu was touched by his selflessness. He could've just stayed in his world and be free from fighting in a war. Instead, he chose to return. As he had asked her a personal question regarding her motives, she decided to ask one of her own.

"Nagata-sama, can I ask you about your parents?" Kanu asked.

"Well, my dad's the chef at our family restaurant," Nagata smiled as he answered. "He was the one who taught me how to cook. As for my mom, well, let's just say she's the sweetest person you'll ever know. She's always ready to show affection to the people she loves. Just don't mess with her hair."

"Her hair?" Kanu blinked and ran her hand through her own hair.

"Oh, she told me that when she was in school, she got into a lot of fights. One time, some jerk made the mistake of grabbing her hair. You couldn't even recognize him after she was through with him," Nagata described.

"Your mother sounds frightening..." Kanu remarked with a sweat drop.

"Yeah, touch her hair and she'll kill you," Nagata warned playfully. "She was the one who taught me how to fight besides my teacher." While Tsukahara-sensei had taught Nagata kendo, Yang had taught him unarmed combat techniques. That way he could still fight even without his weapons. Nagata noted that Kanu took care of her hair like his mother usually did. While his mother was a blonde, Kanu had silky black hair. He wondered how she took care of it. "You know, if you could meet her, I'm sure you'll get along."

"I wish I could meet her too."

"So do I."

After dinner, the couple returned to Touka Village. As they stood in front of the castle, they shared a few more words.

"Thank you for taking me out today," Kanu said gratefully.

"Thank you for going out with me today," he replied.

"I really enjoyed myself."

To conclude their date, Kanu and Nagata shared a kiss. When they entered the castle, they spotted Ryuubi and Chou'un who went up to them to ask about their date.

"Welcome back, Nagata-sama, Aisha. How was your date?" Ryuubi asked.

"How did you know about that?" Kanu questioned, surprised.

"Oh, I saw you both together," Ryuubi answered.

"So, did the two of you do anything intimate?" Chou'un asked suggestively.

"It's not really your business," Nagata retorted.

"Oh, come on. I want to hear all the juicy details," begged Chou'un.

"I don't kiss and tell," he defended.

"Ah, so kissing was involved," Chou'un smirked. She turned to Kanu, "So, Aisha. How much kissing did you both do?"

"And is he a good kisser?" Ryuubi added.

The Ultimate Sword watched in amusement as Ryuubi and Chou'un interrogated Kanu. The poor girl was blushing in embarrassment as she tried to answer their questions the best she could. She looked to him for help and he shrugged.

"Just endure it," he advised.

Later, Kanu took a bath and got ready for bed. The hairpin Nagata had bought her was kept safely in a jewelry box. As he had bought it for her, it quickly became one of her most cherished possessions. It was the first present he had bought for her on their first date and she looked forward to more in the future.

A few days later, Nagata summoned everyone and asked them to come to the courtyard at night. Blankets with food and beverages were laid out on the ground and Nagata explained that it was a star-viewing party. The night's sky was full of twinkling stars and it just seemed like a good idea. Nobody objected, especially since there was wine and good food served for all that attended.

Nagata sat down, gazing up at the stars. Chouhi sat down on his lap as she gazed up at the stars with him while Kanu and Ryuubi took their places next to him. Kanu sat on his right while Ryuubi sat on his left. Chou'un, Komei, Bacho and Batai also took their places. Nearby sat Iori with Kochu and Riri.

As Nagata took a sip of wine, he smiled as he was grateful at how his life had turned out. He had given up a plain and boring life for danger and adventure. Sure, it had its boring days since he needed to do paperwork and run the province, but he was fulfilling his life instead of just going with the motions.

The plan to get rid of the Armored War Gods had failed. However, Ukitsu managed to gain at least something from the failed plan. The Crucial Keys was able to gather the negative energy coming from the anguish of the people after they thought they had lost the Armored War Gods. While their enemies still remained, the Crucial Keys had grown much stronger. At least Ukitsu didn't end up empty handed.

The plan had been simple. Chojo had persuaded Totaku to hold a tournament to gather all the Armored War Gods in one place. Then, Bujin Gaim would confront Gaim, prompting the other Armored War Gods to intervene. After that, the Genesis Riders would appear and defeat the Armored War Gods before Ukitsu sent them away.

The disappearance of the Armored War Gods would serve as a catalyst, prompting the factions to retaliate. If the plan had worked, the Go, Gi, En, To and Shoku Factions would've been wiped out completely. Ukitsu had even sent the Kenma as extra assurance to prevent the Armored War Gods from ever interfering.

However, and unfortunately for the Genesis Riders and RinJyuKen Akugata, the Armored War Gods managed to return. Not only did they defeat the massive army of Rinshi, but they had been able to drive off the Genesis Riders. That was why Ukitsu, Saji, Diaochan, Shishi, Nise and Shirokumahime were gathered together.

"Our previous plan was met with failure," Ukitsu reminded his cohorts.

"I think we need to first get rid of unneeded weight. Let's get rid of this idiot," commented Shishi while he pointed at Nise. The man who had stolen Ryuubi's identity glowered. He wasn't even granted the honor of using his true name. As punishment and humiliation, he was given the alias 'Nise' (fake).

"Do not give me that! As I recall, you didn't do any better!" Nise argued.

"At least we lasted longer than you! Oh, and we managed to beat them the first time while you cowered like a bitch!"

"Why you..." growled Nise as he clenched his Blood Orange Lockseed tightly.

"You wanna fight? Bring it on!" challenged Shishi as he took out his own Energy Lockseed.

"Enough!" Shirokumahime shouted at the two who stopped fighting when they heard her shout. "If you want to fight, do it outside. Also, Nise, may I remind you that you owe this group your life. If Ukitsu had not convinced us to let you live, you would've ended up a low level Rinshi."

Nise bowed his head. Oh, he remembered that day vividly. That was the day he had almost lost his life.

"Please! Please don't kill me! I'll do anything! Anything!" shouted the fake Ryuubi as he pleaded for his life. However, as he had been found out to be an imposter and abandoned his true name to gain fame, he was instead given the name 'Nise' which meant 'fake' for his failure. However, names had no meaning for someone in his position. He had his chance and blew it because of arrogance and pride. Now, he would have to face eternity as a voiceless, faceless Rinshi.

He was on his knees, facing the Femme Fatales. Around him stood four Rinshi with spears. His execution would be a slow and painful one as the Rinshi were ordered to stab him to death. At least, his terror and feeling of helplessness will provide them with some Rinki to add to their already abundant collection.

Fortunately, fate worked in funny ways. Just as Nise was about to be executed, Ukitsu made his presence known, emerging from the shadows with the Crucial Keys wrapped in his arm. The Femme Fatales who had come to witness Nise's execution looked towards the sorcerer with interest.

"Why are you here, Ukitsu?" Takahime asked.

"Well, I was just coming for a visit when I saw that you were going to execute this gentleman," Ukitsu pointed.

"He is a loose end we decided to deal with. He does not concern you," claimed Shirokumahime.

"Perhaps not, but I sense something in him. He has a drive to prove himself. I believe his latest failure will drive him to do more if he was given another chance," Ukitsu argued.

"Unfortunately, he is a weakling and a fool," pointed out Shachihime.

"...Useless..." spoke Hyohime.

"He only has his looks, which means nothing in the grand scheme of things," finished Hebihime. She was looking forward to Nise's execution. It would've been a great show to see.

"How about you give him to me? I can turn him into something useful," promised Ukitsu. The Femme Fatales looked to each other and whispered. Nise was sweating bullets. It was literally a life or death situation for him. Finally, the Femme Fatales finished and made their decision.

Shirokumahime spoke, "We will release him into your custody, Ukitsu. Make sure he can make up for his mistakes as he works with your group."

"Thank you for being merciful," bowed Ukitsu.

Ukitsu teleported himself and Nise away from the RinJyuKen's base and into a more pleasant venue. They appeared in a fine mansion. Where it was located, Nise didn't know but at that moment he didn't care. All that mattered was that he was still alive.

"Walk this way," Ukitsu instructed.

"Thank you! You really saved me!" Nise said gratefully as he followed Ukitsu.

"Think nothing of it. I just thought you deserved a second chance, that is all," Ukitsu told him.

"But thanks a lot. I would've been killed and turned into one of those things if you hadn't saved me," Nise reminded him.

"Well, it is what you deserve for failing so spectacularly," Ukitsu replied.

"It's all that damn Gaim's fault!" declared Nise hatefully. "He had to ruin everything! If it weren't for him, I would be a general in the Imperial Forces and have Kanu Unchou as my woman!"

"Gaim, the Armored War God of the Ultimate Sword. He and his brothers have been causing a lot of trouble for the RinJyuKen Akugata," Ukitsu acknowledged.

"So, are you a member of the RinJyuKen?" Nise asked.

"No, but their group and ours are all aiming for a common goal," Ukitsu answered.

"What goal is that?" asked Nise as they reached a door at the end of the hallway.

"To change the world," Ukitsu informed him as he pushed the door open. In the room stood Saji, Diaochan and Shishi.

"Who are you people?" Nise asked and one by one Ukitsu and his partners revealed their GenesisDrivers. "What are those?"

"These belts are similar to the ones used by the Armored War Gods but are of a more superior design," claimed Ukitsu. "As you will join us, you will be receiving your own belt as well." Ukitsu reached into his sleeve and offered Nise a blank SengokuDriver. Nise took it and gazed at it. "Put it on, and don't worry. I assure you that it will accept you."

Nise didn't argue as he placed the SengokuDriver on and instantly the Rider Indicator flashed with an illustration which resembled Gaim's but with black twisting designs and red haze surrounding it. The belt strap wrapped around his waist. Ukitsu then presented Nise with a Lockseed which resembled Gaim's Orange Lockseed, only it was blood red with black flame-like patterns on it.

"Go on. Try it out," prompted Ukitsu.

"This power..." grinned Nise eagerly as he unlocked it.

The Lockseed spoke in a dark voice, [BLOOD ORANGE!]

The Helheim portal opened above Nise, surprising him. He then looked at the Lockseed and locked it into his SengokuDriver.


Nise grinned sinisterly as he pushed down the Cutting Blade, "Henshin."

A loud dark guitar riff played as the belt announced, [BLOOD ORANGE ARMS! JA NO MICHI ON STAGE!]

Once the armor fully formed, Nise looked at the mirror hanging on the wall. He looked almost exactly like Gaim, save for the colors.

"Welcome to our group," Ukitsu greeted the newly born Armored War Devil. "Now what will you call yourself?"

"I look like a blood-soaked Gaim. Therefore, call me Bloody Gaim," Nise answered.

"Now we have more serious matters to discuss," Shirokumahime continued.

"Indeed Shirokumahime," agreed Ukitsu. "We need all the help we can get if we are to complete our objective. First order of business: as you may remember, the Armored War Gods nearly defeated us even though we were using power that was far superior over theirs."

"They got lucky," Shishi hissed.

"Luck had nothing to do with it. The Armored War Gods had insight on our armors, weapons and abilities," Saji retorted.

Diaochan continued, "Indeed. Although we are more powerful than them, they make up for it with experience and their knowledge from the Heavens. We underestimated them and it will only be a matter of time before they overpower us."

Ukitsu agreed, "That is correct Diaochan, we need to plan new tactics if we are ever to succeed."

"So any suggestions?" Shirokumahime asked.

"We gather information. We study our enemies and look for weaknesses we can exploit. We should also use every advantage we possess," Saji held up a Lockseed and unlocked it, opening the portal to Helheim.

"That forest's secrets should be of use to us once we uncover what they are," spoke Shirokumahime. There was something distinctive alive and mysterious about the forest, like it was more than it seemed and hiding more than it let on.

Ukitsu concluded, "For now let us focus on a current plan I'm working on. Our agent on the inside has already started the first phase of usurping control from the Imperial Court."

KRC: The first chapter of Season 4 begins with Kanu and Nagata going out on a date. However, the enemy is also planning something and in fact it's not going to be good since Chojo is apparently working with them. What does she plan to do and is Totaku in danger? Oh, and a few changes. I know I called Nise's Rider form Bujin Gaim in the last season. Well, he never actually called himself Bujin Gaim. That was what Nagata identified him as. It was the name of the suit, which is exactly like Bujin Gaim. In fact, you can say it was downright identical. However, since 'Bujin' translates 'War God', it would've been 'Armored War God War God Gaim'. So, in this chapter, we learn that his Rider name is Bloody Gaim.

Newsflash, Nise. Giving yourself a badass name doesn't change the fact that you're a wimpy and lame copycat. You don't even deserve the name 'Bujin'. So, Bloody Gaim, you're going to bleed soon.

TFP: And the next adventure of the Armored War Gods begins. We see how everyone is readjusting to the return of their beloved Gaim as well as the challenges which are just waiting in the wings. We also finally see Kanu and Nagata finally deepen their relationship where duty and perhaps a remaining bit of insecurity kept them from attempting it.

We also see the origins of Gaim's doppelganger and how Nise received that power. Frankly the man has shown his violent side by giving himself a bloody name, but also revealing how simple he was by copying Gaim's. It makes sense though, since Gaim has managed to achieve everything Nise wanted, he wishes to take Nagata's place.

Next Time...


"Please, don't scream, my dear boy," Chosen advised.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" shouted Mitsuki.

"I'm here to show you something," Chosen told him as he reached behind his back.

"KEEP THE FUCKING THONG ON!" Mitsuki yelled.

"Ta-da~!" Chosen presented Mitsuki with his gifts, causing Mitsuki to stare at them in wonder.