Hello! I hope you like the end to this Holiday Story.


Ezra awoke with a jolt, and pain surged over him. He was lying on the ground, and slowly he recalled what had happened. Kallus had tried to kill him. But how did he find him? He was not anywhere near- The ship!

The thought occurred to Ezra and it jolted him out of the haze he was in. What if Kallus had gotten to the other members of the crew? What if they were all dead?

Ignoring his injuries, Ezra pulled himself up and though the pain that it caused and ran as fast as possible to the ship. He needed to know if his friends were okay.

He ran, and when he saw The Ghost in one piece, he let out a small breath. He continued running up into the ship. He had to make sure they were okay. He ran up the ramp, and through the halls, and was about to run straight to the cockpit, when a loud yell stopped him.

"Surprise!" Ezra stopped dead in his tracks, and looked around. He was in the same room as before, but everything had changed. The whole crew was there, and there were colorful ribbons placed around the room. He saw a big pot and bowls, meaning that Hera had probably cooked something for all of them. He looked up to the crew's faces, which turned from happy to confusion very quickly. Looking down at himself, he figured out why.

His knees were scrapped because of a giant hole right where his knee was. There were cuts all over him, showing places where a small bit of the blaster had got him. The main injury was his left arm. As he looked at it, he realized that it was hanging at an awkward angle, and that he had no control over it. He did not even want to know what his face looked like. All of the pain suddenly came rushing back to him, and feeling faint from running all the way here despite his pain, he stumbled.

Kanan was immediately there to catch him. He could faintly hear him barking orders. Maybe they were directed at him, maybe not. He did not care anymore; he was too tired to care. He slowly drifted to sleep.


"He's coming!" Kanan yelled, having sensed Ezra's presence on the ship. He could feel the kid coming closer and closer – but something was wrong. His emotions were filled with worry. Kanan was confused. What could have possibly made the kid feel-?

He got his answer when the doors opened.


There stood Ezra, relief in his eyes as well as confusion. He looked around as if nothing was wrong, staring at the decorations. Soon enough, he made eye contact with Kanan, and he knew his padawan could see the worry on his face. As he looked down at his injuries, so did Kanan. He looked like he got run over by a heard of Banthas. There was dirt all over his face and hands, as well as blood, and his left arm looked contorted. Kanan started walking towards Ezra to get a better look at him, but before he could, the kid's face turned pale and he began to stumble forward, completely unable to control his body. Kanan rushed over and caught him just in time.

"Zeb, go get the bandages from the infirmary. Sabine, get some water. Chopper, put your taser away! Hera, help me get him in bed."

He looked up at Hera, who looked shocked at Ezra's limp body lying in Kanan's arms. She ran over and kneeled down, and helped Kanan pick the kid up.


Ezra opened his eyes, and looked around at his surroundings. He was in his room, lying in bed. He noticed the arm sling first. It was white and cradled his left arm against his body. He could feel some bandages around his knees as well.

He sat up, and jumped down off of the top of the bunk. He regretted his decision as soon as he hit the ground, as pain surged from his knees. He winced and crouched down, waiting for it to pass. Gathering his strength, he stood up, and walked out of his room. He went back to where he last remembered he was, hoping to find some answers. As he walked in, two faces looked up at him. Kanan and Hera sat, resting their elbows on the table.

The stood up, looking in concern at Ezra.

"Umm…hi," Ezra said, feeling slightly awkward.

"Ezra, what are you doing out of bed?" Hera asked, and went over to him, assessing if any bandages had gotten lose.

"But while you're up, can I ask a question?" Kanan said, as Hera gave him a look. Ezra looked at Kanan, already knowing the question.


"What happened?" Kanan asked, and they both looked at him. Ezra wanted to tell them, but he knew they would be worried. Taking a breath, he started to talk.

"I was walking around Lothal, and three speeders snuck up on me," he started, but when he looked at Kanan, he was getting a weird look.

"Speeders snuck up on you?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well, I wasn't exactly paying attention," he replied with a sheepish look on his face. He then continued. "And they might have kind of thrown a bomb at me."

"What!?" Shouted both of them at the same time.

"I'm okay though. I outran the blast," Ezra said, "Or, most of it anyway."

The adults were speechless. Kanan, shaking off how reckless his padawan was, reached down and brought up a present.

"Ezra, we wanted to celebrate with you. Or, we were going to, until you ran in looking like a complete disaster." Kanan said, handing him the gift. Ezra took it, but a look of hesitance reflected on his face. Kanan picked up on this pretty fast.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. It's just-" Ezra paused, gathering his thoughts. "I can't accept this."

"What do you mean?" Hera asked, a little hurt after spending about an hour trying to find something he might like.

"I mean, I don't want anything. I don't need anything," he corrected himself. "I've celebrated this day eight times without my parents. Doing it now, it..it would just feel weird." He put the present back on the table in front of Kanan.

"Ezra – I know you had a hard time having to grow up so fast on your own. And I know that you're afraid of changing back to the old you – when your parents were still around." Kanan said, as Ezra shifted nervously from foot to foot. "But right here, right now, you're with us. And we're your family."

Kanan looked at Ezra, who finally looked up from his feet. "I know." He said, and smiled. Just then Sabine and Zeb walked in, looking anxious.

"So- can we eat or what?" Zeb asked.

"Ezra, you have to try Hera's soup. It's the best in the Galaxy." Sabine said, as she picked up a stack of bowls and started passing them out.

"Why, thank you Sabine," Hera said, and smiled at the compliment. She started giving out the soup, and just the smell made Ezra's mouth water. He figured that Kanan was right. He should not have to worry about the stuff he had to before. After all, he was just a kid.

And he had a family now.

It was not perfect, but it was his. And that was good enough for him.


Happy Holidays!

~ Kavella ~