Disclaimer: I do not own or make any profit off of Yu-Gi-Oh

The lyrics in this belong to Hoobastank

Song: Crawling in the Dark

I'll probably only make the first chappie a song fic! But if you want more I'll do more.

Warning: Yaoi, blood, violence, swearing, OOC ness. IF YOU DON'T LIKE Then DON'T READ PLEASE!!!!! Enjoy! ^__^

{I will dedicate and sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth of how my story's ending.}

Yugi walked down the long dark street, his hair and clothes were matted with dried and fresh blood. His eyes were downcast and distant, like life just didn't matter anymore, and to him it didn't.

Coming around a corner he caught sight of Sakura Park, the park where Anzu had rejected him only around four hours ago. Instead of turning away he walked slowly and limping into the park. His leg was badly injured due to his 'best friend' Jou when he kicked him down the stairs at Domino High School.

~*~*~ Flashback

"Yugi, cant you get through your head that Anzu doesn't like you!" Jou was screaming at the top of his lungs at the small innocent angel who had tears in his eyes.

"I, I'm sor-," was all Yugi could get out before Jou cut him off.

"Don't lie to me! Gods, you can be so damn childish Yugi. I am really disappointed in you, I though maybe you did finally grow up." Jou had hate in his eyes that Yugi had never seen before and he began to feel himself back away from the taller teen. 'What is this all for?' Yugi thought. 'All I did was ask her out and she declined, why is Jou so angry?' Before Yugi could say anything to his angry friend Jou's foot smashed into Yugi's small chest and he went flying down the stairs. He heard a sickening crack as his leg came in contact with the hard floor at the bottom.

Jou just glared at the broken form of the small angel. "I don't want you botherin Anzu any more ya hear? And pick yourself up, you're so damn pathetic." Then he left and nothing more was spoken.

Amazingly however Yugi did haul himself off the round and agonizingly limped his way out of the school, blood dripping from his leg and a cut on his head. Dropping his backpack somewhere along the way.

~*~*~ End

{And I wish I could know if the directions that I take and all the choices I make won't end up all for nothing.}

The angel came to a swing and painfully sat down. There was no one that would come to him now, and it was his entire fault. 'If I wasn't so damn small and weak, then maybe I'd know where to go, where to belong.' He took a deep sigh and closed his eyes tightly and tried to think of better things, but could not.

{Show me what it's for. Make me understand it. I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer, is there something more than what I've been handed?}

Yami had told him that he was depending on him too much, so he took away the puzzle and hung around with Honda, Ryou, and Bakura who were now an official couple. But maybe Yugi was depending on him too much, it was apparent that he needed it though, couldn't even protect himself from his so-called friends.

{I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer.}

Suddenly the clouds began to cover the sky and the rain began to pour down. But Yugi didn't move, he didn't want to, this was his punishment for being so weak, so defenseless.

{Help me carry on. Assure me it's okay to use my heart and not my eyes to navigate the darkness.}

Yugi didn't know how long he was sitting there, but the sky kept growing darker and his body began to shiver unconsciously. The street lights soon came on, illuminating the area. Yugi hardly noticed, his eyes where beginning to become blurry and his leg was in immense pain. ' If I die, what will happen? Will anyone care? Probably not, they don't need someone so worthless as I.'

{Will the ending ever be coming suddenly? Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?}

Slowly the small angel's eyes began to close.

{Show me what it's for. Make me understand it. I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer.}

Darkness cover Yugi's mind as his limp and unconscious body slipped forward off of the swing.

{Is there something more then what I've been handed? I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer.}

Suddenly a black limousine stopped abruptly at the street corner near the park. A tall figure rushed quickly out of it and ran towards the broken boy.

"Yugi! Yugi! Gods answer me!" Seto Kaiba screamed. His pulse was beating fast as he checked the rain-drenched boy over.

{So when and how will I know?.... How much further do I have to go?}

Mokuba jumped out of the limo after Seto with an umbrella in his hand.

"Big brother, is Yugi okay?" Mokuba's eyes were filled with tears as Kaiba checked the boys pulse.

"Yeah, but just barley. We need to get him to a hospital! Tell that to the driver, I'll get Yugi." Seto's brother nodded and ran back to the limo with speed he didn't even know he had.

{How much longer until I finally know?}

Picking up the limp boy Seto made his way back to the limo and carefully cradled the wounded boy in his lap. Mokuba held tightly onto his big brothers hand as he smile reassuringly at him.

'I'm going to have a long talk with Yami,' was all Seto could think about.

{Because I'm looking and I just can't see what's in front of me! In front of me!}

An unconscious Yugi was unaware of the circumstances as the limo rushed to the hospital.


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