The Summer

Note: I'm sorry for the ones who were big fans of my crossover between Star Fox and Transformers, but it didn't make any sense to me, cause Corneria don't have F-16 or those cars. So I decided to make an new crossover between "Transformers" and "My Little Pony Equestria Girls", cause there are many stories with this two franchises and make more sense. The story happends after "MLP EG: Rainbow Rocks and the looks of some Transformers are from Animated and Universe (the online game who will be shut down in 2015). Please enjoy, coment and, once again, sorry for "Transformers Star Fox".

Is once more beutifull day in Canterlot High School. Sun is shining, the birds are singin...Like just an normal day, but today was an especial day for the students. Inside of a classroom is the students having their last class of Math and some of them are always looking every five seconds. Between the students there is an girl with a long red and yellow hair, blue eyes and orange skin: is Sunset Shimer. She, with the rest of the class, was excited for the end of the class. Suddenly, the ring bell. Everyone begin to pack up everything in their backpacks and begin to get out of the class. While Sunset walk in the direction of the exit, many students say "Bye, Sunset Shimmer!" or "See you in this days, Shimmer". Much thing change since the Battle of The Bands, when she and her friends defeated the Dazzlings, an group of Sirens from Equestria. When Sunsent was in the outside, she heard an familiar voice calling for her.

"Sunset Shimmer!" she heard.

Sunset look and saw her best friends wainting for her: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Pinkie waved her hand really fast so Sunset could see her. Sunset smile and approaches of her friends.

"Ready for Summer, Sunset?" asked Applejack. That is why everybody is so happy today: it was the begining of the Summer's holidays, wich means no more classes tomorrow until September. "Yes, AJ, I more ready than ever." say Sunset "But first I need to send a message to Twilight."

"Don't worry, dear." say Rarity "We got all time of the world now."

While her friends going to their homes to prepare for the holidays, Sunset Shimmer walk all the way to her home. During her walk, Sunset saw many cars, buses and other She begins to think that now her holidays begin, she would need something to take she and her friends to somewhere else. After she arrived to her home, she pick up an brown book and sit in her sofa. With her book open, Sunset Shimmer begin to write her three favorite words: Dear Princess Twilhight...

Between time and space, in another dimension, there is a world called Equestria. This world is looks like Earth, but is inhabited by ponies of diferents colors and size. Some can fly, other are strong and there are some who do magic with their horns, but the most powerful ponies of all are the Alicorns, ponies who are half Pegasus, the flyers, and half Unicorns, the magic ones. Once there were only three Alicorns: Princess Celestia, the Princess of the Sun, Princess Luna, the Princess of the Moon, and Princess Cadance, the Princess of Love and Ruler of the Crystal Empire. But last months appears another Alicorn know as Twilight Sparkle, formal student of Celestia and actual Princess of Friendship. In Ponyville, the city where Twilight and her friends live together, is an shiny castel where was once the library. Inside of the Castle of Friendship, the name of Twilight's new home, there were six ponies talking about their things: they are the Mane 6. Suddendly, Twilight hear something vibrating. She turn back and saw Sunset Shimmer's book shinning. With her magic, Twilight levitate the book and bring it next to her

"What is the problem, Twi?" ask Rainbow Dash "Somethings wrong?"

Twilight finish to read Sunset's message and smile. "Don't worry, Dash." she say while she look to her blue friend "Is just Sunset Shimmer saying that her classes are over in the human world and she and the others will begin their holidays soon. Oh and she say that she will buy an car to herself."

"Holidays?! I love holidays!" say Pinkie Pie jumping at the same time, but then stop when she heard the word 'car' "Ummmmm...What's a car?"

"It's some kind of vehicles that humans use for long trips." say the purple unicorn "They use it all the time."

"Humans create some strange things, I can tell ya." say AJ "They sound very smart to do tha' things."

"Of course they are and they are a good species." say the purple princess "I hope I don't have much thing to do in this days and visit them for a while."

"My, my...Are you still thinking about that human boy, Flash?" asked Rarityn with an smile in her face. This question made Twilight blush a lot. "W-What?!" she say "N-No! M-Maybe..."

All the ponies in the room begin to laught and the only thing that Twilight could do is to show her friends a smile and blush more.

In the human dimension, Sunset Shimmer was heading for an stand to buy her first car. She was happy, cause she pass in the drive test and she have money enough to bu an car. When she get closer to the stand, Sunset saw something weird in the sky: an dark blue drone was overflying over the city. Sunset raise her eyebrown and asked herself what was an drone doing in the city. Suddendly, the drone fly to the oposite direction oof Sunset. "Okay...That was weird." she say. Forgeting about this strange moment, Sunset enter in the stand and a blue man with a beard attend Shimmer.

"Hi, kid. My name is Bob McFly and welcome to my stand." say the man "So what do you want for today girl? I got new things and we are in sale."

"Thank you, , but I'm just looking for something...normal." say Sunset, rubing the back of her head.

"Well 'normal' is my midle name, girl." say McFly "Folow me, please."

After minutes and minutes, Bob show to Sunset lots of cars, but noe of them was good enough to her. Suddendly, Sunset's eye find something interesting for her. She aproched to an yellow car with black lines in on his paint. "This car...looks amazing!" she say when she put her hand in the hood "Hom much cost ?"

"Sorry?" ask Bob, while aproching to Sunset. "This car is perfect! I'll take it!" she say with a big smile.

Bob begin to rubing the back of his head. "Hummm...Sunset right?" he ask "Well I hate to say this, but I never see this car."

"What do you mean?" ask Sunset, raising her eyebrown. "Is the first time I see it. It's like he just he appear with magic." answer Bob.

To Sunset, magic was very real, since she came from an magical world from another Universe, but to humans, magic is just tricks and child's thing. "But can I still buy it?"

Bob begin to think for a little. "I tell you what: I sell you for $50." he say after some seconds thinking. "No, no, no, no!" say Sunset "I don't acept nothing very high. I buy it for $25." she say

"Deal." say Bob, while he and Sunset shake their hands. She was so happy, but she became more happy when she saw her friends in the entrace of the stand.

"Hey, girls!" say Sunset "How you know I was here?"

"It was easy, silly!" answer Pinkie Pie "The Bob's Stand is the most famous stand in the city. We know you would be here."

"Now this is gonna be the best Summer ever!" say Dash that jump and punch the air at the same time "Nothing can go wrong now." she continued.

The girls decided to go to Pinkie's house together, but Sunset hear an jet engine sound. She look up and saw the same drone flying towards the sky. She didn't know why, but something about that drone was giving Sunset bad feelings.

In space, Earth is a beutiful planet in the big and dark space: blue seas, green lands and some clouds moving slowly in the atmosphere. In the dark side of the Moon, there is an strange object overflying in the void. Inside of the object is an huge figure, but the shadows of the the Moon don't allows to see how it looks. Suddendly, another creature appear and aproache next to the first one.

"Master, our spy as return." say the average creature "They are not in this city too. They must have abandon this planet long time ago."

"They still here. I can feel it." say the huge creature "His weakness for this so called 'humans' will be their end."

"What do you mean, my lord?" ask the second creature.

"Why try to find them...when we can bring them to us?" say the first one. The average one smile as he understand his master plan. "I will send our best warrior to acomplishe the mission, sir." he say while bowing before hie master.

"Very well then, Comander." say the huge one, while aproaching to an windown "Is time to this stupid organic rock to know us. First I take Earth, then all the Universe shall be mine! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Note: Woah! Looks like Earth as an new enemy. Can the Mane 6 stop this unkonw threat? If you like it, please coment.