Bludgeoned Rose: Broken Dreams. Prologue.

Disclaimer: Nope. Don't own the characters of Final Fantasy 9 so don't ask! Kidding (lol) Well I own my story line but the creators of Final Fantasy own most of the characters except for the ones I've created! I still love ya! The creators of Final Fantasy own the play in this prologue!!!!

Authors note: I played the game Final Fantasy 9 and immediately fell in love with the characters in it!!! Now I've work really hard on this story so PLEASE read and review this story! NO FLAMES PLEASE! Only constructive criticism, I'll love you forever!!!!!

Years pass ever since Queen Garnet and her friends destroyed the evil threatening to engulf their world. Seven years to be exact. The former Princess mourned the lost of Zidane Tribal for almost a year, then realizing that it was time to move on with her life. The adventurous group stayed together for a while, and then soon fell apart. Vivi Orunitia met and married a young woman black mage who looks just like him, but her clothes are pink and white instead of blue and white.

The woman's name was- Pearl. Soon after they were married they had one son, who they graciously named Vivi jr. after his father. Vivi jr. was followed by another child, a daughter, (Minalla.) Then a son, (Alec.) Then by a pair of twins, one boy, the other a girl, (Scott, and Michele.) The family lives happily in a house near the outskirts of Alexandria.

Amarant Coral frequented his own adventures, desperately trying to show just how better he was then the rest of his old group. He explores oveilvert numerous times always returning empty handed but saying that he senses a growing power there. Lani the bounty hunter, and his friend, follows him around, helping with the adventures.

Freya Cresent lives in Alexandria with Sir Fratley still. The two are deeply in love and put their forgotten past behind them. Sir Fratley still doesn't remember anything from his past after he was attacked and rescued by prince puck. The two help with the restoration of Burmecia and of Lindblum day after day, determined to make life easier for the inhabitants of those cities.

Eiko Carol lives in Lindblum with her the Regent Cid and his wife, Hilda. She affectionately refers to them as mother, and father, after having gone through half her life without anyone but her moogles. Mog comes back in moogles form every so often and she still protects her. Eiko and the queen remain best of friends, still not sure of they might be sisters or not.

Quina Quen moved back to Qu's marsh shortly after the battle with Necron had finished and showed off his (or her,) new blue magic powers to Qu. Quina still goes on her own adventures but now she brings Qu with her and they learn new magic together. Quina's favorite food still remains as the frogs in Qu's Marshes.

Adelbert Steiner, the captain of the knights of Pluto, carried on with his relationship with General Beatrix. After a few years steiner finally proposed marriage. The two were wed in the town's cathedral. After the wedding, the two wore smiles on their faces almost all the time.

But the group's lives were about to change.


During the latter part of the sixth year tantulas began to make preparations for another showing of- "I want To Be Your Canary" in Alexandria again. They preformed on New Years Eve Day, Garnet surrounded by her friends in the royal viewing seats. Baku played Kind Leo again as always and Blank as Blank. Ruby as Cornelia. And Marcus as Marcus. Or so they thought. The play carried on as always-

Baku is once again garbed in his King Leo uniform; he walks on stage and bows to the clapping]


"Ladies and Gentlemen!"

"Tonight's performance is a story that takes place long, long ago."

"Our heroine, Princess Cornelia, is torn from her lover, Marcus."

"She attempts to flee the castle, only to be captured by her father, King Leo."

"Tonight's story begins when Marcus and Cornelia decide to run away together."

"And now, Your Royal Majesty, Queen Garnet, Lord Steiner, Lady Beatrix..."

"...noble ladies and lords, and our rooftop viewers, Tantalus proudly presents 'I Want to Be Your Canary'!"

[Screen changes to a section of the stage. Princess Cornelia (Ruby) is running]



[A man garbed in a black cloak, complete with black hood, walks on stage. Cornelia approaches him]


"Sweet Marcus, I fear I love thee more than I should!"


"Princess... Wilt thou be happy, married to a lowly peasant such as I?"


"Prithee, call me 'princess' no more!"

"Marcus, wilt thou truly cherish me, the king's only daughter?"

"Or is such a desire too dear to wish for!?"

"After our nuptials, shall I become no more than a puppet?"

"A mindless puppet, never to laugh, never to cry?"

"I wish to live my life under the sky. At times I shall laugh, at other times cry."

"For no life is more insincere than that lived as a masquerade."


"So much consideration thou hast given it! But worry not!"

[They embrace]

"Cast away thy trappings of royalty, and I shall swaddle thou in a gown of pure love!"

"Never again will I part from thee!"

"Pray, my love, make me thy canary to keep forever in the cage of thy bosom!"

"Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before dawn can tell of our elopement!"


"All my fortunes at thy foot, I lay, and I shall follow thee throughout the world!"


"No cloud, no squall shall hinder us!"

[Marcus turns around and walks off screen]


"O, love is the sweetest joy and the wildest woe."

"All I wish is to be by my sweet Marcus's side."

[Screen shows Blank on the side of the stage, eavesdropping]


"Fie! It shall be war again unless this marriage is stopped."

"Ne'er will I let their plan come to fruition."

[He walks on stage]

"Good day to ye, Highness."


"Good day..."


"Wist thee of Marcus?"


"Marcus!? What news dost thou bring?"



[He punches her in the stomach]



[She falls into his arms; screen fades to black]

[Screen fades back in on Marcus, standing alone. It's dawn]


"The time for our departure is long past."

"Where is Cornelia?"

[Cinna walks on screen]


"Marcus, the ship soon embarks!"

"Board ye the boat alone, and peace could come to both kingdoms, as Blank so said."

"Speak, Marcus!"

"She told me that she could not live without me."

[A section of the sky lights up; several pictures of birds flying appear]

"So, the sun is our enemy, too. The eastern sky grows bright."

"Will we not spread our wings, as yonder birds in joyous flight?"


"Hark, Marcus! They cannot wait any longer!"

"The ship departs!"

[Cinna runs off screen]


"Could she have betrayed me?"

"Nay, ne'er would my love speak false."

"I must have faith!"

"She shall appear if I only believe!"

"As the sun lends me no ear, I pray instead to the twin moons!"

"I beseech thee, wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish!"

[Marcus throws off his robe and spins around, facing Dagger at her seat, to reveal that it's...ZIDANE!]


"Bring my beloved Dagger to me!"


Dagger looks on in shock at the love of her life standing on the stage for a few seconds', thoughts racing through her brain as she turned and ran towards the door behind her. The white dress she wore trailed along behind her. People in the crowd cheered, everyone knowing who zidane was.

Dagger reached the door but Steiner and Beatrix blocked the way out with their arms. Daggers eyes looked pleading at her two friends as her mouth formed the inaudible words-"Please."

The gang jumped out of their seats as well.

"Zidane?!" Vivi and his family yelped rushing to the edge of the balcony. Vivi's family knew all about zidane as vivi talked about their adventures all the time. The children immediately paid their full attention to the man on stage.

"You arrogant little." Amarant trailed off looking down at zidane. Lani was nowhere to be seen.

The group of adventurers were all standing by now and cheered and yelled to their long lost friend. The same thought ran through every single one of their minds, 'where were you zidane?' Zidane waved to the crowds, awaiting dagger.

Steiner and Beatrix smiled and pushed the doors open allowing their queen passage through. 'Thank you both.' The queen thought to them and pushed past and down the stairwell. Her friends, eager to see their friend again, soon followed her. The lights of the torches light up the stairs making the passage down easier.

"Zidane!" Dagger yelled running onto the stage to see the only love she'd ever had in her life again. The chain that the royal pendant that she wore around her neck's chain snapped suddenly and fell to the ground behind her. She turned quickly and glanced at it realizing that it wasn't worth it and turned back to zidane.

She ran quickly up onto the stage and they embraced each other, not wanting to let one another go. Zidane petted her hair as she buried her face in his chest. Eiko bent down and picked up her friends pendant, cherishing it and protecting it.

The rest of the group including all the vivi's and lani moved onto the stage and, stood at a distance cheering and clapping. The rest of the crowd clapped and cheered wildly, knowing that the play was over now, and that nothing could top what just happened.

Zidane and Dagger shared a private conversation that only they could hear.

"How did you survive...?"

"I didn't have a choice"

"I had to live"

"I wanted to come home to you."


"I sang your song."

The two embraced in yet another hug and zidane said to dagger- "You're not going to believe who I have with me." Zidane said to her, beckoning offstage, where kuja stood, clad in his normal outfit. "What the." Dagger mouthed to him. Her fears rising. She kept looking back and forth between zidane and kuja. "I'll explain it all later." Zidane said to her.

So. What do you think? Do you like it? Please, please, please Review!!!!!!!!! No Flames Please! Thanks!