A/N: As always, it is an honor to create a world in JKR's reality.
A/N2: I decided to put this up now, before my Beta got it back to me. Correct version up ASAP.
Hermione woke Harry at 5:00 am with a long, tender kiss. Harry, as was his habit, came to life immediately, though as his wont, he played possum long enough to ensure he knew where and with whom he was. Then he returned and deepened the kiss.
"I liked the wake-up call quite a bit. Will you be doing that for me every morning? Pleeease?"
Her response was a delighted giggle. "That would be a pleasure, Lord Potter-Black! There is one stipulation. You have to shut off the alarm the same way you did today."
"I think that's doable, Miss Granger. After all, we're betrothed after all."
"True, and in that vein ..." And the discussion ended there as Hermione took the opportunity to learn Harry's body, while teaching him hers. After half an hour or so of 'tutoring', a more than a bit aroused Harry took a shower and did his routine, then an equally stirred up Hermione followed suit.
The four humans ate a large breakfast in the kitchen. Before they began, Harry called Dobby and Kreacher. "While we eat, please call the other elves we talked about into the Ballroom and make sure that everyone is fed. Also, please have whomever the Head Potter Elf is report to us after we eat."
"As you wish, Harry." Said Kreacher and both elves vanished.
As they ate, they discussed what they would need to do and what their priorities were.
"To start," Harry mused "The person we most need is dead." Comprehension dawned in Hermione's face, though her parents only looked confused. "Em, Dani, that person was Amelia Bones, who was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Riddle killed her himself about a year ago. If he hadn't, she would have succeeded Fudge as Minister, not Scrimgeour. So, we need to figure out who in the Ministry and elsewhere we want to recruit."
Hermione produced a DictaQuill and parchment. With a clever spell, it would only write down what she said. "Recruit for Government in Exile." Thinking about those she knew, she started. "Arthur Weasley, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Algeron Croaker, Augusta Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Tonks, Remus Lupin and Xenophilius Lovegood." She instructed the quill to await further commands, then asked "Harry, what do you think of the list?"
"It's a good core. Each of them can give us more names. I rather like the thought of leaving Riddle with a scorched earth situation, as few people in the Ministry as we can and a barren Hogwarts too."
Our responsibility is also to to the non-enemy students and to the families of magicals new to magic and those others that Riddle, Snape and company would victimize." The others agreed and set to finishing their meal.
They finished and the table settings disappeared. "I call the Potter Head Elf." Harry intoned.
An elf popped in. She was dressed in small, navy robes with the Potter emblem over her heart. "Master Harry, I am Misty. I was to find you at your majority, but the magic of the Dark One kept me from finding you. Thank you for calling me. How may I serve?"
"To start, what are the terms of your service to the House of Potter?"
"We are paid four Galleons a month are one day off a month, as you decreed with your other elves. It is a standard set of conditions."
Harry raised an eyebrow at that. "Very well. Have your fellows add the arms of the House of Black. All our elves serve Potter-Black. Show Kreacher and Dobby and have them attire all elves in our service the same, then have them come into the Ballroom. We will be there in ten minutes." Misty bowed and popped away.
After attending to tooth brushing and the like in their quarters, the four met in the Ballroom to find it full of elves. Harry took charge. "All those from Potter properties and those others new to here come to the front." Swiftly, Harry repeated the oaths and instructions he'd given the day before to the new elves. As before, all accepted the new conditions and then were vested in the Potter-Black robes.
"Good, now are there any here who have tended libraries in the past?" To the humans' startlement, twelve elves stepped up. "Binder, you now have a staff. Please orient them and pay attention to those who tended libraries for the Potters. Make certain that those collections are copied here and ours are copied there. Also, see if any other collections from our elves' former households can be added."
"It shall be as you say, Master Harry" the elf said.
"One other thing, Binder," said Harry "can any of the library elves get into Hogwarts?" Two of Binder's staff stepped forward. "Excellent! I then task you with transferring all libraries at Hogwarts here, the main library, including the Restricted Section, the Headmaster's library and the personal libraries of all the professors. Binder, you and the rest of the your crew need to find room for these books. Expand the Black Library, or find a different space, whatever works."
The head librarian and staff popped off to begin their task and Harry turned to his three Head Elves. "Kreacher and Dobby, I wish you to find and bring all those other elves we spoke of. I want to get them on board ASAP. I'm counting on them to be a 'power he knows not'. I don't think it's the only one, but it's going to be a piece." The last was said for Hermione's benefit. "Misty, would you kindly get for us large mugs of the richest cocoa you can make?" The Elf bowed and the cocoa was served in short order. "As Hermione can tell you, chocolate is a restorative for witches and wizards. I think it is going to be needed today."
The four drank their cocoa and caught their metaphoric breaths. In twenty minutes, Kreacher and Dobby popped in and told them the new elves were in.
They weren't really prepared for the sight of another five thousand-plus elves staring at them. Dobby and Kreacher had outdone themselves, finding not ten, but a hundred to one. Harry told them what he'd told the other elves. As before, all of the elves agreed to serve under the Potter-Black terms.
Harry had the Head Elves take the new recruits in hand. Misty took about half to the Potter estate. Dobby and Kreacher split the rest. Harry and Hermione had them find out which of the new elves had library experience, which could get into Hogwarts, the Ministry, Malfoy Manor and some other places. It was now 7:40 am. They decided that the elves should have time to organize before they met with the others. "Ten o'clock sound good then?" Harry asked. The others agreed.
Harry spent the entire time in his/their quarters with Hermione. While admittedly a fair amount of time was spent in heavy petting (with Harry somehow staving off the final step for later [marriage], leaving a disappointed, thoroughly worked up Hermione), most was spent in planning how to use the new elves and how to convince the witches and wizards they would call.
Around 9:30, they called in Em and Dani, got another round of Misty's strong cocoa. They called in the Head Elves and found out what specialties they had. They called in the elves with library and Hogwarts access and sent them to strip the school of everything: the libraries and private collections, all of the equipment, all of the furnishings.
Harry and Hermione suspected that there were many valuable items in the Room of Requirement, particularly in the Room of Lost Things, but they would have to direct that personally. That would only happen if the enemy thought to tap that resource. Meanwhile, their elves would watch and give warning.
Next, they did the same for the Ministry, the Malfoys and Riddle Manor. Each of these got a scouting post of four elves, instructed to watch and report at minimum, every six hours. If a DeathEater mission was called, they were to recruit enough elves to match the expedition, paralyze the DeathEaters and send them through the Veil, keeping their wands to give to them.
With all the rest of the orders given, the four walked down into the Ballroom. Calling Kreacher, the elves went out to collect the witches and wizards who would hopefully make up to core of the Government in Exile.
Over the next couple of minutes, their hopefully colleagues appeared at the table, with a mug of Misty's cocoa at their hands. As the babble began rising in volume, Harry cast a noise-maker charm, which startled them momentarily.
Hermione's voice was a whip-crack. "Very well, all of you. Listen to us! All of you know that the Ministry has fallen to the Enemy. We propose to fight back. We want to leave them a scorched and barren Britain for them to try to rule. But frankly, none of us have those skills. Even if we did, Dumbledore left us with the task of destroying Dark Magic objects. Only if that is done can the Enemy be destroyed. So we need you to run the Government in Exile. Hermione's declaration left the ten in a state of shock.
Harry and Hermione studied the ten closely.
Arthur Weasley, they thought, should be easy to read. After all, they had spent a significant amount of time with the youngest four of his children since their first year. They'd also stayed at the Burrow for greater or lesser parts of the last five years. To that extent, they did see the man they expected. Still, there is more there than the father-figure. Harry got the sense that his official Ministry rôle was far the lesser of the jobs he did for Magical Britain.
Alastor Moody, on the other hand, was exactly who they expected to see. Not a bit different from the Summer. The manic, 'Let's get started shaking things up!' look was in his eyes. He'd do just fine, both with the teens, more importantly, with Hermione's parents, who'd tend to be discounted by the others.
Kingsley Shacklebolt, a man so usually calm and in control of himself, was utterly startled. While that put them on the wrong foot briefly, they needed a bare look to conclude that Kingsley would follow Moody in the end.
Algeron Croaker, looked at them, self-possessed and a bit smug. They concluded that he would be a tremendous ally. Their excoriation for his treatment of Neville could wait.
Augusta Longbottom looked as if she was ready to go after the DeathEaters and Riddle bare-handed. They thought she would be a huge asset. Later on, they'd talk to her about the treatment she gave Neville, they still resented what their best friend and ally went through before finally buying a wand that choose him.
Minerva McGonagall looked as if she would explode at them. Hermione cut her off. "Headmistress McGonagall, you are the linchpin to the Government in Exile. We'll soon look at Potter Manor, that is where the new magical school will be. Your registration book is going to save many lives. The children who don't support Riddle, the halfblood and newbloods who have finished, but will be in peril, the youngsters too young to attend magic school but will be targets. Now, will you help us, or will you have all that innocent blood on your hands?
The elder witch looked at them, she had paled to white, but now blushed deeply. "Hermione, Harry, please forgive me. I was in shock and I didn't consider the ramifications. Of course I'll help and I see we'll have a lot of work in a short time."
The two looked at her with pride and affection. "Welcome to the fight", Harry said softly.
Filius Flitwick, a part goblin (or perhaps, a full goblin, neither of them wished to inquire), figured deeply into their plans. As a Hogwarts professor, he'd have a large rôle in saving students, his value as an instructor spoke for itself. But his most valuable rôle was as an envoy to Gringotts.
He looked at them placidly, though they sensed a fire beneath. "Professor, will you join the fight?"
His look raked them, as if he were testing their resolve. "I believe this is the fight I've awaited my entire life. I'm with you both to the end, hopefully and beyond." He, Hermione and Harry bowed, and he took his place beside McGonagall.
Tonks and Remus Lupin looked at the teens, with a deadly earnest resolve. Tonks knew that she'd follow Moody and Shacklebolt into battle. She knew that the werewolf with whom she'd fallen in love and had in turn had fallen in love with her wanted to fight for the Government in Exile. Moreover, as the last good link to Harry' parents, he felt an obligation.
"Harry, Hermione, we're both in. We're family, Sirius was my cousin.
Remus said, "I'm basically the last link to your parents, so expect to hear a LOT of stories, especially if we can find a Pensieve." Kreacher popped in with an empty Pensieve and presented it to Remus. He grinned and bowed to the elf and the teens.
Xenophilius Lovegood looked at the two placidly, wondering what part he'd play in the Government in Exile. "Xenophilius, you've a vital part to play. As soon as possible, you and Luna will be in the States, in Salem and you'll publish the GiE's newspaper of hope to Britain.
He nodded. "That suits me to the ground. I'm in."
"Ok, everyone, there are a few ground rules that need to be set, then Minerva and I will go to Potter Manor. First, is the name of our advisory. Do you remember, Headmistress, of my adventure at the end of second year?" She nodded. "Good I, found out that the 'V' name is and incomplete anagram of his given name."
Now he showed 'Tom Malvolo Riddle' and showed how it turned into 'I am Lord Voldemort'.
"So, we are going to use this for naming him. From now on, he is named Lord Anagram!"
They all looked at him agape, then the laughter rang out, full and hearty.
"Good", Harry said. "Now this is this is important. Everyone who is brought in must be taught to use this name, no exceptions. Now we do have a big edge and part of the 'Power he knows not'. Kreacher." The elf popped in. "How many elves are now bonded to Potter-Black?"
"6,919, my lord."
Harry glanced at the gobsmacked company. "Yes we will be using them for about everything, from intelligence to putting paid to the DeathEater's accounts. A further thing is that Moody knows and respects the Grangers. They're a valuable resource. Get to know and trust them. Now, Minerva and I are going to Potter Manor and look around." With that, two elves popped them away.
When they arrived, Minerva was totally taken by the Manor. After they had gone through the building, she called for her registration book. She sent it back with Harry, while she stayed and instructed the elves in setting up the school.
When Harry got back, he and the others got to contacting newblood families, from those five years out of Hogwarts to those who were infants.
They all pitched in to contact about a hundred families. Each contact began with the words 'We are here to save your lives'. None of the families turned down the offer, and the interviews ended with an elf taking them to the Manor.
Harry looked at those in Grimmauld, the new recruits had blended in smoothly and they knew how to call 'V'. "I need to get some information. I know that I have properties in the States. To get access to them, I'm going to need to talk to ICW. Do any of you know who our representative is?"
Arthur Weasley, replied. "I am the current representative. I'm certain that I'll be summoned soon and when I do, we'll go together."
"Thank you, sir."
About a week later, Arthur called out, "Harry, it is time." Harry grabbed onto the parchment and they vanished.
They arrived at a mammoth hall, with hundreds of wizards and witches. They saw immediately the British wizard who wanted to be Lord Anagram's representative, Lucius Malfoy.
Malfoy sneered at the other two. "Forget those two, they have no standing. I claim the position of representative. My Lord controls the government in magical Britain."
"That is the entire point, Malfoy. The Dark Lord might control, but we represent the Government in Exile. We have declared war on this Dark Lord, war to the end. Our campaign is scorched earth, we are denying his Dark Lord any and all resources. He will not win, we shall. Bare your left arm. DeathEater and show us where you stand". Harry's challenge had the gathering murmuring.
The Mugwamp turned to the white-haired wizard. "Wizard Malfoy, kindly bare your left arm, to confirm or disprove these allegations."
Lucius stared around for a few seconds then drew his wand. He barely started incanting the Killing Curse before a score of stunning hexes hit him. After a quick look at his arm, the Mugwamp said, "We will dispose of him. You may keep his wand. Both of you are equally representatives of the ICW."
"Thank you Mugwamp, with your permission, I need to talk to the United States officials."
A/N: A big shout out to texan-muggle, my Beta. He keeps me on the straight and narrow. Any goofs are on my dime.
The story recommendation for this chapter is Harry Potter and The Rebellion at Hogwarts, byKevin1984. An interesting WIP. Id: 12428912
I've never seen anyone use 'Lord Anagram' before. Therefore, I claim this as my own!
This is deliberately a shortish chapter. I have no intention of delving into the workings of the GiE, my focus will be on the relationship between Harry and Hermione. There will be times when they shall look in, but those will be hopefully brief.
There is often a poll up on my profile. Please take a minute and vote.
Once more, thanks everyone of you who read my efforts. Visitors, hits, reviews, follows, favorites, C2s are my only payment. Believe me, they make me feel rich!
Posted: 05/00/2017
Words: 3,093