Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI

Visiting Santa

Nick and Jackie piled the kids into the car, they were going to take them to the mall to see Santa.

The kids were dressed in really cute outfits and they were all super excited to see Santa.

They got to the mall and luckily the line to see Santa wasn't very long.

When it was their turn they all smiled broadly so they could get their picture taken, even Sloan had an adorable smile on his face, which surprised Jackie, she figured Sloan would be petrified, most babies were.

"What would you like for Christmas?" Santa asked Jasmine first.

As usual Jasmine's answer did not disappoint.

"All the toys in the toy store." Jasmine replied.

Santa, Nick, and Jackie all burst out laughing.

After all the kids told Santa what they wanted Santa gave them all a candy cane.

"What do we tell Santa guys?" Jackie said as they got off of his lap.

"Happy Birthday Santa." Jasmine said without missing a beat.

Jackie laughed.

"No you are suppose to tell him thank you for the candy cane." Jackie told her.

"Thank you Santa." All the kids except Sloan said.

As they were leaving Jasmine turned back to Santa.

"Bye Santa, happy birthday." She said with a wave and a smile.

Nick and Jackie smiled at each other and shook their head, there was no denying that Jasmine was a firecracker.

The End