Disclaimer: I'm not bothering to write this again.

The Illuminati 3

Full name: Angelus Lestrange

Nicknames: Angel or Angel of Death.

Gender: Male.

Location: Hogwarts, Slytherin Common Room, to be exact.

Any past locations: Lestrange Mansion, Watson Cottage (my girlfriend, house), Malfoy Manor and Snape Hollow

Enemies: I don't have enemies. If you qualify as a one, you are good as dead.

Crush: The love of my life, Mary.

Are you in a good mood or bad mood: You could said that I am in a very good mood. Nothing to great, nothing to bad.

Description of me: Physically? I am rather muscular and strong. In my friends opinion I am some sort of funny in a twisted way. I could give anything for my friends, and I mean it.       

Hair color: Long scarlet, blood red to be more precise.

Eye color: Frozen blue.

Height: 6"4, same as Luc.

Freckles: Mary counted the ones in my face, she arrived to 152 until she got bored.

Peircings: Three in my left year, they are the only things that I have from my grandmother.

Tattoos: I have a black angel on my back, the Dark Mark on my left forearm and a silver ring in my right hand, the same as my girl. It was some sort of pre marriage ring.

Kind of clothes you wear: I don't like clothes to much, if they are navy blue or green they are ok.

Makeup I wear: Only for my assignments as the Angel of Death, I need to look to some kind of an angel.

Your personality: I'm charming, some kind of joker. Life is a game, you have to be smart and good enough to survive in it. You could said that I will never lose, if you are in my way, you are out. Simply.


Color: Dark blue and green.

Type of music: I don't like music a lot, and if I like it, it wouldn't matter. Sev and Luc are always fighting about it.

CD's: I never listen to any of them, you can't have anything that belongs to muggles in front or near Lucius.

Bands: I don't like anything in particular. I like a guy, named Pink Floyd or something like that.

Songs: Something from the guy above, nothing specific.

Animals: I wanted to have a feline, but Lucifer, my hawk familiar, always killed them before they grew up. So, I desisted in my idea.

Relatives: I am a sort of orphan. Part of my family lives in France and the other part in Azkaban or under ground. But, I believe that my family is Mary, Lucius and Sev.

Food: I eat like a starved dragon or that was I been told. If it's meat, it's fine for me.

Drink: Mint tea with bodka, it gives a nice taste to the tea.

Party place: Anywhere with Mary in the room.

Place to hang: Anywhere with Sev and Luc with me.

Place to shop: It depends on my needs.

Quality in opposite sex: I though that I would never find any women who satisfied me, but then Mary came into my life. She is a Slytherin girl dress like a Hufflepuff. Incredible.

Cereal: All of them, they are very tasty.

Movie(s): I don't have any ideas of what are you asking about

Actor/actress: I am not sure. I love anyone who can make me believe in their character.

Book: Death before Dishonor, a family heirloom.

Subject in school: Defense Against Dark Arts or Charms.

Person to tell your problems to: Sev

People to talk on phone to: On what?

People to have adventure with: The Illuminati or Lords of Hell, that's what we've been called.

Person you can do nothing with, but still have a good time: Mary, Sev or Luc.

Quidditch position: I am the Slytherin Keeper, you can't pass through me.

Have you ever:

Danced around naked: Why would I do something like that?

Lied about your bra/jock strap size: If I did it, I wouldn't be telling you.

Gotten drunk: Of course. Sometimes is faked, sometimes not. Luc is always so mad about it that it's funny.

Smoked a cigarette: I don't pretend con killing me with muggles methods.

Run away from cops: I don't run away, I always wait on the shadows for the aurors and then I walked away. It's not fun if I run before they came. They are to slow.

Flip off you parents behind their backs: My blood relatives don't give a damn about my and if they did, they would be proud for my actions.

Mentally undressed someone: The only women who I wanted to see naked is my girl. I don't need to undress her mentally, I can do it in reality.

Eaten crayons: Crayons, no. Sugar Quills, of course.

Shoplifted: I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Held a gun: Yes, but they are heavy, noisy and if you work with them you would make a mess.

Seriously injured yourself: No, I injured others.

When was the last time you:

Went to a dance: Yesterday, I went with Luc to a dance at the Avery Palace. I am terrible at dancing but I don't give up on the expectations.

Sang out loud: I don't sing to much. I write and recite poems.

Went to a porno site: I never put a foot on one, and I never will.

Threw something: Hexes or curses? Last week in the raid to the Diggory's home.

Watched cartoon: I didn't have the possibility yet, and I think that I never will.

Did something you enjoy: At 9 am today. We planned our next move on the Gryffindorks.

Have money in pocket right now: Yes, some knuts.

Have clothes on right now: No, I'm sitting naked in the Common room to entertain my classmates. Of course I'm wearing clothes.

Have a mental disease: Perhaps.

Lie to people to make them think well of you: Sometimes I have to give the professors a good excuse to be out of the school after curfew.

Have behavioral problems: No, I don't have problems at all. I exterminate my 'problems'.

Have a car: Yes a Limousine, I think.

Have self esteem problems: No, no matter what people says or thinks.

Who sent this to you? Lucius was bored and took it from Evans.

Who do you think isn't going to fill this survey out? I don't know, the professors or the Hufflepuffs, they can't have the questions.


A/N: I have to write all the profiles again, they looked horrible. I hope that this is better. That was my excuse for the delay…  I'll make it better.

Well what do you think about my little angel?? Press the left button and tell me.

Next Chapter: I don't have a clue. What do you want??