Asami warmed her hands around the steaming cup of hot, soothing tea. Even tea tastes stronger and fresher in the spirit world, Asami thought to herself.

"Ah, yes that is indeed mysterious," Unce Iroh said with much consideration.

"I don't think my parents were spiritual at all," Asami said, confused. "I only remember bits and pieces about my mother though."

"It may have to do with your parents," Iroh said. "However, that can only be a part of it. Like the leaves on the tree, every leaf plays a role in making the root grow. The root also helps nourish the leaves. Then there's only one possible explanation," he said then he sipped his cup of tea. He looked at Korra.

He paused for what seemed like a minute.

Asami and Korra glanced at each other, waiting for Iroh to continue.

Iroh noticed the two staring straight at him, anticipating something.

"… what's the explanation?" Korra asked.

"You, Avatar Korra!"

"What? I didn't do anything."

"Your spiritual connection to Asami is so strong that her emotions transcend through your spiritual channel," he said with much emphasis as if he was describing the strongest tasting tea leaves in the world.

"Are they dead or alive?" Asami asked, yearning for more information.

"The spirit world works in mysterious ways," he said and then paused. "Am I dead or alive? In the spirit world, is there such a definition of a dead or alive spirit?"

This philosophical talk is sort of going over my head, Korra thought to herself. Her mind started to wander into different places…

"Wait…Are you saying that I can read Asami's thoughts and vice versa?" Korra asked excitedly.

"Korra, I don't think it works that way," Asami said.

"Asami," Korra said with her hands up in the air, "I just want to see something. Do you have your Pai Sho Board?"


"Of course you do, silly question!"

"It looks like you two are already reading each other's minds," Uncle Iroh said with a jolly chuckle. "Do I have the honor of playing with the infamous Pai Sho master?" He asked, referring to Asami.

"Yeah, but first, can I play against you Uncle Iroh?" Korra asked as she set up the Pai Sho Board.

"I'd be most delighted! Have you been practicing?"

"Oh, yes she has," Asami raised her brow as she looked at Korra.

"Okay, so Asami do your mind-transcendence-thing and tell me what moves to make," Korra said.

"If I had known I would be playing against two players, I would have brewed my stronger tea," Uncle Iroh said with a charming laugh.

"Korra…" Asami said with a low tone.

"Come on, I just want to try it," Korra said.

Asami was unmoved. Then she considered it. "Alright."

After Uncle Iroh made the first move, Korra stared intently at the tiles. She placed her fingers on the temples of her eyes, appearing deep in concentration. Then she turned towards Asami, "Are you sending me anything?"

Asami tried her best not to laugh. "I am," she said calmly.

"I'm not getting anything," Korra said, searching for more ideas. "Maybe if I get into meditating position!" She brought her legs closer to her and sat cross-legged on the bench. She took a deep breath.

Asami placed her fingers on her temples. She was really trying this time. "I'm sending you… a message!"

A breeze blew by.

"Nothing," Korra said, a little deflated.

"Maybe it only works the other way around – like if I play," Asami suggested.

"Or you just want to play Pai Sho against Uncle Iroh,"

"It's probably both," Asami said with a sweet smile.

They switched places. "Best of two out of three?" Asami asked Uncle Iroh. He nodded earnestly back.

Asami started the game by moving the initial piece. After a few moves, she hovered her hand over a tile. "Are you getting anything?"

"Nope," Korra threw her hands up. "Ugh, I guess it won't work or else I would've beat her in Pai Sho already."

"It's good to have some things come naturally," Uncle Iroh offered in consolation.

On the surface, it looked like a simple Pai Sho game, but two of the greatest Pai Sho players were running strategies in their heads like code on a supercomputer.

Korra had already relegated to a position on the table with both of her arms crossed on the table and her head resting on top. She used to hold her breath after a move, but now she just wanted someone to win, no matter who it was.

Asami looks kind of scary right now. Wow, she must be thinking really hard. Gosh, that's a little scary. Wait, she doesn't look like this when she plays against me…I Korra noted.

Asami noticed the Avatar's ridiculous pout from the corner of her eye. "Why are you pouting, Korra?"

"You look so serious when you're playing Uncle Iroh, but you look different when you play against me," Korra said.

"Then, you should keep observing the game," Asami said curtly.

Korra stuck out her tongue.

Asami stuck hers back.

Korra resumed her position.

Then, she fell asleep in that position. When she woke up, Asami and Uncle Iroh were in the positions as she had left them.

"You win this one, Uncle Iroh," Asami said as she took a mental snapshot of the board.

"Yesssss!" Korra said.

Asami glared at her girlfriend.

"Uhm, I mean, nooooooo!" Korra said, red-faced. "Sorry, that game took a while," she said with her hands held out like surrender.

"That was fun," Asami said.

"Indeed! You are the most challenging player I have met in years," Uncle Iroh said.

"She's a mastermind," Korra said.

"I am honored. I know that you two probably have many exciting adventures planned. I'd hate to impose if you have other plans."

"You're most definitely not imposing. Let's finish our game," Asami said, the competitive streak firing up in her.

Uncle Iroh downed his tea in one shot. "This is exciting!"

Korra could see that Asami was having a fun time. She reached for her bag. The Avatar pulled out council memos and started reading and making notes with a pencil.

Asami's brain was on fire. Uncle Iroh would even have to drink all the tea in his tea cup before he made a single move. All the top generals in my troupe who played Pai Sho would be no match for this woman, the former fire nation general thought to himself, impressed with Asami's skill and endurance.

The two masters were in danger of a stalemate. It was Asami's turn to make a move. Asami searched deep in her mind, running different strategies twice in her head to make sure she had figured out all possible combinations.

Korra looked up to check on the status of the match. She bit on a pencil between her teeth and held the papers separated with her fingers.

Asami glanced over at Korra. She's so adorable, Asami thought to herself.

"It seems I have the upper hand here," Uncle Iroh said with a laugh.

Asami blushed. Korra sensed that he was referring to her. "I'm not... I'm just…" Korra said as she slowly took the pencil out of her mouth.

Come on, Asami focus! Asami said to herself. She resumed running strategies in her head.

Then she hopped over a series of tiles with one of her own, decisively turning the match in her favor.

Uncle Iroh's eyes went wide. "Asami, you've won this one."

"I can't believe it," Korra said as Asami and Korra walked hand in hand to the Tree of Time. They wordlessly helped each other over creeks, up small hills, and across wide rivers while they talked.

"Sometimes Pai Sho takes a long time. I'm sorry it took that long, though."

"No, I mean you should've beat him. I mean, all that and just a stalemate match?"

"What can I say?" Asami flipped her hair, this time to really get her hair out of her face from climbing up the roots at the Tree of time. "He plays a tough—" She stopped mid-sentence as she looked up at the huge, sprawling branches of the majestic tree. The engineer ran her finger over the ridges on the bark. She traced the intricate veins of the tree bark. The sturdy, yet mildly tender bark felt substantial and solid against her skin.

Korra reached her hand out to lead her lady inside.

Holding each other's hands, they stepped over the opening into the tree. Suddenly, a blinding white light flashed inside the tree. Korra thrust out her arm to shield Asami.

Panels and panels of memories surrounded them. Some of them were Korra's, some were Asami's, and some were both.

In complete awe, Asami put her hand over her mouth. "My spirits," she said as she leaned into Korra's shoulder. Korra held Asami closely with an arm around Asami as the glow from the panels reflected in the light. The moving pictures were wordless upon first glance, but if one focused intently, the tree would bring back all the sound from that memory for the one that experienced it.

Asami's eye caught a panel showing Korra and Mako together.

"Oh, Mako," Asami said disapprovingly as she watched Korra and Mako kissing after her bout of amnesia. Korra laughed nervously.

"Wait… who's that?" Asami pointed to another panel documenting a part of Korra's three-year journey alone. Korra and an unfamiliar man were talking.

"He's—" Korra ran to cover the panel, but her body could not cover the full length of the panel. "He was just a friend…"

"Looks like you were more than friends."

Korra looked behind her. She was kissing him.

"Okay, okay, I was alone…but I thought about you a lot! It was so hard to be away… I'm sorry I should've told you."

Asami understood and sympathized with Korra. She reached out to hold her hand, but Korra nervously slid in front of another panel.

"Another one?"

"Yeah… she taught me how to play Pai Sho… a little better..."

Asami crossed her arms. She threw her hand up in the air. "I guess we weren't official anyway."

Korra walked over to the raven haired woman. She held onto her hands. "I want it to be," Korra said, her blue eyes like pools of pure sweetness.

Asami tilted her head, she could not help but smile. "Me too."

"I was going to save this for the end of the trip," Korra said reaching into her pocket.

Asami's eyes grew so wide, you could see the whites of her eyes. Is this happening right now?!

Korra brought out a small ring box. Then, she quickly opened it and proudly displayed it like it was the best show-and-tell for a kindergartener. "It's a ring! For your combat glove!" Korra said with a wide smile on her face that was almost humorous. "I want to give this to you so that you always know that I will be there to protect you and be by your side. Also, it's made with the essence of spirit energy."

"Oh!" Asami exclaimed with one hand on her cheek in surprise. She could feel her cheeks that were red with embarrassment. Silly me, she's not proposing… "It's beautiful!" The ring truly was. In the center, there was a platinum engraved symbol of Raava on a shimmering blue band. As the band reflected in the light, it seemed to sparkle like the ocean on a clear sunny day.

"I'll try it on right now!" Asami said excitedly.

"Did you bring it?" Korra asked, looking at Asami up and down for her glove.

"Of course," Asami said as she opened a secret compartment in her body suit.

"Where did that come from?!" Korra said as if a bunny was pulled out of a magician's hat before her eyes.

"I had a pocket custom tailored."

"Where-? Do you keep a Pai Sho board in there, too?"

"Ha ha, very funny, Korra," Asami said as she slipped the ring onto her glove. It was a perfect fit.

Korra handed her some clasps to keep the ring in place on the gloved finger.

"It's amazing," Asami said as she held Korra by the hips. "I'm half-hoping that I won't have to use it soon, but half-hoping that I will." She gave Korra a peck on the cheek.

They held each other in an embrace for a moment.

"You know, I don't know how I kept my hands off of you all that time. I'm sure that others couldn't either while I was gone," Korra said.

Asami slightly pulled away. "Yeah… Well…" she said nervously.

Korra blinked a couple times.

"I had a fling with Iroh." Asami admitted quickly.

The disgust on Korra's face was visible from a mile away. "Iroh?! Isn't he like a 100 years old?!"

"The Prince!" Asami said, nearly barking at the Avatar for her misunderstanding.

"Ohhhhh!" Korra said, embarrassed. "I thought you traveled back in time or something… ha ha ha…" She awkwardly laughed as Asami crossed her arms.

"Well! We've had a good time in here!" Korra said, hoping that they would leave before things got ugly.

Asami turned to face their memories together one last time. She saw her parents and could not help but reach up to the panel and touch it. Her hand fell through the panel. The CEO placed her hand over her heart.

They walked hand in hand out. As they neared the exit of the Tree of Time, Korra turned to Asami. "Asami," Korra reached into her pocket. "I sort of tricked you earlier…"

The plump yellow spirit waited just outside with flower petals and humming sparrows ready to be released upon cue.

"I just wanted to—" Korra stopped mid-sentence when saw an apparition appear over in the corner of the tree.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your girlfriend, Asami?" The woman said with a combination of playfulness and impatience. Asami recognized this voice. Her memories started to flow back like a tidal wave.


Korra froze. She did not even realize that her hand was still hanging right outside her pocket, holding the ring box.

Hiroshi Sato stood by with his wife, hovering in spirit form. "Father?" Asami said, blinking, not believing her eyes.

Great, as if I couldn't be any more nervous right now. I have to propose to Asami in front of her dead maybe not dead parents, Korra thought to herself. Thanks, spirit world, thanks.

The plump yellow spirit even peeked from the entrance to the Tree of Time to see the commotion.

"Hi...Mr. and Mrs. Sato," Korra managed to say, waving with her hand that held the ring box.

Mr. Sato raised his eyebrows. Mrs. Sato tilted her head to see the object in the Avatar's hand. Once she realized what it was, one hand flew to her face, just like how Asami did earlier. "Oh my! Oh my!" Mrs. Sato exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, we're just intruding. Don't mind us," Mrs. Sato said looking to step back.

Hiroshi cleared his throat. "Yes, umm, carry on, carry on." They hovered back a few feet to give the couple space.

Can the spirit world get any more… awkward? Well, I'm awkward, so the spirit world's probably awkward, too, Korra reasoned in her head.

Asami looked at her parents in confusion. Then Asami looked at Korra and it hit her. The CEO was speechless.

"Asami, I want to spend my life with you," Korra said as she opened the ring box. It held a magnificent ring band that sparkled like a liquid blue diamond ocean in the light. "I want to p-propose to you," Korra stuttered as she remembered that Asami's parents were still hovering in the corner. The Avatar who battled the manifestation of pure evil was nervous in front of her girlfriend's parents. "I—want this ring to symbolize how we love each other like the Tree of Time… because our love is like this tree and we are trees… Well no!" Korra hit her forehead.

The plump yellow spirit dropped its head into its handful of flower petals, embarrassed for Korra.

Korra continued. "This tree is ancient and old—like our love—and you and me, we're old. I mean, no you're not old old, but you are old-ER," Korra glanced at Asami's parents. "I mean there's nothing wrong with being old old!"

Asami giggled. She was enjoying this, but she wanted to end Korra's misery. Before Asami could intervene, Korra threw up her hands. "Okay so I had this great speech that made Bolin and Opal melt in their seats, but I'm nervous right now for many reasons. So," Korra took a deep breath, "will you…marry me?"

"Yes, ten thousand times."

The plump yellow spirit shouted, "Yay!" It released the humming sparrows that flew to lace the air around the lovers with celestial streaks of red and blue, representing the colors of Asami and Korra united as one. It also threw small clouds of flower petals over the couple.

Korra kissed her while lifting Asami up from the ground.

Asami's parents grew teary-eyed with happiness knowing that their daughter had found love.

*Isn't this pre-wedding honeymoon full of surprises," Asami said as she climbed down the roots of the tree.

"Tell me about it," Korra muttered, her ego still bruised from her debacle of a proposal.

"I've always known that my parents were always with me, in some shape or form. At least my parents had the chance to see the engagement since they won't be able to see the wedding," Asami said with a bittersweet tune.

Korra never thought about that and she looked at Asami. Asami was standing above her on a small cliff. "You are so strong, Asami," Korra said earnestly. She saw Asami smile from above.

"Brace yourself!" Asami shouted. She jumped. Korra saw Asami falling towards her faster and faster. She immediately raised her arms to catch her. The CEO fell into her arms with a heavy impact, but the Avatar held onto her.

"Nice catch!" Asami said as Korra carried her princess-style. She gave Korra a quick kiss.

"I got really lucky, I know," Korra said with a blush. Asami rubbed her nose against Korra's.

"You know, we could have two weddings, one in the spirit world and one in republic city," Korra suggested.

"That'd be great!" Asami exclaimed. Then she grew serious at the thought of planning two weddings. "Let's keep it simple. We don't have to plan everything out now."

"On to our next love destination!" Korra said like a captain on a boat. She started walking with a happy gait.

"Love destination? I think I'm with the most adorable Avatar in the history of Avatars," Asami cooed.

"Haha, Asami. I don't think 'Avatar' and 'adorable' really go together."

Asami would soon learn that, like all partners of the Avatar, playing with the Avatar's ego was quite fun.

"Why not… Korra bear," Asami teased.


"How about… Asami's Avatar? I like the alliteration."

"I don't have to have a nick—"

"Hmm, that one doesn't really flow off the tongue…" Asami tapped her chin. "Korra adorra… hmm…"

"I don't think any of them sound-"

"Got one!" Asami said as she perked up. She held Korra closer and whispered into her ear, "Cuddly Korra."

Korra pinched Asami's leg.

"Ow. Geez. They're just nicknames."

"And let me guess, you're Sweetie Asami or Adorable Asami?" Korra said mockingly.

"Well I thought about Kind Korra or Courageous Korra, but everyone knows that you have those characteristics!" Asami leaned forward and kissed Korra on the cheek. "Quite uninteresting," she jested and leaned back.

Korra smiled. She carried Asami above a hill. When they climbed to the top, vast fields of flowers covered the land. They swayed in the sweet summer air. Fluffy green trees with hanging flower canopies dotted the landscape.

"What do you think?" Korra asked.

"I'm not sure..." Asami said, appearing deep in thought. "I think Cuddly Korra is a good fit." Asami chuckled at Korra's reaction.

Korra carried her over to a patch of flowers. In a quick swoop, she dropped Asami onto the flower patch. She yelped, but in a blink of an eye the flowers transformed into long winged flutterflies that cushioned her fall. They lifted her back up to her feet.

As Asami was trying to steady herself on her feet again, Korra pulled Asami close to her. Asami appeared a bit upset, but before she could voice her displeasure, Korra said, "I have a nickname for you. Wait for it… Sexy Asami."

"Like I haven't heard that one before," Asami said with a raised brow and throwing her arms on Korra's strong shoulders.

"Then have you heard of me doing this to you…" The Avatar whispered into Asami's ear.

Asami's face blushed a bright red and she smiled suggestively.

"I'll save that for the honeymoon, I guess," Korra teased.

Asami made a slight playful pout and leaned into a kiss. Korra kissed her back with intense passion as the flutterflies circled around them. Hearts beating fast, they made their way to a canopy made under the trees. Asami felt the heavenly soft petals under her palms as she lowered herself to the ground. Korra followed closely until Asami pulled her down flush against her.

For the first time, they held each other as fiancées.

And, indeed, did the flowers bloom in the spirit world that day.