A/N: Hey guys! I've decided something. Because I do not want the events of this story to interfere with those of Heroes of Olympus (also because I've only read The Lost Hero so far) this story will continue on like the Heroes of Olympus series does not exist. And for the sake of not wanting to have characters out of character, I may replace some minor-ish characters, like Drew or Lacy or Mitchell with OCs, or in Drew's case, someone we all know (but hopefully don't love)

Enjoy the chapter!

~~~Farkle's Point of View~~~ Chapter Four: Cabins and Confrontations

"I've seen this before... It's the Blessing of Aphrodite."

I watched as Riley blinked, narrowing her eyes in confusion. "The Blessing of Aphrodite?" she asked.

Lucas smiled and took a hold of her hand. "Riley!" he said excitedly. "Do you know what this means" Riley shook her head, and he pulled her into a hug, which she gratefully accepted. "You had nothing to worry about, Riley. You were just claimed!"

"Whoa..." she whispered. "I continue to not understand anything."

You and me both, I thought. Farkle has no idea what's going on.

Percy and Annabeth had tried to explain everything to Maya and I while Lucas went to look for Riley, but none of it made any sense, at least, not to me.

So, apparently the Greek gods and goddesses from those ancient myths were real, and for the past couple thousands of years they've been moving from country to country, following 'western civilization' as they had put it, and now they were in the USA. And then there was something about them coming down and having kids with mortals, and those kids being us.

We had all been claimed, except for Riley, and that had been the reason she'd run away. Lucas was a son of Apollo, Maya was a daughter of Hermes, and I was a son of Athena- and Annabeth's half-brother.

But apparently the monsters from the myths were real, too, and most of them would do anything to find and kill half-bloods. And even though we looked like mortals, they could smell the difference. This place we were at, Camp Half-Blood, was the only safe-haven for us.

See? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I had asked them so many questions, but sadly, I had gotten no answers out of them;'Why hadn't we been attacked by monsters before this morning? Why did we just magically wake up on the side of the hill instead of in our beds? How is the camp protected? Weren't all of the Greek gods related somehow? Does that mean we're all related? Why don't-'

"Why don't you be quiet so that we can explain when you're all here?" Annabeth had snapped. That had been enough to shut me up.

So now, Lucas and Riley come back and Riley looked like some sort of a Greek supermodel and I had absolutely no idea what to think, say, or do.

"Riley, you don't have to feel alone anymore!" Maya told her with un-Maya-like excitement in her voice. "You do belong here, like all of us!"

A weak smile graced Riley's features. "I guess I do belong here.."


When we got back, Percy and Annabeth decided to give the four us a tour of the camp. We saw the arenas and the strawberry fields and the mess hall, and last but not least, we came to the cabins, where we would be living while we stayed here.

There were twelve of them, one for each of the Olympians, and there were more in the process of being built. At the end of construction, there were going to be twenty of them, all arranged in the shape of a Greek Ω.The camp was relatively empty- Annabeth said that most campers go home during the school year, but she and Percy were still there to help supervise the building of the new cabins.

We paused at the largest cabin. It was nothing special, really. It was old and worn-looking, its dull brown coating of paint beginning to chip away, and it really needed to be repainted. The only thing that made it different from a regular cabin you'd stay in for a vacation was the caduceus overhanging the door.

The caduceus... that means this is probably Hermes's cabin, I predicted.

"This is Cabin Eleven, where Hermes's kids stay," Annabeth told us. Yes, I was right! "It used to be a lot more crowded because it was where all of the unclaimed demigods and the children of the more minor gods stayed, but last summer we started the construction of the cabins for the minor gods, so it should be clearing out soon."

"So this is where I'll live?" Maya asked. Annabeth nodded, and Maya twisted open the door to get a peek at her new home.

The inside of the cabin was crowded and messy, even during the school year. It was filled with kids, and they were all around the same age. Maya jumped back in surprise. "Whoa! That's a lot of kids... how did Hermes have so many... nevermind. I don't even want to know."

Percy laughed. "You're wondering how your dad can have so many kids around the same age?"

"A god's essence is almost never in one place at the same time," Annabeth explained. "They are normally in very many places at once, so they are able to-"

"I said I didn't want to know," Maya pointed out, frowning as she crossed her arms. She had a completely horrified look on her face. I didn't really blame her.

"Why aren't they ever in one place?" I asked, curious. How are they in more than one place? I thought.

"When a god shows their Divine Form, just looking at them will burn a mortal's soul. It's dangerous."

I looked down. "Oh."

The next cabin we came to looked almost like a Barbie house, with a blue and white checkerboard deck and gray walls. It had a pink door, and lace curtains covering the windows. Potted carnations sat outside the windows.

"This is Cabin Ten," Percy said. "Aphrodite. It's where you'll stay, Riley."

"It looks like a doll house," Maya pointed out. Annabeth gave an amused snort.

"Why don't you take a look at the inside?" she suggested. "Then you can get back to me on that."

Riley was the one to open the door this time. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as the thick, heavy scent of way too much perfume hit my nose.

Riley blinked. "Whoa... not even my old Barbie house had that much pink in it," she said.

The interior walls were bright pink, with white trims. The beds were pastel blues and greens. It almost hurt my eyes.

"Whoa," the four of us said in unison.

"It's... really bright..." Riley said.

"It's worse than a Barbie house! It looks like the place where supermodels go to die!" Maya gasped with fake astonishment.

"Hey, I'm the one who has to live here!" Riley cried jokingly. She stuck her tongue out at Maya, to which she replied with an eye roll.

"Should we go on?" Lucas asked, obviously wanting to get away from the Barbie House- I mean, cabin. Percy nodded in agreement.

We skipped a couple cabins and came to a plain looking one. Which one is this? I wondered. It looked like a less worn-out, gold colored version of the Hermes cabin. Was this Athena's? Or Apollo's?

Suddenly, the sun came out from behind some clouds and cast down upon the cabin. It gleamed as if it were made from solid gold, and I couldn't look at it for too long before it made my eyes sting. I hoped this wasn't my cabin.

"This hurts my eyes!" Riley whined, covering her eyes.

"This is Cabin Seven," Annabeth said, trying her hardest not to look at the dazzling golden building. "The Apollo Cabin. It's where you'll be staying, Lucas..." she covered her eyes.

"Ugh, okay, come on," Maya said after a few seconds. "I'm done looking at this place."

"Hey!" Lucas protested. "This is going to be my new home!"

"Yeah? So?" Maya placed her hands on her hips. "Just because you're gonna have to live here, Sundance, it doesn't mean that the rest of us have to go blind."

"Sundance?" Percy asked.

"Don't ask," I told him with a sigh. "They're always bickering."

All of the cabins were pretty amazing, but none could even come close to comparing to Cabin #6. It was Athena's Cabin. My cabin.

It was a blue and gold building with white curtains and an owl carved over the doorway. On the inside was a workshop and a library. The bunk beds were pushed up against the wall, like sleeping didn't really matter. The library was filled with books and scrolls and tables and chairs for studying. The workshop had tables workbenches, and 3-D models of buildings and war maps and blueprints- It was amazing!

"Whoa!" I cried excitedly. "It's amazing!"

Maya scoffed. "Really, Farkle?"

"Don't you see it, Maya?" I asked her, pointing at all of the blueprints on the walls. "It's so... it's so..."

Darn. I couldn't think of any words to describe it. But Maya seemed to understand what I was trying to say. She patted my back. "Glad to know that you like your new home."


"And that's the camp!" Annabeth finished as we finished up the last little bit of the tour. "What do you think?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but someone cut me off.

"No!" an annoyingly snotty voice called out. "No, no, no! Annabeth, look at them! They cannot be demigods! She is not my half-sister!"

Everyone turned around, and there she was.

A familiar-looking girl of about twelve or thirteen with long brown hair was stalking up to us. She wore a bright pink sweater under an orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt, and she did not look happy. She was glaring at us angrily, at Riley in particular, as if she were mad about her looking like a Greek supermodel.

"This little kid does not have my mother's Blessing!" she growled at Riley. "Aphrodite could never have produced someone as... ugly as her!

Anger pulsed through me at those words. Riley was not ugly. Before any of us could react, a wave of dread come over us, and we all realized who it was. Someone we all knew.

Standing before us was Missy Bradford. And from the looks of it, she was Riley's sister.

~~~To Be Continued~~~

A/N: Dun dun duuuuun!

So, what'd ya think? Please, let me know in a review! I'm always up for suggestions? What do a wanna see happen? Let me know, I'll try to take it into consideration!