A brief glimpse in time of Bo and Lauren enjoying Christmas Eve. Nothing but fluff and feels for your holiday reading. Happy Holidays my friends...



Lauren pulled the light blanket around her shoulders, settling in to the soft cushions of the oversized chair as she tucked her feet under her legs. She grabbed her mug from the end table and took a sip of hot cocoa before returning it to the ceramic coaster sporting an image of a holiday elf. She glanced to the sofa and smiled, appreciating the sight to behold: both children clinging to each side of Bo, who held a red, hardback book in both hands as she read from page to page.

"…The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads…"

Ethan's giggle warmed her heart. He tried desperately to sit through this story at least once without laughing, but he never quite managed to be successful. Bo glanced down at his smiling face, pausing the story briefly.

"You're picturing dancing sugar-plums again, aren't you?"

Bashfully, he buried his face between Bo's arm and the sofa cushion as Charlotte pushed her snowflake-themed fleece blanket aside and nudged her mother.

"Keep reading, mommy."

Bo glanced over her other shoulder and smiled at her daughter, whose whispered request was barely audible. Bo released her grip on the book and playfully tapped Charlotte's nose as she replied.

"And you are as quiet as a mouse, sweetie. I guess I should expect your brother to laugh every time I read that line, huh?"

She nodded emphatically as her eyes drifted back to the book resting in Bo's lap. As Bo returned her attention to the pages before her, Lauren glanced from Charlotte to Bo and back again. Their daughter had certainly taken Bo's physical traits, the most obvious her chocolate brown eyes, long brown hair and dimple that appeared with every smile. Bo read every one of their holiday stories with meaning, and Charlotte's expression changes mimicked Bo's, showing her enthusiasm as she listened intently and hung on every word.

"…And mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap…"

Ethan stood on the sofa, still barely a head taller than Bo sitting next to him. He removed the baseball hat from his head and placed it on Bo's. Lauren held back her own laughter at watching him try to make the cap fit on her head. He finally just let it rest on top, not secure by any means and certain to fall if Bo changed her position in the slightest. Ethan attempted to smooth out his own messed up blonde hair as he returned to the comfort of his mother's side. Bo lifted her eyes from the page without moving her body at all, only shifting her view to Lauren and fighting her own urges to erupt in laughter. Lauren's smile grew ten-fold, which she quickly covered with the back of her hand to avoid any further story interruption to story time. Bo's dimple appeared again but with the practiced talent of a parent, she held the laugh back and continued reading.

The beauty of this moment was not lost on the good doctor, who had spent close to five years as a human servant to the Fae and even more years after than in trying to escape that impossible reality after she met Bo. There were ugly, painful times much rather forgotten, but the unyielding determination of two women in love found paths to transcend those heartbreaking moments. Lauren kept the happier memories at the surface nowadays and always made room for more, like this one as the four of them enjoyed their annual Christmas Eve tradition with stories, cookies and one gift each of the children were permitted to open that night.

"…But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer…"

Ethan's arms shot up above his head. He spread his hands far apart, bumping the hat from Bo's head and sending it soaring behind the sofa.

"Reindeer aren't tiny, they are huge!"

Charlotte nodded her agreement, this time projecting her quiet voice a little louder as she responded to Ethan's visible excitement.

"Yeah they are really big like horses or unicorns!"

With the hat fallen woefully aside, Bo moved freely again. She sunk further against the sofa cushion, looking to each of the children before explaining.

"Well when Santa and the reindeer are far away in the sky, they look small."

"But they're still big, mommy! Right, mama?"

Ethan's question pointed the attention to Lauren, who stopped mid-sip of her cocoa as three sets of eyes stared at her. She knew Bo well enough to understand that look: the one that asked for assistance in explaining the concept to their children. Carefully, she pulled the mug away from her lips to respond.

"Well, yes Ethan, technically they are big. What mommy is explaining is a term called perspective."

"Per-seciv?" Charlotte repeated.

"Per-spec-tive," Lauren replied. "It means objects appear different sizes based on how close or far they are from you. Like last week at the mall. Remember when we were upstairs and looked over the railing to the kids' play area and the jungle gym looked small, but then when we went downstairs it was really big?"

Both kids shook their heads and smiled. Lauren placed her mug on the end table again and continued.

"That is perspective."

Whether Ethan or Charlotte understood what Lauren explained didn't matter, just that both children accepted Lauren's word as truth and turned their attention back to the book. Bo had her eyes still fixed on Lauren though, whose smile carried a hint of discrete appreciation for Lauren's impeccable way with words. Bo winked at Lauren and her dark brown eyes narrowed slightly as well, giving Lauren another look that the doctor knew very, very well.

A very eager Charlotte pointed at the page to help Bo return to their spot in the story. She did just that, reading onward as the happy faces of their children stared intently upon the book. Lauren's appreciation and love of her family served as the only fuel needed to cherish each and every day. The three loves of her life snuggled around the book presented the perfect image she captured to memory. The decorated tree stood tall near Charlotte's end of the sofa, and the twinkle lights cast an extra sparkle of light upon the surrounding space. Charlotte tugged her snowflake blanket over her feet again. It was the only blanket she would sleep with since the first snowfall. Ethan had shifted positions again, his tired form half laying on Bo as he let out a big yawn. His drooping eyes told Lauren this would be the last story of the night. Surprisingly, Bo finished the story without any further interruption, keeping her same passionate and excited tone with every word until the very end.

"…Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight."

Quietly, Bo closed the book and released her grasp on it. She slid her arms around both kids, placing a kiss to Charlotte's head before leaning over to do the same to Ethan. Neither child stirred much, comfortably sitting next to their mother while fighting off sleep just a bit longer. Bo looked to Lauren and smiled, blowing her a kiss before nodding her head in the direction of the few presents already placed under the tree. Understanding Bo's request, Lauren pushed the blanket off her shoulders and stood up from the chair. She padded across the soft carpet to the tree and knelt down to snag the two gifts she intentionally wrapped in a different colored paper. She found it the only foolproof way to know which gifts to give the children on Christmas Eve.

"Who wants a present?"

If a phrase could every rouse a tired child, that was that one. Both Ethan and Charlotte sat up quickly, shedding any strands of sleepiness as their eyes widened with joy.

"Me, me, me, me!" Ethan yelled at the same time Charlotte raised her hand in the air and shouted, "I do! I do!"

Lauren handed the slightly larger gift to Charlotte before handing Bo the other to pass to Ethan's waiting hands.

"Well that woke you both up, didn't it?!" Bo said as she stood from the sofa, stretching her muscles after their lengthy holiday story time. She stepped around the coffee table and slid next to Lauren, her arms finding their way around the blonde's waist as she stood behind her. After placing a gentle kiss to her cheek, Bo rested her chin on Lauren's shoulder. Lauren's hands drifted with ease to cover Bo's, the two of them staring lovingly at their children now shredding through bright green wrapping paper while they claimed separate corners of the sofa.

"Oh yay I got a new Lego set!" Ethan yelled again, this time his voice crackling with excitement.

Charlotte was slower to unwrap her gift and paused as she looked at the box in Ethan's hands.

"Is it Batman?!" she asked curiously.

He held it up in the air. "It's Batman!"

Charlotte cheered for Ethan's new toy, quickly discarding her own unopened gift as she crawled across the sofa to look at his. Bo and Lauren watched the scene unfold, causing Bo to whisper in Lauren's ear.

"I knew we should have gotten her a Batman Lego set too. Damn."

Lauren tightened her hold on Bo's arms. She replied out of the corner of her mouth, keeping her voice quiet and out of the children's range. "I did. She gets it tomorrow from Santa."

Bo squeezed Lauren a little tighter and kissed her cheek again. "You are the best. I love you."

Lauren smiled, her heart warm and full with love that she never expected to find, never expected to win over, and certainly never expected to anchor in her lifetime. Yet here she stood, peacefully content and truly happier than ever before.

"I love you too, Bo."

She turned her head, enough to place a quick kiss to Bo's lips as a thank you for the compliment while the kids tore open the Lego box. Quietly, Lauren stepped from Bo's hold and snagged Charlotte's present, now half buried in the snowflake blanket.

"Hey peanut. You forgot to open this."

Charlotte took the present from Lauren's hand, almost blushing as she quickly focused on the unopened gift again. She finished removing the remaining wrapping paper quickly this time while Bo, Lauren and even Ethan watched her discover its contents. Lauren folded her arms across her chest, prepared for even more excitement to erupt from the sofa. Sure enough, when Charlotte laid eyes on the remote control car now held in her little hands, a squeal echoed through the room. Even Bo widened her eyes at the sight, instantly wanting another remote control car so she could race against her daughter in the days to come.

"Whoa. Cool, Char!" Ethan exclaimed as he bounced on the cushion beneath him. His sleepy state had faded somewhat, and Bo consciously rolled her eyes as she wondered how long it would take to get him to unwind again. Lauren did the same, instantly regretting the decision to have story time before gift time.

"I got a car! I got a car! It's just like yours, mommy!"

It was indeed just like Bo's. A replica of her yellow Camaro parked in the garage. The moment Charlotte opened the gift was the first time Bo had seen it. She glanced to Lauren, again saying a thousand words without opening her mouth. They had excelled at silent communication around the kids, always able to express things not meant for children's ears without any worry of them hearing it. Charlotte had climbed off the sofa and walked to Bo, standing in front of her and holding up the toy above her head.

"See mommy!"

Bo took hold of the box before scooping Charlotte in her arms and returning the toy to Charlotte's hands.

"I do see it and wow, it is just like mine! Now you can drive one too!"

Charlotte's smile was beaming. She twisted slightly in Bo's grasp and held it out to Lauren.

"Look mama. I'm gonna be just like mommy."

Charlotte's tone quieted again but her eyes were wide with joy. Lauren's heart fluttered as she looked upon Bo holding their daughter with pride. She was indeed a spitting image of Bo, and she now had a miniature version of the car as well. Lauren's attention was quickly drawn back to Ethan still on the sofa, who had managed to rip open the bag containing the Lego pieces, sending them soaring in every direction. They bounced across the cushions, the blanket and to the floor as his facial expression froze.

"Uh oh," he whispered.

Lauren scooped Ethan from the sofa, further scattering tiny plastic blocks as the blanket fell to the floor. Five little fingers still gripped the empty, torn bag as he looked at the mess he had made. His lip started to quiver, but Lauren was quick to sooth him before his emotions got the best of him.

"It's okay Ethan. Mommy and I will gather up all the pieces and have them in a new bag for you by morning."

He snuggled in to Lauren, his arms resting gently on her shoulders. He dropped the torn bag, it coasting to the floor below as the late hour had him struggling between sleep and excitement for Christmas morning.

"Tired, mama."

She kissed his messy, blonde hair and looked at Bo, knowing their alone time would be delayed a bit as cleaning the Lego mess would be a priority before the night ended. Bo wore the dreaded expression most parents have shown at some point in their lives: the look that said one misstep and your foot would feel the unleashed wrath of a plastic Lego block as it dug in to your heel. Her eyes drifted from the floor to Lauren, softening her expression and bringing a smile to the brunette's lips. Despite that task that lie ahead, it was one they would complete together; another opportunity to create yet another holiday memory.

"Time for bed, little ones."


Lauren stretched her arm under the sofa, swiping back and forth until her palm grazed over another plastic block. She tugged it to view and dropped it in the bag Bo held open.

"I think that's the last of them," Lauren replied. Bo zipped the bag shut and placed it on the coffee table before standing up slowly and offering a hand the blonde still kneeling on the floor. She guided Lauren to her feet, keeping their fingers entwined as they visually glanced over the sofa once more for any pieces they may have missed.

"Well if we missed any, I'm sure we'll find them eventually, embedded in my foot probably."

Lauren laughed and turned to face Bo. Silently they agreed enough time was spent searching for Legos. She stepped in to Bo's arms, sliding her hands around the brunette's waist as she folded into the warmth of Bo's embrace. They stayed in that moment peacefully, their love for one another recognized without any need to speak it. Lauren rested her cheek against Bo's shoulder, placing one gentle kiss to Bo's jaw and pulling a pleasant sigh from her lips. With a deep breath, Lauren tightened her hold as Bo rubbed her hands up and down over Lauren's back. The gentle touch brought forth a matching sigh from Lauren who indulged in the attention a moment longer before leading Bo across the living room to the stairs. She was ready to take her wife to bed, knowing the morning would arrive far too early when curious little children awoke extra early to unwrap the gifts Santa placed under the tree.

Bo tugged Lauren to a halt at the bottom of the stairwell. This time she looped her hands around Lauren's neck and loosely held her within protective arms. Love drunk eyes stared deep into the same, and neither woman could stop the smiles that appeared on them both. Bo briefly glanced to the ceiling, and Lauren did not need to question the reason. She slid her arms around Bo's waist, the grasp a bit more possessive than before.

"Is this where you tell me I have to kiss you under the mistletoe before I take you to our bedroom and give you an early Christmas present?"

A flash of blue blazed from Bo's eyes, her expression a mix of passion and adoration for the woman whose teasing never failed to elicit a response. Not trusting the strength of her own voice, Bo nodded her head up and down to answer Lauren's question. The doctor leaned in to Bo, close enough that their breaths mixed before lips pressed to waiting lips and fulfilled that mistletoe request. And just like every kiss before and every kiss after, Bo and Lauren's love burned bright. It was nothing that fairy tales were made of or princess dreams from childhood, but a love that conquered hardship and obstacles despite the overwhelming weight against them. Even the power of all the Fae failed to keep them apart, as the strength of their bond was an unstoppable force determined to stand triumphant for all their days ahead.



*As usual, I don't own the characters.