Author's Note: Here the next chapter! I got sidetracked by a different fandom (Elsa...?) but it's strange how Shiznat always draws me back.
Chapter 7
"A magician is strong because he feels pain. He feels the difference between what the world is and what he would make of it."
― The Magicians (Lev Grossman)
The sound of spells shattering shields muted as Natsuki and Shizuru moved closer to the fireplace and the Council tables. There were only a few club members at the tables, most of them were still engaged in duels or watching the action. The Duelling Bells, tied high in the ceiling of the Halls were chiming softly, reacting to the magical energy swirling on the ground below.
Natsuki paused in her steps, and turned to Shizuru.
"Ah... so... your table?" Natsuki asked. She looked at Shizuru, taking the sight of her in.
Shizuru looked so beautiful in the light of the blazing fire. The red of her eyes was deeper, darker, contrasting with her golden brown hair. Natsuki could think of nothing else, for that second. And then she realised Shizuru's hand was still in hers.
Blushing deeply, she released it. "I'll get us some mead and join you at your table?" She asked again.
Shizuru wasn't looking at her. Natsuki wasn't sure if the older girl heard her. The Council leader looked in deep thought, before realising Natsuki had asked her a question. Shizuru stepped closer to Natsuki, her full attention on Natsuki.
"... Natsuki." Shizuru said her name softly, almost like a caress.
"Yes?" Natsuki prompted impatiently.
"I'll be at my table." Shizuru finally gave her answer.
Frowning, Natsuki walked away to the serving table and poured two goblets of mead. As she poured, she pondered. Is this strange? Why are we doing this? Natsuki was well aware that since the end of the duel Shizuru had hardly spoken a word to her, but had willingly followed her lead back to the Council tables. Shaking her head, Natsuki took up the goblets and searched for Shizuru.
Shizuru was at the her table, sitting close to the fireplace. Natsuki took a step towards her, but another girl was already heading towards Shizuru. A friend of Shizuru's, perhaps. She was a hugely popular student after all. The Queen of Slytherin, some students titled her, despite Shizuru only being a second year student. The Graceful Amethyst. Another title, given after her amazing skills displayed in Destruction magic class the year before. Full of power, tightly controlled with a spell-binding grace.
Natsuki was not someone interested in the spotlight. Her father had shielded her from it. Everyone knew Lord Kruger had a daughter, but no one knew her personally. Only her family did - uncles and aunts and cousins, but Natsuki had distanced herself from them since her mother's death. Natsuki was a spectre, the promise of power, hidden in the shadows. Shizuru was her opposite. Why are we doing this? Being friends? Natsuki hesitated. She's my Potions partner. And yet they never really spoke outside of Potions class. Today was one of the rare occasions that they interacted away from the Potions bench.
The girl with twin drill-tails was now in conversation with Shizuru, and her gestures were getting more animated. Natsuki couldn't see her expression or Shizuru's, their backs were facing her. Sighing, Natsuki carried on walking towards Shizuru. Probably being a relentless flirt again, making her fangirls all excited over her.
"How is what Natsuki does any of your concern?" Shizuru laughed lightly.
"House Viola and House Kruger aren't known to have any ties with each other. What are your intentions with her?" The girl sounded angry.
Natsuki picked up her pace. Neither girl showed any signs of realising she was a few paces away from them.
"I'll leave that to your imagination." Shizuru replied. Natsuki rolled her eyes. That was a standard Sachiko Ogasawara answer. Her Ogasawara cousin was always vague when she didn't want to entertain conversations she deemed fruitless. Shizuru probably had a brush with her at some point, since the both of them were in Slytherin.
"Shizuru." Natsuki stood next to Shizuru, offering her goblet of mead to her. Shizuru turned around, a smile on her face. Natsuki narrowed her eyes. The smile looked plastered on.
"Natsuki-sama." The other girl bowed in deference.
"I don't need you, or anybody else questioning Shizuru about me." Natsuki said lazily. "As you can see, we are friends."
The girl looked fiercely at Natsuki. "Natsuki-sama. I am Touko of House Matsudaira. My House has been loyally pledged to serve your House for centuries. I only have your best interests in mind."
And of all things, Shizuru decided to wade into the conversation at this moment. Natsuki almost felt like stepping on Shizuru's foot.
"My, my, my. Is Touko-chan jealous?" Shizuru slipped in.
Touko looked like she was going to draw her wand, but a glance from Natsuki stopped her.
"Say no more, Touko. Leave House Viola be, we have no quarrel with them. Shizuru and I are friends." Said Natsuki.
Natsuki turned away from Touko and fully towards Shizuru, signalling the end of the conversation with Touko.
Touko stomped off in a huff.
Natsuki was silent as she sat down next to Shizuru. Her mind was strangely at peace.
Shizuru was the one to first break the silence. "Friends." She said solemnly.
Natsuki traced the golden lions dancing on her goblet. "We see each other five days a week Shizuru. 4 hours, chopping away at gross potion ingredients and stirring the damn cauldron."
Shizuru leaned closer to Natsuki, looking into her eyes searchingly. "Yes, but I didn't want to presume. Friends, then."
Natsuki frowned. "It's not like you to be so quiet, Shizuru. What's wrong?"
"Natsuki... I..." Shizuru paused. She seemed to be ruffling through her thoughts, trying to come up with something, anything. "Today was a reminder that things cannot be as simple as... The reason why Chikane Himemeya is still angry with me is because I was wooing her betrothed last summer."
"Himeko? Hmm, didn't think she was your type." Natsuki said it flippantly, but her heart was hammering away.
"She's not. It was fun, that's all." Shizuru stroked the rim of her goblet with her long, slim finger.
Natsuki bit her lip. "I'm sure you've bedded heaps of women, Shizuru. It's all a game to you, isn't it?"
Shizuru's finger paused and she lifted it from the goblet. She looked away. "Yes."
Natsuki reached from Shizuru's hand, squeezing it lightly. "It doesn't matter to me, Shizuru. You've met Satou Sei?"
"Chikane's older cousin." Shizuru answered.
"She's a terrible flirt too. And she's my friend, nevertheless." Natsuki chuckled.
"I've heard, yes." Shizuru was quiet.
Natsuki looked around, and whispered, as though letting out a secret. "We've actually slept together."
At that, Shizuru's eyes glinted in the firelight. "Oh?" Her voice was soft and dangerous.
Natsuki was oblivious to the change in demeanour. "Yeah, two years ago. We were in Paris, with Sachiko and her girlfriend. One thing led to another, and it just happened."
Shizuru pulled away from Natsuki's hand. She reached for her goblet and drank deeply from it. "Ara... I must say that is a surprise."
"Did you think I was a virgin?" Natsuki asked.
"... No. But I didn't think Satou Sei was your type." Shizuru bit back.
Natsuki smirked. "She can be very charming."
"Well, so can I, Natsuki. You know I can't resist a challenge." Finally, a smile from Shizuru. It still didn't quite reach her eyes, but Shizuru was back to her usual teasing self.
Natsuki smiled back. "Too bad I'm immune to your charms, eh?"
Shizuru quirked her lips. "We'll see about that."
After that duelling day Natsuki and Shizuru started talking to each other outside of Potions classes. Snatches of conversation as they passed each other in the halls, nothing serious or lengthy but a clear acknowledgement of their newly affirmed friendship. Natsuki was becoming more and more comfortable in Shizuru's company, and Shizuru basked in Natsuki's attention.
A few months went by, so quickly. They passed their first Potions assignment, the essay on common antidotes with a top grade. Since it did not require actual brewing, Natsuki and Shizuru weren't too worried about it. Now the real work began, actually brewing the common antidotes themselves.
Natsuki was grinding the unicorn horn into a fine powder, and Shizuru was carefully stirring the cauldron, adding in the chopped up bezoar as she went. Shizuru was bored out of her mind, but kept that concealed. She looked like the model student, intent on getting the potion right.
Finally the liquid in the pewter cauldron turned a shade of pale milky green and Natsuki, who was now standing next to Shizuru, added in five pinches of ground unicorn horn. Both of the mages held their breath as they watched the liquid slowly turn from pale green to a clear, emerald green.
"Matches your eyes, Natsuki." Shizuru said, looking up and at Natsuki.
"Shizuru, watch the potion." Natsuki grunted.
"You're no fun." Shizuru tsked.
Natsuki retorted. "This will be no fun if we screw up the potion. Okay, keep stirring, I'm going to add in the mistletoe juice now." She carefully added in two drops of mistletoe juice, and the two mages watched with bated breath again as the liquid changed colour once again from a clear, emerald green to a clear liquid.
Shizuru smiled. "Perfect, Natsuki." She raised her hand, signalling to Professor Snow that their potion was ready for assessment.
Natsuki grinned. Professor Snow walked over. Her white-blond tresses fell across her face as she peered into their cauldron. The Potions Master scooped out some of the potion, and sniffed it.
"Passable. Another two to go for you to pass this assignment." Professor Snow marked their parchment with her initials.
Shizuru leaned against Natsuki, feeling relieved. "See, Natsuki, only two more of these antidotes, and the Amortentia, and we'll pass Potions!"
Natsuki was less optimistic. "Shizuru, there's going to be many, many hours of practicing before we get there. We spent hours, every single night for the past week practicing this common snake-bite antidote!" She groaned, running her hands through her hair.
The older mage sighed. "Always so pessimistic, Natsuki." Shizuru nudged her friend, causing Natsuki to look at her. "We've got a few more months to practice. You know, apart from Mai-san and Chie-san, we're one of the best brewers in class." Shizuru smirked and crossed her arms. Most of the class were still brewing, some having had to restart their potion from scratch. There would be quite a few mages failing this assignment from the look of things.
"It comes so naturally to them. Mai especially. By the way, I missed Mai's ramen special last night. Mai and Chie don't spend hours each night practicing before class. " Natsuki groused.
"No one needs to know that." Shizuru laughed lightly. "Let them have their illusion."
Natsuki started pouring the potion into bottles for storage, and Shizuru fell into their usual routine of cleaning the cauldrons. Ordinarily she would hated cleaning up, always managing to escape that part of class, but with Natsuki she didn't mind. Haruka-san last year nearly hexed her when she left their Destruction class early one too many times, leaving the Gryffindor prefect to clean up the aftermath once again.
Shizuru treasured this newfound joy she had. Spending time with Natsuki was one of the highlights of her day. Sure, her intentions were more than friendly. Shizuru couldn't help herself. I'm deadly attracted to Natsuki.
"Natsuki, does this victory in Potions mean a reward for me and you?" Shizuru stowed away their pewter cauldron into her bag.
"What do you want to do?" Natsuki replied.
"How about a date to the village below?" Shizuru grinned mischievously.
Natsuki rolled her eyes. "How is that a reward for me?"
"Many in Garderobe would kill to have a date with me." Shizuru sniffed.
"Pity I'm not like most mages then. I'll go to the village with you Shizuru, but it won't be a date!" Natsuki huffed.
"This weekend then?" Shizuru quickly replied.
Natsuki raised her eyebrows. "What, no further teasing?" Shizuru usually was quite brazen and didn't give up that easily.
The mage's eyes twinkled. "I'll take whatever I can get, Natsuki."
"Fine, Shizuru. This weekend. I've got Quidditch practice, but we can go right after and be in time for lunch. See you then!" Natsuki grabbed the potion bottles, now filled and corked, and left to place them in the storeroom.
Shizuru shrugged her shoulders, loosening them. "See you, Natsuki." She got up from the bench, and swiftly exited the class.
A Duelling Council leader, a top student and an innately powerful mage, Shizuru Viola had admirers aplenty, but friends were few. House Viola wasn't a Great House like House Kruger. It was a minor House, of little consequence. Where Natsuki and her cousins could rely on each other and long-held blood ties between their friendly Houses, Shizuru from House Viola, a House with few connections, had fought tooth and nail for her current privileged position.
Shizuru entered the Slytherin rooms. Some other Slytherin mages greeted her. "Shizuru! Join us for a stroll then dinner in the village today?"
The mage shook her head, waving them away with a smile. "Perhaps another time. There are a few things I need to do today."
They looked disappointed. "Well, another time then? Working on a new spell? The one last week was amazing!"
"Something like that, yes." Shizuru shrugged. She opened the doors to her rooms and stowed her bag away in her trunk. She cast the warding spells, preventing others from entering and undressed, changing into her sleeping robes. It was still the middle of the day, but Shizuru liked the luxury of afternoon naps. Everyone else thought she was working hard at some new spell, but really, Shizuru Viola just liked her naps.
Shizuru did not lust for power for power itself, but as a means to an end. All these years she did not know why she felt the need to be stronger, except that she must. Could it be her lonely childhood, her parents often engrossed in their own worlds, leaving the care of their only child to faceless tutors and housekeepers? But Shizuru had never felt she had something to prove to her parents. They were as strangers to her as many others in her life.
Before Garderobe Shizuru spent hours alone in her family's manor, practicing magic, mastering the Circumstances and intricate hand movements. There was an emptiness in her soul that she sought to fill by trying to master more and more obscure magic. Years and years of lonely magical practice bore fruit. When Shizuru arrived at Garderobe she could execute the hardest of spells effortlessly and seemingly without a care. Shizuru rose in ranks and prestige, and the fact that she was from a House of no consequence faded into the background.
The other mages were attracted to her power, her charisma. She took advantage of what they offered, every now and then when the ennui got to her. Kisses. Sex. Little amusements. Still the emptiness in her soul remained. Still she continued searching, feeling like she was meant for something greater.
Then came Natsuki Kruger. On the day of their first duel, something in Shizuru awakened like wildfire through her soul, cleansing it of its emptiness. In its place was something else. Something warm. It hurt, sometimes. But even that was better than the emptiness before. For the first time in a long while, Shizuru felt happy and afraid at the same time.
She had found her reason in Natsuki Kruger.
"You are my damnation and salvation, Natsuki." Shizuru closed her eyes, falling into a dreamless sleep.
Saturday at dawn.
Natsuki was awake, flying loops around the Quidditch pitch as the rest of her team practiced their plays.
For a Seeker, gaining control of their broom, increasing their ability to switch directions at any moment, speeding up and slowing down to the right speeds – all this was key to being able to catch the Snitch under high pressure situations.
Natsuki was born to be a Seeker. Her passion for high speeds, gravity-defying manoeuvres and sheer daring meant that on the pitch, Natsuki was a force to be reckoned with. On this day in particular, however, Natsuki wasn't thinking much about Quidditch. Her thoughts lay with the darkening clouds near the village and the dropping temperatures. A storm was coming. Shizuru might change her mind about the village. Natsuki felt her heart sinking at the thought. Protestations aside, she really did like spending time with Shizuru.
True enough, within the hour the storm clouds reached the Quidditch pitch.
"Everyone! Come on down!" Captain Maya Blythe was yelling down her team back onto the ground.
"Natsuki! That means you as well!" The captain swerved past Natsuki. Natsuki nodded, and decided to do a Kawasaki Manoeuvre to finish off her practice. A sharp dive downwards at high speeds, levelling up only metres from the ground. Natsuki loved that feeling.
Not a moment too soon as well. Lightning flashed around them and it started pouring. The sun was completely blotted from the sky. Natsuki closed her eyes, feeling the raindrops splashing on her face. I wonder if Shizuru still wants to go into the village today.
"Natsuki! C'mon, stop standing in the rain!" Her teammates crowded around her, pulling her indoors with them.
Their Quidditch practice cut short, Natsuki started moving into the Dining Hall, intent on getting some hot breakfast.
"Natsuki totally missed my presence. To think, I was watching all time and not even a glance in my direction." A familiar voice called out.
Natsuki grinned, before turning around. "Shizuru."
"Death defying Kawasaki stunt, Natsuki? In the storm? One would almost think you didn't want to make your date with me." Shizuru teased.
Natsuki rolled her eyes. "It's not death defying, and it's not a date. You're awake early."
"I like watching Quidditch practices." Shizuru said. The Slytherin cast a drying charm on her friend's Quidditch robes.
"Gryffindor Quidditch practices? You were spying on us!" Natsuki laughed.
"Then don't practice when everyone expects you to practice." Shizuru muttered. "My dear Natsuki."
Natsuki shrugged, not acknowledging Shizuru's last comment. "So, I'm just going to get changed, and then we can head into the village."
"They won't allow us outside school today." Shizuru looked truly dejected. "That's what I came to the Quidditch pitch to tell you. But maybe we can do something else?"
"No more Potions, Shizuru." Natsuki said. She quickly followed that up with, "How about the Duelling Club instead?"
Shizuru laughed. "It's going to be pretty quiet there today, there aren't any planned gatherings."
"All then better then. We can duel proper." Natsuki quipped.
Shizuru pondered at that statement. How much was Natsuki holding back the last time?
"See you in the Club? I'll be there as soon as I get changed." Natsuki hurried away towards Gryffindor Tower.
Shizuru headed to the Slytherin rooms, a slight lift to her steps, wand twirling easily in her hand. Shizuru had not duelled with Natsuki since their first and last duel months ago. Under the suspicious eyes of Chikane Himemeya and aware of both their high profile positions in the Club as Council leaders, Shizuru had wisely decided to avoid any tense situations in the Club. In any case, like Shizuru, Natsuki often had long queues of other mages readying to duel her. They never really had quiet moments alone in the Duelling Club.
Shizuru hoped today would be different.
True to expectations, there was no one in the Duelling Hall when Shizuru arrived. She looked around for Natsuki, and found the younger mage wolfing down a bowl of salmon sashimi on rice. As usual, the Duelling Club always had a table of prepared food in the Duelling Hall. The Club wasn't just a place for mages to practice duelling, but also a social place.
The socialising usually happened in the evening though. Hardly anyone would usually be found there in the morning. Except for them. Shizuru smiled gently. "Natsuki..."
Natsuki looked up. "Hey, Shizuru. My favourite's on the menu!"
"Oh, is that me?" Shizuru leaned into Natsuki, as though asking for a kiss, not being able to resist teasing her.
Natsuki sputtered. "You know what I mean!"
Shizuru at down next to Natsuki, her dark green cloak splayed over the wooden table. "No one's around, we could make most of this Hall our duelling area. I'll set up the wards."
"Yeah, the other Council leaders will have your head if you damage their Council tables. And especially the food table. And try not to damage the ceiling's bells either. They're awfully ancient." Natsuki grinned, setting aside her bowl of salmon and rice. "I'll help you set up the wards."
Shizuru started on the opposite end of the Hall, waving her wand and watching her protective charms fall into place. She finished her section and turned to watch Natsuki. They rarely used their wands in Potions, since the potion brewing process was highly sensitive to external magical stimuli. She secretly relished seeing the sight of Natsuki's wandwork, and now, with no one else watching them, Shizuru allowed herself to openly watch Natsuki as she performed magic.
Except that Natsuki wasn't even bothering to use her wand. She merely waved her hands in practiced motions, and the wards fell into place. Shizuru could do wandless magic as well, but Natsuki was something else. So oblivious of her magical power, so careless with her strength.
The wards were now in place. Natsuki turned around, and bowed towards Shizuru formally. "Shizuru, let's begin." Shizuru noticed there was no wand in Natsuki's hands.
Natsuki saw her glance, and smiled sheepishly. "I can use a wand if you prefer."
Shizuru shook her head. "I am glad Natsuki is comfortable enough with me to not bother with illusions of needing a wand." Shizuru tucked her wand away into her robes. "I'll do the same as well."
Natsuki raised her eyebrows. "Did you think I would be afraid and run? What else have you been hiding from me, Shizuru?"
Shizuru smiled and returned Natsuki's opening bow. "Only my devastating love for you, my dear Natsuki."
Natsuki huffed. "Stop teasing me, Shizuru. You know you don't mean it."
Shizuru felt a twinge of hurt, and for the first time in a long while, allowed that emotion to show on her face. Natsuki looked surprised, and opened her mouth, "Shizuru..."
"Fire Release – Serpent's Tongue!" Shizuru did not want to hear Natsuki's pity and shouted the first hex. Her fingers moved swiftly and surely as she executed the spell.
Natsuki sighed. Making the gesture for a water shield, she wordlessly cast it. "Shizuru, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Stop dallying and duel, Natsuki!" Shizuru leapt away from Natsuki, and stretched out her hand. "Earth Release – Vine Attack!"
Shizuru looked at Natsuki, ready to pull back her attack if Natsuki was not ready to counter it. She knew she cared, cared too much for Natsuki. Sometimes it hurt so much. She was not used to caring or feeling this much. I'm emotionally compromised.
Natsuki made a slashing motion with her right arm, and the vines burnt away into nothing. "Fine. We don't have to talk, Shizuru. But you don't have to hold back either."
Shizuru grimaced. "You don't know me, Natsuki."
"It's okay, Shizuru." Natsuki's green eyes flashed at Shizuru. "I'm not one of your fangirls, the weak mages that duel you week after week in this same hall. I've seen you resist your magical instincts. It will feel so good to unleash that magic, Shizuru."
Shizuru held her breath. "No one's said that to me before. Well, if you insist."
A barrage of hexes and counter-hexes flew between them for hours. They held nothing back. Close to the end, Natsuki was panting and breathing heavily. Shizuru looked just as winded. Yet there wasn't a scratch on them. A stalemate.
Shizuru felt the adrenaline running through her veins. Never had she felt this exhilaration when duelling another mage. Natsuki was truly a mage to be reckoned with. Other than deception, Shizuru wasn't sure how she could win this duel.
She scrutinised the mage in front of her. Beautiful Natsuki. Even with her dark blue hair slicked with sweat, trying to catch her breath... Natsuki was so entrancing even then. With Natsuki's magic unleashed and swirling around them, mixing with Shizuru's own magical aura, the atmosphere was truly charged. There was so much magical energy in the air that the Duelling Hall's bells were trembling slightly in the currents, chiming loudly as the two mages circled each other.
Shizuru raised her left arm in the air, and brought it down in a sudden, powerful move. She poured her frustration, her longing and unspoken love for Natsuki into her magic as she channelled it. All that she felt, all that she held back from Natsuki.
Natsuki raised both her arms, ready to throw a shielding spell. But she was too slow. Shizuru's magic was too quick this time, too sudden, too powerful.
Shizuru's wordless spell brought the largest Duelling Bell crashing down through the protective wards and onto Natsuki.
With a loud clang, it trapped Natsuki in its strong, bronze shell. Natsuki's yell was muffled by it and from the sound of a sharply cracking shield, the force of the falling bell had broken through Natuski's personal wards.
And then silence.
Shizuru gasped, and hurried towards the bell. Her heart was thudding in her chest, her hands trembling. I went too far! Too far, too risky, too careless, Shizuru! "Natsuki? Natsuki!" Wildly, she cast a spell, breaking the bell into pieces. "Natsuki!"
The mage wasn't there. Shizuru frowned, and nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a touch on her shoulder. She turned around, ready to throw a hex.
"Shizuru, Shizuru... it's me. It's fine. Last minute Displacement spell." Natsuki hugged her. Shizuru felt her solid body wrapped around her, calming the tremble in her soul.
She drew back, and breathed Natsuki's scent in. "I'm sorry. I went too far."
Natsuki shook her head. "You'll never hurt me, Shizuru."
"And yet I have." Shizuru traced a cut on Natsuki's pale cheeks. Her love was bleeding. "Natsuki..." Shizuru tried to push Natsuki away, to release herself from the mage's embrace.
But Natsuki refused to release her.
"Shizuru.. I felt your magic, when you sent that bell crashing down. I understand now, I think. You... all this time?" Natsuki looked at Shizuru in wonder.
Shizuru nodded miserably, tears unshed in her eyes. "I know it's foolish."
"I... cannot return your love, Shizuru. All this time, when you were teasing me, you meant it, didn't you?" Natsuki whispered.
"I couldn't help it." Shizuru felt her heart breaking, a sharp hurt spreading from her heart and wrecking the rest of her body and soul.
"How do you feel so much and not break?" Natsuki wondered aloud. A tear ran down her cheek, mixing with the blood from the cut before trailing downwards.
Shizuru wiped the dampness from her eyes. "You break me, Natsuki Kruger. There was this emptiness in me, that you banished. In its place is something far stronger and greater.. it hurts, Natsuki."
Natsuki was quiet at that. Shizuru didn't know if there was anything else she could say.
"I'm sorry, Shizuru. That it hurts." Natsuki kissed Shizuru on her cheek, close to her mouth. "I'm sorry."
The kiss felt like a hot iron, branding Shizuru with an invisible mark.
"It hurts, but it also makes me feel whole, Natsuki. Stronger. Like I could move mountains." If you asked me to. That remained unspoken. Shizuru breathed in deeply once again. The scent of pine, and fresh wild magic.
"I should go." The older mage pulled away from Natsuki, who finally released her.
"I'll come with you." Natsuki made a complicated hand gesture, and the Duelling Bell joined back together and reattached to the ceiling, as though it was never moved.
Shizuru bit her lip. "Not this time, Natsuki. Please."
Natsuki looked torn, but nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll see you in Potions, then?"
Shizuru felt like pulling Natsuki into her arms, and easing her worries by saying it would be all right. But she knew that wouldn't be true.
"See you in Potions, Natsuki." Shizuru turned, and walked slowly out the hall.
Author's note: This is probably one of my longer chapters. There was so much ground to cover - not too much of course, but after a year in between chapters I felt that if I posted a short chapter it wouldn't quite go down well...! Anyway, if you're new to this story, welcome. If you're returning, thanks for keeping it on your radar!