I hope everyone has been enjoying this little story! This last chapter ended up going in a different to direction to what I planned, so I apologise if the ending feels a bit out of sync with the rest of the story. I'm always really grateful hear any feedback you have, so leave me a review if you liked it, or didn't like, or just want to say hello.

"Don't judge me?" Dom guessed, raising her eyebrows at Victoire as she stood at the door of the compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

Victoire paused in the doorway, her expression confused.

"Why would I say that?" she asked.

She walked the rest of the way inside, depositing her trunk on the ground beside her sister's and collapsing onto a seat.

Dominique's face was hard to read, but she seemed to be calculating something.

"What?" Victoire asked again, beginning to get nervous.

Finally, Dominique spoke.

"You didn't hear him," she said.

"Didn't hear who?"

Dom was smiling now, in a scheming way that made Victoire suddenly very anxious to find out what she didn't know.

"What happened, Dominique?"

"Really, you should be telling me, Victoire. All I know is that I was barely on the train for a second before Louis comes running up to me saying that Albus told him that James told Albus that he'd seen a certain sister of mine snogging a certain, blue-haired family friend."

"James saw Teddy and me?"

Victoire's words were somewhat of a shriek, and she thought it was entirely appropriate to follow them by burying her face in her hands, cheeks burning red with embarrassment.

"Oh, Merlin. Oh, stinking, sodding, bloody Merlin," Victoire was all but crying into her hands, "I am going to murder that dobbing little prat!"

Dominique watched her sister's distress with an amused expression.

"That James Potter… I'm going to kill him. He is going to get so many detentions he won't know the meaning of Saturday!"

"I think that would count as an abuse of your power as Head Girl," Dom pointed out.

Victoire looked up and fixed her with a glare.

"You are not helping!"

Dom shrugged, and Victorie could not comprehend how she could be so blasé about all this. Victoire's biggest secret – one she had successfully kept for no less than one and a half years, had just been revealed to the very people who would judge her most about it. She might have hoped for a little more sympathy for her loving, dear sister.

"I just don't get why it's such a big deal. You two have been sneaking around forever. Won't it be a relief to not have to hide all the time?"

"No it will not be a relief! Do you think it will be a relief to have to have a 'conversation' with Dad about boundaries and 'alone time'? Do you think it will be a relief to have everyone watching us whenever we're together, everyone muttering every time we leave the room? Do you think it will be a relief to have James pissing Potter on our tail all the time?"

"Now, I'm sure that's not our cousin's real middle name."

Victoire groaned at her sister's complete inability to grasp the seriousness of this situation. Dom's expression was somewhere between bored and amused, as if she'd tuned out of Victoire's complaints somewhere halfway through, and was thinking of something else entirely.

"Well then," Victoire said, "how would you feel if James Potter walked in on you and Angela?"

Instantly, Dom's relaxed expression dropped, making way for one of shock.

"What did you say?"

"Please, Dom, of course I know about you two. It is so obvious."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Need I tell you about that time you two went to 'climb trees' in the garden? Or 'went swimming' in that hidden cove at the beach?"

The suggestion of what Dom and her girlfriend had really been doing was clear in Victoire's tone.

Dominique was still frozen.

"Please, don't tell anyone," she finally whispered. "Mum and Dad, they don't-"

"I know," Victoire said. "I'm not going to tell."

"Thank you."

"And even if I did tell," Victoire went on, enjoying the panic that briefly rose up in her sister's expression, "What's a bit of harmless fun between friends, anyway? That's what Teddy and I are having."

Dom laughed, the sound of it tinged with relief.

"You and Teddy?" she asked, her tone sceptical, "A bit of harmless fun?"

"That's what I call it," Victoire shrugged. "It makes it seem less, you know, big."

Dominique smiled.

"A bit of harmless fun," she echoed. "I like the sound of that."