So this story is something I've been wanting to write for a while, it's a multi-chapter but I don't think there will be too many so I hope you enjoy. :)
Naruto was walking home after another date night with Hinata. He had walked over to meet her at the Hyuuga compound at 5 and they went to Ichiraku's for dinner, after that they went to the top of the Hokage monument and sat down together to look at the Christmas lights that surrounded the village.
Naruto was watching Hinata with a soft smile as she looked down at the village in awe; he loved how her eyes lit up in childlike wonder.
"The village looks so beautiful from here." Hinata said softly, turning to see Naruto still staring at her, causing a small blush to warm up on her cheeks.
Naruto noticed her blush and looked away awkwardly as he realised he'd been caught staring at her and awkwardly rubbed his neck. "Sorry Hinata, I didn't realise." He apologised quietly.
Hinata shook her head quickly and rubbed her hands together shyly. "I-I don't mind Naruto-Kun." She replied with a shy smile. Naruto turned to look at her again with a slightly warmer face than before, then he noticed her rubbing her hands together.
"Are you cold?" He asked her worriedly, he wasn't too cold but he was wearing the scarf Hinata had re-knitted for him which kept him warm.
"A little but I'm okay." Hinata replied, smiling happily at his concern for her. As Naruto began unzipping his jacket and took it off, Hinata's face fell. "What are you doing? You're going to get a cold." She asked him worriedly.
Naruto put his jacket around her shoulders with a warm smile. "I'll be okay; I've got the scarf you gave me to keep me warm. I don't want you to be cold so you should wear my jacket-ttebayo." Naruto replied with his smile he reserved only for her and any argument Hinata had died in her throat and she accepted the jacket shyly. She pushed her arms through the jacket and zipped it up, subtly revelling in the smell that was uniquely Naruto.
"Thank you, Naruto-Kun." Hinata said with a smile, she was beginning to feel warmer already and she turned to look at the village again. The villagers were all milling around peacefully, some were shopping and others were sitting outside restaurants while talking happily to each other. Naruto resumed watching Hinata, thinking back to how she was always watching him, even when he thought he was all alone and he just never noticed. Looking at her now, a part of him felt angry at himself for not noticing her feelings sooner but as she turned back to him and gave him a bright smile, he felt those feelings disappear instantly and couldn't help but grin back.
"Would you like to head back now? It's getting colder, if you don't want to go home yet we could go somewhere and get tea or something?" Naruto asked her, looking at her worriedly when he could see her breath quicken as the temperature dropped.
"Okay, I have a mission tomorrow so I will have to get up early but I don't mind going somewhere else with you." Hinata replied shyly.
Naruto smiled happily. "Great, well we've already been to Ichiraku's so I don't think we should go there...but Sakura-Chan recommended this tea house she said she and Ino would go to when they met up with Temari." Naruto suggested scratching his cheek in thought.
"Hikari's Tea House?" Hinata asked excitedly, eyes lighting up in that childlike way again.
"Yeah that was it! Do you want to go there?" Naruto asked with an amused chuckle, already knowing the answer.
"Yes please, if that's okay with you. I haven't been able to go for ages and I just love it there, there are these beautiful animal decorations and their tea is the best." Hinata answered cheerfully.
"Well then, let's go dattebayo." Naruto said, standing up and offering his hand out to help Hinata stand up, which Hinata accepted gratefully. Naruto shyly kept his hold on Hinata's hand as they headed towards the village, they had been dating for a few weeks, just over a month but they would still sometimes be shy around each other.
As they were walking towards the tea shop, some villagers would wave or call out to them happily; they had just saved the world from being crushed by the moon so it was no surprise that the Konoha 11 were local celebrities, some villagers would also visit Neji's grave because of his brave efforts in the war.
When they headed into the tea shop, they sat down at a table and ordered their teas. Naruto watched Hinata with an amused expression as Hinata began looking around at all the beautiful decorations; Naruto had to admit that she was right; some of the animal sculptures were works of art.
"So where is your mission Hinata?" Naruto asked her curiously, thanking the waitress when she came down with their teas and handing her some money; Naruto had been paid for a mission he had just completed a few days ago so he knew he would definitely be able to afford anything Hinata wanted for their date.
"It's a small village near the Cloud village, there are quite a few rogue ninja that have decided to try and overthrow the Raikage-Sama and they have requested our help. Kiba-Kun doesn't understand why they asked us as they have many talented ninjas, but Shino-Kun thinks it's because the majority of Cloud ninjas have lightning ninjutsus and these Rogue ninja must have a way to counteract it or have more powerful jutsus, I have the Byakugan so I would be able to tell their chakra nature and just exactly what kind of jutsus they might use." Hinata replied worriedly.
"Well I know you will be amazing; you're a lot stronger than you think Hinata." Naruto told her reassuringly with a genuine smile, having every confidence in her.
"I hope so," Hinata replied uncertainly, she then shook her head and looked up determinedly, feeling reassured by his faith in her. "I'll do my best."
"Well I believe in you and I know you won't need it but if it makes you feel better, good luck dattebayo!" Naruto said with a grin.
Hinata beamed warmly, gaining a confidence boost at his words. "Thank you Naruto-Kun, that makes me feel a lot better."
Naruto stared at her smile, feeling warm in his chest and happy that he could make her smile like that, even if only for a little while. They finished up their teas and Naruto walked Hinata home, identical grins on their faces as they walked hand in hand with each other.
Naruto walked Hinata to her front door, smiling shyly at her as he leaned closer to her and kissed her softly on the lips, both of their faces had gone an interesting shade of scarlet, even though they had done this numerous times.
Naruto pulled back reluctantly. "Good luck on your mission Hinata...and please be safe." He whispered softly as he gave her a tight hug. Hinata hugged him back just as tight, not wanting the perfect night to end.
"I'll do my best Naruto-Kun." She told him, Naruto pulled away, trying and failing to hide his worry for her.
"I'll see you when you get back." Naruto told her, backing away slowly with a small wave as he turned for his apartment. Hinata watched him walk for a few seconds before noticing she still had his jacket.
"Naruto-Kun! Your jacket!" She called, walking after him worriedly as she tried to unzip it quickly.
"It's alright; you can keep it until you get back from your mission. I want it back in one piece." Naruto told her with a small smile, he bent down to kiss her cheek.
"Are you sure? Won't you be cold?" Hinata asked anxiously, secretly wanting to keep the jacket but worrying he would catch a cold.
"Like I said, I have your scarf to keep me warm; I can always use my ninja jacket so it's really okay. Don't worry about me." He told her with a grin. "Now go inside before you catch a cold-ttebayo."
"Thank you, see you soon." Hinata told him, before reluctantly turning away and walking quickly to her door, she turned around and waved as she knew he was watching to make sure she got home safe before entering her house and hugging the jacket to her.
Naruto smiled to himself as he thought over their date, things had been going well and he was incredibly happy. He rounded the corner to his apartment and quickened his pace, he opened the door to his apartment and cheerfully said his customary "I'm home," fully aware that no one would reply but he was in such a good mood he couldn't bring himself to care.
He went and took a shower before changing into his pyjamas, not noticing the shadow that seemed to cross the room. Before he knew it, an arm was around his neck; trying to suffocate him. Naruto struggled, breaking some plates he had left on the table as he fought against his unknown assailant. He managed to elbow his attacker in the stomach but not before he felt a sharp prick on his neck, he turned around and grabbed a kunai he had hidden in the couch. He was about to make an attack when he noticed that the one attacker was blurring into three and he wasn't sure whether it was a genjutsu or maybe the ninja had this ability but he knew something was definitely wrong when he felt himself get groggy, he stumbled to the right while reaching up to feel around his neck.
"What did you do to me?" Naruto slurred, before he fell over and everything went black.
Okay I should have this done...hopefully by Christmas, I'm just too tired to add anymore at the moment.