Chapter 12
The Forest River
Lin's POV
Thorin and the others were trapped! I had to do something. I narrowed my eyes and ran at the orcs.
I ignored my mother's calls. Even though I knew I would be in trouble later, I had to fight. More importantly I had to get to that lever. I saw Kili jump out of a barrel and start to fight his way up towards the lever. What I did not see was the orc archer that fired at him. An arrow struck his leg and he fell to the ground. I screamed in fear and ran faster. The orc fired at me next but another arrow hit his before it could get me. I looked over and saw Tauriel there.
Caladhiel's POV
Legolas, Tauriel and some other elves had come. Lin and Kili opened the gate. Kili had an arrow in his leg and when he jumped into a barrel it broke off. I winced and then Legolas grabbed me. He kissed me hard and then pushed me in direction of Lin. I nodded and then ran.
I reached for her and took her hand. Any orc that dared come near her was met by my blade. Legolas was also protecting us. Legolas jumped onto the dwarves' heads and fired arrows at the orcs. I was angry, and it was never a good thing when I was angry. I gave a shout and ran at the orcs. It had been a very long time since I had been this angry, but Kili was family. And I would never allow anyone to hurt my family. Every orc I saw lost its head and I did not stop. I grabbed Lin and jumped over the gate. I looked at her very seriously.
"Run and do not look back."
"DO AS I SAY! Kill anything that gets in your way. Now go!"
She ran off and I went with her. The orcs seemed to be an endless tide. I saw Legolas close by and he looked at me.
I love you!
I hit an orc coming up behind me and snapped its neck. I saw the big one that had shot Kili looking at me. I stared it down and narrowed my eyes.
"Come on then, you brute." I hissed.
I had once been one of the deadliest warriors in the Greenwood. It was how Legolas and I had met. I was assigned to protect him. But right now I had to protect my daughter and my friends. The orc ran after the dwarves on the other side of the river. I ran as fast as I could and I saw Legolas jump on top of the dwarves.
Dwalin is never going to let that go.
He jumped off and onto a ledge to fight an orc. I saw another orc come up behind him. I had nothing to throw and I would not get there in time. Someone threw a weapon into it and I looked over at Thorin. He winked at me and I smiled in gratitude.
"Caladhiel go! Go!" I said.
I did not want to, but I had to.
"I love you!" I said.
"I love you too!"
I smiled and then ran after my friends.
Legolas' POV
I was not too worried about her. She was one of the finest and deadliest warriors in Greenwood. She always would be. But I had only just gotten her back, now she was gone again.
Caladhiel's POV
I found the dwarves and Lin washed up on the bank of the river. I also saw and archer about to shoot at them. I ran forward silently and up into a tree.
"Do it again and you are dead." the man said.
I dropped down behind him and Lin disarmed him. I grabbed him and brought him to his knees.
"How dare you point an arrow at my child!" I hissed.
I could sense his fear.
"I did not know she was your child. I never would have harmed her. I myself have two daughters and a son." he said.
My eyes widened and I let him go.
"Lin, he will not hurt us."
She nodded and came to me.
"The barge over there, it would not be available for hire would it?" Balin asked.
He looked at me and I looked away.
"What makes you think I would help you?"
"Those boots have seen better days. As has that coat. You said you had some hungry mouths to feed. And a beautiful wife I would imagine." Balin said.
"Yes…she was beautiful."
I was sad to hear he had lost his wife.
"We need weapons, provisions. Can you help us?" Thorin asked.
He looked at the barrels. They were covered in sword and arrow marks.
"I know where these barrels came from."
"What of it?" Thorin asked.
"I don't know what business you had with the elves, but I don't think it ended well. No one enters Lake-Town but by leave of the Master. He would see you in irons before risking the wrath of king Thranduil. All his wealth, comes from trade with the Woodland Realm."
Thorin looked at me. I took a deep breath and pushed Lin towards him. I walked forward and he looked at me.
"My name is Caladhiel Greenleaf. Wife of Prince Legolas Greenleaf and therefore a daughter-in-law to Thranduil. I can assure you that you he will not bring misery upon you."
I knew who this man was. I did not know his name, but I knew his heritage.
"These dwarves are merely trying to reach the Iron Hills. They have had nothing but misfortune. Please, help us."
"What is an elf and a young girl doing in the company of thirteen dwarves and a Halfling? And the Woodland Princess no less."
I lowered my eyes.
Thorin's POV
Lin stood next to me and Caladhiel looked down.
"I left my husband. My daughter is adopted and I have left my husband."
That had to have broken her heart.
"Then how could you assure my people no misery?"
"Because my name still holds weight with the king. We need your help. My young daughter needs your help."
He looked at Lin and I put my hands on her shoulders.
"You would need a smuggler."
I saw Caladhiel take off her necklace. She held it out to him.
"This is worth more than anything the Master could have."
My eyes went wide.
"Caladhiel no.."
"I said I would do everything I could to help you. If this is the price, so be it."
"But it was your mother's." Kili said.
She smiled at us.
"All of you are more important than one jewel."
She put it in the man's hand and nodded. He gave her a sympathetic look.
"I cannot take this from you. It belongs in your family."
He put it back in her hand and smiled a bit. In the end we convinced him to help us and we gave him everything we had. We boarded the barge and Caladhiel stood up front. I went over to her and put my hand on her arm.
"Thank you. I know how hard it was for you to say those things."
She smiled gently.
"I told you, I will do whatever I can."
"But to trade your mother's jewel for us-"
"You are more important to me than a jewel. Friendship, love and family are the real treasures in life. Always remember that."
I smiled a bit.
"I will."
"I do not want what happened to Thror to happen to you. Promise me you will not let that stone take over your mind."
I nodded.
"I promise."
She nodded and then turned away.
"The money quick! Give it to me." Bard said.
"We will pay you when we get our provisions but not before."
"If you value your freedom you'll do as I say. There are guards ahead."
"Thorin do as he says." Caladhiel said.
I sighed but nodded. He had us all climb into the barrels and Caladhiel and Lin stayed out.
Caladhiel's POV
He pulled up to a dock. Bard made shook hands with a man before he had fish. Dwalin wasn't going to be happy when he got out of there. We kept going and I could hear the dwarves grumbling inside. Bard kicked one of the barrels.
"Quiet! We're approaching the toll gate."
I kept Lin close to me as we came to the gate.
"Halt! Goods inspection. Papers please."
An older man came down to us.
"Oh it's you Bard."
"Morning Percy."
"Anything to declare?"
"Nothing. But that I am cold and tired and ready for home."
He nodded and then looked at us.
"And you are?"
"Princess Caladhiel Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm."
His eyes widened and he bowed his head. I bowed my head to him.
"Well met Percy."
He held out Bard's papers.
"All in order."
"Not. So. Fast."
And ugly little man with a unibrow stepped forward.
"Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland Realm. Only, they're not empty. Are they Bard?"
"That's none of your business." Bard said.
"Wrong. It's the Master's business. Which makes it my business. These fish are illegal."
"I beg to differ."
He turned and looked at me.
"Who are you?"
"Princess Caladhiel of the Woodland Realm. These fish are a gift from I and my husband. Prince Legolas. And by extension, the king himself."
I could see a bit of fear in his eyes.
"Now, should you attempt to stop this man from following my orders, I will make certain you're held responsible for the delay. Is that what you want?" I asked.
He slowly backed away.
"I thought not. Now kindly let this man pass. My daughter and I are also in need of rest."
I narrowed my eyes and took a step forward.
"Are you going to make me repeat myself?" I asked in a low voice.
He jumped back.
"Raise the gate!" Percy said.
I nodded and we went through.
"The Master has his eye on you! You do well to remember, we know where you live!" he threatened.
"It's a small town Alfrid. Everyone knows where everyone lives."
I smirked and Lin laughed a little.