I appologies for my god awefull spelling and grammer, my laptop doesn't have spell or grammer check. English wasn't exactly my strong suit in school...or maths...or anything really T-T I only study art and graphics now which only requires a small bit of literacy skills XD
Anyways, bit of a time skip in this chapter, after they've got settled in and stuffs. I don't own TMNT.
Home Sweet Lair
Hamato cracked his back as he rose from his place on the newly transformed dojo floor and admired his handy work. The rat man had left a portion of the floor bare and planted a small tree directly under the sunlight that was leaking through the roof. Hopefully it would grow, strong and healthy, and maybe even be used for training exercises.
Four months had passed since he and the turtles has took refuge in the old subway, which he named 'The Lair' and the space was finally starting to feel somewhat like a home. He had gone with his inicial idea and had turned the back room into a dojo in hopes of someday training his new sons the art of ninjutsu, just as he had once planned to do so with his daughter.
Hamatos ears dropped at the thought of his lost family. His gaze drifted to a shelf that rested on one of the walls; upon the shelf sat a family potrait; A photo of himself when he was human, along with his beautiful wife, Tang Shen and their baby daughter, Miwa. He sighed sadly and made his way over to the paper door that separated his room from the dojo and peared inside. A futon lay in the middle of the floor along with a simple set of wooden drawers. He pulled the top draw open and took out the contents, holding in gently in his hand.
A Tessun. A beautiful, yet deadly fan like weapon, decorted with the symbol of his clan. It was a weapon that he was planing to give to Miwa when the time came, but now it was simply a relic, something from the past that he chose to hang on to. He supposed he could pass it on to one of his sons, though he doupted any of them would find it to their liking.
"Ah." The small voice brought him out of his musing. He turned back to his doorway and found his eldest son peeking around the japanese syle door. Leonardo looked up at him with large blue eyes, tilting his head to the side. Hamato smiled as he placed the Tessun safely back into the drawer. His old life may be over, but he had a new family to take care of now. They needed him, just as much as he needed them.
Leonardo had now crawled his way over and had taken the bottom of his robe into his, small, free fingered hand, gently tugging on the fabric. Hamato chuckled and lifted the little turtle of the floor, settling him under his arm as made he way towards the living area. The boy let out a series of giggles as he flailed in the mans grip, his tiny fists pounding weakly on the rats side.
The pair finally made it to the living area and found the rest of the turtles huddled around th e T.V that Hamato had managed to get working. An obnoxious childrens cartoon played on the screen as brightly coloured charaters danced around singing about colours and numbers. Michelangelo swayed in time with the anoying music, not really paying attention to the show, whilst Raphael sat next to him, not looking at all impressed. Donatello was the only one paying attention to the lessons being taught, his chocolate coloured eyes never leaving the screen.
Hamato placed Leonardo next to his brothers, who was instantly destracted by the bright colours and loud music, then settled himself on the bench of the pit. The benches of the pit were now lined with pillows, making it seem more like one, huge couch. The pit itself looked more like a nursery, filled to the brim with verious childrens toys and blankets. Colourfull building blocks lay spread about the floor, Donatello's favourite toy, along with a soft, brown bear, which belong to Michelangelo.
Hamato felt rather proud of himslef. A lot of the toys had once belonged to his daughter, whilst others he had found abandoned in dumpters or lost in the sewers. Obviously he had thoroughly cleaned them before alowing the boys to handle them. Just because they were living in the sewers, didn't mean they had to live like pigs.
"Aya!" A loud comotion brought him back the present. He turned his attention back to his sons and found Donatello had the remote in his hands, curiously inspecting it and unintentionly changing the channel. This did not sit well with Michelangelo who had begun to blow a little tantrum, obviously not happy about the loss of his music. He leaned across Raphael, attempting to snatch the remote from the paler turlte. Raphael placed his hand on his brothers plastron, stunting his movement. The darker turtle seemed more than happy to have the anoying cartoon gone.
Michelangelo sat back and continued to cry. A small movement caught Hamato's eye, and he watched as Leonardo retireved the brown bear and offered it to the wailing turtle. Michelangelo's crying ceased as he hugged the teddy close, letting out a giggle. Leonardo smiled, looking rather proud of himself as he plonked down next to his little brother. Yoshi couldn't help but smile aswell, Leornardo was a good big brother.
A small click brought his attention back to his other two sons. Donatello had now gotten bored with the buttons on the remote and had managed to get the back off, revealing the batteries. Little alarm bells went of in Hamato's head. He moved quickly, removing the remote from the boy's hands, replacing it with one of the coloured blocks. Donatello blicked his large, brown eyes, not exactly sure what had happened. Hamato was expecting him to start crying, but the small turtle mearly crawled over to the rest of the blocks and began building a small tower.
The rat man sighed in relief. He could tell Donatello was going to grow up to be extremelly intelligent, his brown eyed son was to curious fo his own good.
Hamato moved his attention to Rapael. The darker green turtle had crawled his way over to his brothers, grabbed Leonardo's foot in his hands and with little effort he pulled the appendage causing the blue tinted turtle to let out a small squeak as he faceplanted the floor. The rodent was about to make a move, but stopped when he saw Leonardo lift himself of the floor, his face set in a determined glare. With a high pitched yell, the turtle launched himself at his brother.
The pair continued to roll around the pit in a ball of flailling, green limbs, each trying to get the advantage. Michelangelo laughed and clapped at the display, whilst Donatello attempted to protect his tower, crying out whenever they got to close.
Finally, the boys stopped. Leonardo grunted as Raphael settled himself on top of his shell with a smug look. Once again, Hamato expected tears, however, Leonardo simply lay there, accepting his defeat, letting out noises of discomfort, and every now and then attempting to dislodge his considerably stronger brother.
Deciding enough was enough, Hamato removed the darker turtle, freeing Leonardo from his weight. The blue tinted turtle sighed in relief and rolled onto his back, his eyes closed.
Raphael was deffinatly the strogest of his sons, physically anyway, though he also had a bit of an attitide problem, even at this age. This worried Hamato. If he was going to teach his boys ninjutsu, he was going to have to teach Raphael to not allow his anger to get the best of him. Said turtle began to squirm in his grasp, letting out noices of protest. Hamato sighed; he deffinatly had his work cut out for him.
The rat man allowed Rapheal to go free and turned the channel on the T.V back to the obnoxious cartoon. Michelangelo let out a squeal of delight and instantly returned to swaying in time with the music. Donatello also returned his attention back to the show whilst Rapheal crossed his arms over his plastron with grumpy pout on his face. Leonardo simply sat up and crossed his legs, his deep blue eyes drawn to the T.V.
Hamato sat back, observing his sons with a small smile as they bantered back and forth in their babyish language. Yes, the lair was deffinatly starting to feel like home.
Bleh, short chapter -_- I'm no good at writing longer chapters TnT
Until next time, which will hopefully be longer (probably not) but I'll try :)