*Alright so Samcedes Christmas week was on tumblr and I wrote this as a one shot for the first day which was Secret Santa day. I do not own glee and hope you all enjoy this story.
He was new to the school, new to the glee club, and already catching the eyes of most of the glee girls. She wasn't immediately attracted to him when he came trotting into the choir room. No, she was lying. She actually thought he was adorable when he said "Sam I am and I don't like green eggs and ham". He stood in front of everyone smiling, his eyes twinkling and blonde hair covering his forehead as he glanced at everyone.
Almost immediately he began dating Quinn and even Mercedes had to admit that they were cute together. And she pushed her attraction to him aside until the day he sang Baby in front of everyone. At first she thought it was funny, especially when he was dancing or trying to dance. She felt her heart skip a beat when Sam threw his hoodie over his head and sang the last note.
"Wow that was sexy as hell!" she thought to herself. She looked around and noticed even Santana was feeling his performance. From that moment on she had a silly crush on the new kid. She pushed it behind her because he was dating Quinn but Mercedes found out through Santana that Quinn was cheating on him. And it didn't take long for the duo to split.
After he broke up with Quinn, he became quiet within glee club. He still participated but he wasn't as active as before. Mercedes knew it was hard for him to be in there watching his ex girlfriend date another member within the group. She would notice him sitting in the corner drawing and not really engaging in the rooms discussion. Few weeks later rumors were spreading that he was having an affair with Quinn. Rachel decided to tell everyone about and Sam sat and listened to the accusations. Mercedes wasn't sure why she felt she had to interject but the moment she asked: "Oh is that what we're calling it?" Sam shot her a look that made her feel really tiny. She knew she shouldn't have said anything. She didn't even know if the rumors were true. Then he stood and told the class about him being homeless and that Quinn was only helping.
"You guys happy now? The cats out the bag!" he said before walking out of the room. Everyone felt stupid. Mercedes felt stupid. And after class she decided she had to do something about it. She saw him at his locker when she approached him.
"Hey Sam!" she said smiling shyly at him. He turned and saw her and rolled his eyes before rummaging through his locker for his items. Mercedes knew this wasn't going to be easy seeing as they rarely ever spoken before.
"What do you want, Mercedes?" he asked pulling his books out and looking at her. She took a deep breath and clutched her books to her chest.
"I…I wanted to apologize for my behavior back there." she started he glanced at her and then slammed his locker.
"No biggie!" he said walking off.
"Wait…Sam!" she shouted pushing past other students as they made way to their class. "Look, it is a big deal! We were wrong to attack you like that! I was wrong for going along with it all!"
"I'm used to it!" he replied not looking her way. Mercedes tried to keep up with him as he briskly walked through the halls.
"It doesn't matter what you're used to…we were wrong!" she said and he finally slowed his pace. "I was thinking maybe you and your family can come over to my family's for dinner. Or even have Christmas dinner with us. If you don't have anything planned. We usually go to church and I know you're a christian like me—"
"You don't know anything about me!" he said cutting her off. He stopped walking and faced her. "Look, my family doesn't need your charity! I just need you all to keep my name out of your glee gossip train!" and with that he turned and walked off. Mercedes felt hurt and wanted to say forget helping but she knew that what Sam was going through was tough and she was going to help whether he liked it or not.
The first thing she did was talk to Quinn and dug for information about Sam and his family. Quinn was too busy thinking about Rachel and Finn to even notice what Mercedes was doing. She started off dropping items inside of Sam's locker. As she stood in her locker she watched as he would open each gift each day. The first gift was simple. Just a card saying that he wasn't alone and a giftcard to Breadstix for his family. He looked around trying to see if he could see the person that left it in his locker. Mercedes pretended to talk to Kurt but was definitely looking his way.
Each day she left a different present. Each day it got bigger than the next. She thought for sure he would have asked about it in glee club but he never said a thing to any of them. He didn't even smile. That friday she decided not put anything in his locker. She watched him open his locker and then frown when he saw nothing there. He slammed his locker and walked right up to her. Her pulse increased as he got closer.
"Hey, Kurt…Hey Mercedes…"he said once he reached them. He looked at Mercedes and smiled for the first time. "Kurt, can I talk to Mercedes for a minute?" he asked. Kurt looked between the two and then nodded before parting from the pair. Behind Sam's back he made the symbol for Mercedes to call him later. She took a deep breath and looked at Sam. Did he know it was her that had been leaving the gifts? Was he coming to tell her to back off?
"Yes Sam, what's up?" she asked praying he couldn't hear her heart beating right out of her chest. He looked around nervously and fixed the strap from his backpack on his shoulder.
"Um…I talked to my parents about what you offered…" he paused and looked down as if he was ashamed. Mercedes smiled warmly to him. "and I was wondering if maybe the offer still stands on that Christmas dinner thing?" he was still looking to the ground.
"Sam…of course!" she smiled. "I really didn't offer it as pity…"
"I know…I was just still upset…but…I think I'd rather not have Christmas at the hotel."
"I can understand that." she replied closing her locker door. They walked and continued to talk. "It's more than just dinner though, we have games and gift exchanges."
"That sounds great but I don't think we will have much to give."
"That's not what it's about in our house! Just bring your family and let Mercedes take care of the rest!" she smiled. He stopped in front of his class and pulled her in for a hug. She was shocked but she allowed herself to melt into him.
"Thank you Mercedes!" he said as she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled away and smiled. "Um…guess we'll be seeing you then."
"Right!" she nodded and walked away.
That night she drove over to the hotel where Kurt told her that Sam was staying and carried the big bag of gifts she got from church. She knocked on his door and then hurried away as fast as she could. She watched from across the way as Sam opened the door and looked outside. He noticed the bag and smiled before opening it. She smiled when she heard him call his little sister and brother to the door.
"Did Santa bring these, Sammy?" Mercedes heard the little girl ask Sam. He nodded and handed over the doll that was inside to her. His little brother dug into the bag and pulled out a toy truck and jumped for joy. Sam stood and looked around smiling before heading back into the hotel room.
Christmas morning, Mercedes was up early getting herself ready for them to arrive. She had already baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the kids and wrapped several gifts for Sam and his family. Since she had been giving gifts that were donated from the church, she had decided to use her own money to get their gifts for christmas day. Her mother smiled as she noticed Mercedes making sure everything was perfect.
"You like this boy, don't you?" she asked. Mercedes stopped what she was doing and looked over at her mother.
"What? No! He's just a boy from glee and his family is going through some tough times!" she lied. Her mother smiled and shook her head as her daughter lied. "It's the Christian thing to do!"
"Uh huh!" she smiled and walked over to the door when she heard a car pull up. "By the way, Ms. Christian, they have just arrived!" she smiled when she noticed Mercedes checking out her reflection in the mirror. "You look beautiful, Mercedes!"
"Thanks, mom!" she replied smiling and walking over to the door. Her mother wrapped her arms around Mercedes shoulder and opened the door. Mercedes could definitely see the resemblance in Sam's parents as they walked up holding their sons hand. Behind them Sam was holding his little sister and smiling from ear to ear.
"Hope we're not late!" he said before introducing his family.
"No…you are right on time for the festivities to start."Mercedes mother said as they all entered. "Mercedes baked some cookies so you all can have some if you would like." They followed her to the living room, leaving Sam and Mercedes near the front door.
"You look really nice, Mercedes!" he said once they were out of ear shot.
"Thank you! You look good too!" she stated checking out his oversized plaid button down shirt and jeans. It was nothing special but she knew it was all he had.
"Yeah, Finn donated some of his stuff to me, so they are kinda big." he added.
"They look better on you." she said then wished she didn't. He blushed at her. "Um…let's go join the others!" she said finally. He reached for her hand and followed her in.
Everything was great. They all had fun playing games and singing. They ate and then finally they gathered around the tree to open their gifts. Under the tree the gifts only had the name of the person the gift was for except one big box. It said Secret Santa on it as well.
"This one says it's for Sam!" Mercedes Father announced and pushed it towards him. He winked at Mercedes and smiled at his parents.
"Hey how about we take the kids caroling!" Mercedes mother announced.
"Without Mercedes?" her dad asked frowning as Sam started to sit down to open the big box. Mercedes smiled as she watched her mom push everyone outside and leaving them alone. "We'll be back!" he shouted as they all left.
"Secret Santa?" Sam read and then looked up at Mercedes. "It was you all along?" he asked looking at her. "The giftcards, toys, clothes, and everything! It was you?"
"Open it, silly!" she instructed. He smiled and began to tear the wrapping apart. He pulled up the box covering and rummaged through the packaging before pulling out a guitar. He paused and looked at it as if it weren't real then looked over at her.
"I hope you like it! I wasn't sure if it was up to the standards of the one you gave up but—" she stopped when he pulled her in hugging her tight. She smiled and held on to him. "Merry Christmas!"