disclaimer: i do not own naruto or haku would be female and married naruto. the story while tampered is not originally mine and i hope the author of 'medics of konoha' is okay with this story. please comment and review. add suggestions also

Chapter 1

A blond boy with whisker marks was walking around the village. Many people sneered at him. He sighed sadly. But saw a mob rushing at him. He was about to run as quick as he could but he turned into a anbu with a rat mask. He could feel the harsh grin behind the mask and was about get away from him but was grabbed and dragged away with the mob.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry please don't hurt me!" he pleaded to deaf ears as they burnt, stabbed and tortured the boy. Soon the cheers of 'die demon' stopped and they left him to die. He was six years old and couldn't defend him self. He crawled deeper into the woods to die in peace. But kami had another plan.

(with unknown travelers)

"lady Tsunade you shouldn't drink so much or …" a girl started she was black haired with a pale-ish skin tone but her onyx eyes caught the sight of a half dead body passed out on the street. She was panicking as Tsunade rushed past her to the boys aid.

"shizune! Get the supplies ready!" Tsunade ordered and shizune nodded and ran to the other side and got medicine out and some other equipment.

"dear kami who could've done this?" shizune asked in horror as they gave him treatment. He was so damaged that the blood flowed freely to the road around them. But Tsunade noticed his body healing at a extreme rate.
They set up camp and kept watch over him as shizune slept near the boy. Tsunade stayed awake.

'who is this boy and why was he abused? We're near konoha but something isn't right here." she thought but heard a groan as the boy got up and she watched as he blushed at being near shizune. But then fear set in as he realized he was with unknown people. He panicked as he looked around.

"w-where a-am I?" he asked in a scared meek voice and Tsunade decided to make herself known to the boy.

"we found you near death here. We treated your wounds and stayed to see your recovery. Where are you from and who did this to you?" she asked and naruto looked down.

"I-i'm from konoha and w-was attacked by a mob." he said and the woman looked pissed as she hit a tree and it shattered it scaring the boy. He scrambled to get up and ran away in fear and Tsunade noticed this. She chased after him she was faster than him and was about to grab him but he saw this and fell to the ground curled in a ball. He was crying l-….like she was gonna hurt….him.

'I scared him? He thinks i'm going …to hurt him? Sometimes I hate my temper.' she thought as her mind registered his actions and she slowly walked towards him.

"d-don't hurt me….I-I didn't kill them I-I didn't kill any-anyone." he sobbed out and she finally put it together.

'the Kyubi's jinchuriki.' she said in her mind but shook it away from her thoughts as she hugged him, he panicked and tried to get away but he was to small to fight her off of him and he began crying.

"shhh i'm not going to hurt you. Lets go get you something to eat and I'll think of what to do. Ok?" she asked and he nodded as he calmed down and she lead him back to the camp. They saw a worried shizune and she quickly ran to them.

"lady Tsunade I was so worried I saw the tree and thought we got attacked!" she said and Tsunade sighed as she patted the girls head.

"no I just lost my temper but tell me shizune have you ever wanted a little brother?" Tsunade asked and the two kids went wide eyed at that.

"you want to take him with us? I thought you said…." she started but Tsunade laughed.

"I realize what I said and he is a exception." Tsunade said and shizune nodded happily. Tsunade looked at the boy.

"hey kid what's your name?" she asked and the boy looked up.

"n-naruto….u-uzumaki naruto." he said shyly and kinda scared.

"well naruto from now on you are a senju. My name is Tsunade senju your new mother and the girl is shizune kato your sister." she said and naruto teared up and Tsunade worried if she was pushing to much.

"t-thank you kaa-san." he said and rushed to her giving her a hug as if she would run away from him. She comforted him all that night.

(years later)

"you want us to do what!?" naruto said as he stared at a white haired man with a team of ninjas behind him. The man sighed as he stared at the young man.

"we need a hokage and I can't do it but you and your mother are more than capable to run and defend the village." the man said and naruto glared.

"just one thing jiraiya i'm not a fucking ninja! And I'm never gonna be one!" naruto shouted at jiraiya. The others watched in silence.

"be reasonable naruto you have a oath to help those in need and konoha is in danger at this moment we have injured and you can find lots of pretty girls around there as you can see the two behind me. Its win win." jiraiya said and naruto stared at the girls. One blushed as the other was glaring at him.

"know this jiraiya that village can rot in hell for all I care and you too for the matter of bringing my oath up in this. But I will allow kaa-san to hear you out because i'm the nice guy I am but hey if she says go then we go if she tells me to be hokage then I will but if not like I said I'll see you and it in hell." naruto growled and jiraiya nodded as others watched in shock as naruto verbally cut jiraiya down.

"why is he just taking that abuse from that brat I would kill him." tenten said and jiraiya and naruto heard it and jiraiya paled.

"so you think you could kill me? I'm sorry little girl but that sounds like a challenge to me. Then let see this." naruto said as his temper flared and tenten glared ready to accept.

"naruto think this through i'm sure you would get bored beating a genin please just ignore her. You know how kids are boasting and stuff." jiraiya said in panic but naruto shook his head 'no'

"ill tell you what if that little squad you have can beat me with your help of course then I'll fore go the whole thing and just go with you and drag kaa-chan with me deal?" he asked and jiraiya was about to say something but the foolish girl spoke again.

"deal i'm sure lord jiraiya and me are enough to deal with you." she said and naruto smirked. He put on some glove making jiraiya pale further.

"nice knowing you girl but sadly you'll die today." naruto said and punched the ground shattering it to rubble shocking everyone.

"you stupid girl! I told you to keep quiet! Now you and me are screwed!" jiraiya said and tenten paled but felt something wrap around her leg and saw a tree branch. Every one was shocked.

"mokuton: great binding branch." naruto called and everyone paled. Tenten was never good at jutsu and couldn't escape and jiraiya couldn't help her because naruto sprinted forward and began attacking him.

"we forfeit! come on brat stop we lost!" he said and naruto frowned.

"fine so boring and here I was about to enjoy the fight the last person I fought was boring old Orochimaru and he ran away with that butt buddy of his." naruto said and jiraiya frowned.

"tell me more." jiraiya said and naruto sighed as he walked to the branch that had tenten and punched it freeing her from it and turned.

"I fought him after he said he killed jiji-san and he wanted me or mom to heal his arms but I answered by sending him ten miles away with my leg." naruto said and jiraiya nodded.

"ok where is your mom?" jiraiya asked and naruto sighed.

"buying our sake why? Oh right so you could ask her. Fine follow me." naruto said leading them into town and tenten could only scowl at his back as the other girl blushed.

"tell me naruto how has things been?" jiraiya asked and naruto smiled.

"very good I met someone and she became a travel companion although kaa-san isn't happy about her boy growing up but she doesn't know most of the details so its cool. And you?" he asked and jiraiya sighed.

"akatsuki is on the move they have six and four but besides that your fine." he said and naruto frowned. They made it to the town and naruto sighed as jiraiya paled.

"MAMA THE PERVERT WANTS TO USE ME TO GET GIRLS!" naruto shouted in a crying voice and quicker than anyone could see. Jiraiya went flying only to be caught by naruto.

"YOU DAMN PERVERT LEAVE MY SON ALONE!" a voice shouted and people turned their heads away from the scene.

"just kidding but we do need to talk." naruto said as two people quickly ran to catch her and the others.

"tsu-Tsunade-sama is naruto-sama all right?" a person in a kimono that was green asked and Tsunade huffed as she nodded.

"kaa-san…jiji is dead and I think they want you as hokage." naruto said and glanced at the woman in a green kimono.

"no I will never go there not after what happen to you Sochi. I forbid it!" Tsunade said and naruto shrugged. He turned to the sad hermit and saw many saddened faces and sighed.

"kaa-san haku is pregnant I want to go to keep her safe." naruto said to everyone's shock except haku who looked down in fear.

"what you….her….?" Tsunade asked trying to comprehend the words and naruto nodded.

"yes I was going to tell you kaa-san but this and that happened and plus you know that group would use her against me if needed….I'll go if it will protect her I'll be a kage if I have to but she is important to me like you and nee-chan." naruto said and Tsunade was conflicted but sighed.

"no need I'll go to be the ninja you heal the sick and wounded and protect her. But the first sign of trouble we will leave them to rot." Tsunade said and naruto smiled and looked at haku happily.

"you hear that haku were going to konoha! We can have that family now!" he said hugging the girl who smiled as she hugged back.

"that's great naru-kun." she said and a voice was heard in front of the group.

"very touching naruto-kun but you are coming with us." the voice was monotone and it belonged to a man with raven hair and red eyes.

"itachi uchiha and who might you be?" he asked a cloaked figure but he knew it was female.

"…..your enemy prepare yourself naruto uzu….." the woman started.

"senju my name is naruto senju and trust me you are along way from getting me to come with you two." naruto started and the man frowned.

"I see so if we attacked does that mean you would…." he started and naruto sighed.

"i'm sure you both have morals so how bout a quick game of catch me if you can too many witnesses and innocent people. Of course we'll make it a two on two….pervert your with me." he said and jiraiya frowned at the name but nodded.

"I'll take the girl so you can focus on the battle and trust me i'm no match for mr slaughter all my clan but I can see i'm just the right level for her." naruto said and jiraiya nodded and naruto ran away causing both criminals to follow only for jiraiya to take the uchiha's attention with a rasengan.

(naruto vs. ?)

He made it to the woods much to his relief as the woman dropped down to view.

"you shall come with us and face your fate." the woman spoke and naruto frowned as he did hand signs for summoning.

'the akatsuki doesn't have information on what contract he signed if we fail then we have some information on the next time.' she thought

"double summoning jutsu!" naruto called as both hands planted and smoke appeared covering up what he summoned. She felt anticipation as it cleared. A slug and a toad sat there making her wide eyed. Summoning multiple things was a ability of the rinnegan. She looked up to his eyes and saw they were more purple-ish but not a rinnegan.

"katsuru, Gamataken it seems we have trouble and i'm counting on you two to help me." he said and they nodded. Naruto ran through a couple more hand signs.

"wind release: air bullets!" he called as he shot air at the woman who dodged she threw her cloak off as it turned to paper. Making naruto narrow his eyes.

"I see I know who you are now konan. Jiraiya spoke so highly of you but look at what you are doing." he said and konan showed no emotion to the statement and sent a whirlwind of paper at him and naruto frowned as it came closer…..

(jiraiya vs. itachi)

Jiraiya dodged another fire ball as he was on a toad who was shooting water at itachi.

"I see you are strong like they say but since you're here then naruto can fight on even ground with that woman." he said and itachi seemed unaffected.

"she is stronger than I am in fact she has jutsus I cannot comprehend jiraiya-san if anything you sent him to his death." itachi said and jiraiya looked white in fear. But itachi disappeared in a murder of crows and jiraiya quickly ran to find naruto.

(naruto vs. konan)

Naruto was panting as another storm of paper rained down on him and he countered with a fire jutsu but some got through as the blue haired woman flew through the sky and naruto frowned as he missed another attack on her.

"fear not young uzumaki you will help bring peace if you come with us." she said and naruto frowned as he closed his eyes and opened them to show the rinnegan. He was hoping that he could bluff his way through this but he was low on chakra and could use one attack maybe.

"you should run or there will be another moon in the sky." he threatened and she looked shocked at the eyes but steeled herself. But suddenly a earth style jutsu came from the side and she dodged to see jiraiya and Tsunade.

"I see then ill take my leave….for now but a warning uzumaki we will be back for the Kyubi." she said and vanished in a lot of paper as he collapsed Tsunade ran to he side. She was worried he was hurt badly.

"naru-chan come on don't go to sleep answer me." she said and a weak chuckle was heard.

"i'm fine kaa-chan just…tired.." he said and fell asleep as the others came to see him injured and asleep.

"he isn't as ready as I thought…we should finish training him tsu-hime that was only a taste of the akatsuki if i'm correct we have to make him stronger than us because those two were pawns." jiraiya said and Tsunade looked down as the others hurried to his side and checked him over.

"fine we'll teach him the rest of what we know but not just yet." Tsunade said and picked naruto up gently and went to the hotel they were staying at….

an/ my toradora and naruto crossover will be on hiatus since my beta is having problems with thier computer. thank you
