Wow, its been such a long time! I had put this story on hold for a long time since I was writing two other stories...but I'm back, for good.


Ghost Pirate Love


"Thanks, now...why don't we act like pirates...and steal some treasure. YOU WITH ME!" Danny cried, now conversing with all his crew.

"AYE CAPTAIN!" The whole main deck roared.

This is going to be fun. It's their adversary who should be beware of them...

Chapter 5

Speedy Winnings

"Captain! Canons are ready!" A loud voice called out to Danny, waiting for his commands.

"PUNY HUMANS...AND GHOSTS! MY SHIP CAN WITHSTAND ANY JUNK YOU LAUNCH AT ME! I AM INDUSTRUCTUBLE!" The box ghost taunted, full of himself. Danny was surprised he hadn't bellowed beware..."BEWARE!" He was stand corrected.

"Let's get this over with...FIRE AT WILL!" The captain commanded, raising his arm into the air and pointing in the direction of the useless enemy vessel.

The men on canon duty, set the fuse, blocked their ears and stepped back, awaiting the loud boom that came after canon firing. The spherical ball of cast iron shot out of its cramped hole, the projectile zooming towards its cardboard target. Such a weak target, even the pirate crew felt sorry for their opponent. They even wished the first cannonball would at least only chip the edge of the mast. But, of course, greed took over soon enough and then they only wanted the treasure surely kept below its decks.

The verdict: they didn't miss, it was a perfect aim and shot. To be expected from one of the strongest pirate ships to roam the seven seas. Shockingly, it only took one measly cannonball to take down the entire ship to the depths of Davy Jones' locker. Danny laughed, along with the rest of the crew. Sam also felt like laughing, even if she had just been astronomically scared out of her wits.

Sam couldn't stop giggling when she heard the Box Ghost shout while going down with his ship. This ghost cracked her up. "BEWARE! I WILL BE BACK AND HAUNT YOUR NIGHTMARES! BEWAblub...blub...blub." He was hard to comprehend after he was swept under the waves of the turbulent sea.

"That was easier than I had calculated." Tucker spoke up, scratching his head, figuring out how his calculation had gone wrong.

"Tucker you needn't calculations to know that that piece of junk couldn't stand upright after one cannonball." Sam pointed out, knowing fully well how open she was starting to act towards everyone. She knew she had to make the most of it until it vanished from her twisted life.

"Math can be used for everything thank you very much, and calculations make everything more precise." He adjusted his hat, prideful of his advanced mathematical equations.

"Don't worry about him, he gets quite sensitive when people mock the art of math." Danny walked up to his best friend, patting him on the shoulders.

The light amusing conversation halted when a shout came from one of the crew. A signal of distress. "Watch out!" A large barrel came rolling down the deck, directly towards the wide purple eyed girl. It was too close for her to jump out of the way. Her reflex was to faze, but then everyone would know her secret. Once again she was petrified.

Danny shoved her out of the way, then fazed through the barrel at will. He had saved her just in time. When the accident hadn't created any bodily damage, Danny helped Sam stand up, he noticed her right arm. He shut his eyes tight; it looked see-through for a moment. His mind was defiantly playing tricks on him. "Are you ok?" He asked, but retracted that question since her legs were shaking like jelly and she looked scared. It was like she had just been attacked by a giant rabid tiger.

Sam dusted herself off, trying to wipe her scared visage off and replace it with a neutral mask. This time, it was hard to disguise her real emotions. She was a hair's length of a whole pirate crew discovering her dangerous secret. Vlad liked to keep what she was a secret. Last time someone found out what she could do, the person disappeared mysteriously...into the ocean. When she was little he told her that it was their little secret and no one was supposed to know. Sam did what she was told after that dreadfulper sayaccident.

"That was close." Sam mumbled quietly to herself, fear dissipating slowly from her eyes.

"Did you say something?" Danny asked, sure she spoke.

"I'm fine." She quickly stated, starting to walk away, but her captain was in her way.

"You don't look fine." The Halfling raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms, trying to be her superior (he was),not fooled by her stubborn lies.

"II have a fear of barrels." She said suddenly, smacking herself inside for the hopeless lie. She used to be good at lying, this change was something she didn't enjoy. It made her feel deceitful. She knew that; but she didn't like others knowing it.

"Don't lie. You looked terrified, and not only because a barrel was going to knock you to the floor. As your captain, I command you to tell me the truth." The young man coerced, making his crew whisper to each other. They had never seen their captain become so annoyed and commanding as of now. As pirates, they somewhat relished the different persona of their commanding officer.

"I...can't. Just trust me. I'll tell you one day." She told him with duel pleading voice and gaze. "The day Vlad is dead." Sam didn't dare add, but knew she had just made a promise she intended to keep.

Danny knew how pushy he was acting, but his impatience got the better of him. However, seeing her pleading eyes glaring at him, he set his impatience aside, knowing it was the right thing to do. He sighed, "Alright, but don't make one day into a couple of years." He recommended.

"I'll try." That's all she said, and took off to her (shared) cabin. She had to think a few things through.

Her pondering was put off balance when 'The Land Ahoyer' yelled, "Land! Land ahoy on the starboard bow!" Still in the cabin, she found her chance to escape. Before, she almost got caught and she couldn't be in that situation again. Although she wanted to stay, she told herself that she was only being selfish. If anyone found was over...for them.

The raven haired girl had a plan. She was going to run, away from danger. And keep on running until she knew when to stop. Early in the morning, when everyone was going to be asleep, Sam would sneak out and into the town and disappear into the shadows. It was a perfect plan...She would be gone, and when the crew would find out, it'll be too late.

Sam felt the ship's anchor hit the bottom the sea. They were stopping; surely to scavenge to sunken ship. She didn't care, treasure was nothing to her. She only sat in the cabin, waiting for the ship to sail to the port. The girl shut her eyes and rested, grieving for the new friends she will have to let go of when the sun will set.

Sorry for this short chapter, but I wanted to stop there. Review.
