"Come on Elena, Jeremy. Jenna's here to pick you up," Miranda called, her two teenagers. They both came down with two heavy suitcases.

Miranda smiled at her two children and followed them out to the car. "Thanks for this Jenna, Tom and I just need some time to sort out the business and settle into our new home before we bring the children."

"I'm happy to help," Jenna said hugging her sister, Miranda went stiff at first but eventually hugged back.

"Hi Elena, hi Jer," Jenna greeted cheerily as she hugged her niece and nephew. Elena smiled and hugged back, giving Jeremy a small shove when he didn't smile.

"This isn't forever is it mom?" He asked moodily as he set his suitcase down beside the car. Probably Jer..

"No, no of course not. Just until we get everything settled in Seattle, we'll be a couple of months tops. Anyway Mystic Falls is going to do you kids some good if it's how I remember it," Miranda answered smiling. Wow, now she's lying to her children.

"Hasn't changed much since you left," Jenna answered as she picked up Jeremy's suitcase and put it in the boot. Elena picked up her own case and put it next to Jeremy's.

"So this is goodbye then?" Elena asked looking down at her feet, desperate not to cry. Don't you dare cry! Do this for Jeremy, this is the most hardest on him.

"Not for long sweetie. I'll fly over and visit as soon as I can, okay? And then we'll be a proper family again once we've settled into our new home in Seattle," Miranda said as she placed a kiss on Elena's cheek and then Jeremy's cheek. Nice mom, more lies.

"Not exactly a family without dad," Jeremy muttered, Miranda shot him a glare and then pretended as if she never heard.

"Right, well you better get going if you want to avoid the worst of the traffic. I'll tell Tom that you two said goodbye," Miranda said plastering a smile across her face.

"Don't bother, he knows we wouldn't say anything to him even if he was here. He doesn't care Mom and neither do we," Jeremy said, this time louder. He received a sharp glare from Miranda and a slight squeeze of his hand from Elena. He slid into the backseat of the car and buckled his seatbelt. Ah, goodbye Philadelphia.

Once Elena and Jenna had got into the car Miranda said one final goodbye before heading back into her house. An hour into the drive Jeremy had fallen straight to sleep. "Miranda seems different," Jenna mused as she drove. Different is an understatement.

"She's been like that ever since she met Tom. I know dad's death was tough on her but she acts as if he never even existed, I mean sometimes she even acts as if me and Jer don't exist," Elena confided in her aunt, she spoke quietly afraid that she would wake Jeremy.

"It's sad but I guess we all deal with loss in a different way. I'm glad that she called though, after Grayson passed away she never really kept in touch, I missed you kids and I was thrilled when she asked me if you two could stay with me." Oh Jenna we missed you too. If only she'd called you sooner..

Elena gave her aunt a small smile, "It'll be fun. So Jer and I will be attending Mystic Falls high school then?"

Jenna nodded, "Yep. Good school. I think you'll like the people there, some cute boys."

"I'm not really looking for anyone yet, I want to try and focus on my studies as much as I can," Elena replied giggling as her aunt raised an eyebrow at her.

"Whatever you say. I think you'll definitely get on with Stefan though. He's a nice boy, wish I could say the same about his brother."

"Who's Stefan?"

"Stefan Salvatore. He lives next door with his parents Giuseppe and Mary and his brother Damon. Stefan's 17 too and he's agreed to show you around and help you out. If I was you I'd try to avoid Damon though, he's the heartbreaker in Mystic Falls," Jenna answered, a few minutes later Jeremy woke up and the three fell into a comfortable silence.

A few hours later Elena had her face pressed against the car window as they slowly drove through Mystic Falls. She made a mental note of where everything was as they drove past the Mystic Grill and a couple of small shops.

"Hey, don't go leaving marks on my newly cleaned windows," Jenna teased, Elena pulled away from the window sheepishly.

"Sorry," Elena apologised and pulled out her phone. She sent a few texts to her old friends from Philadelphia to let them know she'd arrived.

Soon enough they pulled into Jenna's driveway and were greeted by a few people sat on the deck chairs, waiting in anticipation of their arrival.

"Hey Ric," Jenna said as she got out of the car and walked over to a man Elena was unfamiliar with. Jenna placed a small kiss on his lips and turned to Elena who had a questioning smirk on her lips. Aww Jena never mentioned him! He's cute, good for Jenna!

"Alaric, this is my niece Elena and my nephew Jeremy. Guys this is my boyfriend Alaric, Saltzman," Jenna introduced with a huge grin. Alaric shook their hands politely and gave them a warm smile.

"It's great to meet you two, I've heard a lot about you. Jenna hasn't stopped talking about you since she agreed to you two staying."

"Shut up Ric!" Jenna teased blushing as she hit him softly. She quickly directed Elena and Jeremy over to the other guests that were waiting to greet them.

"These are our neighbours Giuseppe and Mary Salvatore and their son Stefan, Elena I mentioned them briefly in the car. This is my niece Elena and nephew Jeremy," Jenna said introducing Elena and Jeremy to their new neighbours. I wonder if all the boys in Mystic Falls look as good as him..

"Hi," They all said politely as they shook hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. If you ever need anything we're right next door and Stefan will be here to show you both around," Mary said as she pushed Stefan forward slightly. They seem nice maybe living here won't be so bad. I wonder what Damon's like, he can't be that bad with such a nice family?

"How about you all join us for a barbecue tonight?" Giuseppe suggested.

Jenna looked at Jeremy and Elena who both nodded, "Sure. What time should we come over?"

"Is seven okay with you?"

"Sounds great. I suppose we'd better get Elena and Jeremy settled in, we'll see you later." Unpacking, always the fun part.

"Elena, Jeremy are you ready to go over to the Salvatores?" Jenna called from downstairs. Right barbecue time..

"Be down in a few minutes," Elena yelled back, quickly looking around for a jumper, she found her hoody and put it on over her tank top and shorts! leaving it unzipped. Lipgloss, lipgloss, lipgloss where are you?!

Elena heard her brother's footsteps down the stairs and then her aunt's voice called, "We're going over there now, come over whenever you're ready!" This was followed by the slamming of the front door.

Elena found her lipgloss lying under her bed and quickly reapplied it. She shoved her hair up into a high ponytail and grabbed her phone before heading downstairs. She found her black converse and slipped them on before leaving the house and heading to the Salvatores. She knocked on the door and frowned when no one answered. She checked the backgate and found everyone outside.

"Elena, there you are!" Jenna said with a glass of wine in either hand. She handed Elena one of the glasses.

"This is for you, just don't tell your mother," She winked and Elena giggled and ran a finger across her lips to indicate that they were sealed.

This is impressive, Elena mused as she took in the warm atmosphere of the Salvatores' house, more like a mansion. The garden was the same size as Jenna's, which was fairly spacious, however the Salvatores had a pool and fairy lights running all around the garden. There were four sun loungers by the pool and mini tables beside them. On the decking was the barbecue which was currently occupied by Giuseppe and a huge table set for eight places. Eight? Elena counted, but there's only seven of us here.

Elena's thoughts were soon interrupted by Stefan who she hadn't realised was now stood next to her.

"So I heard you moved down from Philadelphia?" He asked before taking a sip from his own drink.

Elena nodded in reply, "Yeah, I mean the move here isn't meant to be permanent, when my mom and her boyfriend sort out their house in Seatle we're meant to be moving there."

"Ah right. Well I'll be happy to show you around Mystic Falls and I can help you around school," Stefan suggested.

"I'd like that," Elena replied before her phone began to buzz. Oh God I hope I don't seem rude if I start texting!

She quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and noted she had a text from Jessica, her best friend in Philly.

Jess: Hows Mystic Falls? Any cute boys?;) we miss u already! -J xo

Elena rolled her eyes but grinned, typical Jess. Jessica was promiscuous to say the least, there was no delicate way to put it, but she prided herself in it. Unlike Elena she had been boy crazy, they had completely opposite personalities but somehow their friendship had worked. Maybe because I never had a boyfriend that she could steal..

"Sorry!" Elena apologised as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. "Just my friends checking up on me."

"It's absolutely fine! Speaking of friends, I have a friend who wants to meet you actually."

"Really?" Elena asked puzzled.

"Her name's Caroline. She seem a bit full on at first but once you get to know her she can be really sweet," Stefan said, Elena was about to reply but was stopped when she heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hm I wouldn't describe Barbie as sweet," The voice said causing Elena to turn around, almost bumping into him.

Shit he is hot.. Wow and I thought Stefan was good looking. Oh this must be Damon! Crap, I must be staring! He gave out a smirk that made Elena feel weak at the knees, "Well we certainly haven't met before, I'd remember you. What's your name?"

Stefan rolled his eyes, "Her name is Elena, Damon. She just moved in next door now off you go."

"I think Elena can answer for herself," Damon said purring her name. Elena pulled herself together and rolled her eyes, she quickly turned her back to Damon and continued her conversation with Stefan.

"Thank you Stefan. So would you mind showing me around Mystic Falls before school starts?"

Stefan grinned but Damon replied first, grabbing Elena's arm and spinning her so she was facing him again. "You know I would be more than happy to show you around."

"No thanks," Elena said brushing him off casually, although his touch sent sparks up and down her arm. Damon frowned, clearly not used to being rejected. Hm I doubt he's ever been rejected before, those eyes mm... stop Elena!

"How does tomorrow sound? I can introduce you to my friends as well?" Stefan suggested and Elena nodded. Before either of them could say anything Stefan was called by his mother to help out with the barbecue, he apologised to Elena before running off to help her.

Oh shit, Elena thought as she stood beside Damon. She could practically feel waves of heat radiating from his body.

"So did you go to Mystic Falls high school?" Elena asked, making a feeble attempt of conversation. Way to sound lame Elena..

Damon smirked, "Yeah."

"Not really one for conversation are you?" Elena muttered to herself.

"I can be whatever you want me to be," Damon flirted sending her a wink, Elena groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you want from me, you're not going to get. So if I was you I'd quit while I was ahead."

Damon raised an eyebrow and moved closer, invading her personal space, "And what is it, that I want from you?" Where the hell is Stefan?!

"I may be new here, but don't think I don't know about your reputation. I will not be just another figure to your nameless conquests." Okay, maybe that was a little harsh.

"Retract your claws kitty cat. What if I just want to be your friend?"

This time it was Elena's turn to raise her eyebrows. "If you want to be my friend then fine, I'm up for that. But don't think for a second that you can get into my pants."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Damon purred in her ear, his close proximity was almost overwhelming for Elena. Thankfully Mary called the two over as dinner was being served.

What have I got myself into..

AN: Hope you enjoyed it, please review! The more reviews I get the more often I'll upload a new chapter! :)