Hey everyone. Here's another trailer parody chapter from the latest trailer of Avengers: Age of Ultron. We'll get to see three new characters that will wow you.


Somewhere far from civilization, a building stood. As the camera zooms in, it goes into an unknown room. Ultron sat on a huge throne chair; his followers, Sabrina, Quicksliver and a new member was with him.

Ultron: I was designed…to save the world…

*Scene change*

The Avengers jet flies somewhere in New York. Somewhere else, a woman looks through the window in wonder.

Ultron: …people who have looked to the skies and see…hope.

*Scene change*

Ultron: I'll take that from them first.

Ultron removes a cord behind his head. It has served what Ultron needed.

*Scene change*

Several buildings erupt into explosions. People begin to panic and heard for cover as the explosion goes on.

Ultron: There's only one path to peace…

All over New York, people are running from their lives. A huge threat has now come upon the world.

Ultron: their extinction

A large building explodes and collapses.

*Scene change*

Some mechanical hands began to assemble robot parts. It's work seem to go on as work began.

Dexter: I tried to build a suit of armor around the world…

Dexter had his back at Ben. He had a face of regret and fear as he explained to Ben what he did. "…but I created something terrible." He said regrettably.

"Artificial intelligence." Ben guessed right.

*scene change*

As New York fell into chaos, the worse began. Robots began to break right through the ground and flew through the air.

*scene change*

Dexter showed Ben something.

"It's called the Ultron program." He told him.

*Scene change*

More robots fly through the air. Their programming is to destroy all life. A truck exploded and sent Starfire flying back.

*Scene change*

Dexter: I'm sick of watching you people pay for our mistakes.

A bridge has been destroyed as the end was now an edge to anyone's doom. As cars were deserted, Aang ran to two other cars occupied. He held on to the end, but his strength wasn't enough. Both cars fell off.

*Scene Change*

Somewhere unknown, Ben gave Danny a serious look. The latter gave the other the same look. This might result to a start of an opposition between the two heroes.

"Isn't it why we fight so we can end the fight and go home?" Ben asked him.

*Scene Change*

Ben and Kim stood in a room. Both looked at each other romantically.

*Scene Change*

Ben is with the other Avengers. Kim sits on a chair and smugs at him, "Well you've amazingly failed."

Danny crosses his arms, "Thanks."

*Scene change*

Randy Cunningham walks by his ninja masks and picks it up.

*Scene change*

Jake Long stood in the darkness. He sharpened his claws and changes into his dragon form. Then he breaks out and joins the fight for New York.

*Scene Change*

Somewhere in the cold woods, the Avengers leap and charge dramatically at some high-tech firebender before them. Starfire had her starbolts charged and the American Dragon is about ready to let out some fire, Danny went in a ramming speed, Aang flew on his glider, Kim held two guns and was ready to land on the ground, Ben is about ready to slam the watch, and Incredible Girl was on a force field platform.

*Scene change*

The Avengers jet lowers to the streets in New York. It opens a hatch at the bottom and Kim comes down on a bike.

*Scene Change*

Samurai Jack walks to the edge of a high building. He wears a black stripe and white jumpsuit which had his sword strapped on his back.

*Scene Change*

Danny makes a slow grab and takes Zs'Skayr scythe from two handles that held it.

*Scene change*

Starfire lets out a breath of air as she pulls out of the water.

*Scene change*

The American dragon watches with a concentrated look. He leads the fleeing citizens to safety.

*Scene change*

Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) : Here we all are…

The Avengers stand in somekind of penthouse. Bruce Wayne walks to them, his face and body patched up from wounds when he encountered Ultron.

Bruce Wayne: Nothing but our wits and will to save the world….

*Scene change*

Bruce Wayne: So stand and fight

Three of the Avengers comprising of Starfire, the Ninja of Norrisville and Avatar Aang stand at the other side of a walkway. Danny flies down and stands in front of them, facing the enemy. Ultron stands in front of his followers which comprised of Sabrina, Quicksilver and the new member, Shadow from the Sonic universe.

*Scene Change*

Danny slides on a slippery ground and shoots ecto lasers.

*Scene change*

Ultron fires his red blasts.

*Scene change*

Three of the Avengers are ready to go into battle. Superboy stands silently as he watches Danny and Aang talk to each other.

"No way we're all getting through this." Danny said, dead serious.

Aang looked up to him. A look of determination and a freelance appeared on his face, "It's not like I'm ever going home anyway."

*Scene Change*

Incredible Girl runs through the cold woods. Shots her fired through the air, but she doesn't mind.

*Scene change*

A fight between Samurai Jack and Ultron arose. They fought on the top of a moving truck. Jack saw an upcoming and swung his sword to cut the arm of Ultron, but it doesn't budge. Ultron simply looks at it and throws it away into the streets before charging at the samurai.

Kim drives on her bike and quickly sees the sword, "You know I'm always picking after you boys." She said to herself and picked up the sword as she drove by it.

*Scene change*

Ultron: We can tear them apart…

As Ultron had said, the scene changed to the fight between the superpowered Rath and Danny in his ectoskeleton armor. Both fighters fought to the extent that Danny flew off on the side of a collapsing building. Rath refused to let go and get throwing multiple blows. It wasn't until they almost reached the top that Danny grabbed him and slammed him on the building.

Ultron:…from the inside.

Sabrina sends a dark red mist into Kim. Now she had control over her.

*Scene change*

Shadow holds a chaos emerald in his hand. His body glows darkly as he rushes in super speed and gives Aang a powerful uppercut that sends him crashing to a wall. He then runs off to the left.

*Scene Change*

Out on the streets, Sabrina uses her powers to lay waste.

*Scene change*

Cars are sent flying, with Aang holding on top one that is spinning.

*Scene Change*

A robot flies very fast and holds the Ninja over a railing.

*Scene change*

The Avengers are assembled at a citadel. Superboy stood in front of the others in boldness and arrogance.

"Is that the best you can do?!" He dared Ultron.

Ultron hovered in the air and laughed. He moved his hand as a signal, making a large number of robots to attack. Aang stands next to the teen clone and gave him a look, "You just had to ask."

*Scene Change*

Kim activates two energy blades in her hand despite not having her suit anymore.

*Scene change*

The American Dragon his head against another robot. Superboy punches several more away. And the rest of the Avengers fights the army of robots the best way they can. This time Sabrina and Shadow are on their side.

Jack let out a huge cry as he slashes his sword against several robots at him.

*Scene change*

Somewhere unknown, a figure lay. It was feminine. She has blond hair in pigtails and wore a robot suit. When observed closely she opened her eyes, which revealed to be DeeDee, Dexter's supposed dead sister.


Aaand done. I bet you guys didn't see any of that. I wanted to surprise you all since these guys will be making an appearance in the sequel. I don't have much to say, other than to look out for the last chapter of Avengers: Earth's Ultimate Heroes.