Just pushing the characters around.

The Doctor landed the engines on silent, his heart heavy. He opened the doors revealing a darkened house, a gloomy landing stretching before him. He stepped lightly opening a door to a bedroom, his daughter's. The Doctor could make out the shape in the darkness of his daughter entwined with her husband. The Doctor let a tear slide down his cheek as he retreated from the room. He opened another door revealing a bedroom with two sleeping occupants. The Doctor stood between the two small beds gazing on the two tiny figures of his granddaughters. He faced an impossible choice, separating identical twins and handing one possibly to their death. He decided to make a blind choice; he looked down at the girl on the left and noticed two little hearing aids on the bedside table. The girl asleep in her bed was little deaf Luna. "I'm sorry Ammie" he put the hearing aids in his pockets and lifted the little girl from her warm bed. She stirred in her sleep but didn't wake in his arms. He cried silently as he carried Luna to the TARDIS. He laid her on the floor and covered her with his jacket. He leaned on the console before flying away with his stolen child.

He picked up Luna, her head resting on his shoulder. She was safe in her dreams for now, unaware of her terrible fate. He carried her out of the TARDIS he was greeted by a steel room and a waiting recipient. "I see you made the right choice" Missy said a smile growing across her face.

"You gave no alternative" the Doctor pointed out. Missy smirked. She tilted her head to examine the small child in mint pyjamas "Girl?" Missy inquired.

"Yes" the Doctor choked "She's sleeping"

"Then wake her" Missy ordered. The Doctor gently shook Luna in the hope of waking her; Luna did wake with a start. The Doctor placed her on the floor and retrieved her hearing aids from his pocket. He put the hearing aids into her ears as Luna sleepily swayed on her feet. "What's your name sister?" Missy asked sickeningly sweet voice.

"Her name is Luna" the Doctor answered as Luna fell against his legs trying to sleep.

"Is she of gallifreyan blood?" Missy squinted at sleepy Luna.

"Yes" the Doctor nodded holding Luna up to stop her from falling "She's my granddaughter"

"A granddaughter" Missy raised her eyebrow "I thought your children perished"

"I have married since you died" the Doctor pierced Missy with his eyes "A fine woman with gallifreyan blood in her veins and fire in her heart"

"And she had you kids?" Missy asked her voice coated in jealously.

"A daughter who has had twin daughters of her own" the Doctor said proudly "One of them stands before them"

"And you call me evil" Missy commented "When you happily separate twin sisters"

"Not happily and certainly not willingly" the Doctor swallowed "But it's Luna and Astra's happiness or you destroy the universe" Missy smiled, she stepped forward and picked up Luna who was half asleep and just nestled into Missy's dress "See she likes me already" Missy taunted the Doctor.

"She doesn't know you yet" the Doctor said his voice like venom. He thought of Amelia weeping over an empty bed, Astra crying out for her sister and of himself lying to his daughter about what he had done. "What are you going to do with her?" the Doctor choked.

"With the girl" Missy kissed the top of Luna's head "I will raise her as my own" the Doctor was sickened by the thought of his innocent granddaughter be raised by the monster. Missy turned away and her heels clicked against the vast metal floor. He could her Luna's cries for her mother. She must have woken up and found herself in a stranger's arms. The Doctor turned and strode back to his TARDIS. Maybe today was the day he truly stopped being the Doctor, the day he ignored a child's cries.

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