Synopsis: Based on an Alternate Universe, a new Frieza story with a fresh twist on a love interest – if it can be called that. The saiyans are alive, the universe is in turmoil and all eyes are on Frieza – and that's just how she likes it. Follow Zerori as she literally fucks with the greatest (and most dangerous) enemies just for thrills and a little cash on the side.

Author's Note: I first want to say that I'm excited for the new movie coming out on April 18th, 2015 – Resurrection of F! It's going to be amazing, no matter the outcome! The origin of this story went through a LOT of different ideas and I want to thank to many friends and readers that helped me develop Zerori in order to actually expose her into a full story for readers who've never met her before. Her origins came from a website called Dragon Ball: Ultimate Journey, a site that has seen better days but I still hold it close to my heart because of the wonderful memories that it has given me.

For the record, as I'm writing this story, I want to offer that I still do solidarity role plays with Zerori on a one-by-one basis, but since I have a job it's a lot harder to keep up with the demand of posts! So, if we play – we play for fun and at out own pace.

A note for reviewers: While I will take criticism and welcome ideas, I will not induct ideas from reviews and I will also continue this story from start to finish, regardless if I get reviews. Yes, I like them and I don't deny that seeing a lot on a story on FFNet does make me want to read it more, however I will not condone Review Withholding. That is, in a nut shell, the act of refusing to continue a story on the basis of not receiving the demanded amount of posts. I.E: I'll post the next chapter when I get 5 reviews. Congratulations, you've just held the readers hostage!

But enough about rants; On with the story. If you would like back story information, you can send me a message or E-mail me check my profile but I would prefer you just wait until I release that on a need-to-know basis.

Ah, and lastly. The beginning is going to be confusing for a reason, but to clarify – since the literary device I'm using is confusing – scenes that are in all italics are flashback unless the chapter begins as a flashback entirely. I will drop certain cues when the story is and isn't in flashback but if you find it hard to follow, imagine the narrative in Dragon Age 2; that's my inspiration.

Chapter 1: When Beginnings Start

Alarms blared and lights strobed violently, making a hall that would normally look devoid of life shine like a Christmas tree. Down the halls, a figure was booking it as fast their body could go. Their hair flailed wildly, defying gravity in some places while covering their face in others. Their physique was toned and looked uniquely masculine, while at the same time keeping a femininely heart shaped face. Her size was average, around five and six inches, but her hair gave her a few more centimeters and gave her some intimidation. Her armor was of an old style, shoulder pad-less and wearing a tight fitting blue under suit; however, and most telling, was the condition it was in.

The left breast plate was cracked and the strap was gone completely. Her spandex had some rips in the material and on her face was a scouter - oddly fresh and unmarked.

Time seemed to slow down, no doubt a product of the adrenaline rush but she hoped it wasn't the tell-tale sign of her life flashing before her eyes...before death. For every moment that passed, she felt a vision of the past – a sequence of events that inevitably led up to this fateful encounter…

"You told me I could do this! You threw it in my face that because I was your daughter, I was destined to be great!" She yelled, throwing her cannon off to the side. Blue eyes burned in anger as they faced the taller woman, arms crossed and an unamused frown pursing her lips.

She rounded a corner, white boots in less than stellar condition, tapping off the floor as she remembered the layout of the ship and followed her instincts. A voice over the loud speaker, familiar to all whom resided on the ship, gave her an ominous message.

"When you find her, give the Prince a message," The voice began, hissing with arrogant abandon, "She's mine now."

Holding the glass of her fifth shot, she glared murderously at the view screen; news of the saiyans' first declaration of independence so the king was making the announcement himself. He presented his son to be the new king once he found a suitable mate, but their first order was to be their own entity. She should have known they'd rebel, if she was any indication.

The woman shuddered and grabbed a wall, stopping in front of a door with a determined expression, "To my dying breath, hell no," She muttered. The door slid open and she went inside, closing it behind her.

Inside was an armory of sorts, hand cannons and armor littering the walls, and she eyed a specific model with a sensual smile. Taking a few steps forward, feeling her victory and escape in hand, she did not realize the new security trips before it was too late. As her ankle passed the trip, a soft click was heard and she paused.

"You've attacked the wrong Prince for the last time!"

"Whoa, wait, wait! Time out! That was a foul, alright?!" She yelled in desperation, holding up her hands defensively.

Bad move; coming down on both sides if her, two electrified mechanical arms snatched her from the floor and pulled her into the air. Not only was she restrained tightly but every second she struggled, an intense electric shock would burst through her body and elicit a cry of pain. Each involuntary convulsion only produced more pain and shock through her body, her cries and screaming reaching a crescent before she suddenly stilled.

The boy spoke softly and she could tell it was to hide the sound of his voice. Was he some sort of big shot or what? "I need you to find an orb. It has seven stars and glows darkly."

"Doesn't sound like a job I'd come back from."

Her fate was sealed with her consciousness lost and the sound of a door could be heard opening. The soft scrape of clawed toes walking on metal closed in on the unconscious woman. When a pale hand reached forward, grasping the tail the hung limply at her thigh, another involuntary buck of her body jolted her but she did not wake.

The face of the being was smug with satisfaction, a purple and white crowned head and an unforgettable pink-striped and purple-tipped tail arced behind him. He gripped the tail and slowly crimped the bones until his objective was accomplished.

"That brat!" She hissed, only narrowly avoiding the cannon fire from VERY familiar weapons. "Shoulda known he'd set me up. Abandoned temple, my tail."

With a weak groan, the woman trembled from the pain in her backside that arced up and down her spine, "A-Ah, fuck..." She hissed. The lord behind her chuckled darkly and she stilled, suddenly starting her struggles back up again, "No!" She gasped and let out another cry when the shock coursed through her again. The being eased up his hold on her tail but did not release it.

When she calmed down, her body struggling to stay awake, she hissed lowly, "Frieza..."

"Father, it's been done. I hope I have," A soft sniffling sound could be heard, "-I've made you proud, haven't I?" Was he crying?

"Yes, my son. You've done very well."

"Without manners as usual; my dear, you really should pay attention when I give you a warning."

A snap resounded in the room and the woman let out a wall-shattering scream, her voice breaking apart as she stilled in pain. It paralyzed her and Frieza merely released her broken tail to walk around the machine. His arms were behind him, held together just above his tail, and he looked up at her with a bored expression.

"You foolish simian!" Frieza yelled into the pods' communication system. The saiyaness in question grinned with her arms crossed.

"Talkin' dirty again? Come on, I'll need more than that to enjoy this after I took your lost little trinket."

"Don't get so cocky. I have something you might be interested in."

"Killing you has lost my interest," He began, "- this farce I'm humoring you with is the last of my mercy before the time comes that I have one of my men end you." She looked down at him with a tired eye and he 'ho'ed with interest. "You thought that I would kill you? Silly monkey, you are not worth the effort."

Still in pain, the woman began to chuckle, as if she heard a joke that no one could hear. "You would have me killed..." She hissed, finding that speaking hurt, "-and you don't...wanna know how I did it?"

She stared at all the strange quadruped beings. Some had wings, and some had horns, but one in particular caught her attention. The one that was her prey; Rhapsody Shade, Princess and - as far as she cared - her only chance to not spend her days in hiding.

The smile on Frieza's face seemed to fall slowly and she realized that she did have an advantage, even now. She closed her eyes and he growled, "-You've nothing to say besides what could save you from the inevitable."

"Oh? You think so-?" She said softly, struggling to stay awake. "It's...your call," She breathed lastly before passing into the oblivion of unconsciousness once more. Moments passed, neither moving, before Frieza turned and walked out of the room. As he did, soldiers poured in and held their aim on the trapped unmoving figure. Before they could fire, he spoke.

"You told me that if I found your trinket, I'd be paid. Well," Her voice dipped lower as she leaned toward him, even as his body passed through her holographic form, "I think I'll take my payment, thank you. Nice knowin' ya and all that, but our business is finished."

"Don't finish her yet." He took a deep breath, "I want her knowledge. Bring her to the White Room." Finished, he started down the hall with a mission in mind. All of the headache that was Zerori would be a thing of the past in time but as much as she infuriated him, undermined him and made a fool of him - he was still curious...

Vegeta knelt down to her form, eyeing her with distain, "You said you knew how to escape Frieza?"

She glared at him from the ground, worse for wear even as she smirked ever so slightly, "Probably…the most adept at it in the universe."


A grin touched his lips, I will know why you returned, He thought wryly. One way or the other, your secrets will be mine.