Mehhhhh. Last chapter. Not sure if I'm pleased, or...

But guys guess what!

My uncle is gonna propose to his girlfriend! YEEEE~ I'm so happy for him :) perhaps people are just in the mood for

Disclaimer: not mine

Lin's mind was a whirlwind, and he didn't like that. Here he was, unable to concentrate on the movie Madoka had popped in a while before. He couldn't focus.

So there he lay, with his head in Madoka's lap, her hands carding lazily through his hair, and him drumming his fingers lightly on his stomach.

He found it...disturbing, that everyone (except John of course) had gotten married before he even thought about proposing to Madoka. Did she want to...? If she did she never said anything.

But a more important question; did he want to? Sure he loved Madoka with all of his heart, but was he okay with marriage?

But then, an image popped into his head. He saw a nice house, three bedroom, to be exact. In the master bedroom was where him and Madoka would be, waking up together every morning, and falling asleep together every night. The other two rooms were occupied by a little boy, just like Lin, and a little girl, just like Madoka. It was a wonderful image, and Lin couldn't help but smile to himself.

"Let's get married." Lin blurted. Madoka started and looked down at him.

"What?" She asked, laughter in her voice. Lin looked up at her with an intense gaze.

"Let's get married." He repeated. Madoka could sense he was being earnest.

"What brought this on?"

And Lin told her about his vision. The image of them, their children, their possible life as husband and wife.

"I have a dream now..." Lin finished quietly. "Care to share it with me?" Madoka smiled sweetly, leaned down, and kissed him softly.

"I would like nothing better." She said. Lin gave her a small smile and closed his eyes, and she went back to carding her fingers through his hair. All that was left was to find a ring...and tell his family...

oh God...

Mai, Madoka, and Naru were working peacefully in the office when they heard a sudden argument break out in a quick, sharp tongue just outside the door. They could all recognise one voice as Lin's, but only Naru and Madoka could recognise the second voice as Lin's father. Both could guess what the argument was about.

Madoka sighed and stared down at her hands. She knew this would happen. Perhaps hers and Lin's dream wouldn't be reality.

"I wouldn't think anything of it, Madoka." Naru spoke up suddenly, leaning in the doorway of his office. "Lin's a grown man, I don't think-," suddenly, he was interrupted by the door opening to reveal a seething Lin, who promptly strode over to Madoka, leaned down, and pressed a firm kiss to her mouth.

"I don't care what he thinks." Lin announced "I'm seeing to that dream of ours if it kills me."

Mai and Naru shared an amused/knowing glance and decided to give them privacy. Or, more accurately, lock themselves up in his office.

Lin took Madoka by the hands and gently stood her up, gently hugging her when he did.

"You don't let anything stand in your way, do you, Koujo?" Madoka asked coyly. Lin chuckled.

"No, no I don't. And I can promise one thing, we're gonna have a boy and girl, Shen and Yue, and live here in Japan, and it'll all be okay." He assured. Madoka smiled.

"You're not normally this sentimental." She pointed out amusedly.

"Happens with age." Lin retorted with a smirk, pulling back enough to look down at his fiancé. She chuckled and smacked his chest lightly.

"Stop it." She smirked, and laid her head on his chest again. "By the way, I love you." Lin laughed lightly.

"I love you right back."


I really enjoyed writing this, like really really enjoyed writing it. It makes me happy -w-

But yeah. That was super short, but okay. Not the chapter itself, but the story. But, I'm pleased :)

But my God, I just finished watching the series again and I HAVE FEELS. UNCONTROLLABLE FEELS. BITTE HILF MIR.