Sleepy Hollow

The town of Sleepy Hollow is extremely different than that of any other - it is a town where a majority of the populace are witches. The most common theory for this is that rumors of the Circle had spread quickly throughout the magical community and therefore many migrated there to the welcome haven in addition to the dense population already being magical.

Due to its small size the townspeople can often easily recognize one another and magic is practiced out in the open for the most part - save for when a 'normal' (a term used for the non magical) is present. Due to this many tourists have claimed to witness unexplainable phenomena and have given the town a mysterious haunted vibe that only true witches know the truth hidden just beneath the stories.

Sacred Circle:

The Sacred Circle is the main circle of Sleepy Hollow, it is the Circle comprised of the 6 main families (Meyers, McDowell, Bellerose, Kingston, Victor and Maxwell). It is the most powerful recorded Circle in existence, its members are highly regarded - almost to the point of worship. In this regard many circles even consider them to be the authorities of magic, the most powerful force against any oncoming evil.



This family specializes in Projection Magic.

The Bellerose family is the most respected of all the families in Sleepy Hollow, it is the family who organized the retreat away from Salem and recruited the other families. They are known to be cool and collected at all times (or as most as one could hope), additionally this family is typically the elected leader of the Circle.

They certainly live up to this reputation as they are the most active in house family, constantly checking in on other families outside of Circle business and ensuring the wellbeing of all witches living with them (even those not directly related to their Circle). It is because of their active presence that the McDowells have always had a fondness for them since they take care of the Circle during their absences.


This family specializes in Summoning Magic.

The McDowell family is easily the largest of all the families in members who actively practice in Sleepy Hollow, though one that prefers to abstain from most conflicts. However, they are unafraid to speak their mind when they deem it necessary and in most cases the other families will follow.

Reasons for this families persona vary, the prominent one being that most of the family is never present in Sleepy Hollow for long - except for the family Archon and Archmage. Family members are always out in the world seeking shrines to long forgotten gods and spirits so they can forge pacts with them and use them for battle, or whatever utility uses they may provide - although the later is rare.


This family specializes in Strengthening Magic.

The Meyers family is the youngest of the families to join Sleepy Hollow, for this reason they tend to be less respected by the other families. This family is always open about their opinions and feelings when it comes to Circle matters, painting them as the child.

This is further propagated into family members, many of the principal personalities vary from an enthusiastic child to a hell-bent rebel. Despite their childlike behavior and lack of respect they have always been fiercely loyal to the Circle, in addition to being the most liberal. Children in this family are not subjected under any pressure to practice magic and many have completely abandoned their magical heritage and lead perfectly normal lives.


This family specializes in Alchemy Magic.

The Kingston family is the smallest of the Sleepy Hollow families, this is not because of a lack of power but the opposite. The Kingstons were the ones who created the concept of the Magic Crest and they value it so highly that they wouldn't dare 'dilute the family blood', thus there's extreme pressure on all members of the family to conceive only one child.

The Kingstons are the most reserved of the families for their personal affairs, and keep their private life just that - private. Due to this not much is known about them except they are both a force to be revered and feared.


This family specializes in Healing / Defense Magic.

The Victor family is the most elusive of all the other families, in terms of their time before the move to Sleepy Hollow, any inquiries to it are often responded with 'no comment' or 'is our performance not satisfactory?' and 'Why is it relevant?'. Despite this they are an extremely wise family often being acclaimed to having a sixth sense about things; this has lead them to be mildly arrogant when compared to the others. They are usually right, and they usually know it.

Despite their secretive past they are extremely open and cooperative, always ready to lend a hand (and though never tested, could very well be willing to sacrifice one of their own). In house the family is tightly knit they are each others best friends (and even suspected of incest), this however has had some throwbacks where their personal matters have interfered with Circle business. For which they promptly apologize once the conflict is resolved.


This family specializes in Elemental Magic.

The Maxwell family is the most impulsive of all the families, while others have gained a reputation for a certain stratagem to magic and constant stream of beliefs (which usually vary slowly over time) the Maxwells are known to vary greatly from one Archon to the next, sometimes even to extremes.

They are the free thinkers of the circle, and without them (while none of the others would openly admit to it) they would stay the same stale Circle, never changing. Many innovative ideas have come from the Maxwell family, as a matter of fact the idea of structuring the Circle into Archons and electing a leader was their idea. Additionally they seem to have an aptitude to know the heart of a problem before the others and thus their insight is highly regarded.