Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, etc. all belong to Sega. I only own the occasional fan character in the story for chapters to come.
So hello everyone and welcome to chapter six of my story The Resolution. Thank to all the people who support and read my story and wish you continue to follow the story. All thanks aside I plan to make this Chapter at least 2,000 or more words which is a lot for me considering the longest paper or essay I have ever done is roughly about 500 to 1000 words and that was when I was applying for different magnet high schools this last year.
But anyways today we will be focusing on the situation and thoughts of Amelia Rose. As always I apologize in advance for any grammatical error(s). Enjoy!
December 31
In the thoughts of Amy Rose
I've always been a daydreamer and everyone knows that.
Everyone also knows I had always loved Sonic The Hedgehog and would always state it for the whole world to hear and never forget it.
That all was until I was around thirteen years old when Sonic started dating other girls. For the first five girls he had dated I would cry my eyes out for weeks at a time one after the other. I would ask myself what am I doing wrong, is there something I need to change about myself in order for him to love me? Is it because I look horrible or is it that I'm not good enough for his liking?
Am I too young for him? Is there something wrong with a sixteen year old boy dating a thirteen year old girl? We're only three years apart and it's not like it's statutory rape or something...
It wasn't until the seventh or so girl he had dated I had come up with an idea.
That idea was instead of pondering to myself and suffering, give him advice based off my previous mistakes and seeing if that works. It may have not been the advice that I gave him if not women would do anything for a chance to be with Sonic the Hedgehog.
There is one thing that I am not very proud of that happened during Sonic's first few girlfriends.
That was sharing a kiss with Shadow.
It as when I was bawling my eyes out because as I said before one of Sonic's new relationships. It was almost like sharing a kiss in the movies minus the kiss escalating to something worse like sex. I don't know how it happened but I blame the atmosphere of the room at the moment of the kiss.
It was late at night, the bedroom was dimly lit and two friends are sitting on the bed talking about the heartbreak one went through. Shadow was expressing his disliking of Sonic saying all he is a womanizer and never considers the emotions of that one person.
I almost believed him when he said Sonic was a womanizer. He's not like that.
Anyways... there was something about the tone of his voice about that night that made and still makes me melt. His voice was a deep, rich, sexy tone that calmed me to submission. And his eyes, some may think his red orbs are intimidating, but as the saying goes the eyes are the gateway to the soul.
And what I see in his eyes is years of suffering, trauma, and stress.
All of those factors contributed to that moment and I kinda don't regret it. I shared the kiss with someone I cared about and I enjoyed it. But I digress...
After Sonic's little dating phase he (kind of) slowed down. I guess he was mature enough to know that seeing who knows how many girls is gonna get your reputation ruined and you'll forever be known as a man whore or womanizer.
But the problem is I don't consider him a man whore, I don't care how many women he has been with as has probably been intimate with. I've loved him since I was eight years old and I don't think I can ever stop loving him even after my New year's resolution. I may think I don't love him anymore but the feeling will still be there.
There are just something's that will never change.
But maybe this is one of those things that will change.
Maybe after the party and a few days of rest I can start experimenting with Shadow on a new relationship. Yes Shadow has admitted his feelings rather vaguely but none the less admitted it to me and asked me on a date. But of course I turned his offer down at the time due to my feeling for a certain blue hedgehog. And note this was before the kiss we shared...
I didn't consider the way Shadow acted towards me.
Shadow approached me rather cautiously and seemed rather distressed considering he hardly shows emotion towards anyone. And to the regular person it would have seemed he was approaching me with the same old sourpuss face he always has.
But only I can tell the difference….
We have hung out so many times that I can tell his emotions by heart just by looking at him. It's always the eyes that tell the state of considering he almost always has the same face towards other people they'd think he was pissed or something.
But no, he had a rather softness in his eyes that day. Relaxed almost.
He approached me in the park of all places and we had some small talk. He stated that Sonic isn't worth the trouble of heartbreak and will probably continue his ways because as the saying goes old habits die hard or something like that. I told yes he has broken my heart many times before but he's always forgiven although it may happen on a regular basis. Then that's when he (sorta) dropped the bomb on me.
He said," Why chase after someone that doesn't give a damn about whether you love them or not?! Why not be with someone that loves you too!? One of those people may be in front of you, but you probably wouldn't even notice because you're so dumbstruck over that faker!"
I honestly wasn't expecting that especially from someone like himself. He never shows emotion to anyone even if you tried.
So sorry it has to end here but you're gonna get a update soon I just wanna tell you guys I'm not dead. And this is also being uploaded via mobile which is pretty cool. Pt. 2 commin' soon!