It was a beautiful night. The moon shined brightly on one of the stable houses. Inside a mother was happily nuzziling her newborn Fawn. The fawn's father Prancer stood to the side gazing down at her with a small. "Our fawn's beautiful. What should we name her Flow?" Flow gazed up at her mate with her eyes glowing brightly. "I was thinking Jolteon. Its means lightning." Prancer gave a small and nosed the fawn. "Yes Jolteon. A perfect name." Jolteon opened one eye gazing at her father. Flow smiled and nosed Jolteon up. Jolteon stood up slowly wobbling. Prancer dipped his head and his antlers shook. "Come on little one. Over here." Jolteon gave her first smile and walked wobbly over to her father. She pleaced her head on his chest adn he wrapped his head around her. "Your going to make me proud as you get bigger I can already tell." Jolteon gave a small snort and Flow laughed. Prancer eyes glowed and he just smiled. They were proud to have such a daughter.

One year went by quickly though and Jolteon was finally old enough to explore on her own. She was fascinated with the world around her. Her father smiled as she walked around Santa's Workshop. "What is this place daddy?" Prancer smiled and pointed with antlers around. "This is Santa's Workshop. All of the toys that he delivers on Christmas are made here." Jolteon eyes glowed and she walked over to one of the conveyor belts. The elves smiled and one of them pulled a toy off the conveyor belt to give to her. Jolteon took it happily. It was a white dog with long white ears and a small pink heart on it tail. It's nose was also shaped into a heart. Prancer laughed and nosed Jolteon away from the elves and out the door. Jolteon put the stuffed dog on her back and walked beside her father happily. Prancer gazed up in with a smile though as he spotted another reindeer. The reindeer was fully grown and much bigger than him. On his nose was a lightning mark and beside him a young fawn stood. Jolteon cocked her head as she saw the reindeer push the fawn behind him as they approached. "Blitzen you showing your kid around too?" Blitzen gave a nervous smile. "Yep just showing old Rudy around." jolteon bent down to look at the little fawn. She immediantly noticed that he had a red nose. She was about to ask him about it when she heard laughing. She backed up and glanced up to see another reindeer. Prancer smiled and nosed Jolteon over. The reindeer smiled. "Well who's this little beauty?" Prancer gave a proud smile. "This is my daughter Jolteon."The reindeer smiled. "Well hello there Jolteon. I'm Dasher." Jolteon smiled. "Hi." Blitzen started to back away slowly keeping his fawn behind him and out of sight. Dasher looked at him confused. "Where are you going in a rush Blitzen? Lets see your boy." Blitzen shook his head. "No I think its better I get Rudolph home." Prancer's smile faded and worry covered his face. "Something wrong with your son?" Jolteon gazed back down at rudolph. "I don't see anything wrong with him daddy." Blitzen's eyes fell on Jolteon and Jolteon met them with a confused look. "Why are you hiding him?" Prancer nosed Jolteon. "Now don't be rude Jolteon. Blitzen not hiding his son." Dasher gave a frown. "Then what is he doing?" Suddenly a bright red light flashed blinding Prancer,Jolteon, and Dasher. Blitzen gave a small gasp and stepped to the side revealing his son. Jolteon's eyes glowed as she starred at Rudolph's glowing red nose. Dasher gave a gasp. "What is wrong with your son's nose!?" Blitzen stepped back in front of Rudolph trying to hide him but Rudolph poked his head back around with his nose still glowing. "He just has a problem with his nose. He'll grow out of it." Prancer pushed his daughter behind him. "You sure that isn't type of sickness?" Blitzen stood frozen. Dasher gave a grunt. "You better hope he grows out of that. No reindeer is supposed to have a nose like that." Jolteon glanced around confused and then look at her father puzzled. Prancer just nosed her away. "Come on Jolteon. Lets go home." Jolteon glanced back trying to get back. "But I want to see Rudolph's nose daddy." Prancer shook his head and kept pushing her. "No sweetie. Let's go to the tracks. You don't need to be around him." Jolteon finally gave a defeated sigh and followed her father. her mind though still wondered about Rudolph.

When they finally got to the tracks Jolteon gave a gasp. Reindeer were pulling sleds why elves guided them. She was fascinated. "Daddy why are they pulling those sleds?" rancer smiled and pointed to a banner that said Reindeer Games. "There most likely praticing for the Reindeer Games. You see every year the reindeer games are held and one lucky reindeer who wins gets the honor to help pull the sleigh when they're old enough." jolteon smiled and she imagined herslef pulling the sled across the finsish line. "Dad how come no girls are pratcicing?" Her father's smiled faded a little. "Well girl's aren't allowed to compete sweetheart." Jolteon gave a small gasp and gazed into her father's eyes. "Why not?" Prancer gave a sigh and gazed back out into the track. "Thats just the way its always been." Jolteon gazed out and a though crossed her mind. What if she entered the Reindeer Games when she was old enough. "Has a girl ever tried entering?" Prancer gave his daughter a startled look. "Of course not. Thats obserd." Jolteon gazed at her father confused. He acted as if it was the end of the world to even ask that question. Thats when a small elf walked over. He smiled up at Jolteon. "Is this your girl Parncer?" Prancer nodded. "Yes it is. Jolteon this is Reef. He helps teach elves how to work the reins of the sled." Reef smiled and tipped his green hat. "Yes sir. I'm the expert behind the reins of any sled." Jolteon gave a small smile and another thought crossed her mind. "Have you ever competed with a reindeer in the games?" Reef scratched his head embarrased. "Well no but I've always wanted too." Jolteon gave a smile. She had hoped for that answer. Prancer pricked his ears and turned back to see Dasher. Jolteon looked up surprised. Dasher walked up to her dad and glanced over at her. "Prancer Santa's calling a meeting. He wants to discuss something that seemed to happen." Prancer gave a sigh and glanced back over at Jolteon and Reef. "Reef can you keep an eye on my daughter? I need to get to this meeting." Reef tipped his hat with a smile. "of couse I can Prance." Prancer gave a small smile and walked away with Dasher. Jolteon turned to Reef with her eyes glowing of excitement. "Would you be willing to help me out Reef?" Reef scratched his chin. "With what little Prance?" Jolteon gazed out at an empty sled. "Racing." Reef jumped and almost fell in the snow. "Help you race but your a girl?! You can't enter the games." Jolteon shook her head. "I bet if I show my dad that I'm good enough he'll let me. Come on please help me!" Reef stayed silent in thought and finally shrugged. "Well I guess I have nothing better to do. Whats your name though?" Jolteon smiled. "Jolteon is the name." Reef smirked. "Well if you want to become a racer then you have to have a much cooler name then that. What about Jolt Spark?" Jolteon smirked. "Sounds cool enough to me." Reef smiled. "Alright. Look lets not tell your pap about your racing idea until later ok? For now we'll just meet in the afternoons in the Snow Valley to pratice. Ok?" Jolteon gave s big smile and nuzzled Reef happily. "Ok we''l pratice everyday!"