Beast boy whined, a small green dog staring up at Raven. The half demon was reading and pointedly ignoring the boy.
He pulled on her cape, his tail waging.
She simply turned the page.
A tiny green bird landed on her head and tweeted.
She looked up at him, waving him off her head.
"Come on Ray!" He stuck his head in front of her book. "You've been sitting here for hours."
"Yes," she glared at him. "I'm reading."
"When are you going to be done?"
"When I'm done with the book."
"And when is that?"
She turned the page in answer.
He groaned and flopped to the coffee table.
From behind him the doors opened and a depressed Starfire flew in.
"What's wrong Star?"
"Oh," she glanced up, green eyes wide, "hello beast boy. Friend Robin has been very busy lately and I have not been able to talk with him."
Beast boy silently groaned. Both were were being ignored.
He changed into a cat and cuddled up next to her. Starfire giggled and petted him.
Glancing to Raven he watched her look up quickly then back to her book.
Smirking in his cat like way he began to purr, changing into a dog.
"Oh how wonderful!" Starfire giggled and pulled the remote. "Go of the fetching!" She cried happily.
Beast boy trotted away happily and picked up the remote, watching Raven as she again glanced from her book.
He handed the remote back to Star, wagging his tail happily.
"Oh I do like this game!" the princess clapped.
"Would you like to play Raven?" Starfire asked, catching sight of her friend'd jealous gaze.
"No," Raven lifted her book above her face, a slight flush to her cheeks.
They played a few more times before the tiny green puppy became tired and curled up on her lap, this time as a bunny.
Beast boy yawned, his tiny nose nuzzling in to her arm.
Starfire smiled and stroked his ears.
Raven couldn't take anymore. She stood, slamming her book shut. With one quick movement she scooped him up.
"I may not like fetch but he's MY bunny."
Starfire tilted her head, confused and pleasantly surprised. The short haired girl dropped to the couch with the large bunny curled up in her arms, both smiling happily.
Just a tiny ficlet
tell me what you think