So I'd just like to start out by thanking all of you for the reviews about the Bamon reunion cause I honestly didn't realize how nervous I was about it until you all started flooding me with your approval lol cause now I'm very relived to know that you liked it! Again Thank You! (And also sorry for not being active lately!)

Next I'd like to answer something that 26Chapters had asked me in their review which was about: 'Apparition Bonnie' and if she was ever real or did Damon just make her up and how would he have known about the dress?

It's a good question and honestly I may or may not include the answer in the story so in my headcanon: Damon does not remember any memories of Bonnie in 1994 and everything that happened because they've been tucked away by a spell Shelia performed presumably after Bonnie's departure in 1994. 'Apparition Bonnie' is all apart of Damon subconscious mind telling him that you're plan isn't going to work because you were there and you secretly know that it went another way... And the dress was the last thing 1994Damon saw her in, which is also why he saw her in it when he took the witch drugs.

So in a way she was real because Damon did see her in that dress before but the connection to Bonnie from 1994Damon's memories of her plus present Damon's desire to see her anyways manifested 'Apparition Bonnie' to take him on the mysterious emotional scenarios that our subconsciouses do anyways when we're asleep.

At least that was what I was going for. Anyways just to let y'all know what I'm aiming to do for the story now because Bonnie is home so now that, that angst is over; of course there's going to be new obstacles to overcome... Yay, more angst! ;)

But first I'm going to be doing mostly fluffy Bamon, side character tidbits, Angsty monologues for character development, mostly getting Bonnie somewhat settled back in... Instead of just throwing her back into all the problems like they do normally *sighs* and then the next real angst will occur!

Lol. Because there will still be things for Damon & Bonnie to get through... Just to warn ya! ;) Now on with the story!

Chapter 34: Just A Fool In Love With You

"Damon?" Bonnie started, they had been hugging for about five minutes now.

"Yeah?" Damon replied.

"You have to put me down now." Bonnie remarked.

"No." Damon said plainly.

"Damon!" Bonnie replied with amusement in her voice.

"Nope. I'm serious BonBon, not only because I don't want to but because I don't think at this moment time my body is even physically capable… And also because I don't want to." Damon countered.

Bonnie laughed silently, "And what if I said that I had to go to the bathroom at this very moment?"

"We'd have to go together." Damon replied in an 'as if it was reasonable' tone.

"Gross." Bonnie replied.

"Yeah… But we'd get through it. Together." He said and she could feel him smiling in the crook of her neck.

"I'm serious Damon, Caroline is waiting and we both know how she can get…" Bonnie said.

"Yeah… You know I just had a thought. What if instead of you going with Caroline, I kidnap you for a few weeks so I can have you all to myself instead!" Damon exclaimed.

"Damon, remember we died and had all that time together and that's how we kind of ended up in this position…" Bonnie reasoned.

"Yeah but this time there will be no dying!" Damon justified, "In fact that's a new rule no dying I forbid it. Also another rule if we do die I get to go first."

Bonnie pulled back to look him in the eyes, "You're an immortal vampire." She reminded.

"Exactly which means there's some serious planning to do one your part." Damon stated, Bonnie shook her head at his ridiculousness and he only smiled widely in reply.

Her laugh turned into a gaze, "I missed you." She spoke softly.

Damon's breath caught as he grinned wide and brightly at her.

"Alright now put me down so I can go with Caroline…" Bonnie continued.

Damon brought her feet to the floor but held his arms around her, "Fine but you have to call and text me every hour on the hour or I'll start to worry." Damon said simply.

"Yeah, no." Bonnie replied, prying his arms off.

"Well then you can't go." His hand still holding onto hers.

Bonnie laughed, "Seriously Damon, I have to go." She walked toward the door pulling her arm and hand away.

"Okay but first…" he said yanking her body back into his, back in his embrace, "I missed you too, Bonnie."

When they finally broke away again she replied, "Really did you? Because I mean since you're being so withholding I couldn't tell… Honestly you have to learn to be more affectionate, Damon." She teased.

"Oh you're asking me to be more affectionate? Because you know I take that as a challenge…" Damon smirked and wiggled his eyebrows as they both started walking out of his room.

"Yeah okay keep it in your pants Mister." Bonnie replied.

"Message received Bon. So the next time I see you I'll be completely naked!" he jested, and she just let out a laugh.

Bonnie changed into some of Caroline's PJs and a zip-up hoodie, and now the girls were heading out the front door.

Stefan hugged Bonnie again, "Glad you're home!" he said with another squeeze. Then he went over to Caroline, "Alright now try not to get too crazy tonight okay?" Caroline rolled her eyes but pulled him in for a hug.

"This feels like the first time I've been really happy in months…" Caroline sighed, and looked over to Bonnie and Damon laughing about something, as she kept hold of Stefan.

"I know." Stefan said looking over too, then moving his gaze over to Caroline's gleeful profile.

"Alright Judgy! Just let us know when you get there…" Damon said holding Bonnie's hand and then pulling her into another hug she gripped him tightly too, "Can't wait to see you next time BonBon…" Damon said with a wink.

"Clothed." Bonnie added.

"Right…" Damon replied with another wink.

Stefan looked at Caroline and then her eyebrows arched, Flirt much? She silently conversed with him.

The girls were finally just getting out the door, and Damon and Stefan watched them as they went.

Stefan was grinning to himself, then he looked over to Damon who looked simply elated.

"What?!" Damon said as he noticed Stefan's stare.

"Nothing." Stefan laughed.

"Shut up!" Damon replied, and Stefan laughed again.

"I told Elena that I would get you there as quickly as possible… So except speeding!" Caroline giggled.

Bonnie laughed too, "Okay."

Caroline grabbed a hold of Bonnie's hand to hold, "So how did you get back? Was it the spell that Damon did cause Lucy said it didn't work…"

"Lucy's here?" Bonnie recalled her cousin, they had kept in touch over the phone over the years but haven't gotten to meet again since the first time.

"Yep! But beware I think Enzo is trying to make a move on her…" Caroline laughed, "But seriously what was it?"

"It's a long story maybe I'll explain it when we had everyone altogether… It's a good story though…" Bonnie grinned to herself, "I'm more interested in what's been happening while I've been gone." Bonnie added.

Caroline looked cautiously over to Bonnie, "Lots of stuff…" she replied vaguely.

"Care, I know once we get back to the dorm with Elena we're probably going to spend the night talking about random fluff stuff… But I want he real stuff too. So… What's new?" Bonnie asked.

Caroline paused she honestly had been selfishly wishing Bonnie was here to talk about everything with her mom… and Stefan.

"My mom." She started, "She's sick." Caroline said lowly.

Bonnie's heart broke at the thought, and at Caroline's broken expression, "Care I'm so sorry!"

"She's known for awhile but I just found out and it's neurotic cancer… And today Stefan and I went to see some specialists, and the doctors are all telling me that there's nothing left to do! That the cancer is too far gone and I…" Caroline shouted and pulled over as a tear rolled down her cheek then she looked over to Bonnie who was crying already too. Bonnie unbuckled and leaned over to hug Caroline tightly. "I don't know what to do now…" Caroline whispered into Bonnie's shoulder. "Have you thought about…?" Bonnie trailed off.

"Vampire blood?" Caroline finished as she leaned back. "Stefan says that if vampire blood cured cancer that we probably would have heard about before…"

"Yeah because vampires would be so worried about cancer patients." Bonnie replied.

"And that's what I said!" Caroline added, "But when I really think about it… Even though there's no real logic behind the magic of healing blood… Vampire blood turns people immortal, but cancer is already immortal if I gave her my blood and it tried to fight the cancer…? I mean you never actually get rid of cancer even if you catch it early on you just put it off, until it comes back! So if I gave her my blood… Would the cancer just fight back and just speed everything up? Then it could just kill her and then would it just go away or would she just be a vampire with painful cancer still?!" Caroline rambled panicked.

Bonnie squeezed her hand, "Care, is there anything I can do?" she offered.

Caroline gave her a watery smile, "Bonnie you just got home! And no matter the possibilities my mom, she… She doesn't want any magical treatment." Caroline's face crumpled, "And I honestly haven't decided how selfish I'm going to be and make her take it anyway yet!" she laughed mournfully.

Bonnie combed her fingers through Caroline's hair brushing it behind her ear then cradling her cheek in her palm, "If it means anything… I don't think it's selfish."

Caroline smiled longingly at her best friend, "I'm so glad you're home!"

"Me too!" Bonnie stated.

Next morning, Caroline and Elena were both off doing their own thing. Bonnie had just finished up her shower, gotten dressed, planning her day out, when unexpectedly there was a knock at the door, Bonnie opened to answer it.

It was Damon.

Bonnie greeted him with an instant grin, "Hey!"

"Hey!" he smiled back.

"Elena went to work already…" Bonnie began.

"I'm here to see you!" Damon immediately intervened.

"Oh! Well come in then. I see that you're clothed, good…" She stepped aside to let him in happy he came to see her.

"That can easily be fixed!" he joked as he made himself comfortable on her bed, "I wanted to see how you were doing?" he stated.

Bonnie grinned, "Better than ever!" she said brightly walking toward where he sat, but first Bonnie shut her eyes and stretched, Damon tried not to stare.

Suddenly Bonnie hissed and Damon went back to staring, in an intense fashion now.

"What's wrong?!" Damon asked alarmed.

Bonnie looked into his concerned eyes; then she gave him a smile to comfort him.

"Don't worry, last night Caroline, Elena, and I decided to all sleep in the same bed and now I love my girls and getting all snuggly with them but… I ended up sleeping in some weird positions and now I'm paying for it." Bonnie replied, and then adjusted her neck trying to get some relief.

Damon's fingers started to itch he knew that Bonnie wasn't asking for it, but the way she stretched and moved around trying to relieve some of her tension Damon found himself gravitating towards her… Her eyes were closed again from the literal physical pain in her neck and body Damon placed his hand along the back of her neck and started rubbing.

She jolted at first then relaxed realizing it was only Damon then realizing what he was doing she began, "You don't have to-" he hushed her and then put his other hand to work.

Her tank top was cut lowly in the back so there was no barrier between their contact, Damon just kept a steady breath to remained as focused as possible to keep massaging and to not start doing other things…

Gently he slid his down to her shoulder blades and Bonnie hummed in her approval. Which did not help Damon's focus. Her head slowly leaned over as he worked out the knots from last night's previous sleeping arrangement.

Bonnie was feeling very relaxed. I almost want to lay down on my stomach and let him do this… But if anyone came in to find him straddling me! She laughed to herself.

"What're you thinking about, Little Bird?" Damon inquired, hearing her laugh.

Bonnie laughed again because of what she planned to say, "You straddling me…" she paused for affect.

Damon's hands stopped, and he was completely silent for a moment before he finally blurted, "What?!"

Bonnie turned back smiling at him to explain, "You're just so good at this I was thinking about laying face down to give you better coverage, but I figured if anyone decided to come by it might look a little suspicious to find you straddling me."

Damon continued to stare into her giddy glaze as he processed what she said. She arched her eyebrows probably curious to what he was thinking now.

Quickly Damon recovered his façade and smirked deviously to say, "Let them find us then!" and she laughed and shook her head.

He began his ministrations again getting to the small of her back and she began squirming, he would pause then start again. She kept squirming finally he said, "Bonnie!? If I'm doing something wrong just say something!"

"It just tickles!" Bonnie replied giggling.

Damon tilted his head at her comment and he smiled.

"Damon? It's not that I want you to-" Bonnie began.

But he put his hands back to her lower back testing… Bonnie squealed mid-sentence. He tested further and she squealed, laughed, and squirmed away from his grasp, but failed as he pulled her back.

He laid her on the bed, and he was no longer testing but now just tickling.

Bonnie's eyes began to water as she laughed so hard. Damon was smiling and laughing with her until he felt something under her shirt along her stomach.

Feeling this something he stopped and fixated on it.

"Damon…" Bonnie said knowing what he found.

Slowly he pulled her top up to see. It was a mostly healed over and was starting to scar.

Damon traced his fingers over the wound, "Have you considered having this looked at?" he asked.

Bonnie looked at him warmly, feeling warmth from him and his concern, "It's fine! I don't think I need to bother anyone-"

"Damn it, Bonnie! It's not a bother to make sure you're okay!" Damon cut her off, "Just… Just to know that everything is okay…" he added tiredly.

"I'm okay. I'm great in fact! Especially after that back massage!" She replied brightly, with a knowing smile and slightly sat up to look at him better.

Damon sighed, looking back to the scar and retracing it, "Are you sure cause it looks a lot bigger than it should be for just being an arrow shot…"

"Yeah well… Once Kai figured out that if I could put my magic away meant his sister did too all he needed was my blood to complete the ritual and stabbed me with Jo's hunting knife." Bonnie explained.

"I'm going to kill him!" Damon seethed getting up from the bed as if going to do it now.

"Damon! You can't! Then Luke or Liv will have to die too!" Bonnie reminded, sitting up completely.

"Yeah that's only if Jo can actually do what she says she's gonna do!" Damon sat back down dejectedly.

"Take off your jacket." Bonnie ordered.

Damon looked at her puzzled, "You have the weirdest turn-ons Bennett… I mean I don't know how you took that as flirting…"

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "No. It's your turn!" she said now pulling his jacket off.

He finally helped her and got the thing off but was still confused, "What do you mean it's my-!"

Bonnie put her hands on his shoulders and began rubbing.

Damon tensed at first just like she did, but then started to relax only slightly. Having Bonnie's hands on him made him feel good, but also antsy.

Leave it to Bonnie Bennett always gotta have everything balanced out… he thought.

Her hands moved down his back with just the right amounts of pressure, trying to focus on anything but her tiny literally magical hands on his body Damon proceed to ask, "So last night how was the slumber party? Lots of naughty pillow fights right?" Damon smirked.

"Oh of course." Bonnie played along, "And we were completely naked…"

Damon silently laughed to himself and replied, "Go on…"

Bonnie laughed too, "Well you know every once and a while we would talk too, you know talk about everything I missed, like about Care's mom, Kai kidnapping Elena…"

"… Anything about yours truly?" Damon said with a devious grin but internally was dead serious he wondered how much Elena had told Bonnie, he decided that it wasn't his place to tell her about the compelled away memories…

"Well I mentioned you a few times… Some of the things we did in the purgatory… But mostly we had a lot of girl talk." Bonnie replied, "You know it was really nice actually… Coming back and just mostly talking about normal stuff." She smiled and Damon looked back to her to see it, "But then we all fell asleep."

Bonnie got up on her knees behind him and began rubbing into his neck then she slipped her hands into his shirt and directly onto his skin the contact made him inhale sharply.

"Was that breath a good reaction or a bad one?" Bonnie inquired.

"Uh…" Damon replied with more breaths, "Good." Was all he could compose.

She rubbed gently up and down under his shirt normally Damon supposed it would be soothing but right now it felt warm, no hot like her hands were setting him on fire!

He briefly opened his eyes just to make sure she actually wasn't. Not that it felt anything like the last time she had actually done that.

It felt good. Too good, Damon's brain felt all fuzzy like maybe he was drunk he was pretty sure if she kept this up he wouldn't be able to speak or function in a normal fashion at all.

Luckily for him she pulled her hands out of his shirt, sitting down behind him pulling her body close, and hung her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his right shoulder.

"So what are your plans for today?" she asked her breath against the side of his neck.

Damon took another breath and tried to remember what his plans for the day actually were, "I'm going to see Liz later and then probably call Ric about the whole Jo relearning magic thing and see how that's going…" he managed. "You?"

"Well apparently I was never pronounced dead, which I don't whether to find that sad that either no one noticed or disturbing that, that's how horrible filing is around here… But either way it all works out because it means I don't have to go through as much paperwork getting everything back in my name." Bonnie replied.

"What do you mean?" Damon turned to her slightly.

"I'm going to finally claim Gram's house she left it to me and now I'm going to claim it and start getting ready to move in there… My dad left me his house too but it was just too hard to live there after what happened plus I was going to Whitmore anyway so I just packed up my stuff plus a few other personal things and then just rented it out… Which the rent money has actually has been collecting at the bank while I was away along with my dad's insurance money…" Bonnie continued.

"So I guess you'll be all set then?" Damon said seeming almost disappointed by this.

"Well don't be too happy for me." Bonnie teased.

"I guess I just assumed you'd continue living at the boarding house…" he replied honestly.

Bonnie looked him over in awe and she smiled, "Admit it you're going to miss me!" she grinned.

"I think you're going to miss me!" Damon replied confidently, thinking to himself that he would though.

"We'll I guess we're always just one phone call or vamp-speed away." She remarked.

"Definitely." He replied earnestly, hoping she would call him wanting him to come over, "So does this mean I'm finally getting an invitation into Shelia's house?!" Damon added.

In that moment Bonnie's mind went back to 1994 with Damon sitting in her living room reading to a younger version of herself, feeling heartbroken that he couldn't recall the precious scene himself.

Never doubt Grams. she thought. Now that I'm back I guess I could figure out a way to reverse it… and then replied, "I think that can be arranged." Bonnie grinned knowingly.

"When are you going to do this paperwork?" Damon inquired.

"I need to be there in about an hour actually…" Bonnie said feeling like Damon just got here.

"I can drive you." he volunteered.

"Really? You can just drop me off cause it's probably going to take a while anyways." Bonnie countered eagerly.

"Then afterwards we can meet up again and then go do something… if you want?" Damon posed almost timidly.

Bonnie smiled widely, "I'd love to something, with you." she laughed.

"Perfect." Damon smiled back, feeling the tug at his heart from Bonnie's reactions.

He sighed longingly to himself, I'm such a lovesick idiot. he thought but still had a sincere smile plastered to his face as he followed his witch to the car.

So another fyi Caroline will not be giving Liz vampire blood in my story but Caroline's explanation was based on a theory I saw on tumblr… I wanted to again throw in some Baroline love I like exploring their friendship which we don't get to do in the actual show as much so here I am.

Bonnie has been caught up on some things not all more will be revealed to her later, Damon is actually being patient and trying to do the right thing by his best friend plus he's just so smitten and glad to have her back and it's all completely delicious! Lol. Thoughts?