Disclaimer: See Chapter 32.

Note: This is the final chapter! It's such a bittersweet feeling that this is the end. I've really grown attached to this fic and I just want to say thank you to everyone that's given it a chance. Your love and support really kept me going this entire time. Thank you! Enjoy it! -JJ

Chapter 33

3 Months Later – New Years Eve

Enzo had his arm around Alexa's waist, twirling her around on the dance floor. He spun her out, letting her do her own little dance as he broke into his usual Shmoney dance. He felt light on his feet and incredibly happy, just enjoying the beat of the music as it pounded into him and everyone inside the crowded bar. He couldn't help but smile at her, watching as her eyes sparkled under the lights. He reached back out for her, pulling her in to his chest before they twirled around a couple times, both falling into a fit of giggles.

Enzo was the one to pull away from Alexa once the song ended and the DJ started another, slower one. He kept her hand in his as he led her back to the booth where Baron and Cass were sitting, both smiling at their respective lovers.

"If you aren't careful, Enzo's going to sweep me off my feet," Alexa teased, breaking hands with Enzo and sitting next to her boyfriend. She nudged his arm with her shoulder as she reached for his beer. "He's pretty good out there." She giggled before taking a drink.

Baron smirked, shrugging. "I'd like to see him try," he rumbled, looking across the table to where Enzo was now sitting next to Cass. Their eyes locked and he gave a mock glare. "Besides, I don't think Cass would be okay with that."

Cass smirked, wrapping his arm around Enzo's shoulders, pulling him in so he could press a kiss to the side of the freshly shaved side of Enzo's head. "Do it and you won't be able to walk for a week," he muttered into Enzo's ear, watching as his boyfriend's entire face flushed. "No worries here," he said louder, focusing his attention back on Alexa and Baron.

Enzo took his beer and took a long drink, hoping that it would cool his face down. Never had Cass threatened him with something like that. He didn't even know if he could consider it a threat. He swallowed hard, looking around the bar before his eyes settled on Finn and Hideo as they started over. He jumped up, smirking at the three at the table before he darted over and wrapped his arms around both men's neck, standing between them. "I didn't think you two'd show."

Hideo smiled, looking down at the floor. "Finn wouldn't let me stay home," he murmured, looking over at the Irishman before looking at Enzo. He had every intention of enjoying the night quietly at home.

"Of course not, it's New Year's Eve and we should celebrate with friends!" Finn said proudly, puffing out his chest slightly. "You sure Cass isn't going to get mad from you hanging on us?"

Enzo shook his head. "Naw, he knows where I belong," he answered, pulling back and dropping his hands. "C'mon Hideo, let's get some drinks! I don't trust Finny over there because he's such a lightweight."

"Finny?" Finn asked almost incredulously, already against the new nickname. He barely had time to protest before Enzo had already led Hideo off into the crowd. He sighed, shaking his head, turning his attention towards the table where Cass, Alexa, and Baron were sitting. He figured he didn't have anything to lose and walked over, Enzo would eventually return with Hideo. "Evening."

"Finn!" Alexa exclaimed, clearly happy to see that he'd shown to the party. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it." She smiled patting the table, hoping he would take the empty spot next to Cass.

Finn looked at the spot, thinking that it was still a bit uncomfortable being around Cass. He didn't want to make the awkwardness any worse and sit next to him. "I'll stand thanks," he declined politely, listening as Alexa went on to talk his ear off about the party and the ball dropping in an hour.

Cass finished his beer, smirking at the almost pained look on Finn's face. He knew Alexa was already well on her way to being drunk and it caused her to just gab on and on. He slid out of the booth and clapped a hand on Finn's shoulder. He figured he'd take pity on the poor guy and get him away from her just for a few minutes. "Wanna walk with me to the bar?" he asked, his and Finn's eyes meeting.

Finn nodded, feeling an odd tension between them still. "I'll be right back," he said, smiling at Alexa before he allowed Cass to lead him away, the heavy hand falling away. Even with all the excitement buzzing around them, the silence between him and Cass was tense and awkward. "I guess I should thank you. She's a talker when she drinks."

Cass nodded, looking over his shoulder and back at Alexa and Baron before his eyes fell to Finn. "Actually, I wanted to talk to ya for a second," he said, finding a secluded corner so that they could hear each other over the music. "I know things calmed down an' all that, but I did wanna apologize to ya for real. I was a real ass to ya over 'Zo, and none of that was really ya fault. I don't expect us to be the best of friends or nothin', but you're still 'Zo's friend and I don't want things to keep being weird between us."

Finn nodded, smiling softly. "I can agree with that," he finally answered, extending his hand. His smile grew as Cass took it and gave it a firm shake. "I'm happy for you two, but I hope you don't mind me asking, how are things going with Carmella? She started coming with you to the ring again recently."

Cass sighed, shrugging as he looked down at the floor, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's better," he started, meeting Finn's gaze. "Not great, but better. We're tryna repair the trust we had. Me and 'Zo, we keep it the minimum when she's around."

Finn nodded, resting his hands on his hips. "I heard she's talking to Blake," he brought up, watching as Cass quickly tensed up. He knew this wasn't an easy conversation for Cass.

"She's playin' the field," Cass answered, looking onto the dance floor to see the woman they were discussing, dancing between Blake and Murphy, her long arms circled around Blake's neck.

"You still love her?"

Cass looked back at Finn, guilt filling him. He didn't answer, just gave a small shrug, hoping it would be enough.

"Does Enzo know?" Finn asked, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer. This was something the two of them should be discussing.

Cass nodded, a harsh sigh escaping his lips. "If I was gonna settle down and do the marriage thing and start a family, it woulda been with her. 'Zo knows that," Cass explained, honey colored eyes landing on him and a smile being shot in his direction. He felt his heart skip a beat as he returned it. He looked back at Finn. "But, that ain't the case. I'm happy with 'Zo an' I wouldn't change what we got for anythin'."

Finn smiled, he was happy to hear that. "You think Enzo and Hideo made it back to the table?" he asked, thinking that him and Cass had been gone long enough. He knew Enzo would probably jump to the conclusion that they were arguing if they were gone too long.

Cass nodded again, turning back towards the table. "So, you and Hideo are doin' good?" he asked, watching as a soft blush touched Finn's cheeks.

"Yeah, we're good," Finn answered, thankful that Cass left conversation at that. He was enjoying the slow burn of their relationship. It was still delicate and him and Hideo both were learning, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

He followed Cass back to the table, happy to see that Hideo and Enzo were there. Easily, he slid up next to Hideo, slipping their hands together between them. He offered a soft smile to his boyfriend, wishing he could lean in and kiss him, but he knew it would only embarrass the Japanese man.

Enzo smirked, ready to tease the two for their elementary school show of affection. He was quickly cut off when Alexa started to hand out shots to each of them before toasting to their friendship. He followed suit, thinking that it was too good of a night to let anything bother him. He just wanted to enjoy ringing in the New Year with Cass and their friends.

Finn held tight to Hideo as they stumbled through the door into his apartment. He groaned, Hideo's lips on his, their tongues clashing together in drunken lust. One hand was in Hideo's hair, the other in his shirt as he was pushed up against the door, slamming it shut. Even though their teeth clacked together, he couldn't bring himself to care. This was the first time Hideo had taken the lead and kissed him so passionately without him making the first move.

Hideo's hands were tightly fisted in the front of Finn's t-shirt. He knew they were both dangerously close to being drunk, but all his thoughts were on Finn. His feet stumbled over the other to kick his shoes off. Once they were off, his hands released Finn's shirt so that he could ease down to his knees. He started untying Finn's shoes, knowing the other man wasn't balanced enough to do it himself. He felt a hand cup his chin, tilting it upwards. "Finn?" he asked curiously, a dark passionate look on his boyfriend's face.

"You look so good down there," Finn groaned without thinking. He bit his lower lip, feeling his cock start to swell with life and throb in his jeans. His entire body was hot, and growing hotter as each second ticked by. All he wanted was to rip both his and Hideo's clothes off. He wanted to taste every bit of Hideo's skin, hear his voice.

Hideo only smirked, his cheeks warming. He shook his head as he returned to pulling Finn's shoes off. Once they were off to the side, he stood, taking Finn's hand. Quickly, he led him to the bedroom, where he once again pushed Finn up against the door as it closed.

"I'm starting to think you like being rough with me," Finn teased, lips once again attacking his, hands grabbing the hem of his shirt. He groaned, his mouth anxiously invaded by Hideo's tongue as his shirt was yanked up. He lifted his arms, his and Hideo's mouths parting just long enough for the material to pass between them. Then they were once again fused together.

Hideo whimpered into the kiss, dropping Finn's shirt. His hands cupped Finn's cheeks as he pulled back, his lips red and stinging from their roughness. His fingers slid down Finn's neck, watch the other man shiver at the light touch. He bit his lower lip, the pads of his fingers slowly making their way over prominent collarbones, down the beautifully sculpted pectorals.

He smirked, his eyes following the path of his fingers. He was completely captivated by the feel of his skin. He felt his heart skip a beat once his fingers slid over both nipples, Finn's gasp filling the otherwise quiet room.

He was hard, his cock throbbing in his slacks. He wanted more. His fingers trailed over the ridges of Finn's abs, wondering when he'd found them more attractive than the soft curves of a woman.

"You really like touching me," Finn murmured, leaning back into the door, enjoying it. It was almost like a ritual. Anytime him and Hideo got intimate, which wasn't often, it always started out with Hideo's hands tenderly roaming him. He sighed softly, lips suddenly on his neck, gently kissing and nipping at his skin.

"I always wanted to touch you," Hideo breathed, his hands finishing their journey to the waistband of Finn's jeans. "I never thought you would be mine." He felt Finn stiffen against him. His stomach felt like it was in knots. He wasn't used to expressing how he felt out loud. Even in his inebriated state, it still felt awkward.

"Then touch me," Finn finally breathed, his fingers tangling in the back of Hideo's hair, his lips pressing a kiss to Hideo's cheek. He let out a groan, teeth sinking into the juncture of his neck and shoulder. He felt those nips and sucks move lower, his heart beating faster. He was panting, Hideo's hands on his hips as he took one nipple into his mouth, nibbling lightly.

Hideo loved the sounds Finn was making. He was making Finn feel so good. He was touching and tasting. He felt his own heart stammer in his chest, lowering to his knees once again. His lips pressed slow, nervous pecks to the skin above Finn's waistband, his hands fumbling with the fastenings.

Finn looked down, eyes wide at the sight of Hideo on his knees and his jeans open. Hideo had never done this for him and he'd only done it in return a few times before. He knew this was a monumental moment in their relationship and for Hideo. "You don't have to," he tried, gasping when he felt hot breath over his underwear. "Fuck."

Hideo smirked. As nervous as he was, he wanted to. He wanted to give Finn the same kind of pleasure he'd given him. He wanted their relationship to grow. Even if it was a slow process, he wanted to own every part of Finn and enjoy their relationship for as long as he could. He pressed a kiss to the head, tugging Finn's jeans and briefs down to his ankles. He swallowed hard, the rigid flesh bouncing right in front of him. He drunk in the sight of it all.

"Hideo," Finn whimpered, his hands balling into fists at his sides. He wanted it, God he wanted it, but he didn't want Hideo to feel pressured into doing it. He couldn't look away as Hideo's hand wrapped around his cock and started to stroke him a few times before slowly taking the head into his mouth. He groaned, his knees feeling like they were about to give out.

Hideo could taste Finn as his tongue swirled around the head, smearing the slowly leaking precum across his tongue. His nose wrinkled at the salty taste, but found it wasn't nearly as bad as he'd thought it would be. Gently, he began to suck, easing more of Finn into his mouth. He heard Finn's whimper, both hands suddenly sliding into his hair, grasping it. He smirked to himself, if he was getting this kind of reaction he must not be too bad.

Finn told himself over and over again in his head not to force more inside Hideo's mouth, to let him take it as slowly as he wanted. He bit his lower lip, more and more of his length disappearing between pink lips as Hideo bobbed up and down. "Suck a little harder," he encouraged, onyx eyes meeting his sapphire ones. "Please." His eyes started to roll back, Hideo's suction increasing, his movements growing a little faster. "Yes…."

Hideo's hand slid up to rest on Finn's hip, urging him to shallowly thrust into his mouth. He groaned, Finn starting to thrust into him. His eyes locked with Finn's. He couldn't get over just how good he looked standing there, his face red, eyes dark and lust filled. He never wanted anyone else to see that face. He wanted it all for himself.

Whimpering, Finn felt his cock start to continuously throb, his eyes focused on how Hideo's lips were stretched around his cock. Never in his wildest dreams had it ever looked so good. It couldn't compare to the real thing. He let out a moan, knowing he was already close. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that it was Hideo doing it that already had him on the edge. "I'm close," he murmured.

Hideo could tell, Finn was trembling under his touch, his body taut and begging for release. He wanted to give it to him. He sucked a little harder, hollowing his cheeks and taking Finn in deeper. Even with how unpleasant the first taste had been, he really wanted to taste all of Finn. He wanted to know what it felt like to feel Finn climax, knowing it felt beyond amazing when Finn sucked him to completion.

Finn couldn't hold back. He barely even had the chance to warn Hideo before the tension that had been building in his belly broke. "Hideo," he whined, his fists tightening in the raven colored hair. It was so intense, his cock pulsating with each shot of cum. He'd never cum so hard before.

Hideo held still, letting Finn's release collect on his tongue before he swallowed it down. He shuddered, the taste still unpleasant. Once he felt Finn's hands slide out of his hair and his body lean heavily against the door, he pulled back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he kissed back up Finn's body to his lips. He smirked at the way Finn shuddered under him, his entire body sensitive to his touch. "Good?" he asked, pecking the parted lips.

Finn had no words. It had been amazing. He nodded, his hands cupping Hideo's cheeks. He pulled him back in for a deeper kiss, unable to ignore the taste of himself that clung to Hideo's tongue. "That was fuckin' amazing," he gasped, pulling back and pressing their foreheads together. He smirked, their eyes meeting. He could see the love in Hideo's eyes, and he was sure his own mirrored the emotion. "You didn't have to."

Hideo smirked, shrugging. "I wanted to," he murmured, moving so he could nuzzle his nose into Finn's neck. He didn't know how to admit that he wanted all of Finn, but he hoped that one day he'd be able to. Until then, he'd have to show it.

Finn wrapped his arms around Hideo, pressing a kiss to his temple. He never wanted to let him go. He breathed in the other man's scent before he started fumbling with the buttons of Hideo's shirt. "Get on the bed," he instructed, pulling back. "I can't let you do all the work." He loved the way Hideo's cheeks burned a dark red a smile on his lips. Even if their time was limited, he was going to enjoy every last bit of it and he was going to make sure Hideo enjoyed it too.

Enzo groaned loudly, his hips thrusting with Cass' into the other man's fist. It felt so good, both completely naked with skin touching, mouths colliding, and their cocks getting plenty of attention. As wonderful as it was, he wanted more. He wanted to feel all of Cass, over him, inside him. He wanted to take that next step. "Cass," he whimpered, leaning forward so that his lips were right under Cass' ear. "I want ya." He paused, Cass' hand slowing. "All of ya."

Cass groaned, Enzo's teeth sinking delightfully into his neck. He couldn't deny that he hadn't thought about it. He had, several times, but with how jam packed their schedule had been the last couple months with traveling and performing, it had made it nearly impossible to get intimate. Not to mention how they'd kept it strictly friendly while they were around Carmella, whom was almost always with them. "I want ya too," he finally murmured, his heart beating a little faster. His hand cupped the back of Enzo's neck, pulling him from over him so that he could settled between Enzo's legs on the bed.

Enzo groaned, arching his back so that more of his skin would be pressed against Cass'. He felt Cass' hand slip from between them, leaving just enough room between their bodies so that he wasn't squished into the mattress. A quietness settled over them, making things a little tense.

"'Zo," Cass started, running a hand through the longer strands of Enzo's mohawk, pushing them back away from his forehead. "I don't…." He trailed off, finding the words hard to say. He really had no idea what he was supposed to do.

Enzo felt his face flush, of course Cass wouldn't know. He shuffled from under Cass, and sat on the edge of the bed. His hands were shaking as he pulled open the drawer in his night stand, grabbing a bottle of lube and a condom. He turned back to Cass, unable to meet his gaze in the dark room. He swallowed hard. "Um, this might be a bit weird, but I gotta… ya know… do some stuff so you'll fit."

Cass nodded, scooting over so that Enzo had most of the bed. "Do ya want me to, ya know, give ya a minute or can I… uh… can I watch?" he asked, smiling softly at the way Enzo's face flushed even darker red.

Enzo shrugged, laying back down so that he was facing Cass. He laid the condom down between them and popped the cap to the bottle. He drizzled an abundant amount on the tips of his first two fingers before reaching back.

Cass watched almost mesmerized. While he couldn't see exactly what Enzo was doing, he still felt his cock throb in appreciation at the sight. He swallowed hard, Enzo's eyes closed and brows furrowed. "Does it hurt?" he asked, his voice breathy and ragged.

"No," Enzo whimpered, sliding the first finger in a little deeper, telling himself to relax and get used to the intrusion. This wasn't the first time he'd fingered himself since him and Cass had gotten together, but it was awkward being watched.

Cass reached forward and took Enzo's cock in his hand, slowly stroking him as his hips started to rock back and forth. "This help?"

Enzo nodded, sliding another finger inside himself. He gasped, the tight ring of muscle clutching him. He let out a pathetic whine, once again willing his body to relax. If he didn't do this right, there was no way Cass was ever going to be able to put it in.

Cass moved a little closer, pressing a tender kiss to Enzo's forehead, his other hand sliding down Enzo's arm. "Can I try it?" he asked, licking his lower lip. He wanted to feel all of Enzo. Even if he didn't know what he was doing, he wanted to help with the preparations.

Enzo stayed quiet, his face burning hotter. He knew his silence would be taken as the go ahead. "Use lube," he instructed, watching as Cass pulled his hand back and doused his own two fingers in the slick fluid.

Cass moved back in, his lips covering Enzo's as his fingers met Enzo's. He groaned, feeling Enzo's fingers slowly move back and forth. Biting his lower lip, he pushed in with Enzo, feeling the pressure. He shared a gasp with Enzo, slowly working in.

"Fuck!" Enzo cried, Cass' finger buried to the second knuckle and pressing right on his prostate. "No, don't move!" He hurried to add on as Cass tried to pull away. "Right there, do it again."

Cass curled his finger like Enzo instructed, earning another pleasured whine. "Does that feel good?" he asked, once again kissing Enzo's lips. He couldn't believe how tight Enzo was around his finger. It made him anxious for how it would feel around his dick. He wondered if he'd actually fit in such a tight place.

Enzo was panting, throwing his leg over Cass' hips to make it easier for their fingers to move. He couldn't believe what was happening. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought him and Cass would ever make it to this. He felt Cass ease in his second finger, both of them stretching him in the best way.

He was growing anxious, unsure of how much longer he had to do this. He pulled his fingers free and pushed Cass onto his back, groaning at the loss of being filled. He knew it would only feel better once he got Cass inside him. He reached for the condom and ripped it open before sliding it down Cass' cock. "Just lay there," he said, squeezing a copious amount of lube on the thick shaft. He stroked Cass up and down, just to make sure all of him was covered before he closed the lid and dropped it beside him.

Cass laid there on his back, his hands resting beside him, letting Enzo handle everything. He groaned once he felt Enzo's leg being thrown over him and his cock being taken into a strong hand. "Ya sure?" he asked, his head falling back once he felt the tip press against Enzo's tight pucker.

"Yeah," Enzo breathed, closing his eyes as he started to sink down. He could still feel nervousness fluttering through him, but he hoped he was open enough for it. He couldn't wait anymore. He felt the head sink in with minimal discomfort but as soon as he started sliding down, he felt a shock of pain. He whimpered, clenching his teeth.

"'Zo?" Cass asked, clearly worried about the man over him. As much as he enjoyed the tight heat around the head of his cock, he knew it was hurting Enzo just by the way he'd tensed up. "We don't have to."

"Naw, it's okay," Enzo retorted, taking a deep breath. Even thought it was a bit painful, he didn't stop. He could've used a little more lube and prep, but just knowing that it was Cass inside him, helped to ease the pain he felt. "Just big."

Cass groaned, his cock already throbbing wildly. He'd never felt anything so tight in his life. He reached up and cupped Enzo's cheek with his clean hand, pulling him down for a sweet kiss, his other hand wrapping around Enzo's wilting erection. He didn't want Enzo to feel rushed. He pulled back after Enzo was fully seated on him, a gasp tearing from his lungs. "Feel's so fuckin' good 'Zo," he hissed, his hand on Enzo's cheek moving down to rest on his hip. "You feel fuckin' good."

"Ya do too," Enzo whimpered, tears burning his eyes. This wasn't like how it had been with Finn. It burned so badly and it felt like Cass was splitting him in half. But his heart was racing, thrilled that finally they were connected. He rested his hands on Cass' lower belly as he tried to adjust to his size.

"Ya sure it's okay?" Cass asked, both hands moving to Enzo's thighs, stroking them soothingly. "'Cause we can take a step back if it hurts that much."

Enzo smiled, his eyes fluttering open. "I've only done this twice before," he explained, slowly starting to ease up just an inch or two before slowly pushing back down. "And you're a lot bigger than Finn."

Cass narrowed his eyes, a surge of jealousy shooting through him. While he'd been doing better about letting it go that Finn had slept with Enzo, listening to Enzo say it out loud, just made something inside him snap. He grabbed Enzo's hips and pushed his dick in deeper, making Enzo let out a strangled moan. "Don't talk 'bout another man when you're in my bed," he growled, gripping Enzo's hips a little tighter.

Enzo felt a burst of heat in his chest, finding Cass' jealousy endearing. "It's my bed," he chuckled, raising his hips a little higher, slowly making his movements longer. He saw Cass' darkened look and he leaned forward, kissing him. "I won't bring it up again." It was barely a murmur against Cass' lips, the pain subsiding and pleasure taking its place.

Cass nodded, his mouth opening and tongue sliding into Enzo's mouth as the smaller male moved over him, their speed growing. It felt good, almost too good. His hand slipped between Enzo's legs and took up the neglected cock that had been bouncing against his stomach. He stroked Enzo in time to his slow thrusts, both of them wanting more, their bodies craving for a faster pace.

Enzo whined, twisting his hips, finding that no matter which way he tried, Cass only grazed his sweet spot. It was more torture than anything. His eyes flew open, Cass releasing him and pulling his hips up until his cock slipped free. Another whine left his throat, hating the empty feeling that he was left with. "What're ya—?"

Cass pushed Enzo to lay flat on his back. He grabbed a couple pillows from the top of the bed and tucked them under his hips, elevating him. "Imma take care of ya," he murmured, parting Enzo's legs and settling between them. He leaned in and kissed Enzo hard on the mouth as he lined himself up, at first just rubbing the head of his cock against Enzo's entrance.

"Don't fuckin' tease," Enzo snipped, grabbing a handful of blond hair and pulling so that Cass would look at him. "C'mon." He felt himself relax as Cass pushed in. Once again, just as their hips touched, he felt completely full. He groaned in appreciation. He didn't dare take his eyes off Cass, the long hair falling down around his face, frizzy and mused. Enzo was sure he'd never seen Cass look so good before. "Fuck me."

Cass felt his heart jump at the sultry words, but he didn't protest. He pulled out until only the tip remained in before pushing back in, both groaning at the wonderful feeling. He was propped up on one elbow, his other hand sliding between him and Enzo. "I wanna feel ya cum," he started, his pace picking up.

Enzo nodded, pushing his hips up each time Cass thrust into him. He shifted just slightly on a down stroke and howled out in pleasure, Cass ramming right into the sensitive bundle of nerves inside him. "Right there, jus' like that," he encouraged, wrapping his arms around Cass' neck, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. "Harder."

Cass pulled back just enough to speak. "Ya sure?"

"Yeah, do it."

Cass' speed increased, his thrusts becoming a little harder. He could feel his own orgasm building fast, but he wanted Enzo to go first. He wanted to see it, feel it. "'Zo," he whimpered, dull nails sinking into the backs of his shoulders. "Fuck, I'm close."

"Me too. Keep goin'. Jus' like that," Enzo moaned, right on the edge himself. With the constant assault on his prostate and Cass' fist, he was in heaven. "Fuck, yeah, jus' like that, Cass."

Cass was encouraged, the need out weighing his better judgment. His thrusts were growing erratic, his control lessening. "'Zo," he breathed, nipping his lips. "C'mon, I wanna see ya all undone babe."

Enzo wasn't sure if it was the intimate nickname or just the overwhelming amount of pleasure he was feeling, but the tension inside him suddenly unraveled. "Colin!" he cried, thrusting up into Cass' hand a few more times as he came, his release shooting over his belly and Cass' hand.

Cass could barely focus on the perfectly undone look on Enzo's face. The way Enzo was spasming around him, sucked his own orgasm free. He was a little quieter as he came, shoving all of himself into the tight, pulsating heat as he filled the condom. "Enzo," he moaned, pressing their foreheads together, his lower lip being bitten between his teeth.

Enzo laid there, completely spent, one hand running up and down Cass' back, the other man struggling not to collapse on top of him. "Fuck," he murmured, wincing as Cass started to pull back. He hissed as Cass' softening cock slipped from him, leaving him feeling empty and sore.

Cass couldn't answer as he fell to the side, his head spinning as he laid there trying to catch his breath. He was thinking the exact same thing. He smirked, Enzo turning to curl into his side. "We gotta clean up," he said playfully, thinking that his hand was covered in Enzo's cum, and he still had to take the condom off.

"In a minute," Enzo muttered, yawning wide as he rested his head on Cass' shoulder. He was quiet for a moment, his heart still beating fast. "I love ya." It was barely above a whisper. He'd wanted to say it plenty of times since they'd gotten together, but it hadn't felt like the right time. Even if Cass told him he didn't feel that deeply about him, this moment felt perfect. His entire body just wanted to scream it.

Cass smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of Enzo's head. "I love ya too, 'Zo," he answered, nudging Enzo's forehead with his nose so that their eyes could meet. He saw the shock and love there in Enzo's eyes. Leaning in, he thought that while he didn't know what the future might hold for him an Enzo, but he was ready to take it on. As long as Enzo was with him, he could conquer anything. Their lips pressed together in one of the gentlest kisses either man had ever had.

"Shower?" Enzo asked, smirking as he pulled back.

Cass chuckled, nodding. Enzo was going to be the death of him.


(A/N): I just wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you that has read, reviewed, followed, and favorited. All of you are completely amazing. Thank you for sticking with me through the ups and downs and enjoying this story. Since this was my first attempt at Cassamore, and since they are an NXT ship, I didn't think I'd get nearly as much love and support that I have. Really, you don't understand how much it's meant to me. Thank you so much! Which leads me to a question for you the viewers. Would you like to see a sequel of this fic? It'll cover some major questions that people have brought up over the course of the story, and of course a continuation of our favorite boys and their personal journeys. Let me know what you think. If you think this was a good enough ending, then let me know that too. Once again, thank you everyone for sticking with me and this story! I owe you all so many hugs! As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the chapter. Until next time!
