The Forgotten Sister
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter
Chapter 1: Violet Lillian Potter
The eleven-year-old girl sat at the table looking at the window to the backyard. Today was her birthday but the party her parents were holding wasn't for her. It was just for her twin brother. This girl was Violet Lillian Potter twin sister to the famous Harry Potter the boy who lived. This didn't make her any happy as she watched her brother run into the backyard. The only thing marking the two, as siblings would be the green eyes they both shared. Other then that Harry was a clone of their father and she was a mix of the two parents. Her hair while black also had red in it.
Violet looked back down at what was in her hand. Her Hogwarts letter and a key to her trust vault, which she was now able to access as of this day. Her mother, Lily Potter, had thrown the key at her saying "Girl go shopping whenever you want." Violet would be surprised if her mother even remembered her name since for the last few years all she heard was girl. Ever since the night her brother survived the killing curse she was forgotten basically raised by the house elves.
There were a few people she name that cared for her. That would be her father's friend and her honorary uncle Remus Lupin. While the man did get caught up in the Harry Potter fame he always made sure to say hello to Violet and was one of the only person who had given her a birthday present and Christmas present in the last few years. The other person was her childhood friend Neville Longbottom. The two understood each other very well since Neville grandma had been so hard on him all his life believing him not to be magical. They understood each other better then anyone else since Violet was the boy who lived forgotten sister.
Violet got up from her spot and went to the fireplace. Her took a bit of Floo powder and flooed over to Diagon Alley. Once at the Leaky Cauldron she asked Tom to opened up the passageway to the alley and walked into the place. She looked around feeling the magic in the air. There was something special about Violet that she told no one. Ever since she was young she could feel magic. She knew magical object by looking at them and sense spells and wards. It was only a few years ago she realized she was the only one with this ability. She could get a little overwhelmed in highly magical places but she was learning how to control it.
Her first stop was Gringotts Wizarding Bank where she was able to get money from her trust vault. She looked at the pile of gold and smiled that her parents had done this before Harry was famous and couldn't undo it now that they had made it. Besides it was Potter family rules that each member of the family got a share of the gold. She put more then enough money in the bag for what she needed and left.
Most of the shopping was boring. At the robe shop she got a few extra casual robes and some muggle clothes. At the bookshop she put a few extra books in to do a bit of extra reading. There of course were no books about dark magic, which Violet found boring. Violet had sensed dark magic just once and it wasn't unpleasant actually. It was more like tempting. Light magic was soothing. She liked the feel of both. At every other shop she just got what was needed for school.
Then came the shop she was looking most forward to. Her wand was waiting inside. "Ah, Ms. Potter,"" Olivander said when he saw her.
"You know me," Violet said surprised. Most people did not know Harry Potter had a twin.
"Of course. Is your brother coming in today?" Olivander asked and Violet shook her head.
"They are coming tomorrow," Violet answered trying to mask the anger in her voice about being asked about her brother. She had grown to hate her so-called family. They had ignored her for her entire life.
Olivander though just nodded and went to work measuring her right arm and looking for a wand. The minute he took a wand and handed it to her Violet could tell it wasn't right before it was even in her hand. While Olivander kept looking for wands Violet used her own senses to sense the core of wand. That was how she felt one wand calling out for her.
"What about that one over there," Violet said pointing at a box on the far right.
"This one," Olivander said taking the box off the shelf.
"Can I see it?" Violet asked knowing that was the wand for her.
Olivander opened it up and took out the most beautiful wand Violet had ever seen. "Here," he said slowly handing it to Violet. The girl took it in her hands slowly and before she even gave it a shake her magic connected with the wand and lights came around her to show her and the wand bounded. "Curious, very curious."
"What?" Violet asked with a smile as she held what she considered the most perfect wand.
"Your wand is the most unusual blend. The wood of the wand is Yew and not just from any yew tree but the dark ritual yew tree." Violet just stared at him. "You don't know what that is. Well long time ago a yew tree stood not far from Hogwarts ground. Salazar Slytherin, Morgan Le Fey, and most dark wizards and witches preformed dark rituals under this tree. The wood of the tree soaked up that magic. Years ago the ministry decided the tree had to come down. I bought the wood from the ministry and went to work making wands. Usually a tree that old, that magically powerful, and that large would make a lot of wands but for some reason I was only able to make two. Yours and another one. That's not all though. The core of your wand is phoenix tears. The phoenix that gave me the tears also gave me two phoenix feathers. One of the phoenix feathers is the other yew wand from the tree your wand comes from and that wand belongs to the person who gave your brother that scar."
"So your speech was just that my wand and Voldemort wand share the same wood and cores come from the same phoenix," Violet said ignoring the flinch as she said Voldemort name. "Okay, how much?" Violet made it sound as though she wasn't interested in her wands history but in reality it was very interesting. She put down the money for the wand and left. '
"On last place," Violet mumbled to herself as she went to the pet store. Hogwarts allowed you to bring a owl, toad, or cat with you. Now she did not want a toad at all and she had no use for an owl. She had no one to write and if she did she could always use a school owl. Also owls weren't allowed in the dorm while cats were which is why she ignored all the owls, even ignoring the beautiful snowy owl, and went straight for the cat room.
There were many cats hanging around. The room was for them so they could play and run. It was hard to choose until she saw a kitten probably about six months old trying to play with the other kittens but for some reason was being left out and even hissed at.
"Hi," Violet said getting on her knees near the kitten and holding her hand out. The small cat came over to her and smelled her hand and then rubbed against her. It then laid down on its stomach wanting a pet and Violet smiled.
"Everything okay?" the shop lady asked coming in.
"Yeah, I want this one," Violet said picking the kitten up. The cat didn't even struggle in her arms
"So Sparky gets adopted. I'll ring her up along with some food, treats, and toys," the lady said as Violet followed her. She was given a cat carrier for her new pet and put the food and toys in the endless bag along with all her school supplies besides her wand which inside of putting her pocket she tucked it into the side of her boot. Easy to get at and no chance of some weird accident with it.
"Sparky?" Violet asked as she came out of the store looking at her new pet. "I think we can do better then that. What about Artemis? Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt." The newly named Artemis meowed and Violet took that as a yes as she went to floo home.
Once at home she dropped her things into her room and let Artemis out of her cat carrier letting the girl roam her room. "Girl," Violet heard the voice of her mother and Lilly Potter walked into the room. "Our guest are about to arrive and I don't want you destroying Harry's birthday so stay out of the backyard." Lilly left the room without another word
"What is she too afraid someone will remember it's my birthday too?" Violet asked her cat who had jumped onto her bed. Violets sat down and pet her cat with one hand and took out her wand with the other. "Yew and Phoenix tears. Same wood as Voldemort same phoenix as Voldemort." She gave the wand a wave and smiled. "Let's see where the future takes us shall we Artemis."
AN: okay this is the first chapter. Notes this is not a wrong boy who lived story. Harry is the one who survived the curse. Violet just has a couple of special powers. One was revealed in this chapter and another will be revealed later on.
Next chapter will be the Hogwarts express and sorting but after that I will be doing one chapter for first year, one for second. One for third, and one for fourth and then at fifth year there will be multiple chapters for each year. I want to give you a good story but I don't want it to go on forever.
Please review.