Chapter 4

Later that evening, at Tsunade's house "So Gohan tell me about life" Tsunade asked; "Well, I guess the easiest way is to show you {tsunade looks at him puzzled}; my father taught me how to transmit thoughts through touch, so simply I can show you my mind and I could see yours if I wanted to. But that would be an invasion of your privacy and I am sure there are secretes since you are the village leader" Said Gohan. Gohan puts his hand on Tsunade's forehead and begins to show her his memories starting from when Goku's brother Raditz arrived on earth, and how Goku sacrificed himself. Then his training with Piccolo, next was when Vegeta and Nappa arrived on earth and the fight that followed; Next was his trip to Namek where he fought the Ginyu force and had his neck broken, but was saved when Goku had arrived to save him with a senzu bean. The fight broke out with Freeza and showed how Krillin was killed and then the first time Goku transformed. Next was the arrival of the Androids and how Vegeta showed his transformation; Then came Cell and how he trained in the hyperbolic time chamber to transform as well. Later was the fight with Cell and how he ascended but because he wanted to make Cell suffer he caused the death of his father; in the end he defeated Cell, afterwards Goten was born and Gohan went to highschool. At which point he meets Videl, and how he tries to fit in but at the same time wants to stop crime. Videl then finds out his identity and blackmails him into teaching her how to fly as well as compete in the world's martial arts tournament. Events in sue and then the Majin Buu fights take place. Next he frees the Z sword and trains with it, Goku appears and hangs out with him until the training is done. When he went to test the sword it broke and Old Kai appeared; His potential was unlocked and went down to fight Buu but was absorbed. After boo was defeated he had gotten married to Videl, finished his schooling and had a daughter named Pan. "That pretty much sums up my life in a nutshell" Gohan giggled, Tsunade looks at him in awe to the fact that since a little child he was fighting. "I see, you had a very different life than what I expected I can now also better comprehend the scale of the power that you guys possess" Tsunade said. Gohan nodded and smiled but was interrupted "Hold on a minute, how can you all have aged so much but you don't look like your older than 25?" Tsunade asked with slight jealousy. "Well Vegeta explained it to me, his words were "we saiyans evolved as a warrior race so we retain our youthfulness so we can fight longer" since I am half saiyan I do retain some of their abilities" explained Gohan. Tsunade stared with some jealousy, "I see I have never heard of such a genetic trait, I thank you for giving me some insight into your life" said Tsunade, "Haha, my wife and mom hate it because they aged at the normal human rate, and you are welcome." Said Gohan, to which Tsunade chuckled at which point they said their goodnights.

The early the next morning Goku and Goten went out to train; they were sparring when they were interrupted "Double Dynamic Entry!" said Guy and Lee at the same time. Goku knew that it was them so he played along but Goten's senses had not adjusted to this new energy as well as the fact that the power levels were lower that he was used to; he was just barely able to block the powerful kick of Guy and was push back. "What was that for" exclaimed Goten, "Now I can see that you are truly full of youth! Hi there my name is Might Guy the hidden leafs noble green beast {he said with the smile and thumbs up}" said Guy with excitement. Goten looked at him thinking that he reminded him of Mr. Satan, but this guy had some serious power behind his kick. Goten turns to his father "So this is the guy who's team I am joining for the time being?" question Goten. Goku nods and smiles at Goten, "Hey Goku who is this with you and what is this about joining my team" asked Lee. "Oh yeah, this is my son Goten he will be joining your squad until it is time for my special training. This is just to pay for food and hospitality" said Goku, "Your Son! Well if he is anything like you then he is a welcomed addition to the team" said Guy. Lee was also happy but surprised to hear that Goku had a son; Goten then looks at Lee and senses that his energy is of the same type as himself. Goten then turns to Goku who nods in agreement; they are interrupted by Guy who says "Before I forget Lady Tsunade wants to see you guys on the roof of her office" said Guy.

On the roof of the building teams Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy were standing with their leaders; in front of them was Tsunade along with Kakashi, Goku, Goten, Gohan, Trunks, and Vegeta. The teams were surprised to see more strangers had appered, they all noticed that Gohan and Goten had the same clothing on but the other two were a mystery. Their thoughts were interrupted by Tsunade "Thank you for coming here so early, I you are wondering why you have been called here so early, as well as who these people are. As you know at the end of the week there is going to be a special training camp for the Genin hosted by Goku. Well to help out Goku has brought his friends and family. These two are Goku's sons Gohan and Goten "Hi there nice to meet you" said the two of them. This is Goku's friend Vegeta {she pointed at vegeta who was leaning against a piller}, Hi said Vegeta, and this is Trunks; Vegeta's son "Hi there, nice to meet you all" said Trunks. Now that's out of the way, this is what is going to happen; Trunks will join team Asuma, Gohan will joing team Kurenai, and Goten will join team Guy, Vegeta will be teaching a special Taijutsu class {he opens an eye with interest}. Now then I want you all to get acquainted with your new temporary team mates." Tsunade said. "Wait before you go, team Asuma we will begin our test shortly" said Goku. Gohan and his team left and Goten and team Guy left; Vegeta walks over to Tsunade and ask "Excuse me, but what exactly am I doing" he questioned. "Well ive told that you don't like to work with other and you also do not like to hold back in a fight, I also have been told that you very battle smart and you don't take back talk from anyone; I thought you would make a good combat teacher" Tsunade responded. He looked at her with fury but quickly realized that was she said was true "Fine then, who will I be teaching" said Vegeta, "You will be teaching the senior academy students today, you should head over and check it out" said Tsunade. Vegeta nodded and took off for the academy, "That settles that, if you need me you know where I am" said Tsunade.

"So what is the plan Goku?" asked Asuma, Goku responds "Well Asuma I was planning a four on was sparring match but since trunks is here I want you and him to spar since you both use blades {they nod at each other}. I will test the other three because I heard that they have a special combination" said Goku with a smile. The team nods in agreement and they head toward the training ground as well.

Gohan's Team: "So before we go out, would it be possible to do a get to know you session?" asked Gohan, Kurenai said "Sure Gohan, we have some time to kill, is there a specific place you want to go?", "Well if there is an area with a river or lake nearby I would like to go there" asked Gohan. "I know a place" said Kurenai, they headed toward the waterfall with speed; Gohan thinks to himself: these people can move quite quickly and are very agile, it seems that they put their energy at their feet so they can increase their speed and power. But since I have not seen anyone fly I don't think it is strong enough to make them fly. Within a few minutes the arrived at the waterfall. Gohan looks around "Wow, this place is beautiful, I grew up in the mountains and lived near a waterfall" said Gohan, "So Gohan since you are Goku's son do you have the same ability as him" asked Kurenai "If you mean the transformation then yes I do" responded Gohan. "So what are every ones names" asked Gohan, "I am Kiba and this is Akamaru it's nice to meet you" said Kiba, "I am Shino, its nice to meet you" said Shino in a muffled voice, "H-Hi, I am Hinata it is n-nice to meet you" said Hinata shyly while twiddling her thumbs, "And I am Kurenai, it is nice to meet you" she said. "It is nice to meet you all, so I was hoping to see some of your abilities. My father told me that you use a special kind of energy called chakra, I can sense that it is different than what I am used to" stated Gohan. "Well, that makes sense since we will be working as a team, how would you like us to demonstrate?" said Kurenai, "Just attack one at a time and ill figure out the rest, since you are the leader why don't you go first" said Gohan. She nods, then forms some hand signs and to Gohan's surprise she disappears into flowers, he thinks to himself: so she can create and potentially trap someone in an illusion interesting. "I see so you can create illusions; well all I have to do it is this" said Gohan as he appears behind her, to every ones surprise. "Interesting Gohan your father did the same thing {gohan smiled}" said Kurenai. "I have been trained to be able to fight without using any of the five senses" said Gohan. They were all impressed because pretty much no one can do that, "So who is next" asked Gohan, Kiba stood up "Ninja Art: Beast Mimicry {to gohan's surprise akamaru was transformed to look just like kiba}, Fang Over Fang {gohan sees the high speed claw rotation and dodges}, Try to dodge this next one Inuzuka Style: Man Beast Transformation Combo: Two Headed Wolf {gohan looks in awe at the giant two headed wolf} Fang Wolf Fang! {the wold does a drill spin at gohan who powers up a little letting out a white aura, jumps forward catches and stops the rotation}, Damn it I thought I had you" said Kiba. "Those were some awesome techniques, I have never seen anything like it before" exclaimed Gohan, Kiba just smiles proudly. "Next" said Gohan, Shino walks over and begins "Secrete Technique: Beatle Sphere {a swarm of beatles surround gohan, wow this is a surprise, so this kid can manipulate insects and I see that these eat energy. Well let us see how much they can handle… UHHHH AHHHH! Gohan lets out a burst of energy vaporizing the beatles} Mmm-my insects" said Shino, "Oops I guess I over did it a little, but it a pretty great feat that you are able to manipulate insects so easily" said Gohan. "Well that only leaves you Hinata" said Gohan happily. "O-Okay, Byakugan! {she activates her byakugan but what she sees scares her} "Whats the matter Hinata" s-so much chakra, I have never seen this before its hard to see. Eight Trigrams: 16 Palms {She hits 16 chakra points on gohans body} "Wow, you were able to shut down my energy flow; most impressive, RuaHHHHH!" said Gohan {as he lets out an energy pulse}. H-How did you do that, you shouldn't be able to do anything" said Hinata. "Ahh I just channeled my energy and forced it open" said Gohan. "I am going to show you some of my techniques now, I recommend that you stand at the top of the waterfall" said Gohan in a serious tone. They went to the top of the waterfall "First, is flight {he hovers and flies around}, next is a Ki Blast {he forms a yellow ki ball and blows up a tree}, This is my big move {Gohan flies up} Ka Me Ha Me {a largle blue ball forms in gohans hand, s-so much power thought hinata} HAA! {Gohan fires the blast at the ground and blows up a large area}" Said Gohan. After the dust settle all that remained was a large crater, the all climb down and see the damage "About how much of your power was put into that blast" asked Kurenai, "Honestly less than one percent {all their eyes open}, I figured that would be your reaction. If I wanted to I could take out an entire planet without much difficulty haha. My father once accidentally punch a hole through a planet" said Gohan scratching the back of his head. They all look at him with a bit of fear, "Don't be afraid, I would never do that" said Gohan assuring them. "Now I have a question for you Hinata, what are the exact abilities of your eyes, it have never seen it in all my life" asked Gohan. "W-Well the Byakugan allows the user nearly 360 degree vision and I can see at least 50 meters in all directions, I can also see your chakra network as well as the points. The Gentle fist is the martial art of the Hyuga clan, it targets the chakra points as well as soft tissue" said Hinata. "I see that's really cool, if your fast enough you could finish your opponent within seconds" said Gohan. Hinata smiled at Gohan's remark, "Now then, I think it's time for some lunch" said Gohan as he walked over to the water, he jumps out of his clothes and into the water. After a few minutes Gohan resurfaces with a bunch of fish "Here, I got us some lunch {the others are stunned to see a mostly nude gohan holding figh}, what are you looking at? Is something the matter?" said Gohan, Hinata's face turned bright red Kurenai couldn't help but look and think: it looks like his body was chiseled out of stone. After a second looks she sees all the scars covering his body. "Why is the world are you in your underwear Gohan" exclaimed Kiba, "well I wasn't planning on going fishing with my clothes on, otherwise they would be wet" said Gohan innocently. Gohan puts his clothes back on then fires ki blasts at the fish "here you go, fresh cooked fish" he said with a smile. "So Gohan, what type of training is your father planning" asked Kurenai, "Well knowing him he will likely be focusing on improving every ones base strength, speed, and stamina as well as teaching you how to fight no matter the situation. After the basics are done I he plans on making your special technique even better, I suspect he will bring one or two of your elite to oversee that part. But that's not to say that it will be easy, I realize that my father may appear to be a goofball but trust me when I say he is the greatest fighter that has ever lived, and when he trains you; you will be pushed to your very limits but everything he does is for a reason. And I promise that you won't even recognize your students when they return" said Gohan.