A/N: Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the final installment of Alice and Uncas's happily ever after.


Huritt - (Hoo-ritt)

Meli - (May-lee)

Two Years Later

Summer, 1760

Life on the frontier was definitely not for the fainthearted.

Wiping a hand across her forehead, Alice gave the rabbit stew one last stir before sinking gratefully into the wooden chair beside the hearth. Her back was aching slightly from all the time spent on her feet, but she wasn't complaining. She enjoyed having something to do to keep her occupied, even if there always seemed to be something that needed her attention. If it wasn't planting roots and vegetables, it was harvesting them, drying them or preserving them. At other times it was sewing or mending clothing and bed linens, or cooking and cleaning, or any of the other numerous tasks she completed on a daily basis.

It was hard. Certainly harder than anything she'd ever attempted in her former life. But it was also unquestionably rewarding. She'd never realised the amount of enjoyment she could derive from accomplishing the simplest tasks. Perhaps it was because she'd never been solely accountable for anything in her entire life before Uncas. Now, there was so much that depended on her, so much that others relied on her to do. The feeling was daunting at times, especially when the sheer amount of responsibilities seemed overwhelming, but at the same time, it was also gratifying to know that she was capable of doing whatever she set her mind to. The amount of confidence she'd gained from her many triumphs was what motivated her and filled that void inside that had always made her feel as though she was meant for something greater. With the dawn of each new day, Alice kept surprising herself as she discovered the ever increasing depths of her own reserve and fortitude. Who would have thought that a pampered English debutante would have settled so well into life on the American frontier? She was certain that her old friends would consider her chosen path to be one of hardship and obscurity, and she couldn't disagree. The only difference was that she didn't care. Yes, it lacked an abundance of fine things, but those material elements truly meant nothing to her. She had something far more precious: love. And Alice loved and was loved. Fiercely, passionately, unconditionally.

Sitting across from the open door of the cabin that Uncas had built for them with the help of Nathaniel and Chingachgook, Alice gazed into the clearing beyond. It was a warm, early summer's day, the haze of heat in the distance hovering heavily above the stark forest floor like a transparent, shimmering mist. She was enjoying a rare moment of solitude, a true scarcity when her sister and brother-in-law lived a mere five minute walk away and guests were always plenty. Since they'd arrived in Cantuckee a year ago, Chingachgook visited most often. Having spent the previous winter with them, he was back, enjoying the summer sunshine. Gela and Talee had departed the week before, her friend having eventually settled down with the Delaware brave she'd once claimed to despise.

Hearing a commotion outside, Alice smiled, walking towards the door, the warm breeze stirring the loose hairs at the nape of her neck. Unfastening the apron tied to the front of her simple green cotton gown, she threw it over the back of a chair before stepping outside. Ahead of her, running up the path as fast as his chubby little legs could carry him was Huritt, her and Uncas's son. Just shy of a year and a half, he was precocious, innately curious and absolutely fearless.

His innocent, carefree laughter wafted up the grassy lane ahead of him as Uncas, pretending to be too slow to keep up with him, lagged slightly behind. Witnessing her child's glee at the playful ruse, his cherubic face bright with excitement, a flood of love and contentment stirred within Alice's breast. Watching father and son, she laughed, stepping down from the porch and onto the fine grass.

They were so much alike it was staggering. Huritt was a miniature version of Uncas; the same coppery complexion, the same jet back head of hair, the same beloved countenance. Though where Uncas's adult features were sharp and angular, Huritt's were still soft and round. The only contribution she appeared to have made to her son's physiognomy was his eyes, the exact pale blue of her father's.

Eventually catching up with the toddler, Uncas threw him up into the air, the boy's shrieks of delight filling the clearing around their home. The two of them were inseparable. From the moment Uncas had found out she was with child, he'd exhibited a quiet enthusiasm that she'd never seen in him before. He'd watched her body change with the same adoring sense of wonder and captivation, his attentiveness and gentle care having made her feel even more loved and cherished. Then, when Huritt was born, Uncas had taken to fatherhood like a duck to water, his fascination with the life they'd created together boundless, his joy infinite. Their family and friends constantly commented on how he seemed to smile, all the time, a thing she found absolutely endearing. His son in turn, idolised him, following behind him wherever he went. Uncas's patience with their child was inexhaustible, his manner always loving and gentle, but also firm and steady when he needed to be. The bond between them was truly something to behold.

"Ma-ma!" Huritt called excitedly, spying her up ahead.

Wiggling until Uncas put him down, he raced the short distance towards her. Alice caught him up in her arms, planting a swift kiss on his cheek before hugging his little body close to her. He smelled like grass and sunshine, his sweet baby breath wafting past her as he squirmed, meeting her eyes.

Scrunching up his nose, he gave her a toothy grin. "Nooch!" he cried. Father. He pointed at his paternal parent who'd just reached their side.

She and Uncas had agreed that Hurrit would be raised knowing both sides of his heritage. As such, their home was mainly bilingual, English and Mohegan the two preferred languages, with some Unami thrown in for good measure – especially when Gela and Talee visited. Alice, having improved her proficiency in the two Native American dialects to near fluency over the course of the year and a half they'd remained with the Delaware, was certain that their son would also learn quickly.

Glancing at her husband, her heart picked up speed as he stepped closer, his lips dropping to hers. The kiss was soft and tender and over way too soon. Breathless, she leaned against him.

"I can see the two of you enjoyed your swim," she noted, eyeing their identical heads of damp hair. Uncas took Huritt to the nearby river most afternoons and usually she joined them but she'd been cooking and so had encouraged them to go without her.

Uncas's lips quirked up at the sides. "Our son is wild. Like his mother."

Alice raised a questioning brow. "Now there is one adjective that's never been used to describe me."

His eyes darkened and her breath hitched. "I can think of a few times." His voice was low and suggestive, the tone sending a surge of heat crashing through her body.

Her cheeks turned a bright red as she thought about their passionate lovemaking. If she'd thought their wedding night was wonderful, it had only been the beginning of her introduction to pleasure. Uncas had taken her to so many sensual heights that couldn't even think about it without a wave of longing washing over her.

Bored with the two of them, Huritt wriggled until she set him on his feet. They watched as he dashed towards the front steps, his destination the wooden horse Uncas had carved for him during the spring.

"Get some sleep?" Uncas asked, his hands moving to rest on the as yet small rise of her belly. She was four months into her second pregnancy and this time she was a lot more lethargic than she'd been the first time round.

Alice shook her head, her insides liquefying at the tenderness he displayed as he gently massaged her growing mound. "I feel fine," she assured him.

His hands continued to move as he stepped closer still, his fingers kneading the achy flesh at her lower back. "You should rest more," he chided, his hands continuing to work their magic.

"I had too much to do," Alice defended, and then moaned in pleasure as he rubbed a particularly nagging spot.

She trembled as his head dipped slightly and his lips touched a sensitive inch of skin beneath her ear.

"I told you I'd help."

"You do enough," she replied firmly. Uncas worked hard to ensure that they had whatever they needed. As such, she was determined to do her part.

He sighed, letting her have her little victory. "Everyone's coming to dinner."

"Oh, good. Huritt will love it." She leaned back, relaxing into his arms as he held her from behind, their fingers loosely tangled atop her belly. They watched as their son babbled to himself as he continued to play. Grinning at them, he got to his feet, stumbling over his horse and landing with a thud on his bottom. His lower lip quivering, fat tears gathered in his eyes.

Immediately Uncas was at his side, picking him up and murmuring softly to him. Huritt sniffed as he gazed at his father, his long lashes glistening with moisture as he listened intently. Alice couldn't hear what was being said, but whatever it was, it did the trick because seconds later her son's face split into a massive grin. His tears already forgotten, he laid his head on his father's broad shoulder, his little arms circling around Uncas's neck trustingly. As the tall Mohican warrior continued to pat his son's back soothingly, the little boy's lids eventually started to drop.

Alice's eyes met her husbands, his filled with wry amusement. There was something about seeing him, this strong man cradling a child so affectionately and protectively against him that did something to her insides. It was a primal feeling, one that heightened her maternal instincts and made her weak in the knees.

Peering at Huritt's face, she shook her head. "He's already asleep," she said, running a hand fondly over his still damp, straight hair.

"Another thing he got from you."

Alice grinned. Uncas always poked fun at her ability to fall asleep almost instantly when she was very tired. "There is so much of you in him, that I'm happy to take whatever I can get," she teased, walking into the cabin ahead of him.

Their home wasn't grand by any means, but it was theirs and she was proud of it. Dominating the interior was the kitchen, a large rectangular space with an oblong table and bunk chairs standing in front of a sizable hearth. Against the walls were shelves, crockery and cutlery resting on top of them as well as other accoutrements required for daily use. To the side was the small pantry, rough slabs of wood housing all manner of dried goods in cans and jars. Towards the back, the walls were built up on either side to create a doorway. Passing through, they entered their bedroom.

The bed, Alice knew, was for her benefit. Uncas would happily have slept on the floor and while she wouldn't have minded if she had to, she was glad to have something a little more comfortable to rest upon. In deference to Uncas though, the mattress wasn't as soft as she'd have had in England, but much firmer, allowing him the same ease that it afforded her. The furnishings were sparse and basic, everything having been made by hand, but Alice didn't mind. Uncas took the task of provider very seriously and while her life was far from pampered and extravagant, he made sure that she wanted for nothing.

Gently laying Huritt down on the small cot he slept in, separate from their larger bed, Uncas pulled off his tiny moccasins and leggings so that he'd be more comfortable. The toddler mumbled in his sleep, but didn't wake. His birth had been long and hard, but thankfully uncomplicated; the intense pain having faded to a distant memory the instant Cholena had placed him in her eager arms. She'd never believed it possible that love could come so naturally, that it could overwhelm her so completely until she'd become a wife and a mother. Seeing to her family's care and welfare was her leading priority, in such a stark contrast with the things she'd grown up imagining would give her the most satisfaction.

"He'll sleep for a while," Uncas said quietly.

Alice smiled, leading him back towards the kitchen. "The water always exhausts him."

Her husband's lips twitched. "He's a little fish."

She laughed, stopping beside the table to throw a clean cloth over the bread she'd baked earlier. "Have you spoken to your father yet?"

Uncas shook his head, moving towards her. "No chance. But I will, soon."

They'd talked about asking Chingachgook to reside with them permanently. Alice knew that Uncas and Nathaniel worried about their father's ability to keep making the long journey between the Delaware's camp and Cantuckee. She worried too and hoped that he would agree to make his home with them. As yet, they didn't have much to offer him in the way of privacy, but with a small extension, that could easily be remedied. Knowing how much Chingachgook loved spending time with the children made her believe that he'd welcome their offer.

"I think he'll be happy here, with us," she said, stepping into his embrace.

He hugged her close and she sighed with pleasure, loving the feel of his strong arms around her. His hands roamed slowly across her back, more in comfort than with a view to seduce, but they always had the same effect. The flames that constantly simmered between them, ignited instantly.

The kiss that followed, like all the others they'd ever shared, stole her of breath away. Clinging to his shoulders, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself up to the myriad of sweet sensations coursing through her body.

His hands on her hips, he walked her backward until she felt the wooden wall behind her, the length of his body sandwiching her in place. Alice sagged against him, her knees turning to jelly when his tongue traced a leisurely path across her jaw and down her neck.

Her temperature spiking, she lifted the bottom of his shirt, her hands running underneath, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her palms. She absolutely loved touching him, loved the smoothness of his skin, the heat that constantly seemed to radiate from him.

Bending, Uncas hooked an arm beneath her legs, lifting her into his arms, his mouth returning to ply hers with spine tingling kisses. Walking over to one of the chairs in the corner of the room, he sat down and positioned her astride his lap. Her heart was pounding, her skin hot and clammy. She could feel his burgeoning erection pressing against her stomach and her feminine core clenched in anticipation, already slick with moisture as her body prepared for his inevitable breech.

His hands lifted to her bodice, making quick work of unlacing the front of her gown. The fabric falling forward, Uncas hastily shoved her chemise aside until her bare breasts were exposed. Alice heard him groan as he cupped each swollen mound, squeezing gently. After her first pregnancy and now with her second, Mother Nature had decided to bless her with a larger bosom and while it was by no means excessive, Uncas seemed to appreciate their fuller, rounder appeal.

His thumbs fondling her rosy nipples, he leaned forward, greedily taking one and then the other distended peak into his hot mouth. Gasping for air, her hands fisted into his hair, holding his head against her as her eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Uncas," she breathed, her body a quivering mass of aching want.

Addicted to his touch, she sighed her relief when his hands reached up to slide the folds of her dress higher. Raising her bottom to assist him, she could feel him lift the flap of his breechcloth to free his rigid manhood. Panting, she extended a hand down between them, impatiently guiding his considerable length toward her slippery entrance. She trembled as he glided inside, welcoming him deep into the moist heat of her body. Their eyes locked, Uncas's dark eyes fierce with need as they stared into hers. The moment was incredibly poignant, made even more so because they were so wholly and intimately connected, their bodies, minds and hearts irrevocably entwined.

Grasping her waist, he urged her to move. Taking her time, Alice rocked her hips forward, her hands holding onto his shoulders for leverage. He kissed her again, their mouths mating in reckless abandon as their bodies thrust together in a slow dance of desire. The feeling was exquisite, her mind a disjointed haze of shadows as she strove towards her release. It didn't take long and with only a few rousing thrusts, she peaked. Pleasure, pure and potent, spread through every pore of her being, her cries of passion muffled as she buried her face in Uncas's neck, not wanting to wake the baby. His own release followed swiftly after hers, his groans of surrender music to her ears.

Lifting her head, she stared drowsily at her husband, a sated smile spreading across her flushed face. It was always like this between them, the pleasure made more intense because she knew how much she loved him, how much he loved her in turn. Alice felt relaxed and contented, the need to sleep almost overwhelming.

Uncas's hands pushed the damp tendrils of hair off her forehead, his eyes dark, tender pools of emotion.

"I love you, too," she whispered lovingly, responding to the declaration blazing at her as she brushed her lips softly against his.

Their foreheads touched as their breathing slowed, their bodies still intimately joined. Gently, Uncas lifted her off him and carried her into their bedroom, her head resting against his shoulder.

With the utmost care, he placed her on the bed and lay down beside her, hugging her against his heart until she fell asleep.

"You about done holding hands with your wife?" Nathaniel teased as he approached their cabin. After her nap, Alice had woken to find Uncas outside with Huritt chopping some wood to add to their stock pile in the shed. With the fading sunlight gleaming off his glossy head of hair, she'd stepped closer to him, reaching up for a kiss as his hands naturally moved to caress her belly.

That was how her brother-in-law, sister and father-in-law found them.

"Never." Uncas smirked at his brother, his hold on Alice tightening.

Nathaniel was carrying a large, covered clay pot, Cora beside him. Slightly behind them was Chingachgook with Edmund, Cora and Nathaniel's two year old son perched on top of his shoulders. She saw Chingachgook smile as he set the young child on the ground. Edmund, a beautiful boy with pale skin and dark hair so like her sister's, ran towards Huritt, the two young cousins already best friends.

If Uncas had taken to fatherhood famously, Chingachgook had fallen into the role of grandparent with equal enthusiasm. He adored the children and she suspected that his visits had more to do with them than with any of the adults. Regardless, Alice loved having him around. While he'd never be a talkative man, they got along well and her affection and admiration for him continued to grow with each passing day.

Stepping away from her husband, she kissed her father-in-law's cheek in greeting, happy to see the flash of approval that flickered in his eyes at the gesture. Next, she hugged her sister, the women wrapping their arms around one another as they walked into the cabin.

Once Nathaniel placed the pot of soup on the table, he excused himself and went back outside to join the men. Uncas resumed his task of wood chopping while his brother and father watched the children.

"How are you feeling?" Cora enquired, moving to set the table.

"Wonderful," Alice replied, her mind wandering over the afternoon's sensual activities.

Cora's brow rose at her wistful tone and Alice turned away, her cheeks flushing. "Uncas mentioned that you and Nathaniel went into town this morning?"

"Yes, Chingachgook brought some furs to trade."

Alice reached for the cutlery and handed it to her sister. "I should go soon. I need some more fabric to make Uncas a new shirt or two before summer's over."

"I hope you ignore those people, Alice. Many of them are intolerable."

Alice knew to what her sister referred. The townsfolk knew that she was married to an Indian and while they didn't turn her business away, they didn't bother hiding their disapproval of her choice of spouse either. What was worse was the way their faces filled with shocked horror when they saw Huritt, clearly a product of two very different worlds. It hurt her to know that her children would be looked upon differently purely because of the colour of their skin.

"Not all of them though," she reminded her sibling. The general store owner and his wife were a lovely couple, their demeanour always friendly and hospitable. They were also amongst the few who treated Uncas with more than mere civility. For that alone, she liked them.

"No," Cora agreed. "But there are enough to create unnecessary tension."

Alice turned towards her sister, placing the corn bread in the center of the table. "Honestly, I hate their attitudes, Cora, but I realise that there is very little that I can do about it. Uncas and I will raise our children to be tolerant of others and teach them to understand that while people may be different, it is not the colour of their skin that determines their worth."

Cora regarded her thoughtfully. "Sometimes I cannot believe how far you've come. I wonder if you would have felt the same had we never ventured to this part of the world."

Alice smiled, staring out at Uncas as he bent to tie the laces on Huritt's moccasins. "I would never have met Uncas. This," she gestured loosely around them before her hands settled on her gently rounded belly, "would not have been my life." She couldn't imagine a worse fate. "The mere thought is unbearable."

Cora moved to stand beside her as they watched their families. "Who knew that an ambush on George Road almost three years ago would have lead to this?"

"Like Chingachgook always says, The Great Spirit works in mysterious ways."

The siblings laughed before Alice turned to light the candles around the room and Cora moved to call the men inside.

5 Months Later

After six hours of intense labour, Alice stared down into the fresh, dewy face of her newborn daughter. She was perfect, all ten fingers and toes accounted for. While her beautiful baby was as fair as an English rose, the rest of her features were all Uncas. With the same dark hair and eyes as her father, there was no mistaking her paternity.

Uncas hovered in the doorway, his anxious gaze softening as he saw her holding their child. As Cora and Gela discreetly exited, Alice glanced at her husband, watching his face fill with love as he continued to stare at the miracle they'd created together.

"She's perfect," he breathed, reaching her side and touching the baby's tiny hands reverently.

Alice beamed, her weariness momentarily fading as she watched Uncas fall in love with his daughter. Holding the swaddled baby towards him, she encouraged him to hold her.

Slowly, with the greatest of care, he gathered the tiny infant against his chest. The doting smile on his face caused her heart to fill to near bursting.

"So tiny," he whispered in awe.

Alice laughed. "She'll grow."

His eyes lifted to hers. "Cora says you need rest," he said, his eyes trailing across her face.

"I'll be all right, Uncas," she assured him, recognising his worry. She was strong and healthy and within a few weeks she'd be right as rain again. Other than the expected exhaustion, she felt perfectly fine.

Leaning down, he kissed her lips warmly, their baby nestled safely between them. "Thank you," he said quietly in Mohegan. His voice, soft and filled with love, caused a lump to form in the back of her throat. He didn't need to say more. She understood perfectly.

Huritt burst into the room, as loud and boisterous as ever. When he saw the baby in his father's arms, he stilled. Alice held out her arms to him and he approached eagerly, crawling up onto the bed and into her embrace.

"Meet your little sister, Meli," Alice said, her eyes meeting Uncas's. They hadn't discussed it, but she knew that naming their daughter after his mother would mean a lot to him. The sheen of emotion that flitted across his beloved face as he absorbed her words, told her she hadn't been wrong.

Huritt reached out a tentative hand and touched the baby's downy head of soft black hair. Moving closer to his father to get a better look, Alice's chest swelled with joy as she watched her husband and her son, identical dark heads bent close together as they observed the newest member of their family.

She could have gone back home to England after her father's death. She would most likely have married a suitable man and had a child or two. She might even have been marginally happy. But the one thing she knew with absolute certainty, was that no man would ever have loved her as much as Uncas did. No man would have been as attentive, as faithful or as devoted to her as he was. Despite the hardships, the constant challenges, and the many changes she'd faced, she wished none of them away. In truth, she shuddered to think what her life would have been like without him - probably all indulgence and extravagance without an ounce of true feeling. Even after two and a half years together, the love she had in her heart for him hadn't faded an ounce. If anything, the birth of their children had deepened their indelible connection to the point where she didn't need him to tell her how he felt. She already knew. She always knew. His love filled her, completed her, meant more to her than anything ever had or ever would.

Uncas was her man, her lover, her partner, the father of her children, her best friend. She looked forward to their future together, to the other children they would surely have, to the lifetime of incredible memories that awaited. No matter what came their way, she knew she'd never regret this life, never regret loving this extraordinarily special man.

As Uncas leaned forward to kiss her, she closed her eyes in tender anticipation.

Alice Munro had found her heart's home and she truly believed that she was the luckiest woman in the world.