Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and Happy Holidays to the rest :)

Tadashi: 8

Hiro: 3

Christmas...without parents...this would be Tadashi's first Christmas without them. However, Hiro never seemed to be aware of that. The older Hamada didn't even want to get out of bed, unlike the energetic 3 year old...

"Dashi! Dashi! Santa came, Santa came! Big pwesents...Biiiig pwesents."

To anybody from the outside, seeing this excited child would be one of the most adorable things to see, Tadashi was in quite a mood though. I tried his best to smile, but his younger brother wasn't being fooled.

"Dashi...why are you sad? It's Chwistmas!"

This made Tadashi laugh a bit, when Hiro gives his older brother a lecture, "See? Chwistmas makes people happy."

His brother had a point...but he was never old enough to really remember anything about their parents, this was one of the first times little Hiro could comprehend the world around him. It was just so weird...and Tadashi sighs, "Just go ahead, Hiro. I'll be with you."

The brother wouldn't leave though...and he nods, "I know, I'll get Aunt Cass."

As much as he would prefer not to annoy Aunt might be the smarter decision. Either way though, Hiro was already bolting out the door as if he were tattling...not that Hiro was much of a tattler to begin with.

The little ball of energy leaps upon a queen sized bed

"Aunt Cass, Aunt Cass!", shouts the high pitched voice of the three year old, startling Aunt Cass.

"What is it, baby?" She asks worriedly.

Hiro blurts out, "DashisadonChwistmas!"

She grab her youngest nephew by his shoulders keeping him still, "Slow down, baby. Now what's wrong?"

"It's Chwistmas and Dashi is sad."

She looks over...9 o clock, she would normally expect Hiro to be running and tearing the presents under the tree up, but she coos and ruffles her nephew's hair, he definitely knew what was important.

"I'll talk to him, sweetie, you just wait near the tree, ok?"

The three year old smiles and asks, "Can I open one pwesent?"

She gives him a look, but he counters her with his big brown doe eyes. She relents, "Oh small present!"

He smiles real big, "Just one, got it! Wuv you Aunt Cass!"

He hugs her legs, but she picks him up in a real hug making him giggle. She places him down, "Alright, you little turd. One present...small."

He nods as she proceeds upstairs towards the bedroom. She looks around, one side with Hiro's stuff full of Iron Man and plenty of comics and looks over at Tadashi's more cleaner, organized side of the room with the same kind of items. She could hear some sniffling and some crying.

Concerned she asks, "Tadashi? Are you ok?"

She sits on the bed next to him which he's releasing a flood of tears...sobbing. She immediately embraces him in a hug, to which he could cry into her chest.

She hugs him cooing, "Sssshhhh, I got you baby. I got you."

He says through sobs, "I'm sorry..."

She continues to assure, "No, ssshhhhh. You have nothing to be sorry about, honey."

He tries to explain anyway, "Mom and dad..." He inhales some snot crying harder.

She continues to comfort him, "I know baby...I's ok. It's ok."

She kept telling him this, but no matter how strong she tried to stay...she was even fighting the urge to cry herself. She had to stay strong though for the sake of her nephew. She rocks Tadashi as he leans into her...his sobs becoming more just whimpering.

"Aunt Cass?"

She rubs Tadashi's head soothingly, "Yes, honey?"

"I'm a terrible older brother."

She replies, "No,'ve been great to Hiro."

"I'm ruining Christmas, aren't I?"

"No, you're not." She hugs him really hard...he couldn't be beating himself like this, not on Christmas.

But then they hear a voice from the back, "Dashi?"

Tadashi lost it after that...he sobs even harder making a curious Hiro approach the two.

Now, he's not exactly a recognized genius, but he sees the situation. He looks between Aunt Cass and Tadashi. He climbs on the bed next to Dashi and he hugs Dashi at his waste and he asks, "Why are you cwying, Dashi?"

He sobs, "I'm a terrible brother."

But that's when Hiro pipes up, "No you're're the bestest bwother in the whole wide world."

The older Hamada's sobs lessen and he asks through a clogged, "You really mean that, Hiro?"

Even if he was being helpful, he was also a bit sassy, "Yeah...that's why I said it!"

Tadashi could feel both Aunt Cass and his little brother hugging him. But then Aunt Cass hugs the both of them together...They're both sweet hearts and she knew she was lucky to get two brothers who really loved each other.

After finally letting himself calm down, Tadashi concludes, "I love you guys."

Aunt Cass answers, "We love you too, Tadashi. Hiro has his present."

The three year old smiles though and hands a small box to's Tadashi's present.

"You got my present for me?" He asks

The toddler smiles and replies, "If you wanna stay in bed, I'll take all your pwesents to you...even the big ones!"

Hiro could feel himself being picked up by his brother...ugh, being short sucks sometimes. But, being short enabled you to be carried by your taller brother.

"Come on, Hiro...let's tear those presents up!"

Tadashi runs down the stairs with his brother nearly giving Aunt Cass a heart attack, "Boys, no running down the stairs!"

He didn't listen, he was just glad he had a family...even if his family of 8 years is gone...

Oh God, I didn't mean to make it this depressing! :'(

I hope ya'll enjoy it as ya'll enjoy the Holidays :)