A Drarry AU: Harry Potter disappeared after the war. Five Years Later Draco Malfoy runs into him in the most unlikely of places, a coffee shop in New York.
And here you have a new chapter. Sorry that it took me a bit of time but I wanted to get it just right. Hope you enjoy it.
Standard Disclaimer: It's not mine. I don't own it.
Words: 1054
The room was quiet, so quiet in fact it was as if the walls were canceling out all outside noise. Every other patient thought it was due to what floor the building was on, but Harry knew better. Silencing charms were easy to cast and muggles as usual were incredibly easy to fool. In reality he hadn't wanted to see a therapist at all but after talking it over with Darcy and due to several incidents, in the end he decided it was for the best, leave it to him to find a therapist that also happened to be a witch.
His therapist did of course know exactly who his patient was but thankfully had agreed to keep his being there a secret. After all therapist's are incredible secret keepers and there happens to be such a thing as patient confidentiality.
Harry was in for his weekly session and hadn't said anything for the past ten minutes. The only thing that was making any noise in the room was a metronome that was sitting on the table in front of him. An odd thing to have in a therapist's office but its steady ticking was calming and Harry was no exception to that.
"Someone from my past has come back into my life again." He said finally after several more minutes of silence.
"And you think this is a bad thing?" She wrote a few things on the pad of paper that was resting against her knee.
Harry thought for a moment, contemplating if Draco's sudden appearance was a bad thing. He'd been wondering was going on back home for ages. So much so that he often considered sending a message just to see. Then as if fate were intervening he had managed to find a way to do that. Still there ran the risk that Draco would tell the others where he was and the world he had worked so hard to get away from would just drag him back. Was that a risk he was willing to take?
"I don't know yet."
After his session had ended Harry stopped by the store to pick up a few things before heading back home. His talk with his therapist had given him a lot to think about. Most prevalent in those thoughts was what he was going to do about the whole Draco situation. The easiest thing to do would be to pack up and leave without so much as a goodbye but there was something that was preventing him from doing that.
He couldn't just up and leave. Well he could but he never really liked doing that. It was messy and he'd have to erase himself from everyone he'd come to know on a personal level in the last five years. He immediately thought of his neighbor Mrs. Hennessey, aside from her son who visited her a few times a month, Harry and Darcy were the only people she could really depend on but if he stayed then there was the possibility that she could be put in danger.
Why did Draco have to come? He basically ruined everything. Stupid Draco Malfoy, with his stupid showing out of the blue and his stupid blue eyes that are so stupidly pretty, like two pools of the clearest most sparkling water and when Harry looked into them he was so entranced by them that it was sometimes hard to breath. Wait...what was he thinking about? Oh yes, stupid Draco Malfoy.
Harry has been so focused on his thoughts that as he was walking up to the front step of his apartment building he didn't even notice that there was someone sitting there until he almost stepped on them.
"Penny for your thoughts, Potter?" Draco said, looking at him with a raised brow. It was odd how when you were thinking about someone they popped up seemingly out of nowhere.
Harry paused for a moment, not fully understanding just how he had managed to manifest on his doorstep. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk. Also I brought you this." He held up a steaming cup of coffee and for the first time Harry noticed that Draco's nose and cheeks were pink from the cold.
Hesitantly he took the cup from him and motioned towards the door. "Would you like to come inside?"
Draco nodded and quickly stood up to follow him in. Just like the day before they didn't talk very much on the way up but the silence this time didn't seem as awkward. It was comfortable in a way that was surprising to both of them. Once they arrived outside of Harry's door, Draco spoke up.
"I received a letter from Ginny this morning." Harry froze for half a second before letting the door swing open and stepping inside. He felt a chill go through him and he was filled with dread. This is what he had feared would happen. For a split second his considered grabbing his wand from where it sat on his bedside table and using it but that wouldn't solve anything and Draco was still talking. "She asked if anything important was going on but I told her that everything was quiet….I didn't tell her about you."
Those words somehow had the power to make Harry's knees weak with relief. "Oh?" He tried to speak as normally as possible but a tinge of shakiness could still be heard in his voice.
"Yes, I don't know if you know but she's the head of the Auror office in the Ministry now after a brief stint with Quidditch. She and Granger both work for the Ministry. No surprise there but it was a bit of a shock to hear that she and Weasel- I mean Weasley were married two years ago."
He didn't know it but Draco was giving Harry something he had been starved of for the last five years. News. He'd been without news about his friends for the last five years and hearing it now was like giving a man dying of thirst water. "They got married? It was only a matter of time really."
Draco smiled slightly and nodded in agreement but his smile faded as he thought of something. "How long has it been since you've spoken with them?"
"Five years."
How's that for a chapter ending. The next installment should be up in a few days. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did feel free to drop me a review.