I am so sorry for the extremely late update. A lot has happened. I am not going into details to not bore you with it. But this fic has been in the back of my mind and I intend to finish it. This is a chapter that some have been waiting and I am sorry again for the very late update. Please enjoy.


"Hoot hoot," the messenger owl hooted as he flew away towards Hyrule with the letter. Sheik and Link stood by the post office balcony as they saw the owl disappear behind the trees. Sheik turned to Link and smiled.

"I guess that's done," he told his hero.

"Yes" Link agreed as he took Sheik's hand. "We have to go back to the inn. I'm gonna eat dinner with you!"

Sheik chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "The things you think about." They started to make their way back to the inn hand in hand.

"I wanna see what you look like when you eat," Link said with excitement. "I've never seen you eat! During the quest, I wondered if you ever ate."

Sheik stared at Link. "I'll have you know, I eat a lot."

"I eat more," challenged Link with a spark in his eyes.

"You're on, hero."


Princess Zelda of Hyrule stood in front of the ruins that was once her home and now, Ganon's as well. She looked up at the sky, the day was beautiful, but she missed the sounds of birds chirping, a common thing around that area that Zelda used to love. She turned around to look at the city, still in ruins. She sighed deeply. Hyrule will be better than the old one! She sure missed Impa. The Sheikah knew how to comfort Zelda and always had a suggestion for a problem. I'm not sure if I can do this alone...

She said the sounds of wings and what sounded like an owl. She turned around and saw the bird flying close to her. She raised her arm and the owl landed smoothly on it.

"Hello," she greeted him. "I see you have a letter. Is it for me?"

The owl hooted in response and allowed Zelda to remove the letter from it's neck. "Thank you," she smiled. And with that, the owl flew away.

Zelda went to sit by a rock near by. She opened the letter and began to read.

Princess Zelda,

I arrived to the country of Termina safely. There, I met my cousin Kafei and his wife Anju, who run the town's inn. I have been staying with them ever since.

Zelda stopped reading. She placed the letter over her chest and sighed in relief. "Thank the Goddesses," she whispered. "He found him." She continued to read.

The Hero of Time found me. He told me that you wish to see me. Unfortunately, that will have to wait. We have decided to come to Hyrule in exactly thirty days.


P.S. Link wants you to write back informing how his beloved horse, Epona is doing. He left her at Lon Lon Ranch since the road to Termina was treacherous for her.

Zelda placed the letter on her lap and sighed heavily. She kinda knew this would happen. She knew Sheik resented her for ordering him to leave Hyrule. The coldness in the letter was clear as day. She knew that he wouldn't want to see her, Impa had predicted that.

She was secretly hoping that Sheik and Link would be by her side to rebuild Hyrule with her. But it wasn't their responsability. Again... I was being selfish. They're together now and I wish them well. I'm going to have to rebuild Hyrule on my own. After all, I'm their new ruler...

She turned around and made her way toward the city.


Link and Sheik climbed up the stairs to the apartment and both stopped to smell the food. "Wow, smells really good," Link said happily.

"Sit down," Anju laughed. "This meal is a special occasion!"

All four sat down and ate. Kafei noted how happy Sheik looked. He ate enthusiastically, stared at Link longingly and smiled every time their eyes met. The older Sheikah was relieved that his younger cousin was finally happy after all these days of sadness and sorrow. To Kafei, Sheik behaved like a widower, he had never seen anybody that in his life over a lost love.

In the days that they were at the Great Bay, Sheik showed great improvement. Of course, he would have lots of moments of silence and cried but it wasn't as bad as when he met the young Sheikah. What worried Kafei was that Sheik was too young to experience that kind of loss. Fortunately, things changed for everyone because now Sheik was happy and that made Kafei happy. He vowed to be there for Sheik in everything.

Anju cleaned her mouth with a napkin. "What did you boys do?"

Sheik swallowed and cleared his voice. "We wrote a letter to the princess telling her that we would be in Hyrule in 30 days."

"I have my horse there," Link added. "I want to bring her here. I don't like being away from her. And I know that she's taken care of, I just want her here."

Anju and Kafei nodded.

Sheik sat up and put his hand on Link's shoulder. "Navi," he remembered. "Did she part ways with you?"

Link grinned. "No, she didn't! She's actually in my room. I should go get her."

"Who is Navi?" Kafei asked puzzled.

"Link's fairy companion," Anju replied. "She's the sweetest thing ever! Very friendly."

"I'll go get her," Link hopped out of his chair and ran to the room. When he opened the door, Navi was asleep in Link's cap. He shook her awake gently.

"Navi," he whispered. "Guess who I found today?"

She opened her eyes and sat up. "Sheik! You found him?!"

"I did," Link smiled. "He's asking for you. You wanna go see him? We're having dinner, you should be hungry. There's a lot of food, it's so good," Link babbled happily. "And you can meet Kafei, he's here too!"

Navi flew lit of her and Link's room and went straight to the dining room.

"Sheik," she cried out but immediately frowned. She couldn't see him. She saw Anju and two other men. The blonde one stood up and smiled gently.

"Hi, Navi," Sheik said gently. "It's so good to see you again."

Navi grinned as her wings flopped fast and made bell noises. "Sheik! Your face! It's nice to see your face!" She flew to him and hugged his neck. He patted her back.

Kafei stared in wonder at the fairy which made Anju giggle. Navi sat on Sheik's shoulder as he turned around to see his cousin. "Kafei, this is Navi. Navi, this is Kafei."

"Nice to meet you, Kafei!" She said happily as she waved.

"Navi was Link's companion during the war. They met when Link was a child. She was suppose to go on her way as soon as Link's quest was over." Sheik looked in thought for a brief moment. "Why didn't you leave, Navi?"

Navi flew to see Sheik. "I couldn't leave him," she said. "Link lost everyone he loved, including you. When he lost you, I thought he was done for, but he promised to save the land for you. He honored you at the end."

Sheik turned around to see Link lean against a column between the dining room and living room. He was looking at the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck, as if he was embarrassed. Sheik's heart fell.

"Everything that he went through, the loses, the cleansing of the land, and the princess' reveal, was a lot for Link to handle on his own," Navi said quietly. "I couldn't leave him. I didn't want to."

Sheik looked at Link sadly and walked to him. He took the hero's hand and placed it on his chest. "I'm here now," he told the Hylian. "And I'm not going anywhere, not this time."

Link's eyes filled with tears as he hugged Sheik tightly. "I'm not going anywhere either," he sobbed.

Kafei, Anju and Navi all they did was to look at Link and Sheik embrace and cry quietly.


After dinner and conversations were over, Kafei and Anju had retired to their bedroom. Link and Sheik were in the living room. Navi was also there. Link let out a very large yawn which made Sheik smile.

"It has been quite a day," he said knowingly.

Link stretched and nodded. "It has and I'm exhausted."

"I am tired too," Sheik said. "You should go rest. We both should."

Sheik stood up, Link followed. The Hylian turned to the Sheikah. "Not yet," he said gently. "Can we go out on the roof to look at the stars?"

Sheik noticed a bright blush on the hero's fair face. He chuckled. "Link?"

He shook his head and chuckled. "I've always loved to watch the stars. I would go out on the roof of my house back in the Kokiri when I..." He suddenly stopped talking. "When I was a kid," he finished sadly.

Sheik felt terrible for him and still angry that Link's childhood was stolen. "You know," he began. "You can still do the things that you used to do. Being an adult doesn't mean that you have to stop. Now is your chance to do what you please. If you want to see the stars on a roof, so be it."

Link grinned broadly and hugged his Sheikah. "Will you come with me to watch the stars?"

"I'd love to," Sheik answered as he held on to his hero.


They were sitting on the roof of the inn. It was a clear night. All the stars of the universe were visible. Link and Sheik sat side by side, enjoying the view and each other's company.

Sheik was in awe. Never in his life, he had seen the sky like this. There too many things going on for him to worry about looking at the sky. Now that things were different, he was completely taken away. Link was watching him with an amused expression.

With a playful tone, he asked, "what do you think?"

"So beautiful," Sheik whispered still looking at the night sky. "I never paid attention to the stars before. Too many things going on."

"Are you happy you came here?" Link asked.

Sheik laughed joyfully. "I've never felt this happy before. You're here and now things seem to be perfect."

Link couldn't help but smile. "I feel the same way. I'm so happy that we're here together." He stopped for a moment to just look at Sheik. "I've had dreams of you of all the times that I didn't see you. I felt like you were watching me."

"That's because I was," chuckled Sheik.

"Ha," laughed Link. "Well then. The point is that you were in my thoughts and dreams. I didn't know what they were until I slowly realized, from hearing all the people that I met, that I was in love with you. The moment that I knew that I really loved you was when we were sharing that bedroll in the Gerudo desert."

Sheik smiled and nodded. "It was for me too," he confirmed. "I tried so hard to resist you, but I let myself go when I woke up and found you with me."

"It was so cold and to be honest, I was scared," confessed Link. "I felt so safe with you. I tried my best to not wake you up and you didn't. You turned around and faced me but you were asleep. I wanted to see your face."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because I respected your privacy. I mean, you covered your face for a reason. And that is one thing that the Great Deku Tree taught me, to never invade someone's privacy." Link smiled and raised his shoulders as if he finished his point.

Sheik gasped. "You are amazing," he said in awe. I love you."

Link grinned, "I love you too."

Both looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Their moment was completely perfect. Before each knew what was happening, their faces were moving closer, slowly, as if they were magnets until their lips were finally touching. It was the gentlest of all touches each could ever imagine. It was pure, just like their love.