I'm sorry for taking so long with the next chapter but there were a few complications.

Originally, it was just procrastination along with school hammering down on me because it's my last year of Highschool but then it got worse.

The only actual reason I'm willing to give is that my computer suffered a virus causing me to lose most of the files I have. This along with losing my notebook on story ideas on how I want them to go caused major delays.

If you want, you can make your own since this is a 'Sage of Fanfiction' Challenge. You can make your own version and I freely give anyone the freedom to use part of my story to start your own.

All I asked is that you pm me your version. There's actually one right now by Samhain Otsutsuki that's in the Naruto X Prototype crossover section. He's a good friend of mine so please show support.

Also, some answers to reviews that I read. Yes, I read reviews; all authors read reviews as occasionally there's a good one that points out our flaws and we hunt down flames with a passion. Those will be answered on the bottom and flamers, I'm watching you.

If you don't like my version, you don't have to read it and CAN MAKE YOUR OWN. Simply go to 'Sage of Fanfiction' profile and pm him/her that you're going to take the Monster Challenge. This is so simple that I'm repeating myself so that you have no excuse of starting your own and hating on me.

Chapter 7: Making Waves Part II

The sight of what was happening was sick to the Genins. Kiba was doing his best to hold in his bile in while Akamaru was hiding in Kiba's jacket hood. Not only did the poor dog witnessed a sight so horrible. He had smelled something so grotesque and vile.

It was the scent of a lot of people with emotions that Akamaru picked out as fear, anger, sadness being the most common among the scents.

Shino kept his cool but to be honest he was unnerved at what was happening. The bug queens that dwell within his body were urging him to escape the vicinity. He was curious at the reason why this was happening.

Sasuke was the worst among Team Kakashi; the boy puked out his breakfast and dinner. Seeing the carnage reminded him of the Uchiha Massacre and the reason why he had decided to become an avenger. But was this his fate then? To be consumed in hatred and anguish as the redhead boy was doing.

Team Eight was doing fairly than their team partners as Hinata flinched at the sounds while Yakumo was trying to unfold some of her paintings for the expected battle. Mito, on the other hand was twitching with anger that this guy was doing all this stuff while using her brother's name.

Naruto was never this kind if person. He was sweet, gentle and understanding even when she was in the spoiled princess phase of her life. To see these indescribable acts was sacrilege in her eyes.

The Jonins are doing the best in terms of holding back on their emotions if only because of what they had seen throughout their lifetime as shinobi. Contrary to expectations, the life of a true shinobi was not all happy funtimes.

It was a thankless and tiring job with a life expectancy rate of forty years. And that was because they were in an era of peace or as close as they could get.

The sight they were seeing? It was a twelve-year old boy eating the corpses of the fallen. Biting into the flesh, gouging out eyeballs before chewing them slowly and slurping up the blood as if he was an animal.

"To be or not to be that is the question every man must ask." The boy spoke to himself as he lifted Gato's terrified and severed head, "Don't look at me like that, I'm not a murderer. I don't harm people unless I have to. I AM HUMAN AND YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN TRASH! THIS WORLD IS TRASH ALLOWING SCUM LIKE YOU TO EXIST! WHY CAN'T YOU ALL JUST DIE!

And WHY? WHY IS THIS WORLD FULL OF LIES LIES LIES?"Naruto yelled as he threw the head as far as he could, knocking several trees in the way down. Tazuna, who had kept quiet and out of the way, gulped as he witnessed this feat, "Kaa-chan, I shouldn't have left Kaa-chan. She is the only person besides Saya-chan to know who I am. I must find Kaa-chan."

Minato, stepping forward and prepared to get right down to heart of the matter. He asked the question that will prove once and for all if this was truly his son, "Naruto-kun, is this Kaa-chan Kushina Uzumaki by any chance?"

Naruto froze before turning his head over to Minato's direction. All of the Konoha ninja can see that his eyes were different as his sclera was now black with his eyes now a golden color. Minato especially was breaking into a cold sweat as he wondered just what the hell did his wife did.

"Minato Namikaze, you're the one who did this to me. You turn me into this, DIE!" Naruto disappeared from his position as Minato jumped back. It was the right choice as an axe kick from the boy created a large crater.

Seeing no choice in the matter, he signaled the Jonins to protect the kids while he fought. Minato kept dodging while speaking, trying to get some sense into the boy, "Naruto, I heard what Kishina did and I heard you now. Please stop for your Tou-san."

Mito, eyes wide at her father's declaration, pointed at the two while looking at Kurenai, "What is Tou-san saying? Nii-chan's dead... I... I killed him." She admitted with some hesitation about her part in her brither's cruel death.

Kurenai looked at her student with some pity, she kneeled down and placed a hand on Mito's cheek, "I don't know but we'll get to the bottom of this later."

"Uh, not to ruin the cute moment or anything but I think that we should get our little Genins out of here otherwise they might get caught in this." Kakashi pointed as he saw a few chakra chains that were getting closer and closer and closer as the boy fired them randomly targeting the former Hokage.

Anko blinked, "Now that I think about it why doesn't the Yondaime use the Hiraishin that he's so famous for?" Kurenai responded, "I know the answer to that one. Let's get as far as away as we can."

Mito blinked at what had Kurenai-sensei had just say, "What are you say..." She was knocked out by a neck-chop by Kakashi who grabbed her before she fell to the ground. Giving his sensei's daughter to Anko, he ordered, "Get the Genins out of here, I'll stay behind to support Minato-sensei as much as I can."

Both Anko and Kurenai nodded before they looked at the Genins. Kurenai quickly made handsigns as she called, "Genjutsu: Saimin (Hypnosis)" It was a B-rank Kinjutsu that placed her targets in a dream-like state where she could give orders and they would follow it.

However, a major drawback is that it doesn't do a thing against those who had stronger willpower than her or more than six people at a time. Luckily for her, the sights of what this Naruto had done shaken the mental state of the kids far more than she realized and as much as she hated it, she had to take adavantage of it.

The reason why it was forbidden was because some Genjutsu Masters tend to use it to connived girls into being sex slaves. However, since it was primarily used on enemy Kunoichi, it was given the okay until the end of The Third Shinobi World War where it was agreed upon to destroy this Jutsu and all records of it including those who knew it.

This was why she didn't want to use it knowing that it could lead to her death but knowing the personalities of some of the kids, she had to do it. Otherwise, it wouldn't just end with her death but the death of two squads.

Naruto and Minato

"Come on, Kiiroi Senkou, why aren't you using your famous Hiraishin no Jutsu? Did you forget all about it?" Naruto taunted as hundreds of symbols appear in the air as chakra chains appeared from them and chased Minato down, "Or perhaps the fact is you got too arrogant and didn't prepare any of your special kunai needed for it."

Seeing no other way out, Minato sucked in a deep breath as he used a Kawarimi Jutsu to replace himself using a log. The man coincidently appeared a few feet away from Naruto, who had sense what had happened. As he turned around in his rage-filled state, he didn't feel Kakshi's lightning covered hand as it pierced his heart.

As Naruto's body slumped, Kakashi who had his Sharingan eye out, looked in pity at what had happened. He was one of the ANBU on duty that night after covering a shift for a friend. It was remain as the most infamous days yet to him, a day where he failed two more people who were dear to him.

Today will be the same as he had to 'killed' another person who was precious to him using the same technique that killed Rin. The Gods must love tormenting him with the same thing over and over and over again. And why can't he feel his arm?

As he removed his mind from his daydream, he saw the body had slumped but not fallen. Instead, Kakashi heard teeth gnashing as the hole from his attack forcibly close itself with his arm still inside.

Because of this, the part of the hand that was sticking out of Naruto's body had fallen to the ground with a sticky squelch as Kakashi jumped back as his pain receptors finally kicked in.

As the Jonin jumped back, several tail-like structures of unknown matter came out of the lower back area, near the tailbone. The tails were closing in at a fast rate and Minato, within a split second, used the Hiraishin no Jutsu and locked in on the kunai he knew that his disciple carried with him everywhere.

The man sent an open palm into the tail structures and in half-a-second, formed a Giant Rasenggan tall and wide enough that it acted as a shield. The force of the impact caused the Konoha shinobi to skittered back a few feet as Minato held onto Kakashi, "You alright?"

Kakashi nodded, "I won't be much help with only one arm left but I'll do my best." He then slightly flinched as blood still continued to ooze from his stump of an arm. Minato, seeing this ordered, "Take care of that wound, I'll draw his attention. He's focused on me anyways."

Naruto, who didn't care about what his opponent was thinking merely roared before a feminine voice responded, "Naru-chan, what a lovely roar you have but you still shouldn't behave like a wild animal even if you're angry."

Naruto stopped, he remembered this voice even if he hadn't heard it for a very long time, it was "Kaa-chan!" Both Minato and Kakashi freezed as the lovely redhead Uzumaki second Jinchuriki stepped out from the forest as if she materialized from the shadows.

Minato wouldn't believe but his wife seemed to have gotten more beautiful than ever in his eyes. He didn't know if this was because he hadn't seen her in so long or if it was her Orichimaru-like experiments.

Kakashi was simply astounded that at the nearly perfect image of a woman. He didn't know if he should feel guilty or ignored the fact that he had a boner for his sensei's wife so that he decided to feel both. He was so into staring at Kushina that he forgot to keep pressure on the wound until he was nearly faint-headed before he kept the wound tightened.

Kushina Uzumaki appeared to be in her twenties rather the thirties, her figure seemed to be perfect and would have many women jealous along with a kimono dress that said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to show off cause you can't touch'. Her face seemed to radiate a kindness of a natural mother as she kneeled down and spread her arms, "Naru-chan!"

Naruto ran at his fastest speed which was merely a blur to the Konoha shinobi. Kushina closed her arms and spun quickly before stopping, revealing Naruto was in her arms as he giggled like a little child. Kushina kissed his cheek, "How is Sochi doing? Does he still love his Kaa-chan?"

"Of course, I still love you, Kaa-chan. No one is better than you." Naruto replied as Kushina's hand pushed his head into her breasts. She gave a proud smile, "You're a good child, Naruto. Now, how about you come home?"

"Okay Kaa-chan, it's time I went back anyways. I can't wait to tell you all the things I've seen." Naruto rapidly spewed as he made gestures. Kushina merely placed her index finger on his lips, "Now Now, I know you're excited but why don't we save it for later?"

A dark vortex that was familiar to Minato appeared to next to Kushina and out came the masked man that haunted Minato since the day of the Kyuubi's attack and his children's birthday, the masked man that claimed he was Madara.

If he was Madara, why was he here? It was when the man bowed to Kushina that he knew the reason why. It appears that the call to remove the children was true if this was the case. Minato had to chuckle a little, the saying 'no plan survives first contact' was true after all.

This was supposed to be a simple mission that shouldn't even have shinobi appearing and yet two very powerful enemy shinobi had appeared. The Fate thing that Gai's kid kept spewing from his mouth seemed to be more and more credible.

The masked man bowed, "Naruto-dono, if you will just grab my hand; we'll be on our way." Kushina kissed Naruto's forehead, "Go with him, I still have some things before I can go home."

"But what about..." Naruto tilted his head to point to the shinobi. Kushina responded, "There're part of the reason why it take some time for me to return back. Just go for now with the masked man. I trust him to keep you safe." Not that her child needed it but it was the thought that counts.

As Naruto waved goodbye and disappeared, Minato started the conversation, "Kushina..." "Shut up." Kushina looked at Minato with narrowed eyes as the pressure from the woman change from a mother to that of a cold calculating psychopath.

"Blargg!" Minato turned to see that Kakashi on the ground, twitching as golden chakra chains bounded him with one choking him. Knowing the chains belonged to Kushina, he turned his head only to find his wife had already close to his face.

The former Hokage jumped back and found himself restrained while in the air. Kushina went to Minato's face and placed her hands on his cheeks, "We don't want Kaka-gaki to interrupt our little spat now, do we?"

Minato was squirming as he tried to escape from the chains even through he knew it was futile. The Chakra Chains main focus was to suppress Biju chakra; now considering the fact that the chakra from the demon beasts were corrosive in nature, it stands as no surprise that a human is unable to break out of it.

He asked in order to buy some time, "Why are you doing this? Betraying your home, your family; I can hear Mito crying every night begging for you to come home."

"Shut up!" Kushina yelled, "That child may have Uzumaki blood and flesh running through her veins but she is no Uzumaki. No one from my clan would even do something which she had done. The only child I have is Naruto."

She leaned closer as she sported an insane grin, "But she is defiantly yours seeing as how both of you seemed to always take taKE Take! Always taking things that doesn't belong to you. But if there was one sin both of you committed that makes me mad, it was that you both took Naruto from me!"

"That was an accident, Kushina. I took responsibility for my mistake."

"You think you could fool me?" Kushina's face was now set in neutral, "That child stole from my baby which lead to you locking him in his own room to die a slow death. You both then took my attention elsewhere with your antics as he slowly starve, crying out to me in sadness; begging me to rescue him before he lost all hope and die a lonely death. All for some stupid prophecy."

Minato's eyes widened as he tried to think about why that had to do anything, Kushina answered his thoughts, "You honestly believed in that perverted fool Jiraiya and an old senile toad when he gave out a prophecy that a child shall bring peace to the world and he believed it was your daughter.

And so, you tried to distance me and my Sochi in order to prepared her for her 'destiny'. When I tried to argue against, you plotted for a way to permanently separated the two of us without using a slave seal since those could be broken and I would then be against your precious village."

Her mouth turned to a sinister sneer, "I could kill you right now and nothing in my plans for making a safe world for Naruto and me to live would be ruined."

"Then why don't you do it?" Minato asked.

Kushina backed away while still keeping the sneer, "Now, where would the fun be in that? No, I want you to suffer as I did. I want you to feel the helplessness I felt and then only then will you have my permission to die. "

She then leaned once more to Minato's ear and whispered, "I know what is most precious to you and I shall have the pleasure... of taking it away."

As Kushina backed up into the shadows of the forest mist, the chains which cuffed Minato dissolved but he just sat there as he was forced himself to believe in something he had tried to ignore...

Kushina Uzumaki was no longer the woman he loved. And that thing that was wearing his son's skin was nothing more than a sick experiment.

How? How could such a simple mistake he made ruined his family that he had worked so hard to create. He remembered the long days and nights as he and Kushina sat up and talked about their future together. How they were going to lived together long enough to be old prunes watching over the grand-children as one of their children or more took the handle of Hokage.

He then stood up as he grabbed the unconscious Kakashi and placed his student's one remaining arm over his shoulders as he grabbed the other hand just in case there was still a chance to reattach it.

Memories have their own places where he can reminisce on his failures. Now was a time for action.

Kurenai and Anko

The other two Konoha Jonin were doing their best to herd the Genins under the effects of the Saimin Genjutsu and their client. The two women could hear screams and yelling from nearly everywhere around them, urging the two to go faster.

"The world's gone mad!" Tazuna yelled as he drank from his canteen and ran.

Anko laughed as Tazuna turned to look at her. As they ran, Anko said, "The world is mad; it just that the world knows how to hide it. We as shinobi knows this far better than anyone else."

Tazuna's wondered why anyone would choose the shinobi job now. Sure, they were stronger than civilians like him but if this was what they had to face on a daily basis, then he would stick with his carpenter job.

A man came out the woods far behind from the group, causing them to watch warily as they kept moving. He was drenched in blood as he hunched back and vomit; when he looked back up, he saw the shinobi that he was originally supposed to kill.

He waved his hand above his hand as he called out, "PLEASE, HELP ME! THERE'S THESE THINGS THAT..." A blur from the side tackled the man until the woods again. Screams could be heard as pleas of mercy before it came to a stop with a sickingly crunch.

The group unanimously (although most of the group was hypnotized) decided to rush faster back to Tazuna's house. When they entered the house, Tazuna's daughter Tsunami, looked out of the kitchen door, "What's going on?"

Tazuna answered, "It's dangerous outside right now; where's Inari?"

"He's outside right now." Tazuna was shocked, "Why is he outside? He should be here instead!"

"Don't worry, I believe I have him." A female voice called from a corner of the room. All the adults looked to see a figure covered in a black coat as she gently place Inari on the floor. Kurenai made a few handsigns before stopping on the last one, "Identify yourself!"

"It's not nice to point at a person who just saved a little boy from being another victim in Kushina and Orichimaru's psychotic experiment." A hand then grabbed the figure by the throat as Anko pointed a kunai at the neck, "Start talking! What do you know about that snake bastard?"

"I can't say anymore; both of them are always watching and they have my family on the line. All you need to know is that right now; do not leave this house under any circumstances until the next day." The figure then pushed the kunai into his/her neck and then flipped Anko.

The figure then turned around and jumped through the wall and continued off into the woods leaving a crater in the wall. Kurenai and Anko looked through the wall before a voice behind them said, "That was unexpected."

Kurenai jumped forward before turning around, she relaxed when she saw who it was, "Oh, it's just you two." She then froze while in the middle of wiping the sweat in her forehead, "What are two doing here? You should still be under the effects of my Genjutsu?"

Yakumo responded, "You forgot, Sensei, that Genjutsu doesn't really work on me and Shino-kun is from the Aburame Clan. They got bugs that basically feeds on chakra."

Shino nodded, "It was logical for us as newly minted Genins to retreat. There was no way for us to win against Naruto if he can defeat an army of bandits and whatever it was that caused the bandits to scream in fear. However, based on the personality of some our squad mates, they will stand their ground and die a pointless death."

"Inari? Inari? Shinobi-san, Inari's not responding to me?" Anko and Kurenai looked to see that Tsunami had cradled Inari's head as the boy just laid lifeless on the ground. Anko took a look and knew what it was, "He traumatized; probably saw something that will stick with him for the rest if his life."

Tsunami asked frantically, "Is there anyway we can get rid of it?"

"Not without damaging his mind even further. The best way right now is to let him sort it out himself while supporting him from the sides." Tsunami nodded at the explanation but she still wished she could do something for her own child.

Outside the house

Outside the house was Mikoto Uchiha with the hood down. Standing next to her watching from a window was Kushina Uzumaki and Orichimaru along with three abominations that Orichimaru had called 'Ferals'.

Kushina, who saw what was happening inside turned around and ordered, "It's enough, now. We have the data we came for and played mind games on the man. Let's return back to base."

Orichimaru asked, "Are you sure? Your ex's daughter is still in there and she has the other half of the Kyuubi. We can go in and take it without any problems."

"I said that's enough! Besides..." Kushina's signature psychopathic smile began to formed, "What better way to crush him than take everything he cared about at once?"

"You mean?"

"That's right; Six months from now is when Konoha will host the Chunin Exams. They won't be expecting an attack nor will anyone, even that fence-sitting rock Onoki, will suspect that our base is underneath the very same place we attacked. Let's go; I can feel him coming."

As everyone but Mikoto started to walk away, a tiny ray of hope now entered her heart. She hoped that the reason why Kushina didn't want to attack the place was because of the civilian woman who reminded Kushina of herself.

Perhaps, the old Kushina was still in there somewhere. She'll have to everything she can to restore her friend back to the way she was.


Naruto was skipping through the familiar walls of his old underground home. It was if he had never left in the first place. When he had left so long ago, he had wanted to experience the light that many of the people whose memories he stolen.

Friendship, loyalty, love; it was one thing to experience it from a memory but to actually experience it with whatever substitute as his body. He wanted to feel it, to touch it and he did for a time.

However, what is held in a hand must eventually be let go and Naruto had experienced it with the death of Saya. When she had died, a part of him wanted to let her go just like she wished. While he could have brought her back as a Ghoul, she didn't want to eat human flesh and threatened that she will find a way to kill herself if he had done so.

Another part of him didn't seemed to care at all. Sure, she was one of his few friends but if she wanted to die so badly; let her die. She must have not cared about him if she wanted to leave him all alone.

It's not like he needed her anyway, he had still had his beloved mother. His Kaa-chan was always there for him when Mito bullied him, when Minato cared more for his daughter. She took care of him and always has, even if he decided to leave her for a bit.

Two slender hands reached under Naruto's armpit and covered his eyes. A voice whispered, "Guess who?"

Naruto decided to play around for a little bit, "Hmmh, who could be it be? Could it be..." He turned his 180 degrees looking at Kushina who had a miffed expression, "Kaa-chan?"

Kushina lifted Naruto up and rubbed her face infill Naruto's own, "Welcome home, Sochi-kun. I got a surprise for you."

Naruto loved surprises especially when they came from someone he loved. Kushina motioned at a shadow and light flapping could be heard. Naruto could see a little crow spandex was surprised since it was a creature that he knew, "Emergency Food, what are you doing here?"

Emergency Food was the name Naruto had given to the little crow that had followed him everywhere after he had left the base for a month. The name was a reference to the fact that if Naruto couldn't find anything to eat, he would eat the bird in an emergency.

Kushina smiled, "Did you really think that I would let you explore the world without me supervising your safety?" She pointed at Emergency Food, "I figure out a way to connect my senses to another with a seal."

Naruto was a bit miffed and was going to responded to the fact that Kushina had stalked him when he wanted to explore on his own when Kushina interrupted him, "I didn't do anything other than observe since I knew how much you wanted to see the world."

"Pinky promise?" Naruto held his pinky finger out to which Kushina grabbed with her own, "Pinky Promise." With that done, Kushina lifted Naruto and walked towards their shared room, "Why don't you tell me all about your adventures?"

"Don't you already know everything?"

"I don't know how you feel during the exploration so tell me how it felt during that time."

Naruto scratched his head, "Well, after a month that I left, I met this girl named Saya..."

Done, I hated the way I ended this chapter.

Lord Asmodeus: I'm humanizing Naruto because he is still a human in mind. Kushina doesn't want her baby boy to be a mindless tool. She wants him to be as manly as possible and the only way for him to be that way is if he goes out and experience life. Everything he's done, it was in a plan that Kushina made that even Aizen from Bleach will envy.

Guest: I did not make a dumb error. It is intentional with the reason being this. Minato seek to explore other methods of Jutsu instead of relying on the Hirashin and Rasengan. Those two Jutsus are the embodiment of the Yondaime Hokage, the same man who killed his son. Every time he used them, he's reminded of his sins. It's the same thing as a person who seeks to smoke, drink, fuck or a combination and/or more to lessen the weight of their problems for a time.

Kakashi has his porn, Obito has his Tsuki no Me Plan, Sasuke has his 'vengeance' (in TFS Eren Jaegar voice) and Itachi has his whole 'dying by Sasuke's hands in order to resolve the dishonor he had created but I get to fuck with my little brother's mind because that's what big brothers do."