Authors Note: I own nothing except for the OC.

Between Love and Blood Prologue

Deep underground within the darkness of the earth a candle was lit bringing light to the shadows surrounding a large writing desk. On its surface laid an open leather book standing as a journal were its blank pages patiently waiting to be of any use for words to be written making them no longer blank in a recording.

A hand with gray fur with old and wrinkled skin aged by time reached out to take a quill situated beside the leather bound book. After dipping the tip into a bottle of ink he began to write that of a brand new entry.

"Jonathan Brisby…was killed today while helping with the plan. It has been four years since our departure from Nimh and our world is changing. We cannot stay here much longer. Jonathan was a dear friend. I am lost in knowing how to help his widow. She knows nothing of us or the plan. Perhaps I should do nothing at present. I shall miss him," said the old rat, sad.

On the bottom of the new entry the speaker signed his signature for what is was Nicademous.

Nicademous lifted a necklace lying nearby holding it in his hands while he gazed upon the radiant beauty of the red jewel at the center of the amulet. "Jonathan," he rasped, "wherever you are comfort your wife tonight as she sleeps. For when she searches for you awaiting your return she will soon be learning you will not return home to her."

He then approached an open chest placed in a spot over the writing desk. Gently he put the amulet inside on the small cushion. He closed and locked the lid for no one to be able to reach its power. Its past owner was gone with it now having to wait for a new one to reveal itself in time one worthy of its strength.

"Farewell," said Nicademous, sadly, patting the chest, "my friend."

A great mouse was lost to their numbers one that could never be replaced. He would be missed by most if not at all. He would be remembered always as time moved on for the others. Hopefully the plan could still go on successfully without him.

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